Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 38

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38 - - - -----=--=== WILMETTE LIFE August 16, 1929 BRAKES Slow driving is a thing of the past. The cars of today are built for speed, making good brakes absolutely necessary. A wise motorist keeps his in A-1 condition. I Jet us · check your brakesestimates gladly given. It costs no more to have a mechanic do your job and do it right. MILLER & MILLER George Miller · Leo Miller 7 32 T,velfth Street Phone Wilmette 50 \ut(lmobiks in use outside of the Graham-Paige toda_ \· introduce:' ib r ';1itecl ~tat<.:s 110\\' e~lual the regist_ra1930 models, presenting a line of thre e tioll in this countrv 111 1919, accordmg sixes and two eights replet e " ·ith cha:-;sis and bodY improvement:-; . AJl t(l the Chicago Motor Club. models except the lo\\·est-priccd .-ix ha\·e the standard-shiit. iou r- speecl Thcrt· arc r,.5R2.000 mile s oi high\\'a~· tran smi ss ion. \rhich ha been a feat ur e i11 the \\.(lrld. of the line for t\\' O and a hali Hnr :-;, the C~raham-Paigc cnmpa 11 ~· haring :\.side irom the nati on's highway bill, led the indu :' tn in recognizing the ad- . ~! tota l oi ~S00,000.00(~ is spe nt annually ,·a ntagT:' (\i th(· i<·ttr- . peed dr in :- and : ror . trcct const ruction and maintenin pnicrting it~ " mechani:-n1. ;lllcc. The }<).)() lll<l(k b. alth(lugh n·prr~l· nt- 1 'l'l Jl' a \·c·rage l't' t . ·t 1 'ttrt Ill IJI. It.· · 1 · 11 · ·1 1 c o . 1 , (I u 1111! su )Stantra ,. 1ncrea~cc Ya 1UL·, arc I . . tl .. tl , ... ,r · _ 1 :t: { '} J ~ J-.~I~ ' ll l< 1 lrt(-Ollrb l:u~ . f er.c< \\'!~ 1ou~ ~·-J;Il_lge nt prrr{. >C- · · · ' o.· · . . , . grnnmg- wrth $H.1J IM the t\\'o-dor.r I , , sedan on the (>12 chassis. " ·hi ch i-., 1 ht· l·.a . . t :\orth Central St_atc~ ha_n· no\\· built three inchc:-; longer than 2.- percent oi the motor. vclllcle rcgl~ iormcrh· and has a larger l'I~gine. : tratinll'. \rhile the ~f1ddlc Atlant 1 r · · · · . · ..::.t ·1tt nnk next \rith 22 percent One or ~hL· most s~rrkr1~g It.~ature~ t o! j ' .' . , ' __· _ _____ · the new (.raham- Parge lrnt· 1:-; an (':-.I clusin· innoration - the usc_ ni ac~ju:'t- I at Jt 1\\'l.'r engine speed (o() h . p. 1 a!>lc sc_ah. rear as \rell a:-~ 1ront. _n~ all I at 3000 r. p. m.). ~ 1x- C\' lrndn. moe!~ 1:' and t h c 121 -I_nc h ! Bod it s 0 i ad ranc ed s t ruct u ra I ,,·hcclba s<: l'.rght. I he rear ."~at cu:-;hrnns design. ~uperior riding comfort, ?ffer a chorce of t\Hl P<hitiOI~ S. chan!!attained not only through the adrn . g thc.dcpth and the sl()pc ot the ~eat. iu:->tal 1ilitY 1 ,j both iront and rear Full w1dth front scats. as \Yell as the ~cats. but through the usc oi oYert\\'o separate seats . ~~ the t\r o.- cl oor padckd -.,cat r h hi 011 ..,, iorm-fitting mo~lel 612 m.ar be s1111ted_ ~nechan1 calh: :-eat and hack contour:-. and extra whr~c. · occup.red. ewer a \\'Hie range (Jt ... cat and hack sp ringing. postttOtl. _ SrrH'<', the dutc.h and brake l'ltar-\·isiun instrument panel:-. - Pargc · ca rs, ~nd without ornamentation lnlt striking pedals tll all _<.raham _ also (except Ill the ~> 1 2\ the :->t<-crrng 1" handsome in appearance. column. arc fulh· . ~cl]ltstahlt: the n~\\ · \ t\\ -t \·pc gla:'s visor in chrot~lOcl~ls offrr the \\'ldcst po-;s·hl~_\· anamitllll bracket .; (txccpt (J!2). tron tn dnve; and passt:11gn pos1t1nn. 1n Thn·c-~pokt· ~tt:ning " . h L ' t: 1.., :-; hort. tl~e ~·~aham - P;~~gt.' ~·an ht·. rltt.ed I ~aicn· - tq,c). nwckl~ (,]2 and (J!~. t< each rnclrvrdual a . . 11 hullt t(l ll1~ :-.rzc· ilh\lt'l:ti(ln (li thL· new (112 cha~:-,i-,, and a.ncl mea s urement s. r1i th<: 11thcr t\\·n ~ixc:- and tht t'.\<l Summarized, th e (lttt...Ll1ldim: ft.l - ' L 'il!'hh. ~h(l\\':o- t he Ctllhi~tt·n t 11 . ., t' tun's of the Craham - l'ail('v li11L· i(11· lCJ.)() · th r(·\ll!htlllt tlH" linl' <li the lat o t rL· arL' as follO\\'S : lilltllll'llh and improH·nll'llt... in rk--i~11 :\ rornplvtl'h· llC'\\ m,,<h·l (,}_? < tllrl l"illiplllL'Ilt. rha :- . . i~ ui· 115 -indt \\· h n· lha~c a11d l':trl llan :-( < 11 11i \\ 'i lllll 't ka i:- t: tt· Ia r)..! t' r L 'll. L:·inL·. g i \·i ng i11 L'!'L·a "L·d pO\\ vr (: r:tl1a 111- Paige ck:tln . I 3 Sixes, 2 Eights Shown' in '30 Line by Graham-Paige Motor Briefs J · · 1 I FREE BRAKE TEST MOTORS SERVICE Incorporqtetl EVER.VTH ING ..liJr·the AUTOMOO IL.F. ARE YOU in the 15% or the 85% Less than hfteen per cent of the twenty-three million cars on the highways have their bakes in good condition. That means that Oft!' eighty-five percent of the drivers are carelas, for there isn't any excuse for bad btakes. h talces just two minutes on our Jumbo Giant Bnlce Tester to know exactly what condition )'OUt brakes are in. A separate gauge gives an 8CCUlate report on each oralce. The test is free. IE .dMting is required, the time to haw it doo.e is while the car is on the ~Jumbo,'. In this way your brU:a can ~ perfectly equalized. When you drive ..., you will he secure in the knowledge that when JaG nnt the cat to stop it will rwp. The Jumbo test should be made: ev«y thousand or "--a hundred mila. It ia just u important u oil. . . aad greuing and we repeat-the tat is free. NEVErt CLOSED FOR YOURSELF ee The · Largest Motor Repair Shop on the North Shore A Tough Grind Ha rd, fas t,. summert ime driving, heat and h1gh speed s t ra in your !llotor t.o the lim it. You'd like 1t pu t m good shape, wouldn't you ? W ell, we have a special tune-up offer th at woul d inte reat you. It gives you a lot for a very reasenable amount. Let us explain it. ~ght before your eyeii.on accurate hydraulic gauges -the JUMBO Bralce Tester reveals the uue condition ofthe bnJce on each wheel. FJimin·tes all chance for human enw -DO guesswork. Aauns positive equalir.atioo aocl ,~1 MAIN perfect balance ofbralce.muimum bralcing diciency - "guaraoteed aafety·J" Wilmette STREET HYDRO-ELECTRIC BRAKE SERVICE 2212 West Railroad Ave. at Noyes St., Evanston .Greenleaf 2122 I'ERD. PLATE j' -------------·-.

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