Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 14

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14 WI'tM E TT E l D. LIF E' 'Augus t 16. 1929 . CHANGE RADIO PROGRAM ' T ~H: Rev. Leland · Hoba r t Daninrt h, Carl \\'. ~tremmel ni E\·an -t<Jtl. fM- ,,a.,tor of t he Church of t he H rdy Crm1· · ·· ·11 r.· ·1 h 1 1~ merly of J..: cndworth. \\ hr· ha., been rnrte r ._ \\'I r(· urn _tn 1'\. enJ \::nrt ingin~ n\1·r \\' C . ·. 11 ih. ll (JrJ n end (Jr tht: wee k rr" m rt 'IX \\ ·r·k-program , ~f (onrlav durin, :\ tH.!U . . t , \\i ll ' t rirJ to :\cw :\ub ur n. \\' i-. . .\f :-. Da!1sing 011 \\'f· dn ~ . day . in tear!. ~{r. ir;r :_ 1 ofti~ia _ed at the marria{!t· r,i \l i" .· rremm t'l \\ill 'in~ b.dlad-. ;t~HI !J··pula r ~adme ~eiJt s and H r!.\\ard Ri charrJ,rn' numh('r " ... ··ccolllflan;' r·d 1)\· · I ·arn · l ' ar- ,,· ( IJJ., .-\n gtlh rm ··a urd;n·. · :\ U(!'l -t son (Ill th t r· r~..:an irCitll tlw ., 11rlir , rJ i t he I I. at h · La\\ -. r j 11a (Jtlll tr y cluL. Drake Hotel. (~rr·tn I. ake. \\'i". 11 ,Al A s hl anr 1 an·ntH· 1 ·It · Ja~ t Wt(·k Ir> · r l (,., Df'nver, where they will. tay i(l r ahnut two week s before r eturning to their home in \Vilmctte. ~fr. ancl ~fr ..,_ Chark~ \\·. Tri (!g ni I hl' 1 ·. · ·n1ng (,arden c luJ) nH.: t <' ll Tue . . r!ay en·niJ_Jt( . .- \ug u~t 13 , at th <.: 1 Fir., J'r c·,byte naJ: church. anrl .h(:ard a 1 Jn a c<:rc·mon\· \\·hich took place \'(· r ~· CCI!llJ!r ·h ·J::-.1\·e k c~ urt r~·· IJ\'t'rtd in the dra\ring mo m ()i :.Ir. and ).!r ~. ],y \f c ~ldlan , . at .. I f) _ r.:. · ·1 1 . FIfl . . ·-..ul,Jt"Ct . · 1 .. \\aS Jf <:nn· rL' . ·" or e() tt' . :, ut11n1cr ho111e ·, , n. cc c1r <·, anr un g1c 1< <:'> . r1n . . , \\·hicll Ill' i-, an authr,rity. ha\·i11g -,pent I.a\rSr·ll Ja n<:a r Lak e (,eneva on Satr,n.,irkra1Jit time in ·rc. <:arch alr,ng urda ,·, ·: .ti :-.s .:\adi11 <: .:\tlli:;, daughter , 1 thc· ... e liJH'" a tht Cnin:r-, ity (li lllin oi..,. ()i :.1r :-.. Cc.:rtrurle P(l:it .\' e lli ~ . and ~!r . ;illd ~f r-. Claurk H amtltr,n . .no 1 lf i., ., 11 cech \\·a ()i grc:at interc·-.t t(l the: 1 1 \\" (Jr·~·" 1 r,c k . K. ·r 1 ClP > Cca e.nl·1\\·r! 1. 1ar 1 'J t_ . gardtnn -, prc....cnt. anrl hl' dcnJttrl a J· rank . . · ~\ellr s o r ,Ch1ca~o, · . m<: : 1·..: Ha mdtr,n and .\!t ee \ ct.J1 .\r .,r!d h-. k_I 1 large 1111 r irJJJ ni hi" lc- ct ur(' tn the I Jmd<.: (II ·I IO\\·ard CamplJ<:Il Rt chard so n, Lt-.. \\('(·k ~-~' ..,p<:-l_ HI n~·r) \\f·<:k-. up 111 I aJh\nrinl! of quc·,tion:: and th<· , 1 ,]\·in(.( Jr. , :.on r) i ~Ir. and ~lr :--. H owar d no rt he rn \\ J,con . m. r, i [!; 1 rd1·11 p'r nhlc: m . Calllpbtll J{i cha rd . . un, ~r., vi Pa ~a- t G den Cl u b Mee t·' 1ng · I , . a ·. ar . . K. McMillan Lectures 1 1 Former Kenilworth Girl Marries·; Will Live in Carifornia -,o . J _· . . · · · ~\.."'-"'-'-""""""'-'-'-'"-"-'-""'~ ' de,n.a, ~ . . ~ :I R ETURN F ROM MICHIGAN . 1 ht Cal. ~e rv 1.cc \\a :-. read !)\· the R ~ ,·. ~ ~ ~ :\ fr . ~t n d ~lr-.. J r,Jm ~f_<tr ~ha ll J< < ,IJt: ..,. ; R_e \·. J.e,land lio~;a r t Danior~h. ~ector ~ O y p t N d A ~ .) 2~ \\ an\I Ck rr,ad. ~ tnd\\'ro r th h.t\C , (JJ tht Church ot the lloly Cum! rter , > ~ ~ oes ~ ~ c;»u· R ·ope· y · ~ epa ·· s. ee .... ny ~ ~ ~ F" [ S ·1 Lrep aces a peeta ty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Porches and walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Brick Chimneys All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work W ~ I r~·l:lrJlt·rl i~ (JJll ~fi chi~<tn \\here t~H·\' ~ \T! c·d tht·J r daughter:-. ~fartha . and ~ C~ r ()JiJJI', \\'h(l arc· Cit ramp \Ya nal rla ~ - :\ r,~,rl~ .. \f :- . ·:tnd_ ~~r ~: -~an_Jt· . . 1.:. -~~-~h.,; <. rt '. Jr,, nl J\:.t.Jha" (tt;.._;uc· \hltiJL! ~ th. ) ~ .. lw rh Ill-. \\'tt k ht !r Jr(' ch ('y re~ '1rr 1 ! 1 1 :lwir h1>111<:. · I ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. · SB 0 R T R JDGE . R oa d . Kent' Iwort h · ~~ ~--~ ~ ~,:; ~ 419 .h d R tc mon Ph . K em'}. 2735 ~ ~ .~~~ ~ RADIO LA SACRIFICE SAL Entire stock of latest RADIOLAS to be sold at i_n Ktnilworth . ·:\ \\'tdding_ breakfast ICJr more than lJO gue;o,h tollowed at I the 1-:a"·~o nia Cuun~n· clul~. ~fi s_s ::\elli<; \\· ~~ torm~rlv a rt:-Jcltnt 01 ~cntl\\· orth. lhe l~nd c wa ~ g O\\·ned_m eggshell :.atin. tnmmed \\'Jth ru::- tj)Oll1t la ce, and \nm.~ a \'ti l attachtcl to a nun' s cap of . - -- ..--.-. -l rc~l Ia ~<:. Sht carr!ed . calla _lilie :,: .\IJ"L"I\u h;u i d\J_rl..!lllJil ,lt.JlJl'\"J}-3~1 1 ~l~::, s L ~ tt~ _ Jan~ __ \ c! rc o tt,. ma1d __ci .\f c·l rfl-t' ((\'(·Jlu~· . \\'~ II rvtu;n I:.(' Ill~· . ho.Jltl~. \\0~~ a d:<: s:-. ot IJIUe . and \\ hJt_e \\·r·rt 1 . \u ~tht 2 tr111l1 (amp ~111111 - l pnnt<.:d ch1~0n, and a_ p~le \ell ow galkinll it k. ~f_a ni (Jt], c(,J(I , f<u· h J ohn'~:l!l cl~n h~t. _; ~ran~ _ P. ~til!:-. Jr .. bruthcr \\'a . ; a Jun1 n r co u me I() r t 11 <: fl· a 11 d \ 1r- 1 <J t t ~ e I ~ . '~ a=- b <: ~ t ~11 a n · _ ~1111a \'.<h a l'amper. Tht· \':" t(irl'> : ~f t . . s ).t:!h s 1 s an acti\'C membt:r ur h;t\t' 1 Jt'\'ll ;,\\' :ty tht· t·JJt irt· ~nmt lt ·r. the Stn·icc club .and Lighth o u.e \ 'o lr,unteer s .. ~Ir: H. ic hard s~m , who is _a \l (· \ \l' 1 1 l 1 · l · -, I.e land Stan lord man. 1s a broker 1n . r .,. . , tl't)r~t· .\ . . J( ( ~.,·n \ rr ' 'r alH l~ l~'~ San Franci scn. Alllung th o e \\'hO attwo ( au "' r· 1t ·r · ;_ ..· 111\' l . ·"~ tc:ndc:cl the " ·ecldmg r_, . · a1Hh · arrrcn· r· · : \\·ere ~f r. and ~Ir s. 1111~ 1 · 1'\.l'Jll 1\.0 ... 1 rtrl' rra (' a Iet. f) ar 1'tng anc l t I1e1r . d aug h ter. h ·\ ' II roa r. _ , 1\\'() r \f :->}ll'Jl( . ]J t e mo n t 1 1 o r .· ugu ·t at . a"<'n :-, ,e'I . 1 ·I· 1 H 1 D · ~r' · \\·· ... ·r · ·1 .1 . . .d .v r s. .<: a11c o >ar~ an tort 1 1, atlC1 '1 ~ r. 1 ( llhlll. .rt Ill ~<._\ ma : t 1 ~). and ~Ir s. L crm· \\ oo dland and the tr ~r~p h:· l_ll()t~_,r. ~fr. .\[Jddcndort \\Jl l ; daught er. ~Ii :-s Virginia \\"oo dland. 0i JOin hh tan11 1~ () \ ·er Lab or da y. Kenil\\'orth. - oI ~~ r. and .\1 rs . I lo\\·ard Camp be 11 \f r. a~HI ~~ r:-. . \\. alt<:r A: Hicharcbon i Richarcbon. Jr .. ,,·ill spend some ttmc and th<:1r daughter, Phyllts, 1233 Lake ' in Santa Barbara on their wav fl.) a\:?JJUe . l.1an· rc:turntd from Si . . t<:r Bay. I Sa r~ F_rancisco, ,,·he r e they ,,·ill ~1ake \\ 1 con . . Ill. the1r t uture home. I II 1 1 · cost. Laresl Mic ro -Synch ron ous Model 4 6 RADIOLA'S la test sensational offer. D ynamic SCRE EN GRID set. Regular selling price ·$ r gg .oo NOW ·175· 00 RADIOLA NO. 46 COMPLETE SALE LIST RADIOLA No. ,, No. " No. " No. " No. 62 Complete $410.00 H 41 $244.00 18 $157.00 " 46 $199.00 ,, 28 $299.00 $167.50 $119.00 $175 .00 $ 50 .00 ·~ CONVENIENT TERMS PATTERSON BROTHERS 1565 Sherman Ave., Evanston-Just South of Davis St. Cbicago-1952 Irving Park Blvd. · UniY. 990 Open Tues., Thurs., ,and Sat. Evenings Graceland 4950

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