34 WILMETTE LIFE' August 16. 1929 zation the German General · Electric Comp~ny; a man of enormous wealth, he directed with brilliant su ccess the control of German raw materials dming the war; he was Minister of Reconstruction in Wirth's cabinet, th en .J1 inister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Cerman delegation at the C~n ference of Cannes and he was assassinated bv reactionaries hecau . e of his lo\'altv . to the · teni1s of the \ 7 ersa ill rs P~ace Conference. Hi:-; whnle li f c \\·a~ torn between two tonflicting desiri;!S, the desire to play a leading part in the world of men and thr desire to . liYe in the world of philosophical speculation and moral reform. Ilr was a G<:rman flcnrr Ford, but \Yith a highn culturr, \riclelv differing aims. and a iar more comt x perso nality: unlike FPrd. IlL· wa~ uDsessed by the idea oi u~ing ma terial ends for t~1e sa kL· 11<1t Pi cuminrt or t)rosprrit,· hut ~.~f spiritual re~rcn rration . '"lTc was." :<l\':-. thL· Lonc!Pn · times, "nne of thL mn;-;t proflllliHl thinkers and one of the nw.-.t intcrc:-ting personalities. nf modern \.L·rma 11 , . . Cra i Kc;-;sler'.; biographY is a hn<,k of ahsnrhing intere st: lw has the true art ni tllr bin~raphcr, the art (li rC'\'caling the inti111atc connectillll hrt\rccn thou .t.dlt. character and action." I THE INDUS.T RIAL WORKSHOPS OF CHICAGO . · Lingerie, Negligees, Maids' Aprons and Uniforms Sn1ocks, Woven Rugs and Baby Blankets All Articles Made by the Handicapped and Not Sold for Profit Summer Display Room: MARION I. ~ALKINS SHOP 724 Elm Street, Winnetka Book . Comment (Continued from page 32) WALTHER· RATHENAU. Count Kessler. His · Life and \York. Hai·cou rt, Brace. Walther Rathenau was one of the first and greatest repre sentative s of a type t_hat has moulded modern life,th e captain of indu stry who is also a leading ·national and spirit u~l force. He succeeded his father as head of German,v's mo . ; t po\\·crfu l industrial organi- . - BOOKS FOR YOUNG TRAVELERS America LITTLE STORIES OF A BIG COUNTRY. H~· Laura Large. \\.ilde . OUR OWN UNITED STATES. Ih \\"alter Le!Tcrts. Lippinc tt. WITH THE INDIANS IN THE RuCKIES. By James \\'illard ~chultz . l.fnughtun ).1inlin. FATHER TAKES US TO NEW YORK. By Grace Hump!Jrvy . PL·nn. CANADA'S STORY. By II. C . .\!ar .- hall. · clson. OUR NEIGHBORS IN SOUTH , AMERICA. By \\'a ltL·r Lt: fft· rt~. I.il lpincntt. 1 '. 1 'I I Belgium A BOY OF BRUGES. By Etnik and I Tit :t Cammacrt s. Dutton. England New-Found Convenience A CHILD'S GUIDE TO LONDON. By :\ . :\ . .\1 cthly, Brent a no. ENGLAND AND WALES. Hy Jtdln Finncmnrc. .\I ac.\1 illan . LITTLE JOURNEYS TO ENGI LAND AND WALES. By ~!ari;m .\1. 1 Ccorg~..·. !;lanagan. France N O NEED to go from one -wherever you need themwill bring the service to you wherever you are. Titne and steps are saved I FRANCE. By C. · end of an apartment to CARTER CHILDREN IN johns( n. Dodd. '.\1<:ad. ONCE IN FRANCE. By ~Iargucrite CknH·nt. DoulJk<lay, Doran. Germany THE the other or, if you live iu a house, clitnb up or down st:urs to use or answer your I FRITZ IN GERMANY. By Ethel Hlai . . clcll and Julia Dalrylllplc. Describe~ pre-\\·ar li ic. '.\1 ac U(lnald, I.itik. BrO\\·n. Holland and the convenience .of any hon1c is enhanced by telephone extensions. 1'he cost is sn1all. telephone. Extension relephones in the living roon1, bedroon1, kitchen DUTCH DAYS (Child Liic in Holland). J: v .\f arv Em en· II all. Dodd,' .\feaJ. . . · DUTCH TWINS. Bv Lucv Fitch Perkins. Houghton, 11 (min. BURIED CITIES. fly Jennic Ilall. l\1 acmillan. · ITALIAN PEEPS H 0 W AND OTHER TALES. By Eleanor Farjcnn. ~tok('s. Italy Call Our Business Office ILLINOIS One Policy ITALY AND GREECE. Br luhn Finnemore. '.\facmillan. . · THE CART OF MANY COLORS. By X. L. Meiklejohn. Little, Brown. ,Switzerland SWITZERLAND. By John Finnemme. .\f acmillan. General BELL . TELEPHONE SELL SYSTEM COMPANY One Systetn Universal Se;vice YOUNG F 0 L K S' BOOK OF OTHER LANDS. lh D. ~I. Stuart. Little, Brown. · THE CHILDREN'S BOOK of Celebrated Buildings, Pictures, Scuipture, Bridge~. Towers . By Lorinda .\furL on BrYant. Ccntun·. Y 0 UN G AMERICA TRAVELS ABROAD. By Margery Greenbie and Helen Davis. Stokes.