August · 9, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 47 FORMER . PASTOR VISITS HERE EXCEPTIONAL ~ALOES Re'·:. \\'illiam Guise, iormer pastor of the English Lutheran church LISTED BY MERCHANTS \\hisIlmctte familY were the ·/.!_ tlc sts of ~rr: <lrHI Highest Grade (Continued from Page 3) ... gh·wing list of Dollar · Days feature . . ·· Tust take a glimpse of our count 2 r af Hi '"indow displays and see wlnt ).fi ss )~a_rbara II\lldt·rr ,;27 \\'ar\\'ick \ \'l' ·,-c hcen doing for Dollar Day s.'\ road . Kcrnhrorth !cit n~ sterda ,. t,J :-an Carl i'n "Ridge Xcws," puhli slh·d spend the tH.: xt two m . ·ek~ at a hou:;e r~· ckly in \\'ilmcte Life for Ridgt.: :\ n:~ - Part,. in ·Tm,·anda . Penn syh·ania. 1ru c pharmacy. · Print s. silks, ,,·ool goods. tmblcachtr! nr u:-. lin , bed sheets d.nd pillm" cast.: s arc a few of the exceptional Yalucs re- and ~lrs . A. D. Ga sh, j27 Central av~ nu c. i0r a icw da vs thi-; week. Thev ll)()tmcd hcr l' irom T(llcrl0, Ohio. · UPBOLS'f.BBING Cabin. e t Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrica ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order corded by \\'orthen-Carrico company. " \ \ ' c're determined to make Dollar ·· · J)a,·s an outstanding eyent," the ~fillen Highest Grade Upholstering J Ta~dware company declares. and the,· 808 Oak Stt·eet Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 li:-- t c\·erything from lawn sprinkl<:r;-; 1;1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--==---= mi:-:ing bowls. Head the annou· cements and Y0tt cannot fail to get your share of tl~e. e unprecedented Dollar Day selections! ~liV\J\IV\IVUV\JV\1\I\fii\IVV\I\nNW\I\Il/\I\1\II/11\I\I\/\I\J\I~VVU\I¥. s 1N c E l\111\1\fiN\1\NWI-· \'ext \\'cdncsday is the day-all ·day 5 :::a long-. Wilmette is to have a $Ioo,ooo Thrift Club. H G LINDWAL'L Approach Finals in Wilmette's Net Championship Play Three \Vilmette tennis stars han· CJttalified for the semi-final matches which will be played at the Yillag-c l ~r c en courts during the ensuing week. Clifford Darling, runner-up in Ia . t yL"ar's match, took h\·o of three sets from ] erome Cicchini in hard-fought games last week to qualify for a match " ·ith F. R. Kilner to determine the cntn· in the final matches. ~fr. KiiII Cr took two straight games from \Yilliam Gibson, 6-0 and 6-1. H. P. Caldwell defeaterl Ja me ~ Lawton 6-4. 6-4. in the qualifying round s and is slated. to meet the \\·inncr of a match hctwcen John ~fnnrc and the ,-ic tnr in the Frerl Russell- Tom Thur -; ln· match. Frida~·. August 16. ha .:; hce;, · :- d as the final date on \\'hich Q'anJc s in the tournament ma,· be nb..,-ed and rn ntt·tHkrs arc suJ,jc'ct to f1·riciture if a r r a 11 1r c nw n t s ha\' c n n t h c c n mad c t 0 complete the game;; ]),· that timl'. D. C. ~t n ne. manager oi. the tc·urnament an- . ll OllllCC S. I = :§ IIBSJ ~ 2 2 SKOKIE RIDGE HOMES Are in Harmony with th·e Rambling Terrain ~ ::: ~ c:::::: 2 c:: :: 2 ~ c:: r:::::::: a:::: c::: c:::: c::: c:::: c:: c::: c:::: c:::::: 2 $ c:::: c:::: c:::::: Timely Use of lnhalc-.tor Averts Lake Traf!edv Here :\rtlrur Frank. 7. ni 42:i0 Lnnvlal<;1\·enne. Chicago. narrn\\·ly C:'capcd death · hy drm, ning Tttc:'day cYcning ;thnut 7 o'clock when he fell nff tht' c-nd of the ~anitan· di.;trirt pier ~1t \\'ilmette harhor. The h0\· had hcen fl . hing- with his hrothcr, Chari· -. \\'ho re <;cued him \\'hen he fell into the lake. Artificia l respiration failed to reYi,·e him and Fire Chief \Vatter Zibhle and Capt. James Bradv of the \Yilme ttc Fire dcpartmen·t applied oxyg-en for fifteen minutes with an H-H inhalator. effecting resuscitation. Capt. Albert Borre and Officer George Schaeffer of the \Vilmette Police department then rushed him to the EYanston ho. pita!. His condition was reported serious by doctors who attended him . :: :::: ~ ::;::: 2 c::: c:::: r:::::: c:::: c:::: c::::: c::: s ::: s; :::::: .:::::. :::::== 2: c:::: :::::::: c::::: c:::::::: c::::: c:::: c::: c:::: c:::: 5 == 2 c::::: c:::: c:::: c::::: c::::: c::= :§ or::: .::::: c::: c::: s c:: c:::: The interesting topography has governed the type of homes already built. It will play a large part in the design of the homes to be built. In the selection of your home it is highly important to consider the natural environment and its effect on property values, present and future. SKOKIE RIDGE speaks for itself· Local Postoffice Receives Number of Letters for Graf Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz stated this week that a number of lett ers have heen rece ived at the \Vilmette offi rr that are to he sent around th e " ·orld on the Graf Zeppelin, hig German airship which recently completed it s third successful crossing of the Atlantic ocean. The Wilmette postoffice al. o ha s received several letters from \Vil!11ette residents to relatives and friends tn Germany that are to be carried across the Atlantic when . the Graf makes its return trip. T. S. Gillette, 830 Lake avenue, left Wed.nesday for Aurora, Ill., to visit relatives. 2 a::: 2 ·$ .:::::: c::: or:::: c:::: .:::: c::: ~ .:::::: c:::: c::: c::: c::: c:::::: c::::: BAIRD Phone~: WARNER Office: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe Glencoe 1554-Briargate 1855 ~ 2 .::::::: c::: Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe. West to Bluff Street, .:'llorth to Dundee Road and West to Entrance · IUUIIIIUUIIUUIII/1111\111\IUUII\I\IIIIlllliiiiiii\IUIIIliiiiiiii\NIIIIIlUUUIIIIIJWIMIUIIUUIJWIMMNIIIMJIMJVWWIM