24 WILM' ETTE LIFE Augu~t 9. 19.29 DR. KOCH TO RETURN Hold Rites Monday Librarian Viaita ~uro for Kenilworth Boy Nort,weatern pean Collection· and Convention·; Drowned August 1 Makes Many Si,de Trips · Lloyd Kingsley, 16 year oldr· son. of Mr. and ~frs. George C. Kmgsley. 529 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, was drowned Thursdav afternoon. August I. when a ,high "'~ave swept him fr~:m1 a pier at the Kenilworth hathmg beach into the lake. Hi s body was recovered by E\·anston coast guardsmen , Sunday ~orning a mile so uth of the \.Vilmette breakwater. At the time of the tragedy Lloyd was at the beach with three ·playmateshis brother Tames. Pern· Shortridge. and Richard Toslin. Young Shortridge, who wa~" sitting on the pier with Llov<l. was abo knocked into the lake ln· the high wave. hut he clung tu the pier. The hea,·y underLow carried the Kingsley hoy out. Um·cl is survi\'(·d hy his parents and two l~rothcrs. George and James. The funeral sen·ices were held \f on day afternoon, August 5, at 2:30 o'clock at Scott's funeral h o m<.'. 1109 Central avenue. \\'ilmett<: . The body wa s taken to Ceneseo, ~- Y .. ior burial. Dr. Theodore W. Koch, librarian at Lunt library, Northwestern university, identified with many artistic and literary ventures in connection with libraries here and abroad, who has been spending the summer in Europe, sailed f o r home Saturday leaving Southampton on the S. S. Mauretania. Dr. Koch made his trip this summer principally to attend the meeting of the International Library associaT. W. Koch tion held in Rome. (Moffett) which was featured by side trips to I\aples, Florence, Genoa, Venice and other points of artistic and historical significance in Italy. He was on the program of the meeting in Rome. and before going there for it visited li braries in Spain including that of the Alhambra, and the expositinns Sc\·illc and Barcelona. He visited also in Germany at Munich, Strasbourg and Heidelberg, and attended the ! ..~ tcrnational educational conference at Geneva ancL the library of the League of Nations which is being provided by the Rockefellers. - · · ======= IMPROVING SINCE OPERATION ~d r . Cvrus A. Barr. 336 Essex road, who has heen at the ~1 ayo nros. Institu.t e in Rochester, X . Y. for the past two wcck r; , i:; very much better. Mrs. Barr's father. ).f r. Kingsbury, who is staving in Kcnih,·orth reports ~hat .Mr. Barr will no d<1uht return tl1 his hnlllc in another tw o ,,·ceks. .... "I'll Show You How to S~op All That-and Save Half Your Costs ofDecorating" uJust supposing"A young lady came to your home this morning, told you · she had absolutely nothing to sell- but promised to sho·w you how to cut your decorating costs in halfShowed you how to do away with smudge; prevent useless break-down of furniture; useless ruining of drapes and rugsWould you give her a little of your time 1 I believe you would. And I know that thousands of women all over the land have listened to "Miss T rico" as she journeyed through their neighborhoods on her mission of education. So let me suggest that ~ou telephone her to come out. Remember-she has absolutely nothing to sell. There is no obligation upon your part. "Miss Trico," trained in the work of my department, has one of the most interesting stories you have ever listened to. Simply telephone the number given below-and give her as much of your time as you care to. jnhn Cukie!'lt'll, clt:rk at the Kenti\Yllrth lHlst ofticl'. ha:-. rl'tt:nd.'d from his ,·acation. which hL· spent in the In Geneva Dr. Koch was with Carl Thousa nd Islands and ~aginaw ri,·e r Milam of Evanston, secretary of the rl'ginn llf northt·rn \I innesnta. American Librar:y association, who - L)was also at the meeting in Rome. 11 r . ~f r. and ~Irs . E. H. Burge 924 Milam has been visiting the con ferForrs t a n·nue. \\'ilml'tt..:'. are leav:ng ences while his wife and daughters on ~aturda\' of this wn:k t.~ sne nr! a have been motoring about Europe, and \\Tt'k " ·ith 'il r. and ~~ r :-.. C:1,. Deihl of he will rejoin them to return with them in September. Duluth. ~finn . · ----------------------------------------------------~-------- ·· White Gold and Rimless 1\tlen and women by the thousands have adopted the new rimless styles introduced and made by Alme~ Coe. Good taste prefers their simplicity and unobtrusiveness. You will find. them the most becoming for business, dress and street wear. · For those who require nms, a wide selection of finely designed white gold rimmed frames are available. ?Jo(J~ Director of Interior Decoration Trico, Incorporated-Chicago, Illinois AlmerCoe ~Company Scientific Opticians 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston Orrington at Cllurc! "Miss TRico" ~ladl.v calls upon appointn11~nt. after :vou have telephoned CAPITOL 3390. Telephone us and ret,erse the chnrrtPf