Studebaker, Pierce-Arrow , I House W armi!lg Secti-on Announcing the Opening of the New Homes of Stude~ker and Pierce-Arrow Studebaker, Pierce-Arrow Hold Open House Rich Old Georgian Is Design of Display Room INVITE F R IENDS TO INSPECT NEW HOMES Sales and Service Forces to Act as Hosts .to Visitors This Friday and Saturday ~O\\' home~. F completely settled in their new jointly located in a new two qory building at 183-l Ridge avenue, E,·anston, the Studebaker and PierceArrow Sales companies this week officialh· declared the latcli string out and is sitcd an im·itation to their manv iricnds on the north shore to ,·is it them thi s Friday and Saturday. \\'i t h Robert Craighead. Pierce-Arro\\' branch manag er. and W. F. ~Iath c: r , Studebaker sales head. in charge, the t\\'O firm s completed the ta . k oi mO\·i ng into their new salesroom s and se rvice stations this week. \\' ith this accomplished they have made arrangements to have the entire staffs of both concer n s on hand throughout the dav and evening Friand ~att;rdav · to receive visitors and conduct thet;l on a tour of inspection of the building. A comp le t e lin e of the new Studebaker. Pierce-Arro\\' and Erskine cars " ·ill he on di splav, it is announced. and in addition to in specting the buildROM the. rich Georgian period of old England comes the design for this beautiful room in which new models of Pierceing. Yisitors \\·ill also ha,·c the opporArrow motor cars are displayed. With vaulted ceiling divided into several bays by moulded beams supported by fluted tunit ,. to Yic ,,. the late models o f the pilasters and decorated tn ivory and light green glaze . it repre sc nr s a delightful background for the artistic coach work of St ud~·hakcr an<! Pierce-Arrow li11e s. the new cars. da,· SPEND MILLION DOLLARS New Studebaker, Pierce-Arrow Buil:ling Striking Union of Beauty and Utility ON EXPANSION PROGRAM New Studebaker, Pierce-Arrow Branch One of Three Building Projects The complrtion of the ne\v Ridge a,·enue ho me of Studebaker and ~ierce-Arrow no t only r ep re se nt · a n tmportant addition to the Evanston and north shore motor car industrv, but likewi se heralds the achievemerit o.f one portion of a three-ply expan s ton program, involving an inv es tm ent of more than a million dollars n o\\' b eing projected by the Pierce-A,rro"· and Studebaker Sales Companies of Ch i~ago in the metropolitan area, accordIng to Henry R. Levy, president. On Cash Basis Including the Evanston structure. a ne\\' salesroom on the northea st of Michigan avenue and TweQ)ystxth and Federal streets, the sing'..tannex to the con1pany's main service station and general offices at Twent yfourth and Federal streets, the singularity of the program is further accentuated bv the fact that all three enterprises are being executed on a strictly cash basis, not one mort g age being made in their erection. "The tremendous growth of our bJ.tsiness," Mr. Levy announced, "has necessitated these improvements to take care of the increasing Studebaker and Erskine and Pierce-Arrow popularity. The Chicago structures, as was the , Evanston unit, are being (Continued on Page 44) W. F. ll1ather Head of Studebaker Sales Branch in Evanston Henry R. Levy, Studebaker Head, Started as Salesman Henry R. Levy,· president of the Studeba k er Sales Company of Chicago, began his career as a sa le man and rose steadily by the old formula of hard \\'Ork and resourcefulness, in comparative!\· quick succession becoming retail sa les manager, vice-president and preside nt. Today, he is the exccuti,·e head ()f the entire Studebaker-Erskine organization in the Chica.go area, one of the large st s ingle automotive units in the country, maintaining ten sale s and serv~ branche s and acting as . distributor to forty other Studebaker-Erskine dealers m Cook and ·neighboring counties. Fifty-Five Tons Terra Cotta Used on Exterior More than fiftv-fi,·c tons of terra 'cotta, furni shed by the Northwestern Terra Cotta compan y, 2525 Clvbourn avenue, Chicago, comprise the face of the new Studebaker and Pierce -Arrow building. Neatly executed with a body of mottled cream and a border of green, the building front pre se nts a strikingly attractive appearance. The terra cotta was furnished bv the Northwestern Terra Cotta company in a special design provided in the architects' specifications. ...... W. F. Mather, 814 Mulford stre et. Outwardly Somewhat Resembles Latest Type of Neighborhood Bank, Evanston, is manager of' the Evanston Inwardly Finest Execution of Motor branch of the Studebaker Sales company. To him fall s n0t only the reCar Display, Service Facilities sponsibility of general supervision of Taking full advantage of it s position the branch and direction of the activin the heart of Evanston's Rid ge ave- iti es of a staff of te n salesmen, but nue a.u tomobile ro\\', the new Stude- also a greater task of keeping in close baker and Pierce-Arrow Sales com .. touch with all of his many patrons, panics' building presents a st rikin g ap- see ing to it that every service desire pearance· with a gleaming front of i. in stantl y met and complete satisfacte rra cotta, de signed in a modern ver- tion is give n at all times. Mr. Mather has associated with him siun of the classic. eight salesmen for new Studebaker and Outwardly resembling. to some exE r skine cars and two who devote their tent. the latest type of neighborhood entire time to used cars. Among these hank, the rich color sc heme o f cream are P. J. Church, Stanley Fraser, Meed for the body of the building with the ~f. Ferry, s,vayne Smith, C. F. Merrill, windows framed in m ottled g reen o ffer and George D. Donaldson, most of a pleasing background for the entrance whom have been at the Evanston which commands the 'attention of branch for seve ral years. eve ryone with its rich genuine walnut frame and door s, painted t o match the terra cotta color. And., adding a deft Robert Fulkerson Directs touch, t\YO large bronze lantern :; flank Studebaker Repair Work the entrance on either side, matching Robert Fulkerson is the "driving in de sig n a:1d t ex ture the great br o nze iorce" in Studebaker's new service de~rille over the door s. partment, just completed at 1834 Ridge Large Display Windows avenue, Evanston. Officially speaking Large plate glass windows, comin g the service superintendent, Mr. Fulkalmost to the floor, display tp the pub- erson, directs the operations of a staff lic at a glance the many fine cars of twenty expert mechanics. within. Above, the all steel windows Assisting him, in a sense as a recepare divi rled to permit ventilation and at tion committee for motorists with ailonce tell to the buyer "sales with serv- ing cars, are Frank Weidl and Ben ice in the same unit." Smithers, who meet the incoming cars, In a word, character expresses the diagnose their troubles and turn them forceful impression that this rich and over to the mechanics with definite yet dignified presentation of the indus- instructions as to what must be done (Continued on Pa~e 44) to provide a remedy. ·