August 16, 1929 WILMETTE L::FE 7 Safeguard their Health 1 with an independent Automatic Refrigerator .J.., "Watch children's health in sum.-. mer!" Down through the ages grandmothers passed this warning on to mothers. And warm weather was faced with dread. There's nothing mysterious now about the risks that come with summer. It's simply that foods spoil more quickly and bacteria develor mere rapidly. And to meet these risks, health authorities everywhere prescribe better refrigeration. You can provide this better re' frigeration in your home with an independent automatic refrigerator such as Frigidaire. It is powerful enough to keep food at tempera.. tures always well below 50 degrees -the danger point in food pres-ervation. And its special Cold Control speeds the freezing of ice cubes, makes possible dozens of new desserts. · Another Protective Feature Frigidaires are installed in homes and apartments to operate independently so that the user ·has complete ·control over his rna.-. chine. It may be defrosted or the temperature controlled to suit his convenience. This independent control, plus the fact it. operates with sulphur dioxide (a relatively harmless refrigerant) means refrigerator service. Call at our store and let us show you the many beautiful new Frigidaire models and demon.-. strate their easy operation. PuBLIC SERVICE CoMPANY OP NORTHERN ILUNOIS / JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager ...)_ 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899