August 9, )929 WILMETTE" Ill LIFE . 111 1111 - .. The new Raymond Park apartment building on the northeast corner of Hinman avenue and Grove street. just completed contains 28 six- seven- and eight-room apartments and is authentic Old English ' or Elizabethan in architecture. The apartments are equipp·~d 'with tile baths in colors, six-burner :-.toves and ventilating fans in the kitchens, wood . burning fireplaces, and Cl·ncral Electric refrigerators. There is space for 28 cars in 1 he basement and an attendant will g-i\·e tenants such car service as they wi:->11. The building is equipped with twopass·e nger elevators and two frcig~tt t·le\'ators which will gi\·e adequate :-.en· ice. Ball Room and Handball Court T\,·o interesting features nf the building arc th e hall room with ;ts kitchen · and dressing rooms and :t handball court and shower ronm. Tltcse are on the ground floor and nfL-r opportuni ties for recreation and l'Xl' ·cisc to suit the tenants· desires. In keeping with the stylt· <~i the building, details of decoration ha \'1.~ been car.e fullv handkcl. At one corner of the Gon~~ street entrance is an Elizabethan griffin and further up the ~ide of the building are cypress beams hunted and specia lly treated to present an antiqur appcaraucc according to a process learned from an old Englis:1 builder. In the galleries of the sevenroom apartments are beamed rciling-c; which have the same authentic antique appearance. The foyl'rs oi the buildingarc floored with slate and side panti L' <l with speciallr chosen " ·ormy nld t1ak and the ceilings arc tinished in · ornqmental pia ter which furthL·r t·mpha~izes the old English. Beautiful View of the Lake The apartment is built on a comer. \Yith thorough ventilation ior <.'very ;.partmcnt, and the elms surrnundingthe building. with Raymond park across the street. form a good setting. Lake Michigan offers a lovely view i rom the upper floors. The Ravmond Park has been built in answer. to the demand for larger and finer apartments centrally located, hut retaining the advantages of Evanston's quiet surroundings. It is within caS\' distance of the business and shopping center of Evanston and close t ~) many of Evanston's largest churches. The building is managed by Hokanson and Jenks who report that the leases thus far signed are with people from New York and other distant towns who wish to locate in Evansto·1 and with old residents of Evanston w!1o wish the most modern 1n living quarters . The following is a partial list ni the rentals: James Lawrence, treasurer ui the American Light and Traction Co., an eight-room apartment; G. B. Vila3, general manager of the North \V estern railway, a seven-room apartment; J. ).f acAdams of the General Insulating Co., a six-room apartment; E. P. Bracken, vice-president of the Chicag·), Burlington and Quincy railroad, a sixroom apartment: L. M. Ellison. pre"i~ dent of the L. ~L Ellison Manufactucing Co.. a seven-room apartment: ).fisses ~f argaret Lyman and Georgiana Joiner, a sev.en-room apartment. Distinctive Homes SHOWS MODEL SUITE for l8 Families in Colby's Furnishes Apartments 'in New Raymond Park Apartment Building This New Apartment in Evanston 111n lllll rn Jill rn Jllll i m n1n The gallerv of the model suite in the Ha nnond Park apartment which wa::; iurnishcd by Colb,·'s contains a group ing consisting oi a fine French needlepoint chair \\'ith table and lamp. A picture above adds a oleasing touch I to the group and on another wall ther e ~ is an lRth century English commoclt with a mirror above. ~ The li\·ing room walls arc fini shed ii' a so it {.!rcen. the clrapl·rics arc of cedar dama sk and till' carpet i.s also cedar. Above the Georgian mantle is a picture ))\· a well knmm I tal ian artist, depicting a 17th centurv sce ne. a cnp\· of a rar . .· painting in hand c;u\·l'd antique fratue. A pair nf Capo de ~f unte putti arc ,\ t ei thcr t'JHl o i the man tc I. In f rnnt 0 f the fireplace on one si<le is an Engli ~ h so ia cm·ered in a green \\·no! dama sk and 011 the other side· a linen ctn·crrd chair with a table and lamp. ( >n th e north wall is a iormal grouping of im portatintl~ consi~tiug oi an Adam cu:lsolc and mirror ,,·ith gn:cn painted Hcpple\\·hite chairs . T\\·o other grnup:consisting o i a Duncan-Phyir drum table flanked !)\· Chippendale chai : :-.1 and a mahoganv scr.rctar~· \\·it h a dt:-.k chair complete t:1e living room. The dining room walls arc tini:-.h<·d I in Chinese floral scenic paper and till' iurniture is a Sheratnn :-; uitr in ma hogall\· and satinwood. The libran· walls are a soit grav and the \\·ond\\·or.k and dt1ors are 111 nld hlu.e. The draperies arc J acnhean nrinttd linen. the iurniturc Jac(lhean t)a k. C t)minrtahle leather rl1air:- and a htlt1kcase. , On(' oi tht· hcdronms i~ iurnishcd ""ith Frt·n ch assembled l>cdronm piece . . and fln~ shc d in L'reen and i\·on-. \Yith Toile de Tnm· ,,·all paper and a luxuri < us l.!reen carpet \\·ith a till\· ro~e figtm. ·. The seco nd bedroom is furnished with a .lacohcan \Yalnut ~1~d beech suite. Jacnbean wall paper. ra1SJ1' carpetins:r and draperies nf antique gnld :-.atin. The \\·ails ni the master he·lronm arc finished in a :-.oit rose tan and the suite is a refined 1feppln,·hite in manlr and mahogan,·. The draperi'-·~ iF are nt t·hin tz and the spreads oi the IJ:: :-;ame material. . The public is invited to Yic"· tills Ei apartml' nt. -·- Two Colby DisplayS of interest to home . makers in Evanston The Raymond Park Apartments In thi~ splendid ne\v building, at Jlintnan and Grove, \ve have furnished a con1plete n1odern apartn1ent, sho,;ving ho\v attractive an interior tnay be tnade through thoughtful selection and a rrangrnH~n t of furnishings, draperies and floor coYerings. A Colby attendant \Yill g-ladly ans\\·cr any of your questions concerntng this apartn1ent. · The Colby Evanston Shop I-I ere, at Chicago i\ venue and Grove, is our l~vanston headquarters. We present the ne\vest and sn1artest iten1s fron1 our extensive Chicago stocks, in a convenient branch for North Shore patrons. Occasional fur.niture, lan1 ps, and a cotnplete satnple ltne of fabncs and floor ro,·crings are included in the ).[ rs. :\. l. Brnrk ~nd her daughter ~I arjnric. 520 \\' an,·irk road, Kenil · \\·orth, have just returned from Cali fornia. The,· . pent th~ month of Juh· on a ranch in \\\·oming, and came to Kenihrorth fr nm there. The,· will IH' here inclefinitch- bdnre returning t1 1 the Rrocks' \\'inter hnmc in ~ant:t ~f onica. Cali inrnia . -0- - - -- displays. Y oc.z are cordially invited to visit rhese ttuo displays. . . . We know you will find much to interest you. ~r i·s. F. E. Da n·nport. -W4 Cr~:go:·, · a n·nue. ancl her mother. ~f rs . F . C Pitkin. returned to \\'ilmett~· ~u'nda :· nig-ht aiter twn week:-. at h1x Lak· · Ill. ).[ r~ . Da \'Cnpnrt has a ~ lwr gue~t this \\Tek \lr:- . .1 . C. :\lkn. oi Pit h· burgh. -0- W5 Ctntr." avenue. rt' tunwd Sunda,· night from Saugatuck. ~1 ich .. where she ,,·ent _tr · brill!! hack her :-;mall danl!hter. Pns cilla. \rho ha~ hl'cn visiting at th<: summer ht)liJl' of \f rs. Evans' parents . ~1r. and \fr~. L. \.. Lawrence. -0- ).f rs. l'llarles ~- E,·am. ).fr. and Mrs. S. H. Vowell, 111> Sixth street. had as guests last week their nieces. Miss Winifred McDowell and ).f rs. Ra v Stafford and her twin daugh-0ters from San Antonio, Texas. The,· ~{r. and ~{rs. \\'.H. ~fus~hlct. ll<J spent a few dav s with the Vowciis on ~1 a pie a venue, haYc as tl~e1r . ho~t~e their way to \Visconsin. guest ~'[ rs . George Dcrhnhm: ol Prnl-0:\.frs. Burt Crowe and her t\\'o claug~l adelphia. -0ters, Bethany Jane and Barbara, 23-l ~fiss Certntde Tenchcr o~ Tndiana Raleigh road, Kenilvrorth, left this Joli s is the hou se guest nt ).frs. 1~ . week for a month's trip to Tas;)er 1 l'enrher. 828 Ashland a\-enuc. Park in Alberta, Canada. l\f rs. Tom Dix and ~f rs. Dwight Holmes and ).frs. George Jones. all of Kenilworth. lrft la st Sat·urd3ly to spend a few dan at the Dunes 111 In;liana. Thev t<.JOk their children a11<l occupied \l~s. Holmes' sisters' c0ttagc. John A. COLBY EVANSTON "" "" and Sons Chicago Avenue at Grove Street ~~~ID!Ilt\'i~,,-- &< (At 129 North Wabash zn Chicago)