August 16, 1929 ' WILMETTE ' LIF ·E' 13 Miss Mary Bohnen Weds Garden Club to Picnic Funeral Services Held for Edmund John Hoffman on Friday, August 23 Harvey P. Braun Wednesday In an impressive ceremony at St. The \\' ilmette Garden club will be Joseph's church, Miss Mary Bohnen, etHertaitJed at a picnic luncheon at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard. hom e of Mrs . J. L. ~1 itchcll in Highland Park. Friday. August 23. Each Bohnen, lllinois road, was married to member is asked to bring her own box Edmund John Hoffman, son of ~[ r. and lunc h and to noti·fy Mrs.. John F. Mrs. Hubert Hoffman, Ridge aYcnuc, \~' ccdon, \\' ilmettc 3778. not lat er than on \Vedncsday, August 7. The Rever- \V cdnesdav, so that ~he mav he ·assigned a· place in a car. Autom.ohilcs end Father Wagner officiated at the will assemble at the home of 1\frs. ceremony. which took place at 10 :30 C. D . Ewer. 1111 .-\shland avenue. \:Vil o'clock. mette, at 10:30 t)'c.: IPck the morning oi The bride was . attended by her sister, the picnic . - - - ---- Miss Roscanna Hoffman, and ~liss ANNOUNCE QIRTH Julia King, of \Vilmette. Little Dornth\· Kirscht, daughter of ~[ r. and ~f r. and ~frs. l' . 1\:. Sanders of Ken11 rs. A. Kirscht, Lake aYenue. \\'as ;l\\'orq1 announce the birth of a the lhnH'r girl. The grnom had a-> daughter. Barbara Ba.,sett, on August his attendants his brother. Alexander 7. at the EYanstt1n hospital. :\1rs. Hoffman, and the bride\ brother, Sanders is the former Phyllis Ruf, and John Bohnen. is the daughter of ~lr . and ~frs . Arthur The bride's g0\\'11 was of .white satin \\'. Ruf of 236 l·unltl\\r road . 3nd and lace. with a cap veil and long ~f rs. Sanders ,,·ill tc111pnraril~ · lin~ \\·ith tra111, and she carried a bouquet of ~Irs.;' parents. white roses, lilie -01f - the -va {ley, and orchids. Her attendants \\'ere dressed :-.,[ r. and ~I r:- . ~ . E. Leeman. 1004 :n gowns of .t-.;ile green org~indy, which Lake <t\' t ' llllL'. ha,·c gnne to Colorado were long i11 the hack with tiered Springs and the Red Ston · : country skirts. basque waisb. and sashes of until the fir~t of Septcmhcr. contra. ting hade piped in deep ivory. The\· \\'(, r e horsehair hah and carried bouquets of yellow roses. The Hower ~ irl \\·as dressed in peach organdy: The church was beautifnlh· 'decorated for the occasion \\'ith pal;n .~ and tall ha . kets of summer Anwcrs, and bridal mustc \Ya . furnished hy the large chci[. After the ceremon~· . there \\'a~ a reception at the home oi the bride . nlr. and ~Irs. Edmund John Hoffman are spending their honeymoon in the Black Hills and \'rliL1\\'Stone 1\ationa\ park They \\'ill return in a month, and arc undecided as to where they ,,·ill make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue of Chicago. who were ,f ormer residents of Wilmette, are going to · the Phantom Funeral servic es for Harvey P. Braun Valley ranch, in Colorado. to join their of \Vilm ette. who died last Sunday after son - in-lav· and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. an operation at tl~e Evanston~ospital, Frederick Armstrong. were held \ \' ed ne sday morning at St. Joseph church, ,,·ith interment at M emSee PRJlf' Evanston Dollar Day. August 22 ot ial Park. Death was due to an abscess on the brain. He had been ill o ne week. The you th, who was only 17 years old SILK & DRAPERY . SHOPS \\'as a stude nt at DePaul Academy. His 1709·11 Sherman A,·enue, Evanston pan'nb. Mr. and ~[ rs. C. \\.. Ht'aUt), SJu·dnl Values for Dollar Day reside at 2201 Lake avenue. HARRY DAVIES CO. l I · l : . ·TERRACE DINING ROOM Forest Ave. 8 Main St. Evanston The Coolest Cafe on the N octh Shore Luncheons-12 to 2 P. M. 60 cents Dinners-6 to 8 P. M. $1.00 Sunday-1 to 8-$1.50 I 1 J. In Photographs Only Can Yesterdays Live · DEFTLY FASHIONED FUR COATS for the comtng Fall and Winter. In elegant new models that radiate fulness vibrant youtheach fur Muskrat Beaver Leop.ud t\merion Broadtail Civic Cat Silver Mu skrat ~5% SAVING Trade in I )r ·ll't rdd J~rin g Mink Russian Paw Russian Fitch Raccoon Russi.1n Lamb Northern Seal Hudson Seal Al.lskan Seal Gcliak Persian Lamb NutriJ Otter Ermine American Sable Squirrel Moleskin Moray Caracul t llt·uw r·oat ,\'IIlli' a"·ay. \\'l' \\"ill lihr·t·;tl \\';trds c·co;t t. it in :tn<l n:tl\t' You a "Tr:1;ll' in" ; llln\\' :1 IH't· 1111 it tr ·,\'t!lll' 11\ ' \\' irresistibly luxurious! All Children Smile for Bernie Bernie's Special Three Beautiful 7xll Buff Et~hinga ,UR REPAIRING We are expects in fur repairing and employ only the most skilled workmen. Regular Price $10 Appointments Should Be Made at Once M. B. OKEAM CO. Manufacturing Furriers 567 Lincoln Winnetka Phone 2752 Bernie Studio u Better Picture1--Better Valuea, 16Z3 Sherman Ave. Evanatoa Tel. University 8998