10 ·WILMETTE LIFE Aug ust 16, l lJ:~y Direct from Europe Comes the Carlsbad L ~~'hristian Science Chur(;h "~pirit ·· \Yas the . ubject ui the le s- THISTLE COMMISSIONER SEEKS RESIDENTS' AID Funds Not Available to Extend War Against Weed to Include Private Property Realistic Wave T he o ri~ i n a l method .as ~ive n in the lea din g Eu ropean sa lons is now avail able to those who adm ire n'a tural curl y hair. O u.r Reali st ic requires no . linger wavi ng o r combs. SPECIAL OFFER $ R egular $20 Value ~l:lret·lH That La~t Exqui~itP l\lanit·urin~ WE ALSO G IVE TH E GE N U IN E E UG E N E W AV E. MiUSUMM ER SPEC IALS . t 'on tou t· Ilair Cuttin~ Contour Fingt·r Wa\'ing 75c R est Fac ia ls H air T int int $1.50 $5.00 up Suite 222 Carlson Bldg. l!niv. Pierre Dumunt's powders and rotl ge blended here. 636 Church St. Evanston 9700 AU ADVANCE SHOWING OF 1930 MODELS NOW ON EXHIBIT ALE To\\·nship } lighway Commissioner james :\. \\'illiams, who is ~lsn. Thistlr-! commis~inner in the tcnn1shq>, 1s making an appeal to all land o\\"ners on \vhich these ohnnxions \\'CCds arc growing· to aid in their exterm!nation . The ttnm~hip. he expla111s, has not sufficitnt iunds to carry forward the work in cases where property owner~ do tWt do it themseiHs . A Common Enemy "\to~t pl'l)ple kill a t histlc as quick ly as the\' \nmld a rattle snake," Commissiot1cr \\"illiams says, "but there arc a inr whn arc not ~'1 particular." And it i::- to th se that Commissioner \\'illiams makes 1is appeal. He is also asking that attention he ~i\· en to the rag-weed. \ Vh il c there is no law requirin~ that prope r ty ownrrs in the ·0wnship outside the incorporated Yi ll a""es exterminate rag \YCtds. the State Health dC!)artment is urging that this be done, anrl Com missioner \\'illiams is pas ing the re\1 r. and \1 r s. ] a·m e s J. Cui 11 a 11 and quest on to the land owners of 1\ew their thrc·e chi ldren nf Ahl>ottsforcl. Trier. Hita Rag· Weeds · . road. ~enilworth have taken a cottage Rag -\\·eeds, he says, ar e credited \vith at \ \"oods Hole, Cape Cod, :\tass .. for the month of August. Mrs. Cuinan causing 90 per ce nt of the hay-fever t:ntertaincd twC'nty-four guests at cases. :llld hay-fever season is dra \\·ing luncheon at the Chicago Athletic cluh near. Ordinarily these weeds sl,ould he exhcfMe leaving. and Mr. and Mrs. (~ni·11an gave a small dinner party at terminated. he explains, before the their hmne Saturday enning, of last pollin form~. but it is not too lat'c, he adds. to do it now. week. "If YOU have just a fC\\ . ~rowing -0\ In 11 a g- a 1c 1' in nn ·. s m a II d aught cr n f around your place, pull them up. If l\1r. and l\1 rs. \ Vi.ll iam ~f. Kinne,· of there is a large patch of them, mow 126 Abingdon road, KenihYorth is con- them rlosclv to the ground, and i'f valesrin :..:· since her recent' operation at there is a field of them, repeated cul the EYanston hospital. ti\·ation will exterminate them." the -0commissioner advises. ~rr. and ~frs. L. E. \labt'l1. 616 FiftC'enth ~treet, and their :-.ons, Junior ~fr. and .\frs. ]. P. ·\\'illott. of 625 and DobbY, retu rned last Fridav from Eleventh street, have been awav on a a motor t~ip in \Visco nsin. Thr~· \\·ent trip of two weeks' du ration. Tl;ey reto the De ll s :tnd Crcen BaY, and were turned Saturday evening after spending gone on·r a \\·eck. . ~ome time in Iowa. son-!'crmun in all Chi.trches of Christ, ~cientist. on ~unday, August 11. The golckn text \\"a:-. "I \rill pour \Vater upon him that is thir::-ty, and floods upon the dry~ g-round.: I \\·ill pour my spirit upon thy s\.'c d. an<l tny blessing upnn thine off~pring" ( Tsaiah 44 :3). .\mnnL' thr citation:-. \\·hich cOI11(1riscd t h C' lc : - ~ un - :-l' r 111 011 \\"a :- t h e in II m ,.i n ~ in1111 the Bible : "Am I a Cnd at hancl. saith the Lorcl. and n ot a Cocl aiar nff? Can an\' hidr himsc 1i in secrl'l plan·~ that I ·shall not sec him? ~aith I he Lnrd. Do not T fill hca\'cn and earth: saith the Lt1rcl" (Jer. 23:23. 2-l). The less(ln-sermon als 1 included the inllo\\·i t ~.l! passage~ frnm the Chri:-tian Scienrc textbook. "~ c i e nrc and Health with Kc\· to the Scriptures.' ' bY ~fan· Baktr Eddy: "The ~cripturcs it~! ph· that Cod is - All-in-all . . . . He fills all space, and it is impossiblr to concein· of such omnipresencr and indi\'iduality except as infinite Spirit M ~lind. Hence all is Spirit and spiritual'· ( p. 331 ). Every Coat Is an Example of the Newest Design and Workm anship Russian Squirrel Jap-Mink Mink Ermine Krimmer Leopard R accoon Russian Caracul Broadtail Hurl ~ on Seal Persia n Lamb Fitch Jap Weasel Muskrat Logwood Seal Caracul * ELECTRIC MACHINE 'TO WASH * YOUR DISHES AN .. A small deposit will be accepted THE superiority of the electric washing machine over the old scru.b-board method of washing clothes is certain ... OJ course, washing dishes by hand isn 'tthe strenuous job washing clothes used to be - but it has to be done 20 times as often.· The Conover Electric Dishwasher keeps your hand~ out of hot, greasy dishwater by doing dishes automatically, quickly, ~xpertly. 3 handy model. beginning ot $94.25 Furriers displaying this em b 1 e m are m e m b e r s of the A s s o c i a t e d Fur Industries of Chicago and a re skilled craftsmen, equipped by training to cue for the best furs. H.tve you r F urs repaired. remodeled or cleaned now at sum mer rat es. Get our estimates All work guaranteed Slightly more" Little by Little" W t have been established in business in Evanston since 1908 H. A. Ropinski, FURRIER M anulacturer ~ ·--------------------------------------_. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPA.NV OP NORTHERN ILUNOI& JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Ph. Wil. 2899 Retailer UNIVERSITY .. ' 916 CHICAGO AVE ., EVANSTON 3 722