August 16, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 43 Double Drop Frame Adds to Safety and Stability of Cars Balance and a low ce nt er of gravi t y. both of which contribute to motor car stability, hav e become factors of major illlportance with the steady increase in engine power and touring speeds. \\'hen a driver ,musf svvene suddenly, ,,·hen a car is · forced partly into the ditch on the r·oacls ide, or even when the driver swings aro und a turn with out realizing he is traveling faster than he should, a low center of gra \·ity and good car balance ·become vital to safety. Thus the anno1.mce!:I~ent by Studebaker that the new President eight and · Commander sixes and eight s arc built \\'ith double (trop frames r eveals a noteworthy development in both safety and appeara nce , fo r the n ew frame construction cont ribut es a · low ove r -all height as we 11 as a low cente r of gravity. The very real contribution made to dri\·ing safety by this n ew frame construction is illu strated by tests mad e on Studebaker's proving gro und. The car:;' were tilted over on two wheels \\·hilc engineers measured the angle at "·hich they were tipped. It wa s found that e\·erv ca r in the lin e could he t ippcd more- than 50 degrees from t hl' horizontal before toppling m·e r . Pierce-J.4 rrow Head WENDNAGEL 600 CHICAGO ~ co. WEST 22ND STREET Fabricators and Erectors of STRUCTURAL STEEL TELEPHONE CANAL 2140 HEATING PLANT Installed by Bernie Photo Adequate Lighting One of Big Features of Buildi~g One glimpse of the interior of the new Studebaker and Pierce-Arrow building impresses the visitor that ample provisions have been made for lighting. Not only are windows located at almost every possible point but throughout the structure a battery of fixtures provides artificial light a lmost to daylight proportions. At convenient points throughout the \·ast mechanical service rooms sockets ha\·e been installed for extension cords by means of which the mechanics may light the darkest and. most inaccessibl~ point in the interior of a car. \ Vork benches and machines also arc well taken care of. In the display rooms, lik ewise. plugs are located at inten-a ls and o\·erhead, ten hanging ftxtures in each room banish darkness ior a ll time. Robert Craighead is in charge of the Evanston branch of the Pierce -Arrow Sales company. Selected because of his executive ability, Mr. Craighead heads a large staff of trained salesmen, noted for their ability to please and provide for the desires of their patrons. F. C. BLACK·CO. Heating and Ventilating Power and Industrial Piping 622 VVEST RANDOLPH STREET CHICAGO Ornamental Plaster Adds Finish to Display Rooms The ornamental plaster work is by no means the least attracti,·e of the many stellar accomplishments of the new Studebaker and Pierce-Arrow building. In the vaulted ceiling. ha,·e been placed circu lar designs from the center of which are suspended th e light fixtures and which add to these fixtures a touch that marks the difference between a finished and an incompleted job. Too, the fluted pilasters and moulded beams th at divide the room into ba \'S are nothing less than a \York of art, breaki ng what otherwise must inevitably have been a stern surface into a delicate creation that responds \varmly as one studies it. All of this part o£ the work was done by the Fournier ~tudio, 85-l Kt1rth State street, Chical!\l. ·~. 120 Erskines Used by India Taxi Company Should you "ca ll a taxi" in Calcutta, the chances are that an Erskine six \\·ill an-;\,·r r your sum m ons. Furthermore. you will probably be ridin g in an Fr~kine ope rat ed by Radha Kishna Jaidka. the largest taxi operator in India . He chose Erskine on ly after it had met goyernme n t tests covering a one year period. I n ] a nu a ry o f t h is y a r , ](ad h a K i ~ h na _I aidka placed an order for 70 l·: r skine six touring cars. ] aidka ,,·as so pleasecl with tlw performance- of the first 70 E r ski n es that he ordered SO more whi c h wen' ship!){'d from the factory. June R. bringing the total tn 120 ca r ·. VENT.ILA TING by Exact Cost of Reoairs Available -in Advance Recognizing that the motorist before having work on his ca r undertaken desires to know what the charge w1l1 he. the S t udl'haker co rp orat ion conduct d a survev of the cost of every conceivable ty6e of service, adjusted the proftt o n the basis of a definite ..;calc and then announced that exac t in formation on the charge to be made nn any job would he available to the motorist at anv time. Thus work uil a car may be arranged for on a contract, the se rvi ce station agreeing to make the repairs at a definite price. For the · motorist who desires tl;e charge to he made on a st rictly time and parts cost basis, this m eth od of settleme nt is a lso available. WESTERN VENTILATING .& ENGINEERING CO. 24 SOUTH (LINTON STREET CHICAGO FRANKLIN TREND TO EIGHTS SHOWN Introdurt i011 of the new Studekt k .. 1. Dictator Eight emp ha sizes the trend of the fine car field toward eight cvl inde r cars. At th e last Olympic show in Lo11don there were twenty-five makes uf eight cylind er cars compared with thirteen in 1927, while the international motor show in Paris revealed twentyseve n eights again st fifteen the year before. · 3 721 WITH ELK CARAVAN Liason b etwe e n th e four Studebaker President Eight road ste rs of the Elks' Purple and \Vhitc Fleet was maintained by an aeroplane added to the caravan. Th e cars made a coast to coast ~oodwill tour from New York to Los Angeles. Each of the four cars made the trip over a different route. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR SUMMER COMFORT Summer driving comfort is increasc rl in Studebaker cars by a heavy layer of fibre behind the steel dash, whidt keeps tlte heat of the motor out of the driving compartment.