August 16, 1929 WILMET T E L I FE' 15 Bishop's August ·Fur .Sale "Bishop's-Furriers Since 1860!" I · Grandma will tell you that, way back when grandfather bought her sealskin dolman, the one place to buy fine furs was Bishop's! And the same thing prevails today. Here you will find all the newest modes, all the newest furs, marked reasonably in plain figures, and accurately with the correct name of the true pelt on every coat. All sizes-for children, n1isses, women, and the larger women. You will find more value here now than you can reasonably expect, due to the unusual efforts we have made to have furs at a favorable price for you this August. Buy early while the largest selection prevails. 43072- M i s s Style Raccoon Coat, $195 43167- M iss Style Rumble Seat Krimmer Coat ..... $345 43123-M is s Style S i 1v e r Musquash Coat, E c I i p s e Wolf collar and cuffs ......... $215 43150--li u d s o n Seal (dyed Musq u a s h) C o a t, Paquin crush collar, self trim, $265 43349- C a t Coat, size 10 ........ $50 43349 ~50 It pays to trade where you trade in safety Restyling, remud· eling and renovat· ing costs les·s if or.dered now·. Coats purchased either by deposit or otherwise will be held in storage free for fall delivery.· · THE OLD RELIABLE FURRIERS HATTERS AND HABERDASHERS RANDOLPH AT WABASH No approvals, refunds, or C. 0. D.'s during this sale. Southeast Corner CHICAGO