Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 35

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Augu st 16, 1929 '\: I WILMETTE ·acrifice. Porter fi e!J doubl ed t o ce nter and Rudolph rom ped home. After vVe lt er st ru ck out, Ke nn edy drove P orterfield <_: ) \'rr t he pa n with a t wo- b agger to ng ht. A sc,·en-run ra lly in the \ Vilmette sercnth began with Liepe si ngling t o , center. H()rrc iollowcd with a sino·le and Liepe stopped at third. T hen ; n succl hits by nudo lph and Bake r , errors by Farre ll a nd . Grobos~y, a si ng le h~· Kennedy ancl Liepe's second.· swat · oi the iramc, for the lllarkers. LIF£ 35 Detroit Clowns Perform T~Aat Way; Locals Win Easily .®ET~OPOLITAN ·' · Led bv Carl Liepe , \r ho hit . afc h· f'1rc titnL:s in as many trips to the plate, thc \\'i lmette Chambe r of Commerce nine dr ub bed t he Detroit Clowns SunCorner Wabash Avenue and Monroe Street. Chicago d.av af t er noon at the Vi llag Gre n in · a 13-3 rout. The ,. i c t ory came as S\\'Cet re ,·engl' as the Clowns trim Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Secretarial med the locals i 11 a ~!iss Harriet Hamm, daughtt-r of Training. etc. Experienced Teachers, Day and recent t\\·ilight l>at- ~~ r. and \lr:-. . Fred Hamtn, 517 She r iEvening Sessions. Free E'mployment Service-tle whl'n neither <! a 11 road. " c 11 il \\ n r t iJ has retu rn C'cl from OUR GRADUATES ARE WORKING. YOU MAY BE TOO, IF YOU Phi ll ip:- 0r , K<.:n- a trip tn Callada ,,·h en sh e \\·as the SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL CIRCULAR, "METRO FACTS." nedy \\'\.TC aYail- guest of ~ 1 i~..; Bemice D<wis of Ev .. ;-t bk for mo und ansto 1 i. ~ I i:-.:-. ~farga r c t Lee of Evansc\ u t '"- In ci d c n t ctl lv ton also ,,·c nt wit h ~f iss Ham m. T h cv it \\~CIS the cle\'t?nth wcrr a ,,.a,. t\\·o \\·ec k s. T he sum me.r ,,·in out of fl fteen l~omc ~~i. ~ ~ r. an~l ~[ rs. Davis is near I star ts for \\'i l- ~ault ~a lll te ~ I a n r on Iron Lake. lll e t t t' a n d si x Carl Liepe stra ig h t for . outhpaw K cn i1e d y. ,, LcitY" h as not been tr imm ed sin ce loose · fie ldi ng 1 st hi s firs t ve ntu re of the seas()!J thrl't' months ago. Liepe's h it s ,,·ere not onk ahu 1 1<lant hut t illle lv as well. Raker fo llowed on his he-el. wi th th ree cl~nt:'. i(ennedv got in t r o u ble in the ea rl y rou~Hls but al lowed only t \\'O hinglc:-. aft<: r th<..' fo ur th sta nza. He granted three \n lk s a nd w h iffed eight ho:'t il cs. \\'i !liams h u rl ed fo r the Clo\\'ns a n d , \ as to 11 c he d for s n· e 11 tcen hit s an d a 1 1 the run~ during his srve11-inning tenUIT B(1zzo led his tea m on the offen.._i,·c \\'ith a duo of safeties. An interesting side light occurred be - . ODAY, in kindergarten fore the game when it ,,a.., di~cm·ercd and c o e g e, y Q u n g. that Ral H.ohinson \\'as out nf t )\\'11 ;tnd thr lnrals \\'ere \\'i tlwut a catcher . America is learning the .'\I \\ ·vlter. a ,,·nrthv receiHr. \\·as in importance of milk as a tilt· ~tands to vie\v- the pa stime. hut <tlb\\ ned the appeal fN his sen· ire-, builder of health. In the lower ,,·ith ""lllt' mighty fine \\mk :t11d a grades milk is served as part tinwly S\vat. :\either out r,t t hn~ atl'llt'd seril l\1-..!~· of the dailv routine. In the in the !'1r:-t t\\' tl fra111e> hut the vi, it.n·.., colleges and universities milk, !->COred the tir:-.t m ;trker i11 thl' third. once principally the standby \ \ 'illiallls drt\\ a pass . . tnlc :-t'l'lliHI and counte<t v·:h('n Bt1rre tntdfl'rl l'hri:-.t~· ·_., of athletes, no\\' is a general grounder. Th t· \· ran the tutal t(l thr~· t' fayorite atnong the entire in the next ~pa·. 111. .\ \ralk tll . ~tid~-... Farrell's sing-k, illllm\·ed hy nakn' student hodv. The result of nror on Tolson\ ~,,· at, and ;t clnulde this dietary practice is evident ]>,· Bozzo, accounted for thl' dalllag-t' . . \ \ ' ilmctte tied the co unt in the home on all sides. Children are tnore hali. l. iepe led orf \\ith a rt1UIHl trip ~111a~h to left. :\ ftcr t ,,.o \\'L'I't' uut a Icrt; they gro\Y more sturdy Baker ~in .!.!,lt·d and t:tl liL'd "11~·11 1'(\rtt'l' and strong, lessons arc more licld ~rnt a triple (\1 right . \\" l'ltn ~l'llt easily and thoroughly learned a safe Cllll' past third to :-curt· Portl'l' field. and better health is every· I am·tz' hcit ,. clout t0 far left for the l'i l=c uit ga\'(' his mates a nne-run !rad ,,·hcrc apparent. Bowman's in the fifth. In the hon1e sixth the l\1ilk is tnilk at its best. Due mar!..'! in \\·as \Yidt'ncd soml' nwrt· " ht·n l ~u d o l ph stroll ed a nd S\vipl'd :-t'l'lmcl. to our extra care in bringing g aker adva nced hi m to t bird "ith a ~~~~ 3 FALL TERM Sept. 1929 p A T R 0 N [ Z E OUR ADVERTISERS ·· lS or MILK my. but itS good I T 11 · it from farm to your table you "'·ill find it always full-rich in cream, fresh, s we e t and unmistakably s u p e r i o r in flayor. Try it today. !l·UAY SAL.f~ POCAHON1'AS, $7.;;0 Na ,.:r Standard nrnnd Porahontas. Sh·a m. or W. Va. J·eerlc s s Bntnd Dunu'stit·', JumJ·Y, (·linkt·r!f·ss, intt·nst' ltt>at, $i.:,o. Poe. Eg~, $10.:;0. J)ustlt,~s ( 'okt·, 1\ ul. $11.00. lbtugf', $1l.i10. Wt>st \ ' lrginia :!\lunt·l }; g~ , $8.i,O (others f'hargt' $10.0U l . Jl··lh erl'<l ('. 0. n. fnsh from min(', dirt·<·t from <':tr in 5-ton loads and UJI, lllll· ,,·hue In ·Entuston, Wilmette, " · inn<'tka. or Ol('tH'Ot>, lmm<'flhttt>ly or as dt>sirt'tl b('fore St>Plw lst. if orflHed durin~ this sale Sol(l ·on Approntl. City CNtlflt·ll \V('ights. P~l'fED C OAT, TIUY}~ JtS OF CHIC:\Wl AN Bo DAIRY COMPANY MILK THE MILK OF SUPERIOR FLAVOR ....... North Shore Branch i)lO Greenlt>af A,·enue, Wilmt'tte f'on~ rlng Evanston, Wilmette, 'VInnt'tka and Glt>ncoe. T~lepllone Wilmette 9H l'llne ltep. and Wholesale Distributor~ Price Reducers to the Public Ket>p this ad-Get rre1llt fl first or1lt>r

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