Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 21

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Augu st 16, ~ 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' 21 and outside of Chicago, have not Yet Program of Sports for arri\·ed at the opinion that subu.r bs are undesirable. and so long as th('~: Public Service Picnic who li ve in the suburbs feel that waY. The traditional tug-of-war. champthey ,yjll not reaclih· aiHl tamelY ubmit to shout'dering the cit\·'s lnirden of ion hip indoor baseball games and taxatiou. "· hie!~ \Ynt!ld · result iu for- numerous contests will go in,t o the cinJ.r a large and desirable cla ss t~f making of one grand time for the 800 citizc ~1 s t c~ sacr ifice their ht~mes .and gt) I or mor e employes, friends and fami lies to h\·e 111 congested lll'Ighhorhoocls I '11 tt d tl l p I \\·ithout the oppor tunities t.o bring up, w 10 \\' I a ·en le anima u l IC en·chi lcln.' n as the,· no\\· can. icc company picnic Sunday at Erhardt's George I~. Tf arhau.gh grove west of Park Ridge. ]{Psidcnt of \\'i lmctte and Beginning early in the morning ,,,. ith Ass<:ssor for ::\ew Trier two baseball games between the lead T0,u1ship crs in the comnany's league, events '"ill continue until after dark. In th e The cditnrial comment t o \\'hich ~fr. tug-oi-war, \Yhich settles inter-depart· H arba ugh mak es reference is reprinted mcnt disputes everv year, the operathelow at hi s rertuc. t. ing department will compete against T 11 E 'EW .\ ss ESS}I EXT IX THE the construction. An afternoon feature S t ' Bf'HBS will be a game between the Evanston l!w,·itahl;\' tlH.> I'I' will IJ · a g·ooll rl Pa l 11 f district champion and th at of the c·ompl:\int in th· · '-'uhurb~ :1g:1in~t th ·· n .. w Highland Park office. r s 160i Orrington Ave. Evanston, Ill. OFFERING YOU FOR DOLLAR DAY the FOLLOWING DISCOUl~T: :1s:..:es:..:nwnt nf ])I'IIJH' l't y in ( 'onk cr1UntY. for, a~ :t n·:..:ult 11f it. llliJrt' mr1Jwy will lw tal\t·n f1 ·om tlH' :..:uhurhan ttl\\·ns for state· and t·r1unty purJl ' '"' ' " th :t n lwrPtofor,·. 1t i ~ pns~il·lt' to :..:~·nl p : tthizP \\' ith a n~· l'n mplaint ag·ainst tax iJH'l'l·:t~w:..:. hut in this in:..:tancr· ~:.·mp:tthy will lw snnwwhat tt·mJWI'Prl hy tlw f:td that tlw suburb s, g·,· nt ·r :tll:.· :-qwaldn~· . h a \: .. hith .. t·to f' \·aflt>cl paying- t lwir f:tir shan· of tht> ('nst 11( running th " statt' of 1llinnb. ('ook ('ounty, th t' ~anita 1 -y <li~trkt, and tlw fnn·:..: t nn·s1·rw. ·' IJ/ Tn unrl e~t:tn rl hc>w t his 1·nulrl happ~n b~re~n~d~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JI~·~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOn1f' ]\IHI\\'IPr l g-1' l1f tilt> ((tlaint ::__ taxatinn laws 11f lllintd :..:. which might he· I ('h;li':H·tPrizt'tl a:..: tlw prorlud of h ·g i:--la tin' · ing-f·nuity, clf'rt ·it. and lazi1H·s:..:. lt " ·as possibl<· fm· tht· sulJttrhan t' nmmunit~· t o as~('ss JH'on<·t·t;\· ah:..:unlly lwlow tlw c· uJ'I'PI1t marl\ et for l't ·nl <'!"L1 l ·' aml ~·t· t to proYirlP ;tlh'flll<t tP rt>n'nllt'S fill' Yillag-p !!'fl\'pl·nm t·nt lJ\· int ·n·asi ng- its r :II P nf taxati o n for loc·:tl purpr1sPs. As th t:' rate fill' stntt and (·flu nt~· JHli'JlrJ:..:t·s npt)lit":..: eq ually throug-lwut nw ('IJlll)ty th t" l'lllllll1 Unit.v whieh fixt·cl its Yaluatinn lnwf's t paid lf'nl'l t to tl) " t'(· llnt~· :1nrl stat(· . Tlw nc·\\' assc·:..:snlt·nt is int t'n clt' <l to equa lizf> tlw has is of Yalun t ions thnnrg-h th P r·o unt.\'. Yalu at ion s in tiH' o ut suhurhs ro ns Pq w · ntl~ ha\'1' lH ·E' n int'l't":1SP<l :11111 the rat e of in<·n,as· · i.n snnw instn n c·ps is astonishing-. l':.t>:..:<·ntm ... nt !HI rlouht will hE:' I< Pt' ll"st amr·ng· thost· \\'hrl mo\·prl to tlw s urhurhs nn a shr1wing- 1)\· n r t·a l f':..: tat P sn l t·sman of how mu('T1 l o w v1 · taXPS in thP suhurhs wt·J't' ;1nd would lw . Taxt·s in thinly :..:t> t f l(' cl rlistri<-ts will l H' low as long as th n rC'·ri'l is thirll~· S1"1tlt'f1. As soon ns J)l)pulatillll h l'g- i ns to g-row ta x t>s a rt· n I most t't>l'h i 11 (IJ in< ' l' f' :1Sf' . Tn 111:111\' of tlw rnnk count\' o;;uhu rh s th e incrt'ast; was <l <· lavf.d lJ\' tlw JH'n·c· t ic ·p nf . i ug-glinc- with Yalu ;l tinns·. but it is cl iffieu lt to b<· IC'i\'t· that int e lling-t>nt JH 'O JlPI·ty ll\\' ll (' I'S c·ou lll ha \'t:' E:'X Jl P<' tNl tc 1 ht· faYni' E' d in p .. r~~tui t ;\' at t lw t-'X JWllSP of ntlWJ' prrqwrt\' 0\\'111'1':..: in thP t·nunty . Tlw r· ·s ult nf tlw C'((uali;r.;t1 ion of \'a lu:ttillns thrnug-hout 11w 1'1J lll11\' m:1y lw an int·rt·a~Nl intC' rt-st in th<· affnirs of tlw statt> ancl <·nunh· h\' suhurh'1nit .. ~. That r Ps ult would hP · w~kn nw . ~ nnthC'I' con:..:t'fiUPilt'P may Jw a gTPatt·J' WilliiH!II t'SS to :tholish som(' nf thr go\'t·rning- h<J(lif'~ in th t> county. As long ns tax C's in tht· :..:uhurhs \\'f' l'e ma rk t·<liY lrnn·r than i-1 tlw t·ity t h t· :1ihantages of S" Jl :t r:tti on \Y t' l't' 0 \' ('1'\\'lw lmin g. X()\\' tht' :ltl\·ant:tg-Ps <·f <·()nsrllillation with n r·onsNpH·nt saYing- 11f on· r·hf';Hl will l w nf inct···asiru~· importaJWf' in tlw .- ~·p:..: of man:.· suhu r·hr1.11 taxp ;tYl' IX Xo <louht manv of tlw f'uhurh!-: \\'0 \1](1 lH' mnrp willing- to j(dn for(·f's with Chicago if thr;\· <·ntllrl r eta in lot'a l ('ontro l 11f fiH·it· sc·hoo ls, zoning·, :1 1111 J>c' l'h:tp~ a ft·\\· othH' g-O\'t·l'l1111t·nt;tl :..:~-' n ·i<·t·s in whic-h tlw infltJ('I1<'t' 11f ltrh:tn politks is ft>arNl. l't'((llii'C'S Horseshoe pitching contests and manv races for children and adults will be part of the program. Basket lunches will be eaten, and in the evening there will be dancing. Arrangements are in charge of D. C. St uk ey, chairman of the athletic and social committee. George Joedicke, picnic chairH man; E. A. Arndt, M. Loebbaka, . Olson, Luella Doering and W. Fos- Reduction on any pur-l . · chase up to and including Reduction on any pur$10.00 chase above $10.00 NOW SHOWING Authentic Early Models for Falll929 Complete Variety.- Exclusive.- Moderately Priced c A R L 0 s p H 0 T 0 s CARLOS AN N N C ES O~U that on the Third ot Sep- tember he wil·l open his new studio of camera por- traiture the MIRALAGO Building -:- Sheridan Road Summer Term at Garrett Has Enrollment of 225 Garrett Biblical institute is in the midst of it s s ummer t erm with a total of 225 students enrolled. a number . liJ.!htl.v h e lo \\' that of la st vcar. Further registrations , arc exnected. howen~r. since opportunity is sti ll offered ft)r st ude nt s t o begin their work. Date for the su mmer convocation. tt sual lv th e smallest nf th e \'ear. ha " been set for \Vecln esda~·. Septc111her -1. After that date th ere \\·ill he a month\ rec ess, with the fa ll qu ar t e r t)pt.'nlll~~ October 7. 0... z w EVENINGS at the Lake, between Wil- 0 met t e and Kenilworth TELEPHONE Wilmette 6 5 0 .... ~[ r:;. V. K. Spicer of Essex r ,) acl. Kcnil\\'o rth , ha s just joined 1-.fiss D o rothy Scars oi \\'an,·ick ro ad at camp at Dryad \Voods, Maine. Mrs. Spicer has been m o torin g in 1fainc, ,·isiting the Spicer camp at Kittery Point, and will later visit friends at Orr's Island and Mt. D ese rt. 1 7 4 6 s H E R D A N R 0 A D

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