22 WI LMET T E L I F E' Attg u· st I o. 1929 BOY ·s cOUT N. EWS of the NORTH SHORE TROOPS A regular feature page prepared each wed by membera of thf BorJ Scout Press clu.b , North Shore Area Council ~/any Scouts Get Advancements at CatnP Honor Court ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'North Camp Headquarters Shore Scou~ Honored at Quebec En Route to England a 1a r g c Cnu r t n i H 1 1 11 1 1r he 1rl r cr t'l1 1 .' a Ltlllp \fa - K;t -Ja - \\"an. the it lilt I\\ in~ !11,_ , ... r~. · cein· d ;t\\·ard:-.: ~t.·rclll d ( ·1;t..,., - Trnop. 4. \\.ilmc-ttc: , \\' . .\k vh·. Charlc.., .\1 1·rtatt. B(ll, \\.illi s: Tr tHil' .~. \\"illiH" ttl". ltdm Barthtd nnH: \\· : Tr cHIJ> 1.:?. \\" ilnH.~t!l·. T. T . B<' :tm; T r IIIJI J.), l~vllil ,.,· ~~r h. l)ctn \.ilh n t: T rn(lp 1.~. \\"in n!."l ka. \\·. Chirhl"~tcr, ·f 1 att l L"ri11t l: T rrH lJl 17, \\"in1 1dka. D. \\ 'a lk n: T rllllj> CknCII(" , Bob ~\yll>rg : T r1n 1 p 23. Ck nrm: , Halph J>nt tn: 'l'n·f)p 33. lli ghl:tnrl l 1 ark . John J)a ,id-.tlTJ . .Jur!-.c 1 n \\ " ell~; 'l'r (lcq> .15. J~a, in ia, !f tl\\ard n(l\\mt·n. T(·d Lent. Chark., I' ll d li 11.., : l r111 ,i' 3K. I I it:"h hnd !'ar k . lll-m _ , . .'cht·..,kil": Tr()op 4o, Lake Fe l r t" .., t . ( ~ "r cl () 11 1\ 1 ·I 1\-, 1\ . \ f c ll 1; t h a II ; Tr11t1p ..,.., C l~.·n ,· il .,\ . J. l~ ·· cn1 ~1n: Trr 111Jl F37 . . ·n,· Y(lr k. nat <' . . l.ittlr. . hr:-t Cla-.--- Tr, .t,p 3. \\ ' ilml"itt·, .lame . . Jfi r . . ch: Tr cJtll > 4. \\ "ill11t·ttt·. Kn i,Ld ll ·\lrlr i,·lt : Tr111lj> U. l(t·nih,clr h . I~ . Ftdt t>tl. ~- ll illttt;ttl. ~- i(nil!"ht. F. T lti.., Ctlt,l !(l(lkill.l( . . tructun· i-. t.:t."llt·r:t: l~t·. t dqu.l:- ' t ' " j , ,r th l' rampn . . at \\"illi an1': TrrHIJ> 1.:;, \\ 'i n1H:tka. _f ;tlltt·.., \Lt - l(a- .l :t - \\ .;u1. 1H·rth . . JJclr(· H' 1' ~~ "11 1 ;1 ·.;· '!t·.tr I l1 :111. \\ ·1 .... I L"t·lllpri,L"~ <". t·l·t ;: Tr ~~~~p 17. \\ .i11nv tk a. l.d~ h t. · lil t·,, ktl l and r:t tlp ol.ti c l"- . T lt t" t !1;rrl j· t r· ,; .t ' \l :t· h,a -.l;t-\\ .an j., !W\\ (J'J:ril·l t : Tr tlii JI 1<1. \\.altn ~~ ~~l~in-~~ t l: itt prt·L!rt· -- " ith l.r i:..: h t pr"'l'~·, t-. l.... ll li t,_ ; .;- ;1 : ·'1"'. -~ · ·-· ,. T rt111p 31, l! i:..:hlanrl J' :trk. Hoi, \\ .h itt.-: Tr < lt iJI.n. ll i:..:h latlrl 1';1rk. 1\ td,nt F t,x : T rt ii·JI -V1. l. :1 ke F n r c.:; t, · Dick Fell o ws. kathnrra it. TrtliiJI 21. ~~knctl\', l'an 1- l Saves Chum's Life When ~tar .'rtl\lt' Tr tHI Jl 31. ll i:!l1bnd trc1JJ Hn, \\11, phy-ic;tl r!n·t·lt·Jllllt"l l . . l'a r\.;. J) ;l\id l.a ll ut·: Tr ti()J> ~2. De·r- l11 :1"11llf\: l! ar r.\" l~t'i l til', rvp tik . . tidy. ; ave Walls Cover Body fil·ld . .ltl ·t'J d1 .\nrlr\ '\\' . \l .trk :\ nclrl"\\'1 . ("(lflkitl .l!. Tr( l()jl )) Ck t1l"tl'. J ·. I ll \\ I' ·l:ti ! rl.· .t··J Pr t. -ttlll, · 1_:; , J .": t ~!t- ~~ · 11 11! 'l'rtHl jl 3.! . lf il!hbn rl F i..,rhn. pn.,t·l lal ht.·a lt h. T rciiiJI 23 . 11 I If ,· r. 1: .1 :_t :·. -+. 11: .fd'i ~· r . . (ln , 1 l' :trh. lfn1 n .'tnvtb, J r. lh tlllZC' Cll"l1Ctll", l~ t·ll ll l' h lit- :---.. . :-:, l.:tlllan-.! t it~. T c·\o~-. '\1 !'1 ::·o~; twrl i,, i; tl lill!! l"il!'th 1'1' .!1, (: ktll"' IV, l ":tnl t'r(l ll l"ll" kin g . k;1tlll:rrrait. Tr otlp 27. \\"i . . - :t. ;, 1 :t\t· · ·~,., ._,, rt· lqn ldtll...! rvrtntly. l' ,dn1 T:·c 1 Br0\\" !1, l"illhill . lh·rnl·lll l ·lr iclt. 'o\\illlll1ill~. r: l n- _...;, ·I !" "i'ti'.ll..! \I ;ti,Jt-d Il l' cdrk r t~i (~cdr! Jl.tln1 T rtH IJI \\ "i ln ll": lt". twill!.(, lilt ~ao,i 1 1~. lr c1CJ }I 31.. l! i.g!J lan d o~,, ' · :'t""U" · · -:1.~· !l.v hit" " i h·.., .J:mlt' -. 1: . l~ ;lkt·r. l f. 1 ·:. ~pitttH' .': TrtH IJl !'ark. 1\. (~ . . \ n,pac!J. rampi11~: \\ 'i l rill'll: J: :tc 1 ~'· T · ;, ... :· tt:rc d 1,, ialhl!. (' 1.), 1-.;l· : il\\tlrth, ('lau rk ll:ll nil:tl\ 1 : li:t lt1 :\ 1h parl1. Jlt"r ..,t lllal htalth, lt-atllt'r- r~~~h.- \\.llc 1 ··:· i'·· 1 ; 'ltl c] ,l \\.1. \\hil.t· Tr ciiiJ I L?.. l:kn rtJt". J td111 Bl"lak . <r;1it: ( "]i ittll l F rankl in . pt ·r-. tll\; tl ..,;t :td :tt ! . .~:.·,, ] '"' l"rtcl ii ., htld~ al\!t·:-it Bad !..!c . . Trfltlj> 2. \\ "i ln~t·tt!.' . '1 1·:tlth, lt-:t hnnait. l"llr,kil1 , l(: ]( ll l·r- tll ···t ,. 'lllj·:· ,J. :"'l ··ll t l' rL·' tl\1 irc c .Lt111n F. 1\ .tkt·r, iir . . t aid to f ~ ~· 11 1 11:111. "' ilnm i11 :..:: J)a,icl ' l.a ~hll' . ran- t" l11ll\c· .1 11 1: . 111: · \\!Jt· ..,l" t: :-.it irt.llll r - tll"itl!..! , Jlit ll;tTrill~: \\.;trnl"r Turiff. pvr - , ·ht· t..t'.t· ,. t- :~ 1 h. c··l. \'.t 11t ttl \\ 1 rk. anitnal-... \\·H·clr :tn·itt .~· . 111 :t... 1111 n · : Cr 1 r! tlll ( u t kr. llC IL tl l~· . t.':tlltll"ill L! . c~unpinl(: '\ona l!tt·a ltlt. 'l',·nti!J 3.;. R;l\·ini :t. l' vtn ' 1!.- · ··!l id . . , 1 : " . tl tl: l1ut B:ukn'., }\ ,.Jwr t" . l(iltl!'. rt·ptik ..,fuel.'· : 11 . ('. \\ "lt itl", -..r htdar-.hi p. :1\·iatitl\1, r:tnncin:..:. h:tltd. 1>t!' :.\ · .t'it t!l.t 1.! i1 \· l" "'i ttl\1 11i ~ ~ pi1111t·y. \'.il(lrk;ln·inL!. fir ... t aiel t 11 Trn tl p 3~. I> n·rt'tt·ld . .la111n .\fu nc htnrk. :1 i- ir:l"! lcl .t tt d 1 1\ l 'l·kl~ \11 1\..'11\·nv d hi . . t:trll1 :tl ti tt 1:tl-.. 11 ~; 1 -. 1 1 11 n · . pJ 111 t<I). :Tap1 1., · . \\clt l<kan·inl(. ltatltncrait. Trtlclp -+. :;, ian· 1:1:t · !J t· l.d \·r !t1i~ltt l~rc:tthc. " Itt·\'. ·1...:..:kd t·ll 11i t h1 Tr rlc) p 1 \\ "i hnt·t fl' . _l:tn1t·.., Jl ir . . ch. atlt- l.:tke F nrnt. 1\ rucl" l~vll\"t lll, I~ L·ptik !" h i~ r!< oil 1 : r:l\·~· It-t it·, J111l.lil· IH·:t!th. Jii 1· ... a,i 11 .. . cc 111 k- . . tilth·. fir . . t :<id 111 animal ..... lcathncrait. a 11d r:tll '"'. :~ l-:JI. \\lt:c h arri crl in i11L!' . .., ,inHnitll'". katla· rcr ait: Jcr 1111 w l1ird .... tud': !.tn \lrfl!Jcr:;on. ftr-.t :tirl. 'illtL· !tl tr vv ht-. ~· .. ltl;l .ttli "ll 1,\.it ·rL· "niJ1-., r:tlll)lilll!'. \\llf)(h\tll"kitlg. Trtlllj> 'l'r<IO!' -ttl. l,;tkl' F(lft"'lt, Cclrdtl\1 1--:t.·ll .\·, iurthvi· t:t!] . . IIi. rt·C h., a n d t.trth . 4. \\ "i lt t: l"!tt" . ('!J ;1rk . . \! 11r 1·a 11 . lt-:ttltn ltatltnrrait. Tr<Hlp )2. DvnfiL·Irl. 1·~<1- :\t·i t :ln 1'i t hv t.·.~~ ~~~~,, \\:t "<:rwucr:tit: 1';1111 . ~tt'!"ll!." r, pi 11·t ·ll"~· ri 11 ~· . J_,ird " _ ard C:l,/ ~·1. . Iii c .. ~:t_,· i.t~:·.. pain~ i ~1l(: ly i11iu:·t·cl. . . t urh ·. t'l ltlkll1 !.. ' : 1:~~1> \\ tll1~ . n·rl·n!._!. l.tllln <.t tt~. lt.dl ht n l.ttt. ll. tttdd ·---Tr,. ~·~P .~. \\ "iln tl' ttl'. J·: cJ,,ard J{ri ... tc .IJ. I IIn hll, paintint.:: .1 . \ "l"tt<"r. public Indians Visit Campers Jiiy -.. ;n ·ing. rrptil~ ·. stn.d.' · : l·: d\\·_; lf( l ht:alt _ h.' p~~~onal h~· alt~1: _ p ail_ Hil .l_g . c~~- ~ J) nk .... \\t· :ttlln: J.tlh- l·rel'man. ftr~t ptntt .\ . lr tHlJl r1x. :\L\\ \11rk . D1Lk an emonstrate ances air!. pi c· l1n-ring: J) <lll \f in o r, c<tnncin(r· . .f 11 hn-. o n. kathn.c rait . Tr< 11 P fd{) Chi~nT ra l Indian..; trtllll tht: "f.tl~t F red l\ 11lJin-.o11, rampin g . Troop ' 8,' r;tL!Il, J. K. \\ "i llianb. athktics, leather- Tril>l"" Jll·:tr !-:J c] 111 · \\ .i:-., rilllll· ()n· r t c· l ";tmp .\la - l--:;1 -.la - \\"all rL"L"l"lltl~ · and \\"il111tt 1 ·, l.t.·1· Bla .d tll·k. liiv ..;a \·ing, n :tit. r:ttlllt "ltt ~'. '" inllninL!: :\l:trtin 1 ferht·r -t:lt.:t·d :1 L!rt·up 111 dance:-. fo r the h td/. Jiit· . . ;,,!Ill(, ClllCI \." 111)..!: \\"ilbnt Scouts on JamboreP. Tour ~l'\1\lh at t hvir l'\l"lling CCllll[> fir\: . f(t!ll/. r;tl lljllllg , -,\\ill1lllil1L!: Charle..; ~!lllll' Ill. till" d:lt1l't." ~ \\l"rt· ralkd "The p 13. 1..:~.· 11 T :"l "r. J, :tt lt nnait. Trc111 Isd estmtnster ey Crevl ' \" 11n 1 D ann· ... "ThL" :-=,qua\\· il\\ r·rt lt , l: ~ d, 1\mn -... JllillllTrill~. liit· ()1! Jul~· 2-L -..ixll"tn l1unrl n ·d nt l_ , . D anrv ... ··Thv \\ "ar Da nn· ... and "T he ;1\1: 1 ': 1\ .. l~t·:· t hll _ tll\1. p_ uldic hL·altl1, ~t'tl\l!s oi all natitlllaliti~.·-.. in l.t llHion D~~-~· l> :tlH:v:" T hn · al . . tl ta lh·d Ill tht· \\t·r1rl '11r\,ttl '. JlltiJJtTrltlL!: Cl:uHII' l>o~ .. in t hl"ir nat~\. t.' language \\·hil"l 1 I Ltl JJil t ,/n. \\t.·:ttlwr: ~tanlt-y K11ight. 1111 a \\ (lr ld J;llnl 1 l1rn·. atlt' lHkd a iL·:- - \\(h tra11~latvrl ll\· tll1t.: ui tiH· lnck11h. ..,\\ ltll ll li:t·· . J11 !11h· ltv:dt ll , \\llt~d " ·c ,r k - tiYal ~en· in· in hi sttlrir \\ · l·stmin~ter Ti lt" .' ·al-- 11 . . tay~·;l and hac! dinnn at in ;! Jli 11 llvt.·· i11~ : F . \\. illia nJ-., public :\ hi>L'\-. The al>hn· \\'as ftllnl \\·ith ti lt" L ·a11 :p. :\c vdk:-o:- to ~~~~tc this \\·as IH ·;tltlt. !·:.,,,, · · ritt~. liit· .. ;,yin!.!. TrtHl!' ~pn·t~ltnr-. . \\ ho \\ ~ttclll·d till' ~cnuh ti HirtiUg ]JI,· t"lljtl\·l"cl ]>,· all ~Ctlllb ;mel I ~. \\.il llll 'l·:t. !: il l <..'ltil'lle ... tn. k;tthn -l cntL.'r "ith tilt· fla :..:~ 11f :-ixtY - t\\'(l rnttll- it.:;1dn-.. · · · rqtit_; .lin llt l\' Ct·L·t;, \\tHI(I\\t· rkin :..:. tries. ThL· :\nJni~· a11 tlag h.y alphal>L·ti Jil lhltc 1.t·:tl: h. ka· h nn;1it. \\ti(Hkarr- r;tl pn·rt·dL'lll."l' led the prorcs:-itlll \\itll SCOUT FIRE FIGHTERS 111g: P:t t!l l "rit lll. Jtl·r ... ,ln;tl ltt.: alth. the :\lh aniatl ~tandard. :\ :- thv btl\·:-. BtlY ~l"tlUb oi Elgin. Illin ois, \rhn Tr'·II!J 17. \\ 'i11n rtk:t. \1. . ,r;tl,arkn, filed int(l the ahl>c\·, the l. t1 1Hitlll ~l' () l;h han· tl~t· Fire111anship ~ferit Badge public ht·alth. lt"athnrrait, w ood\\nrk - lilcd the na\T anc.l the fl)rt'i!.!.n ~cnuts ha\"(.' been organ ized into a specia l i Ill!. T r c 11 1p 1~. \ \ ·i 1111 d k a . \I a h 1 1 111 I ·~ . t 1 1o k t It e p L' 'b i n h11t h t r a n s c I) ts. :\ it c r ~1nit lll fin· fighter s. The E lgi n Fire ~ha rp . \\illltllit1l.!. itlrt:-tr .' : Philip pra.H·r:"> ;u1d an impre:-~iH~ ~inging- (If lk partllll'llt ha;-; donated tn the group Swabarhn. rt.ptilt · -. tud,·. ~i .~na ll ing. hnnn~. th e He,·. Dr. :\orri , dean of a fire truck L"qttipped \\ ith a 4.1 ga ll nn Trc·IIJl l'J . \\"tttltt·tk:l. h:nit.:ht .\ ldrich. \\ .l·:-tlllin:-tn. \\ ·ktlllled tilt.· ~ro u t:-. n·- ti n: c x t i 11 g u i :- h c r. ho s L" , :-. h cl\T Is a n cl 1' 11 b I ir It <"a 1t It. . , " 1llllltlll g. p n.., o 11; tl it r r i n.t.:· t (I t Ia· i :· or g a 11 i z at itlll as t h c ~lrtHll:ls. Th e ;tpparatus will b e used htd ltll , atlll<"tir . . . Tr <HlJl 20, \\"innet.ka. l llllht J~ ti \\Tr_iul i11 :- tru111t'llt itlr \\·o rid at Camp Bi g Tin1her, the Elgin Scout Harr y Hru\\'11, ~\\'llllllllng, a thletics, pe:tce 111 eXl:-ittnl"l'. camp. :\ t n. The S. ~- :\nt1 1n ia arrin:d in LiYcrpo() l n n Juh- 2K \\ith nwn·. thaJdOtll"a nad ia n and L"nitccl :-=.t ;ttl·~ :-=. rtl tlt alH1ard. amtllll( '"h"m \ra s th<: ~ u rth ~hare g rl)up of t\,·c nt y b oys sent as dckg a te s irom the nDrth :-hnrc area ~cotlt cuuncil to the Fn ;...:J i..,h ~ cout camp at Birk cnhcad . .\11 unL·xp cctL-d lwn o r ' 'as con i<:rrcd up nn th tm at \jutbc c ,,·]JL·n· "tL·aln~hip ofticiab had arranged a !Jali-day -..ttlpon:r 11 i th · ~l1ip 1n () rdLr that the ~c o uh might \"il"\\" tht: city and ht: in· 'Jll"l"t l'd by tlw (: o n:r ll tlr-C ~ L'llt.:ral Cana da. Lt 1r d \ \"il lin~dt 111. ~l.(l\llltla - n .\lkn F. Tti\\JJt· 11i 1·:,·an :"> tun . k ;t<lt.: r <I f the lt1cal grtlllp. ";t e 1c c t t d I ia i :- ull -o ni c c r u i ;til .\ 111 n ican ~cuu . . 011 l~oard. and c:-cc~rtcd t he l(tl \·t:rlltlr-gtllL-ral o n the tuur ui in:-p<.: ctiLill, o: I · ·· Prov!sional Camp Scouts Achieve Many Merit Badges T 11 L " :-:. c t1 t :' i ca Ill p :. rt..: n n Ill ill("'.' . I I (I C 0 :-.. . tlllt: til the ~fa-Ka-_la-\\ "an camp:-. at 1-.lr htl, \\"i . .. arc d o ing g<l(ld \\·nrk in 1· a ~ . ., in g t c ~h. . \ i L" ',. b l) y s arc m a ki1 1g t lwi r mcri t lJa dgc :-a~h e:; Ct d1 1r up · \\·ith the ma11y badge:. Our Cam~J Scoutma::,tcr, D a ,·e Hi ck.... . kn1n\·:- his ... t u tt a 11 d ~ u r e Ill a=- t cr :-. t h ~· camp well. \\ "hen we harl a prac tice tire drill he ~ a\\· tn it that tht: b l n · ~ g(lt do \\·n tn tilt· me" s hall in tine <;rd cr. \\"c \\·cnt (111 a line hike dn,,·n the camp trail :tncl on ruutl' Si The boys cleaned up the camp dur · ing camp clean-up h t1 ur prctt~· well and an· preparing i<lr a fine camp tire-. place. .\ t r << m p fir c '\'l' Ill ad L' up s u me camp chen~ and a fi nc ramp sung. Our Camp :\f enominn· is a prn,·i:--i<I)Jal camp made up oi Sco ut s frum Yaritllh tnH lJ> S nf the \ nrt h ~h n r c Arc-a c l llt ~ · ril.- H cnr~· Schcskic. Jr. , · Trunp .1~. Ilighbncl 1 ark. 0 I Snake in "Jail Break"; Shope Feels Pretty Bad Sr o ut Sh<·PC Kride nf Tr onp 13. 1\:cnil\\·_ (lrth. came acro :;s a nict fat pine :;nakc about fllllr feet lnng \Yhik at camp and dl'ciclcd tn bring !Jin1 ht 1lllC tn add t n his co lle ction oi rq>ti!c~. He careiuih· tucked h :m a\\.a\· in a lHlX and t oo.k it on th e train ,~· ith him t<lr the long· ride h Olllt'. \\' h il e changing car~ at Fnncl Du Lac, Shope put the pet <lm\·n a lllinut c on the platfnnn and ~o mc inquisiti\·c pl'r so n lnnkcd into th· ],<IX and ldt it open, a nd thL· snake. rt11di11~ (I chance to lllCikC hi:- " !~l' t it\\ay." cr~l\dt:d nut and clccicltd to ,,·anrln k tck !Jl)llll' to the far nnrth \Hlucls. ::-llClpe is still l>l'\railin~· hi:- ltl. :-.. d D D v· . w . Abb FIRENDLY ADMONITION Commit to nll'mory the quotation be low and let us each do o ur ~hare in prcserr in g im iuture ge nerati on~ the natural res() urc t's of o u r co untn·. "Cod has lent us the earth for nur iii e. It is a great entail. It belongs as much to thnse whn arc to cun1t ait er u s as to u ~ and Wt han· no ri g-ht In· am·thing \\'c do or n eg lect. to inYoh·e the.m in any unnecessary penalties, o r to cl epr i\"(: th em of the hcnc fit which " ·as in our po w e r to b eq ueath"- Ru s kin. ·