August 16, 1929 WILMET T E L I FE' 39 _ s pecial smart exterior equipment, the new cars present the most striking appearance of any of the straight eight g·roup. Wire wheels, distinguished by the large chrome Pierce-Arrow hubs', lend swank to the design. The two spares are car ried in the fenders. Wood \\'heels are offered also at a slightly lower cost. A special design of hood \\'ith door-type ventilators add a distinctive note. At the ·rear a handsome trunk, containing three suitcases, provides ample lu_gg:age ·space. Trun~ and spare tires are lacquered to match the hndy color. Chrysler Announces Three New Models; One Low· Price Six Three new lines of six cylinder cars, hearing the name of Chry:der, are announced a1id FtCcording to Could C. Davis of Winnetka, Chrnler and Ph·mouth dealcr. this new ~nanuiacturi,;g !'tep is an important one in the automobile industrv. The three new Chn·slcr:haYe been ~hristened the "77," th~· "70" and the "66." The "77" ha s a price range from $1.595 to $1.795: the "70" from $1,245 to $1.395 and the "()6," the tirst Six under $1,000, irnn1 .~9R~ t11 ~1.065. and-groove piston rings; Semi-floating rear axle; Oil filter; Air cleaner ; Crankcase ventilator; Thermostaticallv controlled water circulation; 18-inch base whe~l s with correspondiugly large balloon t1rcs; and Chrysler weatherTwo new special types of sedans proof internal -expanding hydraulic iour -\\'hcel brakes are to he found in are announced b\· Pierce-Arrow as an addition to the line of traight eights, thC' 11ew lo\\' priced model. it \\'as announced this week. It is pcl\\'crcd \\'ith an ·engine of the The t\.\'0 new special models are the l'hry~kr ~il\'(~ r Dome high compres- deluxe five-passenger sedan and the .;iun principle, ,,·ith a bore of 3 1-8 and deluxe club sedan. Each is of the <-1 :-.trokc of 4 1 - ~ inche .;, de,·eloping 65 133-inch wheelbase group. brake H. P. With new and unsual colorings, and New Special Type Sedu.ns Announced By Pierce-Arrow ·· - \:ote,,·orthy' eng·incering arh·an r (' Jlll'llb an· embodied in the llC\\' car..;. :\1110ng the \\·holly original feature:- in troduced hv the "77" and "70" Me JJlUiti -range - gear shiit. an entirely 11<.:\\' principle in power control: :-ynchrn nize·d power system, engineered as a unit from radiator to rear axle: down draft fuelization, a scientific ad\'anccment in carburetion; larger and morf> pn\\'erful engines, ior increased sp eed and wider performancr possibilities: paraflex .;pring suspension ancl chimne~·- t_ype rubber shock insulator.;, af iording comfort: architonic hndics. new in the scicnct of their design and construction; ne\\' smartnes: and styk and neV·.' interior luxun· \\·it h true ( 'hn-sler finesse. · T j, e s e outs tan d.i n g feat u r c:; a r r in nny sense of the word orig-inal and lllake their appearance for the lirst time in the new "77" and "70." The "Architonic" principk Pi body l'!lJJstrurtion is an exclusin· Chn··:!cr rieYclopmcnt that revoluti onize s· the .-. riL·nce ()i body building. Thi s structure oi drcadnaught strength. braced and rehraced with pillar s and jnint.. oi \\·eldecl steel, possesses immeasurably increa sed safety. Longitudinal and latrral shiftin~ action of the boch· ha\'l· !,e~·n reductd to a minimum. a;HI the elimination ni 1 .11ctal cnntacts ;tnd the ll :-\ (' of hard\\'oud throughout disp ose s 11i all annoying :-.qt1eaks. rattle . . a il d rumhle.; . The "77" den:lnps a n1a:-. imum til 93 lf. P . at the brake. It has a hnrv o i 3 3-R, a .;trokc of ~ inche.; and cli-, placelllent nf 268.4 cuhi · inrlws . Thl' "70" has a bore of 3 1-R. a -,trnkt.· < ·f 4 3--l inchts and displaccnH.·nt (li .21X.I l ; H. P. cubic inche.; . It d<.:\'C~lops 7. l'hryskr presents for the iir:-.t t'me the revolutionary Do\\'ndraft l'arhurction, a principle of fuelization ne\\' in automobile engineering. :\irpbncs han· had a somewhat sin1ilar svstrm but it has not been used heretoi<;re on · 'l:'-,engcr cars. The carburetor i_..; mounted above the engine instead ni at the side, permitting the iuel to tlo\\' do\\'nward aided by gravity. Tn the "77" and the "70" the ( ' hn~kr :lee arbon iz er em ploys a nc \\' fluid. .:(·a r bosoln·." " hich eliminate s the deposits that cau se carbon "ping-" in the cng·inc. :\ ieaturr of all models is the nc\\', -.cientiftcall,· tilted and intt·rnalh· operated ll;ln -g la re \\·indshit·ld, oi th.c.\·cntilating· typr. The Ill'\\' 6-cylinder Chn·:-.lcr "66" is built in· six boclv stvle s th-e Rnval Sedan, the Bro-ugh;tm.' tht l3usinc.;s Coupe, the Royal Coupe, the Phaeton and the Hoaclstcr. These are a\'aiLlhle in five new color combinations \\'ith 11pholstnv to ·match. The bodie..- are long, low. and fleet-looking·. l.ines and proportion.; give the impressin: appearanct.· of larger, more l'Xpcnsi,·e cars. Such Jllechanical feature~ as the statically and dynamically balanced sc\·en-bearing crankshaft nf um~:-ual <>izc and \\'eight, s upported on seven bronze-back, babbitt-lined interchangeable main hearings; Hotchkiss horizontal drive; new full feed fuel pump. dri\'en from the cam-shaft; high pressure lubrication to all parts; Iso-therm {nvar-strut pistons; Special tongue- NA5HLIOO" ZAGds the World in Motor Car Value UNUSUAL . OPPORTUNITY ·· R.eJuctionr on new NASH ':roo's" m high as REDUCED PRICEs ASH, in reducing prices last week on 1929 Nash u400" models, gives you a golden oppor· tunity to save as .much as $300 on your new car. Only a limi!ed number of these "400" models are available at these prices. The prices on 19 30 models, when announced later this year, will be higher than the u 400" prices which have prevailed prior to this price reduction. Here is a real opponunity-now you can have one of these finer motor cars at a price you would ordinarily pay for one much less desirable. And just compare them to any com- N petitive car now .b eing offered. You will find these cars still far ahead in style and engineering excellence. These are the cars with the Twin· Ignition motor, with Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication, with outhoard mounted Houdaille and Lovejoy hydrauli~ shock absorbers, with the World's easiest steering, and with many other equally ad· vanced and desirable features. And, at the reduced prices, these Nash cc400's" are fully equipped, exactly as at the former prices, with chromium nickeled bumpers front and r~ar, spare tire lock and tire cover. Nothing more to buy except a spare tire. EVAMSTON NASH CO. D. K. , VOGEDING llj2 BLKS. NORTH OF DAVIS ST. "L" STATION Corner Benson Ave. & Clark Street G·eealeal ssoo