August . 16. 1929 W I LME T T E L I F E' ..,.., "" Fashion Peaks: -- in Coats Black predominates- rich walnut and Manila browns being a close second. Marine and ComFabrics modore blues are good. ;., -in Dresses Transparent vel vet dresses will . be worn much more generally this year than last! The supplet clinging grace of the fabric is utilized to the full-in cascadest drapes, huge drooping bows, shirrings. and basque bodices. Here again black and brown predominate. The other fall shades-the Patou Green, Marine Blue and the Brandywine tones, are to be found in the smart flat crepe dresses. Dresses are priced from $2 5 to $79· so. L o ni' s -St>cond Floor are mostly soft lustrous Norma cloth and broadcloth serving m ercl y as a background for the flattering furs that are used in such profusion . In our coll ec- tion , there are fur -trimmed coats from $ 5 9. 5 o to $ 2 5o ; \Vi t h generous assortments of superb models at $79.50. in the Accessories Answering the Oemand for ·clark rrd ned p o li~h t'i heinq u:orn b,; <;un -tanned P.Hi<;iJn<> .. ·· so th.n the rich red tone of the n.1il may pra.:ticall r be con~i<..lered an adjunct to the CO'itume. P~:ggy S.1gc Poli h. $2. suedes in Black pump or strap model adroitly fashioned, lizard or kidskin trimmed ... the discriminating woman has at least one pair in her Fall wardrobe. there is . \ till a c ~ntinu 2 d preference for the large -siu chiffon hu·1dkerchicfs . . . " and \\'e han them herein modern prints , in plain colo rs; with whipped edges or Lice -bordered. soc to $1.95. . .. in Brown rich ,. velvety brown that so beautifully blends with furs and brown-toned frocks. In Pump or Strap styles, contrastingly trimmed. . pearls of all types predominate for euening wear . . . - and in our pearl bead necklaces we have :tn accurate representation of those types that are in highest favor. $I to $I 5. Lord's-First Floor