Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 36

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Latest School News · J UN · I OR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST, 16, 1929 7old hY the Pupils Published weekly by the school children of Wilmette unde't 1 upervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board \·01.. 2.. :\() 2ri "Matntny" Ends Series of L7ncle Remus Tales at Playgrounds Here "In the Da\·s of l'ncle Remus \iVhcn Br'er Fox Tried to Catch Br'er Rabbit. 1 the , ubjcct t)i t ht: stories wl ich arc hc·in!:!' tole! cvcrv \Vcdnesdav morning for ·the \Vilmette playgrou-nd. childn:n by a ~c~-ro "mammy." The stories arc told at 10:30 ior the Central playground, 11 :00 o'clock for Vattman Park and 11 :30 for t IH: \ ' illagt· Green. "~fammy ' ' tdb them about Br'er Fox, Br'er Rabbit and things aht ut other hill folk Ill 1\.t·ntuck\'. \Vcdncsday, Augtist 7 was "~·[am m~· 's" last day ;tt the playgrounds. -l~uth \\'inl>erg, cntral. P~a~·gTmmd. My Trip to Niagara Falls Village Green Girls' Village Green Children Have Party at the Beach Tea1n Kickball Champs Thursday the Village Gr. en had a beach party. :\II the children that had to walk met at ).frs. Fanckboncr's house. Then we ~II walked down to the beach. The sand molding contest was Thursday too. Leonard Borre was third 111 the juniors. Most of the children went 1n swmrning. The ·water was warm hut it " ·as rough . Xobody could go past the first liic line . Everybody had fun. - -·- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - of Lo~al Playgrounds T han' just returned from a delightI Last \\'eclnesday af.tcrnoon the gi~ls' ful trip to \Tiagara Falls with my kickball team played 1ts last game \\lth mnther, daddy, and cousin. \Ye left Central. The game was a close one, \\'ilmctte on Munday mornmg, August inm1 the · tir~t inning to the last. ."l, at () o'clock. and stopped at Gary, I lHI., where we were surprised to sec The \ 'illagc Green lineup ran thus: the Stinsons, of \\'ilmettc. \\'ho were DorothY Vollman , catcher; Be~sic starting- nut for L.ong Island. \Ve Costn, -pitcher; (~crtrudf' Nackcl, first stopped at \\'indsor. Canada, the first nig-ht. riding through Canada, and arbase: Florence Xackel, second base; ri\·ing at t lw fails. Tuesday we took I-hlen Janas. third base; Josephine a numl>n of trips 4f'OutHI the falls. and Costo and Elaine Angelbcck, shurt ~aw thl' rapids and whirlpools. It was Central Runs Roughshod stops: Hos<' Toscani, left field; Frances just wnnclcrful. On the way home, we stnpped at Buffalo. l'.ril'. Cleveland, Over Vattman Park Team Schmitz, center field; ).[ arian ~1itche I, and South Bene!. It certainly \\'a'i a .\fonda~·. August S. Central play- right field . Ccrtrncle Nackcl estabBrings Pictures tlnl' trip, hut \\'e were not sorry to ~et This tillle \\'hen the ~egro ".\lam- hack tu dear old \Vilmette. ground played. \' attman . The game lished a reputation in thi~ game and lll my" came ~he hrought :'Omt· pictures gunny Schreiber. \'attman Park. \\·as Central's irom the star;t. The others ior good kicking. l{ose 'l'oscani of Br'er l{abbit and thl' Tai· Bah\·. - --------~cor c was 36 t () II. \\ ·e d ne . d a~· t h c ab11 made a reputation ior catching After Br'er l{ahhit as stuck t~ the <.. 'cnt ral played Village ( ~n'l'n . The 11 ics. l{ose saved t h c game by catching Tar Baby. Br'cr Fox came and ~aid Comment on New Books that he was going to hnil him. h:tng score was almost a tie through thl' a th· 111 the last inning. The team. on for Children at Library him, drown him and skin him. l~ut T\\'o hooks of particular inten:st to \\'hok game. The last inning tht. srOrl' tilt· \\ h0k. i~ a good one . Br'cr Hahhit said he did nnt cart· \\hat l·hildn:n oi the \'illagc have just been TIJi . , ..,t·as() n ha s been \'~ry succe s~ iul he did just so he did not throw !tint Ill n·ccin' d at th~..· \\'ilmcttt.· public library . \\'as 36 to 31 111 \ ' illage Gn·cn\ ia,·or. l'l'ntral had tht.'ir la st ups . Thnc \rcrc ior he girl's team . But the h uy:-; tht' briar patch. The children':; librarian com1ncnh nn Br'er Fox thought that " ·as a .~nod the~c books a. fnl11)W..;: t\\'n uuts and a g1rl on third C()lltln .~· seem ttl ha,·c balanre<l our luck by ha,·idea so he thre\\' him Ill the briar "Tht: 'l'rumpl'ter ui Krako\\·," i)y lll. Ruth Solomon \\· a~ up . ~he kicked mg a ktd sca~tltl. The girl. han \\ On patch. Then Br'er H.a;lbit said that and Ro:->c To~cani caught tl te tly and Eric P. 1\:elh·. \\"t :-, a\\ankd thl' lllhn thv kirkhall championship . he had been horn and raised tll the the \ ' illage Crcrn \\'OIL :\cwht·rr,· m~da1 tor i IH· h~..· ..;t children\ l>riar patch and went a\\'ay. Florence Hl'acl. l't.'t ltr ;tl . Dnr tl!hy \ ' \lllntan. \ ' illa.gt.' Green houk \)i -192R Thi:-i :--!Pn· of fiftn·nth ---------- -------- Ruth Sanderson. l ·t·n t r:d. ccntun· J>,J!ancl. \\'rittt·n· IJ\' a I>art lllOuth. prnfcs..;nr 111 l',dand . . ha~ a rarl' Many Women Entert"\in in Central Playground Making ho,· inr a lwn). It 1.., iull 1ll thrill:', Golf and Social Events at Westmoreland Popular Kenilworth This Week Pocketbooks, Paper Flowers lli\:Stl'n·. and aclH' IIt tlt'l ', and depict s 1·:\'C nh at \ \' es tn tnrc Ia nd Cuu nt ntll.t' da.11gn ;lll<i r nmanr ~.· u i the liie .\llllliH! · tht· brid!.!T - lunclH'nns \\'hic l Thi . , \Hl'k th~_· childrcn oi Central rluh inr the current mumh llaH been \\'lTt' !.!inn thi ~l \\ n ·k in Kl'nilworth wa-, :tr1· ha ·. itl.L! a gOt)(! tillll' 1naking [HK·ket- 11i that turbuknt tilllt'. Thr illu-,tra arra1H.!·l·d to attract tlHht' \Yht· indulgl' t hat (.) f ~ 1r..;. \\'iII ia lll .\ 1. 1..: inn e y, .of 12 ( htHlJ....., and crepe papl'r fld\\'t'rs . The tiolh l>y .\n gda PrlJ-, z_,.thk;t \\'l'!'e also Ill Ottt -oi -donr sporb a~ \\Til a~ ~or i al Ahingclon rnad, who entertained Sl'-. made Ill h:rakn\\·. ThL·ir beauty adds l'l > CkdhoPk~ arl' comittg along- lint·. affair:-. 'l'oda,· \\'lll11t:ll golil'r-, ho ld l'rvpt· paper flo\\'ers an· ntl'L' !tltl. ntiltniall) tu tlH· rharn1 "' tht· l)(lt·k. ..;\\·a,· at thl' rluh ,,·ith 111atrh pia.'· ken l!,lll'q~ at ~knki~.: C\ntntry club 111ar he tlhtainrd ;I! t il t· \\ 'il \\'ltich :..ronclay. On Tuesday, :..rrs. Frank ( · Thc . . e are different kinds of llt~wcr ..... a .~ain~t par. r"'l'", JHlppie:-. tbisies, hlackcycd :'tt:-, - tlll..' t ll' Pul;l il· lihrar~. Saturcla,·. Augu:-.t 17. a prugre~sln· \'a..,tln, i33 Ctnnmings an·nttt'. entt r "1\t·adn-, 11i 'The I \·.t rl l. ;u.!,t " Jtl. t IH· bridg e and tt·< L \\'ill hl' hrlcl in tht.: rluh tained at Sknkie , and ).[rs . _T olin Hl'n an~ and tllorning gloric~. \\'e art ha\' 111.1. ." a gt1oc[ time. ~ t()n· oi ;~ l'alit'on 1ia r;tlll·h--ho_\ tltt a house '"hik :emi - finab 111 club and ha m l' n t L' rt a i nc d a ie w g ue s ts at h c r pt·arl - tishing rrui:>v. \\illl>l' dad toklln\\ rla~s rhampinn~hips \rill he plan·cl off home. :..r rs. Frank Cheesman wa - Imogcnt· Kaufman. Centra!. that "l'hl' Derelict.' thl' iurtlhT acln·n- (>n till' .l.!'nlf cour~e. Cia . s C and hoste.:;s at the :\orth~horc c;oli club a t m t' ~ , ll ( · h a r 1c' ~ t·! t k 11 . h 111 t It c \\ · i 1l'la--s D . ~ .;n1fe~~ l'llt\T match· play Glenview on \Vednesday. and Thur", Virginia Is Sorry Village tlll'ttc library . Thi:-, "!Pry. quite tn - aL:ainst Par 1n thl' Fclhl\\ -,hip trnpln·. da\· there were t\\'O affairs. \fr:' Playgrounds Are Closing dt·Pt'tHknt tli thL· fir-,t. j.., ;t 'L!IH>d ;u!Yell - Prize~ \\·ill he l!l\·en f1)r tilt· mixed Cl1arlcs ~food.\· entertaining at lunch It'.., It H) l)ad there h onlr ont· more tllfl' ..; ttln·. in ,,·hirl1 1t11trh initl l' lllatinn i1lttr ~ PilH.' e,·cnt Augu~t 22, a11d pby con and bridge, and \f rs. \\'ilbtn "t·ck oi the playgrpund. (,,·ill mis.-; it ~~ gl\ l.!Jl .\\'ithout 111 the ka..,t intnfcr - inr the \romen s club rhampit>n ~ hip Fagn l.lc,yd of \\ 'inndka acting a \Try lllttch. I li\'e n~.·ar th~· playgrnttnd lllg: \\'itlt the acti1Hl. .. \\'ill n>miJH' llCC Augu:'t 23. ltnste-,s tn the Kenihn1rth Brid..:e clul ;111d ctmt· c\·cr\' da,· . .\lr~. Fanckbonat her home. :..1rs. \ \'. :\. \V l'ib,)lt BACK FROM RIVER TRIP n hvlpt·d lh 111akl' ,·en· 111an\· u,dul Central Takes Close Game 243 \\ 'anrirk road. l'lltcrtainrd 1> 1 ~I r~. H. l. Haack. of 122R Cret!on· Frida. thin).!s ~tlch a~ dresses. 1~nt - lwl;lcrs and ' ·· With Village Green, 16-15 1\\'l.'llUe, an~! her daughter. Flizal.>ctl;, h:t~kvb: al~n pockt·thtHlk:-, and hags. T u ~..~ s da'· tIt l' Cc 11 t r a I Jlla q.~ rou11 d dc - arrompanird 'hy :..r rs. \\·. T. Beam. of I han· had \'l'n· much iun . T :tlll .~ twrv CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY i L'll kd t l;t. \·iII age C rt't:n - i)Iayground -+ 11 Sheridan r(lacl. <1..1 cl h-r da ugh trr t h l' pI ;t _ \.1.: rt ) llll( i \\iII s l)() ll h l' r1 I l ~ e d. ~~ r. and ;..r rs. \ \' ilhur 11 c( 'nn 11 ic k h\· the ,core Llf 1.1- HL It was a n-ry and snn. :..ran· ·and John. kt\'l· return~·d " ·hn 11<1.\·e been ,-isiting ~fr. and .\'lr:;. - \ ' iq..:in ia Tobin, Yillagt' Crl't.'ll. t.'~t'ltlllg .L ::lllll'. ( )ur lillt'llP \\'as: BniY - recent),· fro;n a trip do\\·n thr ~t . Charles Holg-. 250 Laurel aYcnuc, ,,·en· ENJOY LUNCHEON l'll, l' at r h lT .: ' ' i(.'I. pitch l' r : Je 11 k i11 :"\. rt r ~ t l.a\\Tl'l;CL' nn' r to Ouchcr. " ·here they present at the garden party given en FnTy \\ 'ednv-,da.'· morning the chil - hasc: I'at7, ~}l\Jrt stop: Hotlpcr. rcn - sta,·ed at the Chateau Frontena ·. The .'· ~aturda~· to celebrate the fourth birth dn·n brill I.! t ill'ir lunch a11rl ~.·at. I .ast tt·r field: Brt1ad. ri .g ht tit·ld: l~llrtl, It it 'tlt>k lll \';trl< 1U" points oi inkr('q 0 11 da.'· of tlH' Holg t\\'ins, little June and \\ -t.·dn, ·-,da .'·· :\ugtht · t, tlwrv ,,·en· til'lcl. ltl the last inning tht.· score ,,·as !lll'ir trip. including the 'fh nnsand Junior. lo.Ir. and ~-frs. McCormick are about a IIttiH!rl'd children th ;tt ti~tt.'lled I~ t11 I~ \\·ith Hom up and l\road on l-;Ja11< 1.., <tnd \'iagara Fall.· fnnn I~i,· cr Fore..;t, Til. Dr. J<unr 1 t () · ·J~l;t r k ~1atlll11\" and a l Jl)llt rift\" third base \rhen Born sing;kd, sc . xing Davis and Dr. \\'i lliam Comhack, o . . tayl·d i11r lunrl1. \\'l. tall-a·cl and sa11g t hr "inning run . , , 1·. 11:-\\'t'r~h I a y lo~. ~ ~ · 11 1 ·t ~I r~. D. 1,. \\'hcatnn. Til.. \Yilt :pend the week <t11d ha d a fine time . ' - Bill Jenkins. ('entral Playground. I a~· lnr ol R-+9 \I lchlg<lll a \Tntlt'. ar- end with the H ]g . rives at his hnme tocl;l\· frl ) lll \'t'\\ n :-. - l;utd llardt. \ 'illage (~reen. York City. He \\'ill he iierL· \Yith hi:Village Green Children Mr. and ~frs. \Valter ). Kumml'r mnther inr t\\·n \\'eeh hl'i{lrt' rl'!ttrll - and famih-, 170o \Vashin gtnn avcnut WISHES SHE COULD STAY Hear "Flyaway" Stories ing to Xe\\' Ynrk. " ·here Ill' j.., li,·in~ at returned on Saturda,· from a v\.?it \\'ith I t:IIJll." "~tammy\" ~t l)ry telling. ~Irs. Fanckboncr rl.!ad us three good present. relatives in Moline, fll.. and Daven I hall' to :-.tT her go hack 111 "'-'tihll(lk:-;: "The Fh·a\\·a,·s and Guldio port. Io\\'a . ~frs. Kummer 1s the t ur k _,. hl'ca lhl' :-hl· t dis sur h i11 t er1tH.:ks.·· "Thr Flvawav · and Red. Rid\fr. and. \Irs. Harry L._ Bark.e,r ul daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I <:!<-tin~.; ~toric:s. \\'e had a big group lng Hood." at1(i "TI~c Flyaways and 1765 \Vashmgton avenue lett <Jll I ttcs - 1 ' Billinger. of Li20 Spencer avenue. of children. It was at 11 :15 when Cinderella." We su relY like to hear da\· fm Ddn1it. where the\' will rr. he came. "Black ~1amnl\· " liked -oabout the adYcntures o{ Pa, Ma, Tom- maln until the end of the ,,·rek. .\1 rs . Oti.; T.. Heath, formcrlv Eliza our fox, rabbit and tar ilahy. I lll\' and Susie FlYa\\'aY. -obeth Stolp of Kenil\\'orth, spent las like to htar about the trap tht ft)X \\' c are \'ery -sorry that the playM r. and ).1 rs. Frank Thalc of 710 week-end as the hou se guest of Mi~s made. ground will soon be over. \Ve had a Lind.en avenue had as their gue~ts ior Betty Taylor at her summer home at Yer~· good time this year. -Lillian West, Village Green. a few days Mr. and Mrs. Ralph \\.aldn, Povvers Lake, Wis. Miss Taylor for -Bessie Costo, Village Green. from Indianapolis. merly liYecl m Kenilworth. · , ,, . I -

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