A ug ust 1'6. 1929 WILMETTE ENTERTAIN VISITORS M r. a nd Mrs. ]. N. Macalister , 918 A~ hl and a \·cnue. have as th eir g uest s th 1 s week ~1:rs. Maca li ster's broth er-in law and si's te r. ~Ir. and M r s. Walter Hopewe ll , of Omaha, ~c b ., a nd h er brother and h is \\·ifc, ~fr. and M rs. E. C.. Hen·ey, of Indianapolis. He r so n, D1ck. returned home Saturday from th e \ \'est, "·here he had been for t wo months. touring \rit h coll ege friends. ~nre s t an·nue, returned last week from their fishing trip in Ca nada. They : petlt some time in Onta r io, a1id returned t ( \\'ilmcth' after a two weeks' LIFE 19 Announce Plans for New Buildings at State Institutions Plans for approx imate ly fifty buildings to relieyc the crov.·dcd conditions in I ll inois state imtitutions arc being J' rcpared by C. ~1crrick Hammond, state supcn·ising architect . The · program is one' of the most e:xtensi \·c in the hi!->t(lry of the state and when completed. " ·ill materially reduce congestinn in the state institutions. Ten buildings arc to he constructed at the state hospital at l·:Igin, one being all infirmary for \\'omen and another all infirmary for \ \ 'oriel \\'ar veterans and the remainder, custodial buildings ni ont· lnuHirL·d bed capacity. each. :\ t tlH !'>tate sclwol ;utd colon\· fnr feeb leminded at l.inc(lln, ten n~w cus todial h11ilding~ \rill lH.' :.tdded. and in addition, a kitchen and dining hall to care for iuur h 11ndred. The present laundry building i:; al :-;n hL·ing Cl)Jl\'t·rted into a dorlllitl )ry h11ilding. l·: ight buildings are tl) he added at the Jllinois Soldier< and Sail(lrs' 0:pilall:-,' Jl1HIH.' at \:urmal \\ith heel capacity hct\\Tl'll !'>L'\'ellt\·-firc and one hit tl(fred each. · J'lans arl' \lll<ll'r \\' ;t\' ior thL' con!'>trurti(lJJ 11l ci1-tht addi.ti1 1nal buildings iPr tilL· tiL'\\' !'>tate )Hl:-i)lita l at ~lantenn. :\t I )unning. fiH building!'> are tn he addl'<l tn replace tho~t· burned ~nme time ago. Thc~c inrluck a large intinnan· i1H· men. a t\\·o -qtH·,· \rard buildit;g itH. men. une cu~todi;~l building iur llH.' tl and t \\'(l cu:-;tudial build ing:-- i1.r mm1 r t1. l·:ight buildings arc t·i th L T in the bst plan stage~ 11r under ron~trurtiutl fnr thl' Illinois ~tate [ ntinnary fur \ \" t> lllL'll at l hrigh t. Con rrvte is being p1H1n·d lll)W. on a number ot thL'!->l' buildings and <111 i'tn.' . the iuundatilHb art· past the grade line. \:t:w cell bl1lCk" arc til be addl'd at Statn·ilk. J>nntiac and \ I ~:nard and in additi1>ti, a !->hop lntilding is planned iur Statn·ilk wht:rc prislHllT:-- will make iahricatcd Cl'll fronb. Plans arc also being dra\\·n for a d(lrmit\1ry IJttilding at the StateYi llc J Junpr Farm . :\ t t h ·~ \ 'andali~l State Far m. a new dnr mitOi'v i:-; to he added \\'hik t l'e pump ing sys-tem to rcl in·c spring ' '1od Clmditions on the iarm is nea ri ng complctintl. . .I . ]) . 1\ nth a n d h is son. Charles, 11 24 Pineapple Pecan French Chocolate and Fresh Peach Ice Cream Orders taken : for fancy Ice Cream Moulds Snider..Cazel Drug Co. Wilmette ·~~~~~~~~~~~ This Store Closes at 1 P. M. on Saturdays During August a_l _>s_ ·e_n_c_c_ . ----------- -----------~--~~~-=-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~-- EdS!ar A.Stevens.lnc. 16~4 ORRINGTON AVENUE E-VANSTON Further Drastic Reductions are now effective on rema·n·ng groups in our END-OF-THE -SEASON CLEARANCE of Women's and Misses' Smart Summer Apparel AI though the size ranges are incomplete, you will, nevertheless, find some of the most fashionable models of the season tn the following three low priced groups: Frocks formerly · $2 7. 50 to $39. 50NOW Frocks and Ensembles formerly $35 to Frocks formerly $59.50 to $69.50-NOW $49.50- NOW Wilmette Youth Honored at University of Chicago St udents fro m th e Chicago a r ea an d from dow nsta t e carried off mor e t ha n $18·50 Daytime Frocks in Prints, Crepes, Georgettes. In the $25.00 group there are a limited number of Silk Ensembles, some with plain jackets and printed dresses.. (Second Floor ) Light-weight wool Travel coats- Missest Sizes- Reduced to $29.00 their share nf the sc holastic honors ill t he frc~ h man and sophomore classes at thl' ·cnin~ r sity of Chicago for th e yea r ending t hi s june. Th ir ty- four w ho will be snphu mnres and ninctl'(:ll \Yho will be juninrs th i: fa ll rL'C('i \'l'd no t ice fro m Dean Cha unce,· S. Do uclwr that th ev llayc hcl'll des ig nated seetHHl a nd t hird year h o nor sc h o lars. respect i\·e ly, for main taining th e highest aYc ragL'S in th eir cla:-;s(.'s. T h ey arc priy il cgc d to recciye full t ui t io n for th e coming yea r ~ltllcss t he,· ch oose to tu r n th e sclwla:!-> hips on:r t o a lt ern at-es \\' ho need linancia l help m ore t ha n th ey. T ho ug- h o nl y (>0 pe r ce nt of th e t\\\1 ent ire classes a r c Chi cagoans ~m d 70 per ce nt res id e nts of Illin ois. 7-t. per cent of t he " ·inn c rs a rc Chicagoa ns a nd 93 per ce nt I llin o isan s. :\11 O\T nYh c lm in g propor ti nn of th e ho nor sc holars arc m e n, only ~ ixtee n of th e lifty-t hr ec being \\' tmH~ n . :\mo ng th e third yl'ar h onor sc hola rs is l·:d,\·a rd Lau th H aenisch of -l ~G T e nt h str eet, \\'ilm ette. SPECIAL! 2000 Yards SILKS ~' Printed Chiffons and Crepe de Chines. 40 inches wide. I Values up to $4.00 a yard-NOW · $1.55 yard Silks--First Floor WILL ENTER WELLESLEY ·- ~r iss ~f a r ia n ~f c Do nal ct. da ug hte r o f 1\f r. a nd ~ r rs . C. ~f. ~f c D onald, 1046 $1.00 · yard $1.95 yard 1\1ichi ga n a n :nu e, has passe d th e college hoa rd exa minati ons a nd \\·ill e nt e r \Yell cs le y co ll ege, a t \ Ve ll es ley, ~f ass., for he r fr es hm a n year thi s Septemb er . Mi ss M cDo nald is a gradu a te o f Ne w Trier T own ship High school.