lR WILMET T E I L I FE' August 16. 1929 Give Surprise P~rty as Entertain for Guest of Birthday ~elebration Mrs. Henry R. Rathbone :\1 r. and ~ I rs. \\'. n. ~I nntgomery , ~I r:-;. \\' illiam A. Schertz, who is visittli (, . H) Cren-on· a\'cnue, returned ~[ o n - ing h er si. ter, 11rs. Henry Rig-~s R~th. ,-, ·. . a m ont I1 t rJrtlll~ 1 . 'It h L·r 11C\\' home on Shendan da,· attl'r tnunw·· ltlr 1 IHlllt:. ' . . '· ~"'> (. ) · ·· 1 I l>ccn extrnsJ\·eh cntcrtam~d 1 'l ' Canada and th · ca~tcrn --tate'. n t_c M< · ~ :-. . .· .· ,_ _. 'I' lll'"'! 1;t\ · , .·\ U;..,:l h t 1, 1 . IHls ot :\lr::, . h.,tt htbonc . ~It, ~. . , ttl!' !J,· tnL' .1, t H .'_\ \\'L'I l ' l ' ll 1L't - · · . . )' ·. · : . ·.. . . · l · ~rht· rtz ts !rom J Itt:-.l>urgh. and "Ill ·1 td!Jl(' rl .tl .t :-llrpn:-c p.lrt~ 111 HltJOr u t . \I. I' · tl· 1 . tlll t 1 . 1Hay I . I>_\' 1 I t ' I,. \\' It 1 l . I ' . \ ,t I H) II L \Jr . \ I t·lli.L!llllltT~ ·s Inrt gJH·n :-.' . . :iJt·ir . . tlJJ -itt -1 :1\\ and dau g 1Jt n. .\lr . ~cptcm 1>l'l. · . !:'I \Jr .... ]), 1·:. Jl c nirk, ni (j()l) c~·l~ tr .· : Anwng tho~c \\'1Jt! \\ ' l'l'C cntcrta ll~l'd itl r .\fr s. Schertz were .\1r~. Freclcnck :1\ ' l'llll l' . A. <1':\ix Cl i Kcnil\\·or th . \\·ho · ga\·c a . \ tlll·lt . t..:· tl~t· t\\c nt,·- iour ;...:uc:-t:-. \\'l.'l'l' dinnL·r at the Edgc\\·atL'r J:cach hotel \l r. a n.J \lr :-. \\'iliiam :\t'u ~ch kt , !IV Frida,· en·ning, l\fr s. Irene Zaring, oi \1 :tpk an·llltt', :utd their IHnt-,c guc-,t. Chi cag c·. \\'IH1 entertaill(·d on Thu rs day \1 r.; . Ccur:.!t' Derll\·~ ltirc, ot Pltiladd - \\'ith · a Jun cltenn at the ~1icll ot hi ,m phia. :\1 r. ·aJ td ~Ir s·. . \ . J. LitHJ..,Jey. 2()() club. and ).f rs . \\' illianl Braid- \Vhitt' . ( hiord rnad. h:l'nih,·nr th, \\'C rc also 11 j Chira~o . and \\'hO entertained \ lll present at t ht· surpri:-.c party. The Thur:-.daY t1i la . , t \\Tek for ~frs . others ,,·ere all out-nf -t c)\\'11 guesb. ~rhL· rtz and the ),fi :-;sc:- Edith and The party \ra:- gin: n at. the PL'ltic~ 1 ~fahel llarnc,·. ho11tc. and tiH-rt ,,·ere :- 1'\ table . . tll The ),[is:-t':-. Jlarm' r are also sister-, bridge. ll) i :\.~rs . lien!·'· Rig gs Ra_thbnm·, and arl' mak1n~ th e1r home \\'lth her at tlt(' Bruer Hulbert. 31o 1\ichmond nnd. J,i,· in .L!'~t(lll lwu ..;c at 300 Sheridan Kenih,·orth and Ja r k Hamiltt1n, -tl2 roacl. \\.a lnut street. \\ 'innctka han· returned .\fr. and .\fr s. lo~e · · l A.\'. T ~ 1rck nl irom Crcen Lake . \\'i . .. ,,·here thn· attl'ndcd the marriagL· oi ~I is . .\"adin.c ~.22 Linden an·n~1c a·nd their dau ~hter. :\ellis and ll cm·;nd i{irharc! -,oti. Thn· Brttil'. a nd ),1 r. and .\tr..,. Elme r spl'nt .'unda~ a~ the ~ut·:-.t:- 11i a scht)(; l gerh·r ~19 Linden avenue. and their matt· c1 i .\1r . llatnilt otJ ir,·nt Peltn.;~· l- -laught~r. Get)rgettc. han' returnl'd frnm \':tnla. a lllonth's motor tour o f the East. They -0-spl'llt nw:-;t ni tht·ir tin11..' at \\.atch Hill. ,l tt...l'Jlh T11rrk . .I r. and :\unnan Tu·-rk, W10de hland . -( )-. :-lltt ... ni ~I r. an·d \1 r~. Jo seph .\ . \'. Tur ck (li ~.?2 Lindt·n a\·cnuc . .,,·i ll reF. E. \I. CoiL'. .n .~ 1·: . . :-;c x rllad. Kt'lt lttrn Cllt ~aturd<~,. to their lwmt' aitrr nih\C·rth ha:- het·n rnnGncd to his hnlllt' a . . j;.,: \\l' vb' ,.a;·a tiutt at l ' ;llllJl Fclw. iur the past \n·ek. He l'Xpects to he l;r l'l'tl tnnt. \I irh . "P ;1nrl arnund again \·e ry soo n . 1 1 1 '~There's One Reason' 1 said .D OCTOR jAMES Explaining a Little Known Cause of Colds AVE you ever felt insufferably drowsy when you knew you were not yawning because of lack of actual sleep? One of those times when th e newspape r became an actual burden to read; when the best of novels wavered in your hand as actual drowsiness clasped you for its own? No, it was not you. It was th e air you were breathingwhat the doctors call devitaLi~ed air. Air robbed of it health properties; so badly robbed that it causes countless throat and chest troubles; leaves you and yours ea ·y prey for colds. My friend , there is no excuse for having devitaLized air in your home. I know this, because I have made a long study of the whole interesting subject. Health-building air can be immediately and permanently gained in the simplest way in the world. Simultaneously, you will be ridding your walls and ceilings and floors of that household bane known as smudge. And at the same time, actually cutting your der:orating costs in half. Would you like these interesting facts first hand? A young lady trained in my 'd epartment w 1l be glad to bring them to your home upon appointment. She has noth- H NEW · ARTISTRY IN RADIATOR CONCEALMENT FOR CHICAGO FAME WILL TRAVEL! Because Turtle ~ Bailey Furniture for Radiators has won unquestioned prestige among the most discrimi nating New . Yorkers and Chicago ans. the demand grows fast . In fact . Chicago has become ms1stcnr. We have opened our Chicago Office to better serve our cl icn te lc there. Tuttle ~ Bailey Furniture for Radiators conceal the radiator and ing to seLL. ?lf(J(j~ Director of Interior Decoration scie ntifically distribute heat . But. apparently, these virtues are only incidentals. Pr~marily they seem to be another addition to the lovely furniture of a room. Their finish and desig1 are adaptable to all decorating conditions. and into their making has gone 8 3 years' experience in heating and ventilating. The coupon below will bring you a booklet showing the many styles of cabinets available. or call Wabash 8 28 2. TuTTLE & BAILEY MFG Co~ "F.l'tnhllshf'd 1A4R Trico, IncQrporated-Chicago, Illinois just 'Telepho1ze Capitol 3390 e.A.nd ask for aMiss Trico" ·Telephone us and reverse charges 4-tl Lexington Avenue New York City CHICAGO OFFICE: 407 SO. l)EARBORN ST. Tuttlt· &: Hallt·y )Jt'J{. ( 'n.. WL·i26 1117 ~uuth Jlt·arborn S't .. ( ' hi<·auw, Ill. · Sir~: Plt·n~f' s(·nd JH(' information ('OJH'('rning Tutti(' & Rnil('y Furniturt> for URtliaturs. Xnmt' Atldr('ss