30 WILMETTE LIFE August 16, 192~ North Shore Garden Club Holds Flower Show August 17 Flowers Will Be Grouped in Seven Classes at Exhibit BY .JEAN TEN BROECK Two North Shore Brides-Elect· ~ Announce Troth .of Julia Kinstler at Sister, s Wedding t oge ther llt:\\' :-i thrt:ads Sl' \ 'ercd entir<:lr ll\· a thret: \\·t.·eks' absence is somc\\·f1at like gn1piug in the d a r k , I> u t u ur do k o tfc r :-i u :; a 11 a n nounn' lliL'llt \\'hich shu\\'s that gardt:n interr:-.t s till ruJJs high and that the seasun inr L 'xhibits· ni tlu\\·ers has not passed. 'l'hc ..\'orth ~hure Garden cluh will lh1ld it annual Ho\\'cr sho\\' Satmda\·, :\ug ust 17, irom 2 until 7, at the Lake ~horc Countn· club o n Sheridan n1ad in Ckncnc. Thi:; mid summer exhihiti\'11. ii it lin~s up to the reputati()n prl'cl·ding shu\\·s ha\·c cstahiishcd ior t hL' club, " ·ill he imprcssin·. artistic. bcautiiul. It is al\\·a\'S one oi thl' largest l'\Tnt:-; ui it s kind . on the 1wrt h shore. ).lr:--. \\' illiam B. Ei:-.enclrath ;l.Ild ).frs. R ohl' rt 1\ o:-cn hlTg a rl' c ha irml' n of the tlo,n·r :-.hll\\. rlllllmittt'l', with ).1 rs. B l'rt ra Ill L' a l111 . .\Irs. II ar\dd Florsht·i m, ).lr:-. . .1 . ~,· h· a11 Kau iman. ~lr :-; . .:\ . .\1. 1\,1:- l'llthal. ~Ir s. l'h<trln l~uht· n . , ~frs. ::;idllt'\' ~rll\\· :-trt;, .\fr :- . :\lin·d K. ~tern. ;,u1d :\1 t~rri-, \\ 'cl\lli, a:--:-.i~ting them. l!htt·. red and " ·hitc rild>ons, indicating, rt·:-pt·c1i\'\·h·. fir:-.t. ~l'l'lllH !, and 1hird, ll r · ~ L' s. " iII I> t a\\' a r d c d for a 11 of t hc "L' \'t'IJ l·la:-.:-.l's inttl \\·llich the fl o\\'ers ;tncl \'l' L: l'tal>il's \rill hl' arranged. l'la:-.:-- I \\'ill be dn·nted to a s ters "hirh \\ill he gr\lllpl'd in three SC'L:tio1;; t1i t\\ 11. i11ur. and six \·ariL·tiL·s. C b ..,.., I I. 1h (.' s c h c d u k i 11 di cat t' s, \\' i 11 Pertain tn .L:ladiPii. \\ ith three :-crt ion:-. oi t\\' (1, i\!ur and eig-ht Yarictie s. l'l:tss Ill i:- L1r dahlia:-; arrangt·d in l\\1 1 ~t·di\111:-. ~·i t\\·1, and it~ur Yarictil' s. l'la-,.., !\' \\ ill rtllllTrn itseli \\ith mi:- rt·ll:t lit" llh rut tl1 '" l'!':-. stH·h a:- dl' 1phiniuJII. lilit·..,, phlox. ~II a:-. t a dai..,ies. n·ronir:t, annual lark :--pur, :-.<11Pi.ld,,:--i:-.. :-.c:1hiu-,a, :-.napdra.~.:nn:--, :tnd rarl' :t11d tlllll..,ll :tl flt>\\ cr:-. . Thi-. ~,·l:J:-..., will ht· di,·idl'd int" til!ht :-.t·r t inJJ~. Cia-.. :-. \ ' i:-; 111 hl' 1hl· :trr:tll)-!L'llll'llt (II flo" l'r:-- j,,r t' t'f t'l' t, " it h fl ll \\'l'l':-. gnntped \\·ith 1·llt' l'tllttr prcd,·lllill:tting: :trr:tll . \..!l'lllt'llt 11i tlP\\ L'r:-. in chin:t or JHlth-r,· : :1 rr:ti1L!t'111l'llt 1' i ;ill Ilia-. in llll'Lil l·,,ntaiiJ\ ·r: arr:tllL:l'llll'J it til 11()\\·t: r:-. in Ill 1 t h '·,. r ' n1t a iIll'!' s \\ h ir h '\ k i a r :- . :111 d 11 PriL:ilt:Jll' ht· lcl i,,\,t]: arr:tliL:t'llH' llt pj tl\n,·n:-- 1111 a t:tldt· illl'<'rpnra1inl.! a hackL:rPIIIld ni \\:til papt·r, l':tint. ('\' iahrir: arr:1n 'l 'lllt'llt 11i flP\\'l'l'S, 1llanb, < ·r :- h r u h... i n :t p p n lJ n· i :t k p PITh ~ t :111 d r L" 111 t a i 11 t ' r : a r r :111 ~ t'llll'll t o i t1 n \" t' r s )J,· rl:ildrl'n . Cl:t-.-. \ ' 1 \\ill i1ll·ludl' i1'rmal <linnn tahk-.. :-.l'! i11r ciL:IIt. tt·n. (lr t,,.l·h·e: inionnal lunrllvPII tahk . . j,,r iPur (If . -.ix. and hrl':tkia-.t tr;l\·-. . Cl:1-.s \ ' II i:> fnr the di:-.pJay t)f n·gctaldL' -. (,j :-.i:x ~tnd tt·n \':tril'tie ~. \\'h ik \\'ritin!...!· of thin g:-. hmtirultur ;tl. \\'l' \\ tliHkr ii north . hore re si dent :-; ·ulh· n ·;tlilt' thl' luxuriance and prnin:-.ion c1 i tlJtir Ali\H' r:;? One is impn·,,l·d "i1h tilt' l!:trdt·n hL·:tnh· th:-tt is '·ur . . 1111 ·l'l' dn·ph· and anr\\' a ftcr a :--ta\' in northern haunt:; \\'lH. ' re rays 0f tht· 12;trckn r lu h n1,1\TillL'n1 kt\'t' not 11 r n (' t ra t l' c1 : \\'here cult i ,.at r (1 fl n \\' e r s lllr·<IJl l in \\i -..p\' ,dut-.. 111adl' lH':-."ihk ( I I \ ' J,, ftl21 1Jin t· frt1-,h, -.ht~rt !-t'a~nn~. "('il. and furn·. fnur-ltl!l!tcl \Tgctarians . < ) Drawin .~ ).I r. and ~l rs. \Villiam A. Lindbloom of l·:ranstPn announce the engagement ()j their daughter, Fkanur Ann, to llmrard L. \\ ' inhcrg, St)n of ~[r. and .\1 rs . \\ '. \\ ·. \\ ' inberg-, oi 906 CrL·en !t.:a i a \Tnuc. The weddin g \\'i 11 take pi art: in t hl· early fall. Wilma McWhinney Weds George Hannah Aug. 10 ( ) 11 ~at urday l'\'l'll ing, .\ ugus t 10. i 11 thl· Fir:-.t .\lt·11wdist J·:pi~ropal d~tJrt·ll at \ 'alparai:--(1, Ind ., .\1 i:---, \\'i lnla .\k\\'hinnt·y , daughtvr 11i .\lr . and .\[r-, . \\ 'illi:un \\'. ~lr\\ 'hi l1lll'\' , lll'Cllllt' thl· !Jridl' 11i Cl'l)rgc lianllah, Stlll ni .\I r. a11d .\I r:-;. Ct,rd<'n ll:tllll:tl l, 11i 1L!O l·:llll\\\lt)d :t\t'lltll'. Till· hri<k ,,·a:- hl';ltltiiull~ gtl\\'11l'd in \\hitt· L' IJit'ft~n \\ ith :t tulk rap n·il !rilllll~, · tl \\itlt L'ltJ..,tl'r.., 11i \lt";tngl· hl t·:-." 111\b. ~IJ, . Ctrri.t·d :t -,llll\\lT lHHI · II Ill t 11t " ·l1itl' r1 1:-. o . Till· tllaid (ti ll(llll lr, \li:--. Fll'l't'lll't' 1-\lvppin~n. Pi l'hiragu. " \lrl' a drt·:---.. in Jll'l'itHI :-.tyk· ,,j ~~n· hid cltif'i'lnl. and rarril·d n ·lhl\\ ru:-.l'..;, whik ~1 i-, :-. .\utu11111 Ha~tllllln lli L '\\, 11i \ ':tll':trai:-.u, till' hridt·sn1aid. W\ ll'L' :t j>l'l'i\HJ drl'~ .'> \I). jlill',: rili!'flll·. and c:tr ril'd an tllcl - ia:-.hi\,l1l'd h~tlliiUl't. 1\ ,,tiJ ~'~'rt · largl' pir1url· h:1t · 111 lll:t!ch 1h L' ir g l' \' 11:-. . T h l' Iitt k tl , 1\\ n g ir I, .lanl't Takl'. tli \' :tlparai-, <1. " ·; 1., drl' ,..,L·cl in yt·ll \1\\. lTl'Jll'. and rarri r d .t i.a . . kl't 1 1 i ~ola i :-. i l' s a 11 d r n s l ':; . The grt10111 was attended h,- Frank ~~iller oi llighland Park. \\'hn -artL-d a" l>t·st lll:tll, and \\'illiam cl'\11'~' ( ' (li l'lli Cl!.!,'<l and ).filtnn Takl' ni Yalparai~n. \\'IHl ~L·n l'd as u"l1ers. f11 a church dn·Pr:ttl'd h~ · an altar banked \\ith ll\1\\'l'f:-i and palm:-;, ).1 rs . .1 . ~ - ClillL', tli K e 11 i 1m 1 rt h. a un t o i t h l' g r nom . p 1a y e c1 t h l' n r g a 11 . a 11 d \I iss T s :1 h l' I C' i i Ill' s :tli g. .\ n ·ct·ption i\111\I\\Td at tht· h()llll' l l i the hridL' . ).I r. and ).1 r~. Genrge Hannah arc :-.pt·ndin.g t hl'ir hnnl'~· 111nnn in the 111\llllltain~ Pi \\'l':-itt·rn- C(1lnradn. and w i 11 r l'! m 11 t o \\ ·i lml't t L' i 11 t 'r n ',.e l' b . Tilt'\. " ·ill n·m:tin in \\. ilmettl' a \\'hile l>d\ ;rc making tht·ir future home in I·: ' ·an :; t n n. :\mong tlll· p:utie~ \\'hirh were giYen in hnnnr of ).fiss Mc\Yhinne\', \\'as that which \fiss Yirginia llann;h, sister 11i the grnnm. gan·. ).fi~s DorothY Hall ancl \fiss \farit'ln - nlaine enter-tained at a bridge lun cheon and ho:-.it·r~· shnwer at thr former's home at 500 Central a\·cnttr la st week, and ~f r. and ).{ rs. Edward Andrews, of - - -- - - - - 0. E. S. Meeting T1 ll' r l' l! ul a r :-- t at t· cl lllt'l' t i lll! n f \\' i 1JlH: ttv chapter lltllllhl'r 7.;3, nrdcr of the Ea:'tnn ~tar. \\'ill Cl1 11n·ne \fnncl;l\·, Aul.!u . . t 11111~. J(), at 7:30 o'dnrk in the e\'e- \fi~ \fan· \fc:\rdk. dau~h1er nf ~fr . and ).fr~ . Ed\\'arcl _T. ).fcArdle, 111 Broadway :-tr(·d. i-. k :-. ,·ing Saturday for a trip ra . t. Shr \\'ill he arconipanied h.\· \fi . Ann Lanigan. of FYanston, and \\'ill b< ' away about a month. Follo\\'ing the marriage service read at 4:30 o'clock ~Ionday, at the J?rake hotel bY Dr. Joseph Stolz of Chtcago, · uniti1~g -M iss Dorothy Kiust~n to ~1: ilton I-Jarnld Jacoby, so n nt ~[ r. and ~r rs. I. Jac oby of Great X eck. L. I., the !;ride's parents, Mr. and ~ft ·. Emmanuel Kin st ler of 26() Grccm\·ood a\·enue Glencoe, announced the engagcm~nt of Dorothy's youngest si ·t r Julia, to Ed\\'ard Schimnil'l, son of '11r. and ~Irs. Charles Schimmel nf Omaha, X cb. · ).fi ss Kinstler formerly attended New Trier high sc h oo l, and her fiance is a graduatl' nf CornelJ. uni,·e rsitv. Their \n~dcl ing \\·ill probabh- tak~ place in the fall. Th e annm;ncement " ·as mad e immediatdy fullowing the ceret1wny, an cl prcced i ng the " ·e dding dinner. The bride \ras gO\\'llC(l in \\·hitl' satin, made quite simply . Her tulle n :il ,,·as trimmed in ro se point lace, 'sith waxl'd orange l>lu ssn m s that had bl'en use d in \\Tddings ior the pa:-t sixty years . Th l' bridal hnuq uet was a s hO\HT of !.!,'ardenias and \rhite roses. ).fi ss Julia Kinstler, her ~ister's onl~· attcndant. \\'<'lrc an old-fashinnccl ir(1ck of orchid chifTon, made with a princess bodice and n·n· full skirt. ~he carried pink roses tied \\·ith hltH· rih}lnns. · .\n uncle of the hrickgmom, Frcclcrick Crecnherg oi Xc\\' Y(1rk 'ity, "a~ tlw l>l':-.t man. ).1 r . anrl ).f r:-. Tar nll\· an· tnuring thl· Photo l1y }!:tlfour F<1 :-; t and Can ~u fa fpr- a t11lll1 t h h cf ore The engagl'mcnt ni \1 is s J<·an Kelkr lllaki1 1L:. 1hl'ir home in Chicago. 1·i Jo:,·anston t\l \ 'i nfield TaYl o r, :-.o11 1' i .\1 r:-. . D. L. 'I' a\' lor of ~-N ;\1 ic h i .~a 11 Mildred Barr Will Marcy :t\'t'lllll', \\'ilml'tt l'. ,, . ,~:-. ann,lunced la:- t Glen Gathercoal Aug. 24 " n· k Il\ · \ i s s K e lll' r \ p a r e n b . ~ 1r. and .\1 r .... ThL'll(lmc l'. 1-.:clkr ni 1·: ,-).f is:-- ~I ildrl'd Barr, daughtn ni .\I r. and ~f rs. G. J. na rr oi Rngcr:-. Park . \rill he married nn ~'aturcbt\· , :\ugu~t 2-t. II> t~lcn \\-. Cathcrcl1al. sn n ·(>f ~lr. Mrs. Henry R. Rathbone ~uHI .\f r". l. 1~ . Cat ht·rc\ 1al. lllinoi:- n 1:tcl . Entertains for Admiral Till' Cl'l'l'tll\111\' "ill hl· pcriorml·d in thL· Ha n ·11:-. ,,·nod Cunl.!.'rL·ga tillll:tl rh urr h .\I r:-. . I knn· l~i t.!'t.!':o- 1\ath iH lllt. 11i 301 1 at X (l'dtll'k, 1J,- thl' 1\n·. Carad1 1r _1 . ~ l1 vrid : tJI ·l,ad. t·ntl'rtainl'd j,1rh· l' llt' -.t .. ).f\,rL: all. .· t ;1 lnll'fL ·t :--uppn la:-.1 ~:tturda,· - ni~ht .\ :-. matr\ll l lli h\111\ll', ~1i:--; narr \\!1 1 at !J t·r llllllll'. in ~l'nih\tlr111. in ha\·c hn aunt. \! r:'. Hnhcrt B. D ellt lll tl!. 11i .\dmi r;tl :tJH[ \l r". \\.a ltn ~ . \ ' innn. ni lir)() \\'a-.hingt rql aY elllll'. l..'n"l~ · '. :tiHl hn -,i~tn . .\1 r-.. . \\ .illi:tlll Tlll' l!'l'tlOlll·~ iathn. J. R c;athcrcnal. .\ . ~r JJ ,·rt 1. 11l Pi 1t-..hnr.~· h. \\'ill ht· ht: :-. t mall, alld hi~ bnlthcr~. nnt T h1 · hut'ft·t ~ 1\Jllll'l' \\· a~ i<,lln\\'l'cl ;," an d Kl'nnct h. '"ill :-.nn· his as ushns. :1 n111-iral pr\)gr am in ,,.l 1ich ~fr:' . T il l· \\'l'ddit1. l! "ill he i\dl\)\\'l'd l>r a rl'('l:trl'lll't' l·: dd,·. art.' tllllJianicd ]1,· k ' r n·ptil111 in th e church. lllhh:tncl. l'l'll\l\\'IH' d or!.!,'ani..,t. .-.an . Q. .\11111111.!.' thL· parties whirh harl.' l>ccn T Il l'!' l' \\'a ;t h a r p . , () l\) h I . ;., r r :-i . -\ 11> tr t p·in·n i11r .\1 i:-.-. Barr !J,· \\'ilmc:tte n·:-.i1) iII i Ill!. \ I i 1' l' 11 i h \ ()r t h . a 11 d ~ rr s. Tb t h - d ·nt-. \\Trt· tho~l' at " l:ich the hoste ssIH 1Jl 1· l'lltvrtailll'd her gu1·sb 1J,· songs es \\Trl' ).frs. I.!\. (~athl.·rrnal. ~(r s. 11i hn <1\\'11 ulmpo -:itinn and rea<linl!.; H.uhtrt DL·\ 'inm·, ).] r:; . \\'. \Vanner, anti (li hn jl\tl'lll:-i . Quin n·nrit' ll, the ora t\~1~. ~I i:--s Tul' ~kidnwrc. The lbn·ns\\'01 )11 l!:tH' an :titl'r dinner talk. and .\dmiral auxili<~n· tli the \\'o man's club enttr Cr(o-.Jt.,· L::t ,.l. :1 humorous talk about taiJll'd in lJL'l' h <>llOr tln ~ft1nda\· cve1hl' nan·. nmg. .\ dn1ir;tl Cr() :-. ln· is the ne\\· comlll :tJHkr 11i thl' C rl'at Lake ~ '\'aya] ~ ta Gives Bridge Luncheon tit lll. \\ hnt· lH· is sta ti()nccl ft,r t\\' O ir r~. l~ c :htrt ~- ~"· aim. ni 701 Lau ·.-cl \ e:1r:-. Ill· and ~fr s. Cr~~"k'· \\'<.'rL' iri<'ncl~ 11i \1 r". l~athh o t1l' in \\·ashin . Qtnn, D . C. a\'C'lll1C', cntl'rtained nn .\1 nnda\· at the Sha,,·m·c CountrY rluh at a lunchcnn and hrickc. The out-of-tl)\\'11 gur->ts Next Wilmette Day for ,,-1111 \\'t'l'l.' pr~·sent \H' re: ~1 rs. Harr\' . Thnmp~nn. oi Pasadena. ?\[rs. Flower Guild August 2 0 \\· ~tankY Olmo.,te I Pi DanYille, 111.. ~1 r~. \\'ilmettr " ·ill ha,·e . its next da,· for Chl'st· ·r AlhriQht of Tndianannlis. :\11(1. l'llllertinl!· and distributing cnntributit1JlS ~frs. fohn It Thnmpson, ).fr_. \Yartn hri ng clH'l'r and color to Ji,· s of the ren DaYid 0\\·en. and ).frs. llarn· ~irk and IH'cch· in Chicago Tursda,·. 'l'hnma~. oi Lake Forest. :\ lll!·u . . t 20, undn tl1c auspices of the Flower. Plant. and Fruit guild of Chil'<ll. " \1. \frs. ,lams S. \fnnre of 202-+ Welfare Bridge Monday Orrinl!·tnn an·nur. E,·amtnn. a member The Tunior auxiliarv of the Infant nf thr \Yilmett< r.arclen club, is in charcrr for the daY. An~·n ne wishing \ \' L'l far~ society will -hold its second tn gin· flo\\'rr . . plant.;;, nr fruit. is . umm cr meetin-g- at the home of Miss Ella nutz, R02 'take a\'(~llUe, 'MondaY, asked tn notif,· \frs. Monre. August 19. ,,·it h a game of bridge commencing at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. \Yinnctka. " ·ere host ancl lw ste.;;. at The assisting hostesses on this oca dinner in hon or of the bride and casion \\·i ll he ).f rs. B. H. Miller. 1f rs. groom. \\'. S. Hedges, and Mrs. H. A. Richter. ".