August 16, 1929 WILMETTE "At the \Yell," \Yhich were liked hy the audience. It was a pleasur~ to hear ).1 r . Vito in sol0 work, and in such intimat~ surroundings as th<: club. In the Symphony orchestra. the harp is nearly al\\·ays dnn\'IH. · d in heavier orche tra.tion. and only, ocasionally docs it han· a :-;natch oi solo wnrk. And in conc'e rto:', Mr. Vit has only whetted our appditl' 'to hear hi111 in concert. His number:-; la:-;t Sunday appealed to hi~ audience. although both his \YOrk and that of ).[iss Burmeister didn't eem to have thl: appreciation it deserved, pas-;ihh· because of lack of warmth in both. He opened his tirst group with Albers totter': "Concert \Valtz," and followed with a lovelv air with variations bv Thomas. "~{elody . " His own "lmpro~isation" follovved an excc?llent composition tn show what can be clone \Yith a harp. In "\Vatt'riall," by Thomas. he played harmonics. producing tones were exactly lik e thin bells. Anyone who has ever tried to plaY harmonics on a stringed in strument knows the difficulty of g-etting- that delicate, 1><:11 -likc tone . The Brahms "\Valtz in :\ Flat." ,,·hirh foliO\Yed. seemed e:-;pecia1Jy delightful on a harp; I and tLc program \\'as concludecl \\'ith \ 'i to\ uwn arrangement of that slightly shopworn song, "~lighty Lak a l{ o~e." Mr . \ ' ito's touch is quite difierent irnm that of Carlo::; Salzedo. He plays in a more business - like manncr, and with the exactness of tempo that CL)l11Cs irom doing urche:-;tral work. 1 LIFE' 11 Perfect Artistry /s .Exhibited at Skokie Musicale r:; J .. By Rutheda L. Pretzel T,,.o artists who have clevtluped their art to the point when· their technique is almost flawless, gave the program last Sundav afternoon at the SkDk1e Country cltt,h. Miss Anna Burmeister, soprano, and Joseph Vito, harpist, were heard in a program that was intere~ting, not only from a musical but a technical viewpoint. Miss Burmeister's Yoice is a~ dl'ar and clean-cut as crvstal. There is as little warmth in it as in a high pitched hell, or the high notes of a flute. but one is astonished and i ascinated by the purity of tone, its ahsoluk pitch and lightness. She had sl'l.e~:tecl songs that would show off her voice in its best aspects, and most of them \\'ere . in the upper register. ln her first number, Rachmaninoff's "Song-s of Crusea," she went up into a pianissimo that was as sharp and clean a s the blade of a knife. almost unbelicvably so. Monro's ··~{y Lovely Celia··· was as graceful as Celia herself, while there was a more dramatic touch to Grieg's "A Dream." Her ~econd gr(mp held two charming settings tn poem~ that \Yerc little more tha11 impre~sion~. bv Alice Barnett, and ther e was another of the saml' type by Criffes. "By a Lonely Pathway." ).1i ss Burmt·i:-; ter's voice made t.'tchings oi the songs. She concluded with two Hageman favorites, "Do :\ot (~o. 11~· Lo,·c," and HARRY DAVIES CO. "Silk and Drapery Shops" l 709- I 7 I . I SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON (Opposite Varsity Theater) rr akes Pleasure in Announcing the Winners of the Slogan Contest. 1st Prize- $ 50 in Gold "The Fabric Shop of Evanston" Slogan submitted by MISS FRANCES WARD 1 6oo Hinman Avenue, Evanston 2nd Priu--Silk Dress i\1/aterial ·'The Store for the Practical Woman" Slogan submitted blJ MISS 12 I 2 EL VY PETERSON Elmwood Avenue , Evanston 3rd Prize-Bed Spread .. Where Quality and Economy Meet" Slogan submitted by SEMI--ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE A Good Substantial Saving on All Foot Saver Shoes ·w. G. STACEY 33 6 Linden Avenue , Wilmette Driving a Car The LYTLE A smart tie featured in tan calf and black kid. Regular $12.00 value. Now $9.75. with Defective Eyesight invites Accidents and Personal Injury. Avoid this by having Your Eyes checked over today! No Charge for this SightChecking Service. The HALLIE Featured in black kid, patent trim. Regular $16.5 0 value. Now $8.75. .The TROPIC Featured in tan lizard. Regular $I 6.50 value. Now $8.75. HATTSTROM & SANDERS Organizntion, lnt'. T\\·o ~1!11'1'~ Twu for you1· c·!·ll\'t·niencc· Stores for your c11nYenience Sdf'11titic· and )htnufiH'turing .. ~ '1/\'l::. t OPTICIANS t ' 702 f'hur<·h Street };,·anl'ton, HI. Opp. Orrington llotel Pl1one University 1818 :un ('t'lltral Avenue Highland Park Illinois l'honf lllghland Pnrk ~180 ~ ~ ~\I Only COMPLEfE grinding plclllt ht'lll'rm Chl!ago and MiiUJaukn 634 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 9 71 ~®)100)100)10®1(0~~~