Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1929, p. 33

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August 9, 1929 WILMETTE WILL LEAVE ON TOUR LIFE' 33 ~h )f. ,]e th Harold EUiott in Carol .Is Winner of Yacht Race Harold H. Elliott, skippering his Carol, led the Sheridan Shote Yacht club fleet across the finish line Saturday, taking first honors in the second of the series B races. Just 13 seconds behind the winner was Dream Star with Earl T. De Moe at the tiller. Max Hayford sailed Twinkle ·Ditto into third place, and the rest of the field followed thus: Walrus (Russell ]. Nail); Shirley Ann (Jevne Haugan); Gorking (Gordon Jones); Stork (Dr. Charles E. Galloway); Jolly Roger (Norman H. Meiners); Alri (Frank W. Manegold). The third race of Series B is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. The yachtsmen turned the tillers of their craft over to· the women Sundav afternoon, and the impromptu wom·en's race was won by Grace Paieau, sailing M ultiplug. Mrs. C. Y. Belknap sent Twinkle Ditto across the line in second. position. Mrs. Russell Nall sailed Walrus for third place and Mrs. \Vesley Bowman foJlowed in the Stork. Torrents of rain interfered with the dance planned for Friday evening, but this weekly event on the social eaten- · dar of the club will he held tomorrow evening, elements permitting. 11- lk, n- ho ~r nd l<;t 're to re. ry ho he Bruce Hulbert, son of ·Mrs. Roy Hul~ be.rt, 316 Richmond· road, Kenilworth, #'-.!!)~~ wtth Jack Hamilton of 4~2 \Valnut stre~t. \Vinnetka, are sailing on the \Vh1te Star Liner, "Alhertic" for an . '~z.. extended tour of Europe. The two -, boys plan to buy a car in EnglC~nd. and make their way touring. They wilt ,·isit l·:ngland. Hollail·.l. Fr:.tHcc, Bel- ~ gium, C.ermany, Italy, and S\\'itzcrland, tJ!.lr~ including other of the Continental countries. Their trip wilt be f0r a ·~~ period of six to eight months. Bruce Hulbe·rt attended the l niversity of ~1 ichigan this past year and was on the football team. Mr. Hamilton is a g-raduate of the University of Pennsyl,·ania, and is an architect. Hav·l ·n g Difficulty in Reading or doing, Close work? Heed this warning and have your Eyes checked over today ! No Charge for this Sight-Checking Service. :s. i"t, LEAVE FOR CANADA · Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNeil llurns of 614 Essex road. Kenilworth are leaving today for a three weeks' trip tn Quebec and 'Montreal, Canada. They \\'ill leave the three chi ldren at Mrs. Burns' father's. ~[. ~I. Petit of Port Huron, ~fich .. while they are gone. :\f r. and ~1 rs. Roy Jarrett, 534 Essex rnad. \\·ill jnin the nurn.s at :Montreal. and ~frs. \\'arren Pease, 320 l.ieccstcr road, Kenilworth. have had as their .t.:·ucsb for ti~e pa::-t si:-· n·ecks, their daughtt·r and her familv, :\f r. and .\frs. Hobert R. \\'oodruff of Detroit, ~f ich.. ~,· ith their little daughter, Annette. :\[r. \\'ooclruff did not spend the full six weeks here but came to Kenihrorth for about three "·eeks. :\[rs. \Yoodruff is the former Beatrice Pease. ~fr. iatin lS- by ~\·n lat he nd 11, 1 t S. liS, VISIT KENILWORTH KIN oi )it. () f cr. led RETURNS FOR FUNERAL ICY 111- 111- m- lilnal <l' 'lC- ~· a} nd 111, tlr. 1111 P'J.,l' Dr. Herbert L. \Villctt, officiated on Monday at the rites for Lloyd Kingslev. son of Mr. and Mrs. \.eo. C. K~ngslcy of 529 Cumnor Road. Kenilworth. Dr. Willett was in Kenilworth for the day only. coming by boat from Traverse City, Michigan. George C. TEACHES IN EAST Kingsley took the body to Gcnosee, ~fis:-; Janc Young, 333 Cum nor road, N. Y. for burial, this bring the family ,\'lw is to be a teacher at Kational home of the Kingsley family. Park Seminary in \Yashington, will Iea,·e Kenilworth on September 30. ~f rs. David Barlow, daughter of ).f r. ~r i. s Y ciung graduated from a two and Mrs. Harn: S. Gaither, of 1318 \'Car course at K ational, Park this Fore . t avenue. left Sunday for Pitts- june and was o4fercd this fine posittOn burg-h after a visit of three weeks. ~f:·s. because of her excellent work during Darlo"· formerly lived in Kcw Orleans. her two y<'ar~ of study at the school. hut will make her future home in -oPittsburgh. The next Kenil\\'orth D. A. H., meet in~ -0\\·ill he held nn \fonda,· at ~Irs. Fanm· ~r rs. F. E. ).1. Cole is on a \\'el'k's Copr'j home S3~ \\'ar\\·ick road, Kemlbusiness trip to CJeyeJand. Ohio. \\·orth. Gift Features In OUR AUGUST SALE Come in and see all the highly desirable values in our Gift Shop. ),. r1 ar- · 1et ctt SALE of All Bridge Latnps Hand wrought, polished steel period lamps with arm and brass font, complete with parchment shade. ttr ri 11 h,· FOOTWEAR ( ~ Specially Priced A good choice of styles, leathers and sizes- $4.95 Leather Goods Unusual display of leather articles. such as travel books, address books, bill folds. bridge sers. if you come in ·immediately. Values to $16.50 Bridge Prizes Large variuy of - appropriate hridge prizes. Values up to $2.. NOW only $7· 75 to $12· 75 20% off Now $1.00 Many recent mystery. non-fiction, and children's ~ooks . are being offered to you at reductions of 2oo/o and 50%. Book Reductions 630 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON U NIVERSIT" 9 7 1 1567 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON Greenleaf 7200 Wilmette 724 Chandler's

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