24 WILMETTE LIFE AUQ"U't 16. 1929 . ·our New Midsummer Special · Ditch in Skokie ,Baffles Skeete~s The upper picture. in \Yhich is shown a wide open ditch up t~rough. tpe Skokie is a J)Ortion of the east fork of the north branch of. the ClHcago. nve r, 1 ~ · · · 1 · f 1 1 ·nagc a completed, and provtclmg tlt~.· ~as1s o t 1c <rat . . of th1s vast area 111 t 1e )tans of the :\orth Shore M OSLjtlltO Abateme.nt cllstnct. r · 1 This ditch, is a part of th e v;ork accomplished last summer h) the d) na- 3 Six by E!ght $10 Portratts Regular Price $17.50 Something New Have your kiddies photographed in our studio gardenThe pictures will be charming. il JosEph D. To1o(f Out Photograph& Live Forever 518 Davis St. Univ. 2178 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Take the Open Steel Highway direct to downtown Chicago n11t1ng and dredging operation:; of the _ Chicago Sanitary district 2nd now maintained b,· the Abatement c 1 i~trict. The ditch is now completccl from the Chica·ro rive~ to a point north . op posite South ayenue, Glencoe, and eventually · is to \e carried on to the Ltke county line. or northern boundary of the :.1 osquitn .-\hatcn,cnt district. 'J'h is s trea 111 ~dtords an nut kt for numerou s lat era 1 eli tche s. a numb er "'f " -hich han' alr cad~· been completed by th e Abatement district. Consumma- PARK your driving troubles at home in your garage-save time in and out of Chicago by riding the North Shore Line. 11 convenient downtown stations-free "L" transfer direct to your destination in the city. Fast trains leaving every few minutes over this open steel highway- electrified all the way · to Chicago t A clean, refreshing ride going .·· and a restful one returning. Faru, schedules and other informaium at Wllnu·ttt· J·ussrng..r St.utlon tion of the plan will provide complete drainage for the vast Skokie area from · the County lin e, south, it is sa:id. The lower picture shows one of the lateral ditches already dug. It is located \H:s t of the S kokie Playtield Coli course west of \Vinnetka and connects with a north and so uth lat eral, which ha s bee n clean ed and regraded, and thence e mpti es into the ea t iork. All thi s work, except the Hibbard road di tch es irt)Jll \\'i llo"" road to Gle nvi ew road , is included in what is de sign ated as District A. of the ~orth Shor e ).fosq uito Abatement district. Charles H.onzani is District A foreman. The Hibbard road dit c he;-; are looked after bY Township Highway Commissioner James A. \\'illiam s. authority for which work ha s b een gi\'l.~n him by the county hi g-11\\·ay department. f .. .1 HAS CRUISE ON FREIGHTER \\' ell s Simmons has returned ho m e after a six weeks' trip o n a freighter ,-.,·hich sailed from New York and went to California by way of the Panama Canal. His aunt, Mrs. Fre~ F. Skeel of Kenilworth , met him at Los Angeles. After spending about a week in Los l' ·l wne Wllmrtte :!;;U Angeles, Hollywood, and Pasadena, he accompanied his aunt to her pres ent hom e in Tuscon, Ariz., where he vi sited for ten days . \Vatter T. Mead, 1040 Forest avenue , returned Saturday from a fishing trip at Crystal Lake, Frankfort, Mich. CHICAGO NORTH SUO HE AND ~UL\V AUKEE .RAILROAD CO. The Road of Service ·-