August 16, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' 37 . NORTH SHORE · HERE'S CHAN~CE TO OFFER. AUTO FOR AGOOD CAUSE Orphans' Association Needs ·1,000 Cars for Big Outing Next Wednesday MOTOR NEWS ·} Marmon, Roosevelt Capture Honors in Paris Competition A new Series Marmon 68 toadster and coupe and a Marmon-built Roosevelt Eight collapsible coupe all were awarded high prizes at the recent Elegance Show at Bois Boulogne, Paris, ,... to word J·u st received. The show 1·s a11 a11t1ual eve11t wt'th. all cars entered by women who are their actual owners. In judging and awarding of prizes both the appearance of the car and the costume of its \ owner-driver are considered. Out of a field of more than 250 entrants the Marmon 68 roadster, owned and driven by Madame Lysiane Bern nard, won the grand prize. Honor prizes were awarded the Roosevelt and the Marmon 68 coupes in the Paris contest. Information for Motor Tourists Road conditions 111 Illinois as reported bY the Chicago 11otor club iollow: Ri\'er road is closed between lning Park boulevard and Devon a\·enue. ...ll.: ts · <tree 1 · t C<L 1 · p ar k 1'\-att ' east on I rvmg I)Oll I C\·arcI to C um 1 )Cr 1 anc1 avenue north on Cumberland an~nue to Dev~n avcntH.'. then \\'est on Denm to River road. Oaktoll . . . trect is tllm· open between \\'aukegat~ road ~nd Lehigh aHnue. ~1 annhcnn road ts nm\· open between Roosevelt road and St. Charles road. First an!nttt ts now open betwe\!n Huose\·elt road and 22ml street. Dixie highway 1s closed between 183rd street and 159th street. Traffic is directed east on 183rd street to Halted street, north on Halsted street to 159th street. then west on 159th street to Dixie highway. Illinois-1-Detour in Harvey, follow marked detour over city streets. Ill'11101· · ( r 66) D t · S 111 s--t v -k d - d t e our ·11 f 11 1 ·1 tate\' 1 c: O\Vtlmar de e ? ur ntlle "' e s!· 1 ~t 1 1 1e sou 1 an 1 rut 1 e eas to 11 I no 1s- · Illinois-5 ( CS-20)-Detour in Melrose Park. follow 25th ave~me ... south · to St. Charles road, \Ye st on St. Charles road to Illinois-46. ( Mannheim road), north on Illinois-46 to Illinoi s-5. lllinois-6 (l.JS-330)-Detour at York road. follow 't"ork road north to Butterfield road. west on Butterfield roctd to Illinois-6. · The Orphan's Automobile association is conducting a campaign to enlist 1,000 automobiles to transport 5,000 intnates of orphan asylums and homes ior the aged to the annual outing to be held at Lincoln Park, next \Vedncsday. lt will Le the twenty-fifth annual picnic and more than forty institutions in the Chicago district are to ue represented l>y their wards. The outing is non-sectarian. All denominations are invited. This year more little ones and old folk will oe entertained than eYer before. The cars are needed for only a few hours during the day. The guest · ...tre picked up at their respecti\'e homes before I) o'c lock in the morning, transported to the park, and the Yolunteers arc asked to n :tun1 at -t o\; lo ck ior the lwmeward tril). Those who \\·ish to \·uluntcer cars are asked to communicat~ \\'ith l{obert K. Sloan, Chicago Motor LiYerymcn ·=> association, 211 \\'est \\'acktr driYe, by mail or phone State -H~52. ~Lr Sloan's Committ<:c \\"ill a ·sign the cars lt) the nearest home to the volunteer:; The iollo\\'ing homes \\'ill be repre:--t·nted among the gue ;:, t:; this year: llolland Home, ..'\.ugustana 1 Lome iur t!Je :\~ed, .\onHgian Old PL·uple's Home, Dani~h Old People's Homt llumt.: i m :\ged JC\\'S , Church llome iur :\ged Per:-un ~. Old Pt'tlplc ':; ll omt.: ..\Lt:thodist Episcopal ( )Jd Pt:opk" :, I lome. Bohemian Old People\ H llllC and Orphan Asylum, American 11unlt' ior Aged Ladits, Dorothy Kahn Club ior Crippled Children, Dorcas I lome, ~1organ Park llome for Dependent l'hilclren. Chicago Homt.: ior the Friend les~. llli1wis Children's 1 lome & Aid Society, Angel Guardian Orphanage, Daughters tJl Jacob, Chicago Home for Je\\·i ·h Orphans, Chicago Orphan j :\s.rlum, Marks !\a than jewish Or phans' Home . St. J oscp!J 's Home for the Frit'1Hl- · less. lllin lis Technical Schl. for Colored Girls, Sarah Hackett Steyenson ~femorial, Chicago Nursery & Half' Orphan Asylum, Daughters oi .Zion Llrich Orphan Asylum, I ,ydia Children's Home, Norv..-cgian Lutheran Children's Home, Western German Baptist Old People's Homt', Douglas Park Dav and Night Kursery, Christopher House Day Nursery, Evangeliral 1Jome for Children & Aged. ~lay wood Home for Soldiers' \Vidows. ~lartha \Va shington Home ior Dt.:pcndent CripJ))ed Children, Scottish ()lei People's Home, German Old People's Home, Presbyterian Home. Bethany Home for Aged People. Olivet Institute, St. ~Iary's Training ~chool. 1\ ational Circle Da \" ~ ursen·. .\1other of Sorro\\'S Imtitttte. E\·angelical L u t her an Home Finding Society. 1 ·s 4 ° ------- ----~---------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Tire Sale! Lowest Prices Since 1899Brand New, Latest Improved Type Glr@iiJjE;8 TIRES a11d TUBES Unlimited Lifetime Guarantee FREE MOUNTING ····· ALL YEAR SERVICE Look! Catalog House Prices On Genuine Goodyears! Famous Supertwist Cord Construction - tough, wide, road-holding Pathfinder Treads. FULL SIZE BALLOONS SIZE TIRE TUBE BIG OVERSIZE CORDS SIZE TIRE TUBE HUNGARY BUYS U. S. CARS American automobiles dominate the market in Hungary, according to a report received by the Department of Commerce. Motor vehicles constitute the chief Hungarian import from the United States. R~.:gistration of automobiles last year amounted to 11,997, of which 32 percent were American, while 52 percent of all the cars sold in that country in 1928 were of American manufacture. 30x4.50 30x5.00 29x5.00 30x5.25 31x5.25 32x6.00 33x6.00 ... $ 6.30 8.20 7.95 9.55 9.85 . . . . . . . . 11.85 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.20 Ex. Size ..... $ 5.00 31x4 8.45 32x4 9.05 33x4 9.50 32x4l;2 12.85 33x4Y2 13.35 34x4'l2 13.80 WILMETTE BATTERY & ELECTRIC SERVICE 740 Twelfth St. Wilmette 691