Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE Tbt' Outdoor Living Room tnjoyed by A. F. Klink, Evanston. LIFE August 16, l929 Sports Calendar (\i\'ilmettc Playground and Recrea:ion · Board) . Friday August 16 12 noon.-Closing of annual playground exhibit. 1150 Central aYtntte. 4 p. 111.- Ciosing- hoitr. \\'ilm ett_ e Play ground s. Central schOt.' l. \ at tman Park, Village Green. . 7:15 p. m.- La ') t men :. playgro und ball games. Yillage Crcen . 7 p. m.-\\'omc n\ Hiding rluh. Forest View Stables. Monday, August 19 7 p. m.-\\'omcn \ Hiding club. Fnr cst \'it:w ~table s. Tuesday, August 20 9:30 a . m.- \\'onH.·n's Gt1li cia ~-.. \ .illage Green . 7 p. m.-\\.tllllCn\ Pla _,gr<l\ltld ball. Village Gn.·e11. 7 p . 111.- }.len':.. Hnr:-.c-.hocs . \"ill age Green. Wednesday, August 21 7 p. 111.- \\'omen's Hiding clnh. Forest View Stables. Thursday, August 22 7 p . 111 .--\\'omen's Riding club. Forest View :::>table ~. 7 p. 111. - \\'omtn\ Pla_q-~rPtlllrl hall. l.a:-.t game. \ ' illage Green. 7:15 p. m. - ~tn·, H nr~L· . htl<:~ . \" il !age Green. Friday,. August 23 7 p . 111.- \Y omcn' s Hiding rluh. Fmt'st \ 'ie\\· Stahlrs. Plan Engineers' World Congress at Chicago Fair EfLxts will T)e made at the World Engineering Congress to he held in T okio, Japan, from Oc~ober 29 to :t\oYemher 22, this year, to have all the great engineers of the worl_ d gather ~t. a congress in Chicago clunng 1933. It ha s been announ ced at A Ccntun 11f Progress head.quartcr s. "The sugges tion for a \v orld l'l)llgrcs:-; of engineers to he held in 1933 is an excellent one," according to ).I auric c H olland, of .!\ ew York. exerutiYe sec retarv of the American com mit tee arranging for participation in th e Tokio congress. \f r. Holland is also executive scrrl'tan- of the ad\·isory committee of the group appointed by the National Research council to arrange the :--cie nti tic theme of the world's fair. " It see m. fitting and appropriate that American engineers should he ho sts at that time to engineers from all o\·er the world," Mr. Holland wrote in a letter to Rufus C. Dawe s, .president of tl~e world's fair. "Since the central motif of the {'Xhihiti on is to be the application o( science to ind.ustry, and since l consider engineers the bridge builder s hc t\\·een . cience and indu stry, the " ·hole pictttre see ms to fit together nicely." Tn a Jetter to Charles S. Peter ~nn. Yice -president of the fair. Dr . Juliu s Lin coln. rt cnrcling' secre tary ui tilt Am eri ca n ~. on s and Dau ghter~ tli Sw eden, sugges ts the organizatiPn 11f a Columbian Y eterans' a ssor iatll lll a-. a means oi st imulat in~· int <:n':-t in thl' 1033 celebration. All persons wh o attcndtd till' \\ orl d' . : Ctlllllllhian E:-:p,1~itilll1 in JR<J3 \rnuld he elig-ible t (l 1m· mh n~hip in thl' 'tlt"ran~· as:--nciati t· n prtlp O-.l'd by Dr. Lincoln . ").fam· ()f u ;; in all pa rt-; 11i tiH' \\·orld \~· llO wnc at t ht \\·m id \ i:tir ni 1893 arc plannin!.!," c1n being pn:-.ent dur ing th e centennial cl' lebratit ln, and rcr tainlv a C< hlnthirl.n \ 't>tl' ran s' Da~· ar th e fair would attract a tremend ou -. trndanc c." said Dr. Linc oln. · ~I o re than 200 rcpresentatin·~ lli \\!lllll'J1 '... club:-; and ciYir nrgani r ati tl ll " in a ll parts oi the ci t~· attcnclecl the luncheC1n of the \\' omen's Chicag11 lkaut ifu l :\s~ oc iati o n \Yhich wa s held at t he l·~d !..! l' \~· atcr Bcach H ot r· l f(lr the DurJW.;L' pf discussing pian s for clc an inl! up and beautifying Chicago for tht \rorl<l's fair. \Irs. Luther \ ' . Rice. chairman of the association's member ship com:nittec, outlined a campaign by whi ch she hnpes to enroll 100.000 members by October 1. "\fr s. HL'nn· \\'. Hanh·. fir:';t Yire prl· ~iclent ancl organizati~)ll chairman. and also pre . ic\ent of the Chicago and Cook C unt\· Federation of \V omcn's Or ga nizati o 1~s. told of a plan to clean np the city hy district s. "\frs. \\'alter Andersen. 127 Rnb -; art ro ad . Kenilworth is spending the month n i :\ u£!us t as the !! 11 est o i Mr. ~' n d }.frs . . \Y. ,B. \\'oo(h~·ard oi Two Harl)(lrs. \I iPn. PLAN NOW for Your OUTDOOR LIVING ROOM Nothing quite so clearly indexes the nature of a family or a home as the appearance of- the setting for the house . The house whose grounds are planted to provide a veritable Outdoor Living Room proclaims itself a home. People whose taste has much to do with leading the better trends in style .;1nd custdm are. everywhere. adding this completing touch of beauty .1nd enjoyment to their home . Now is the right season to plan . with our expert and freely offered aid. to make your grounds an Out door LiL·ing Room. No yard to o sma ll nor estate too large for this neu.' beauty. I }.1 rs. CillH: rt 1\:tlle,- and her ter, Elizabeth. 412 Ct;mnor road. K ~;1il- . \\·o rth are :-pending t\\.0 weeks as the ~ues t s of ~I r. and \1 r s. Harn· Harri snn I ,,j 1-.:enihr<·rth at tlH·ir sum1n~r hnmc at I I.L·Iand. ~li rh. The r.:t·Jle,·:-; Jeit ior the 1 Harri son lwnH· at the .. a;m· tilllt' ~!is s 1 l~nth Harri ~<lll returned irtllll \\"innetka _ aftl'r being the ).!llt"t ,,j \!i ~s .\dcl :udt· Ball. dan~dl- l I - t)- I S\l'AII Jbnd~cape {)ardener1,(/lenview,9!1. ~-~, Phone Ro~ers Park 66 20 JriJJII \ \ \ \1 or Glenv1ew 87 or 8R I~ ---------- l[lSO~~SOWS CO. I r ~ . \ \ ·. 0. B t l t . a 11 d hn da tll! 11 t t · r. 1 \ ' irgi . ni :t. 202 .-\ hingdt 111 Hl itd. J..: t'l l i l ~n) rth j < trt· sp<·nding a ptr iP d 11i twt' \\ceks a.; the lwu sc g uc sb (Ji .\I r:' . Eleanor ~l-il\·n tli ~panish CPu rt . 1-..:L·nihn1r th. \fr . 1 l~c!t is un a hthilll::-:- trip in tilt· 1 :.:1st. 1 i.-----------------~ ~~·~· Paa.:-t· E'anstnn Dullar ll:t), .\ ngust :!:! HARRY DAVIES CO. SILK & DRAPERY SHOPS I ; II!I · 1I ~ h t'f Ill II II . \ \"(\IIIII'. E \"1111 s t o 11 ~lll'l'ial Yalues for Dollar Day C. D. MACPHERSON An Unusual Collection of ANTIQUE WALNUT FURNITURE ts now on sale at our 15 2 2 Sherman Avenue Store - Pre-Civil War- The Early Sixties - General Grant Days. Bonnet Chest Chest ot Ora wers Bureaus with Swivel Mirrors Oval Picture Frames Many Other Interesting Pieces WALNUT BONNET CHEST Announcing Our Aug~st Sale of Furs Large Stock on Hand REBUILDING AND REPAIRING NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER DISCOUNT SALE FOR AUGUST ..... 501 CAPITOL BUILDING 15.2 2 SHERMAN A VENUE EVANSTON, ILL. and Ran(lolph Streets, Chicago Phone Central 8049 Established 1871 State A small deposit will hold any garment till called for

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