August 16, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' 4S PIERCE-ARROW SERVICE STATION'MODEL UTILITY Finer Points of Best Service Facilities Included in N.ew Evanston Branch Studebaker Manager A l! Radiators, Pipes in Motor Salesrooms Concealed From View Two types of rad.iation are lHOrided in the new Studebaker and Pi~rce Arrow building. steam heat being secured from a Kewanee boiler located in the basement of the structure. In the mechanical service rooms, a unit heater svstcm has been installed by the F. C. Black company, 622 West Randolph street, Chicago. This consists of eight heaters, each having an out\rard appearance of a modified automobile radiator with an enclosed fan behind it, suspended at various points about the room. When heat is needed, steam is circulat ed through the tubes of the heater and the fan pumps air . around and over the tubes, warming the air and also providing circulation. rn the display rooms twenty radiators are located at strategic poiuts, all of them concealed from viC\\·. f t is interesting to not e that all piping also has been hidden from view. Elmer Dnndnre super\'i sc d the work of in;-;t allation. Use'd Car Feature of New Home Pierce, Studebaker \Vith the view that the used car has a definite place in the motor realm, the Studebaker Sales company has set aside a room of its new home at 1834 · Ridge avenue, Evanston, for the display of automobiles that have been traded in on newe_r models. , Before 't hese cars are placed on sale, ho\\'ever, they ar.e placed in the hands of Studebaker mechanics and placed in first class condition. This process is known as "certifying," meaning that the cars are fully guaranteed by the Studebaker Sales company. In arrat-1gement and equipment, the new Pierce-Arrow service station just completed at 1834 Ridge avenue, Evanston, represents the very late st in com·enience and efficiency. Conct.:ived and designed only after a caref ul inspection of service facilities in larger cities the country over, it embodie s all of the finer principles of the . c units adapted and arranged to meet the needs of Pierce-Arro~v owne rs. Jn order that no occasion may arise wherein the station may be found \\'anting, in it are housed a completely equipp ed department for cyery bran ~h of work. :\ modern machine shop pcr!llits the speedy handling of all kinds of motor difficulties, while a black~mith !'lwp and a body department ar~ al.'o equipped to efT ectivcly execute any order. Available, too, are complete units for electrical, radiat or, uph ulstcry and br;~kc sc n-ic ·. l~calizing that expnt scn·icc nH·n arc prime requisites oi an ci"licicnt sho:), J>ince -:\ rrow has added tn the be st in equipment a staff d especially trained men, \'.'Cirking under the dir ec ti on uf The affairs of the Evanston branch of J)onald \\'als h, st rvin· ~UJH:rintcndcnt, the Studebaker Sales company are under \\llt) 11;,~ ],ark !If hi111 lnng vrars ni cxthe management of W. F. Mather, who l'l'fi t·nc t· ;11 J>incc- .\rrow statinns. resides at 8 14 Mulford street. Evanston. Supply of Parts Kept on Hand at All Times :\ot the least important in the facilities to be provided in a salesroom and service statio·, is a good stock of parts and accessories for the cars being sold. In thi~ respect the new Studebaker Sales company home at 183-l Ridge avenue, Evanston, is also a model as a comp lete assortment of every single part used in the construction of Studebaker ;-tnd Erskine cars is kept constantly on hand . i. Seventy-Five Doors Used in New Motor Sales Home I With him is associated a staff of ten NEW DELIVERY CAR ~lle men. . \Ill:\\" Olll"-1011 Jl:LIH.' l and ~Crl't:ll de - -1--l(J-illCh " hcclkt..; ~-, li\ t·n· ca r uf SIX DICTATOR MODELS jlll\\t:l.l'd hy ;t ~tu<khaker-hnilt si" j ~i" ~mart llt'\\' Innc!cls have been dcc~ lindl·r llllltllr. has been anJl<iUJJrcd .l It is alrvarl _ ,. in prnduction and ~hip- \' tltlJlvd ior thv Ill'\\' Dictator Eight . cha-,-.i-., l>y ~t udvh:tkcr body engineer.-;. lllvllts ;trl· being made. 1 n.e cd of the Pierce-Arrow \\'lH'Il th e order \\'as placed for the owner · in the way of replacement or man\· doors and ~ashes included in spare parts or accessories is provided the ·,lC\\" Studebaker and Pincc - \r- in the new sales home at 1834 Ridge ru\Y building tile Cnn1merrial Sa . 11 and aycnuc. EYanston. as a stock room Door company was selected to ·xcrutc i..; maintained \\'hich ieatures every the order. part u-.ed in the co nstruction of the I As the buildin .~· now stand:--, com- rar. pl<.:i cd, more than·nty- liH doors I fotl{l ll)\1\TC::i of th e new ~tudebak~ r built by the Cnmllltrcial people separate the various rooms ancl <lepart- I: ictator Eight lend a note of distinction Incnt. of tl1e t\\"o institutitll:s. Of tile t o the car's apcarancc by their arrangesevcn ty -li \ c, a lar ge- Jtt1111her arc m<:nt in groups of three. set off by pin ~triping . 1-'rcnch door s. EH·r\' MEET REPAIR NEEDS II Studebaker Building and No.r thwestern 'ferra Cot.ta ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING 1 I The new Studebaker Building IS faced with Northwestern ight green by mottled glazed terra cotta. and orna mented with olive green terra cotta. This wise choice of material and co 1 or ,1ssures to the owners and the communtty .1n outstanding building, for terrJ cotta buildings can be kept bright .1nd clcJn ·by regularly washing them. i I Fournier Studio 854 NoRTH STATE ST. CHICAGO SUPERIOR 1: !' t' I I 6752 II II 'I I THE NORTHWESTERN ·tERRA COTTA COMPANY II ~.1 Dh'NVI~R . CI-IICAGO . ST. LOUIS '1:1 ,I