Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1929, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LI 'FE August 9. 1929 the title role which she has made justly famo u s, while .in "Madame. Butterfly" Saturday night, August 17, Edward John son will this tim~ sing the role of Lieut. Pinkerton. ft ts of equal interest that in the perfl,rmance of "Fedora" Mme . Gall will sin g the name part for the first time in her. career, and that l·.dward Johnson wtll ha\'e the part of Count Loris for the ftrst time at Ravinia. Polish Concert Sunday The eighth week of the season \rill formall\' open on Sunday afternoon. August. 11, at which ti 1 ~1e :he Four~h Annual Polish Arts r!ub C' ncert \\'111 he 1rin·n h,· the Chicago Symphony orcl~stra. u~Hler the direction of F.ric DcLamarter. Thi s is regarded as a prime event in ever?' Ravinia _sea~ on. ior it '""as the Poltsh Arts ( luh to which the 11rst of the Ravinina nat i:·lnal concerts. which ha\'e now become a regular part nf l'Very Ravinia feature. ,,·as dedicated. ~1 me. l na Bourskaya. Polish mczzzo-so prano of the Ra\'ini:). Opera fo rces will be the Ravinia sol.nist at the concert on August 11, whtle ]. l\'f arce li Sowilski, tenor. and ~1 ichcl \\'i lktmwrski. Yiolini st. will appear as -;p lni ~ts pre~ented by the Polish .\rts Club. Mme. Hours kay a \\'ill sing an aria front "CarnH.· n" with orchestral accompaniment. \\' ilfrecl P~ · llctia. rutHlucting·. ~1r. Sowilski ,,·ill sing a group of three Polish so ngs. "Si,,·y Koniu" In· .\'ic\\·acloms ki; "Barkarola" 1)\· Jan G;tll and ~·Aria z Opcry Halka" h·,. · ~t. .\I nniuszku. .\I me . Bourskaya " .i ll present "Zal" hy Chopin; "Chcialabnn-scrce" 1)\· Cor ski and .. :\1 arzl'llt Dzfc\\Tz\·ny" h.v Zelen:-.ki. ~I r. \\.il kolllir..,k1 ~\'ill ·pla y "Polonaise ).1 ilitaire" !J,· Chopin and the first mt,\'l'ment ot \ \' ciniawski's Concerto, \Yith the Chicago Symphony Orchestra :1nd latt:r on thr program ,,·i ll pre. ent th e .. Dn·il's Trill" so nata, by Tartini \rith :\lexanrlcr .\~ter at th(' piano. The pro1rram will close " ·ith "~fazur" a Polish national dance', presented by a group from the Alliance of Poli sh Litcran·-Dramatic circles. directed hy J ose.ph K owalcwski. Thi s concert: lik e all the Sunday afternoon conc·:rts at Ra,·inia ,,·ill he open to the public and there \\'ill be no charge for seats, the ge neral admis ion at thr gate CO\'ering C\·erything. "Rigoletto" This Sunday Sunday night, Aug u.'t 11, \ "ercli'::. iamous dramatic opera "Higoletto" will be presente d for the first time thi::season. Thi s colorful work, which i:-, a fayorite wherever the standard Italian reprrtnire is sung. will ha,·e 11i~s Florence Macbeth as Gilda. while Armand Tokatyan " ·ill be heard a the Duke and Mario Basiola will appear as Rigoletto, the tragic jester. Others in the cast are Mme. Bour:-.ka\'a, Mr. Lazzari, Mr. D'Angelo, :Miss Correnti, Miss Falco, Mr. Ananian, !vir. Oliviero, M ... Cehanovsky and Miss Belleri. 1Ir. - .pi will conduct. · ~[onday night, August 12, will bring repeat performance of "La Rondine" lhc Puccini opera which \\·as gi,·en for the first time at Ravinia thi s !'Caso n and which has mad e such uni,· ersal appeal that the public has acclaimed it one of the grestest succe sses of years. Mme. Bori 'rill again sing the title role with Mr. ] ohnson opposite her a Ru gge ro, Mi ss Macbeth as Li se tte and Mr. Tokatyan as Prunier. Others in the cast of this work are Mr. D'A. ngelo, Mr. Cehanovsky, Mr. Paltrinieri. Mr. Ananian, Mi ss Maxwell, Miss Falco and Miss Swarthout. Miss Page and Mr. Strawbridge will head the ballet and. Mr. Papi will conduct. Repeat "Sunken Bell" "La Campana Sommersa," given its first Ravinina performance on Tuesdav night, Aug-u st 6, before a capacity au-dience, \\'ill be presented again on Tuesday night, August 13. This early repeat of this work has been made necessary by the · fact that hundreds were unable to obtain seats for the REDUCTIONS on RAVINIA OFFERS BIG EIGHTH WEEK PROGRAM Macbeth to Have Lead in "Rigoletto"; Repeat "Sunken Bell" Tuesday, August 13 Oi the sc· \·c n operas scheduled for presentation at Ravinia du;ing the eighth week of the season " ·h 1ch opens Sunday. Augu~t 11, tw o arc wnr~s which ha\'C not been presented yet tht s season, three are fa\'oritc n1weltics am\ two more ""ill bring important changes nf cast. "Rigolettn," . scheduled ior Sun;lay night. August 11. and "Fedora" '".hich '"ill he th e offering \\'ed nr sday n1ght. August ~ 14, are the works which have not been brought to peri<wmance . thu s far in the season oi 1929. "La Rondine" nn M ond(!y night, August 12; "La Campana Sommcrsa" on Tuesday night , August 13, and · · ~1 arcn1f" on Friday night, August 16. an· the no,·eltics which Louis Eckstein ha s atlnoHncecl. ltl "La Tra,·iata." " ·hich is t11 he gin·n Thur~day night . .'\.ugust J.i ~1mc . Lucrezia Bori, " ·ill in reI sn.mhc tn__l!opular clemancl, he cast in Midsummer Hats All White and Pastel Crepes and Felts $1.95 .. $3.95 ·Spring and Early Summer Hats to Close $1.95" Miis ·Mae WORTHEN .. CARRICO 1148 Wilmette Avenue co. OUR DOLLAR DAY FEATURE! Is Well Worth Your While, ·for We Are Offering Our. Special $1.50 Service on Monday -TUesday, August 12 and 13 Ladies' Plain Silk or Wool Dresses Thorough! y Dry .-Cleane: d and Hand Finished ............ .. $ .00 ... This is in keeping '"ith the Local DOLLAR DAY FEATURE, which also includes Men's sutts thoroughly dry-cleaned and hand pressed at $1.00. Insure your vacation happiness before you start, by having your entire w.ardrobe revived. so that when you return home. they will be fresh and clean, ready to wear. Why not take advantage of this two day feature and avoid that "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL RUSH... which . is rapidly approaching? i.Ermtur 0Jlraurrn1 Established 1921 ~ur. Otto F. Fisher, President 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 704 Members National Association of Dyers and Cleaners ·Members Master Cleaners and Dyers Association of the North Shore

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