Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 1

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W 'I LMETTE \ ' OL. XVII., NO. 48 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS~ .. AUGUST LI .FE PRICE FIVE I ) I 'P ublished weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc., 123Z-JZJ6 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter March JJ, 1924, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, unde1· the Act of March 3,1879. Subscription price sz.oo a year. 16, 1929 CENT~ NAME SCHOOL TRUSTEE .JN:ELE·CTION SATURDAY·~ William H. Ellis, Only Candidate, ;' Singularly Fitted for New Trier Post Methodists Prepare Optimists Trounce for Formal Opening Rotarians in Ball of New Church Home ·Ga1-ne; Read About It SPORTS FEATURE BIG COMMUNITY HOLIDAY .l.housands of Villa~rs Attend Chamber of Commerce Frolic in Forest Preserve \\'ilmettc citizens of all a!.!,"cs pnt a siclr hu . ; in r<;s anrl housthold resnn11 ~ihilitics fnr bali a cia,· last \Yed.ne.;;- . cl:1.Y tn frnlic in the Fo~e s t Prese rYe at Glcm·it'\\", ~he occa~ ion being- ann11al \\"ilmcttf' Da,·. ~ non so rcd lw the \Yil mr tt r Chaml)e r 'of Comm e-rce in conperation \\" :th the Plaq.; r nu11Gl a11r.l Recreati on board's . taff nf offici lls. Cnol ,,·eather and threatcni 1 1Q" cleud;; fa iled to dimini sh the crP\\·cl. . fn s1 r iking ·ontra st to m ns t 1 coll11111llli t \· hnlirJa,·s 011 thl' nnrth sht.Wc t hi .; }:e a r. \ Y iimet t c' s h ' 1 I irl a y t'tl~ ph a !'izer! athlrtic c\·cnt., t o the ah;(Qlttt c txclu:;inn nf cnnn ss ion s and gam,e;; nf ,·IJ:tn.cc. ft \\":tS in fact a n' rit~hle fie ld da~· . \\·ith young and t1lcl nut to particip;tte in tlr \\· itllL'~ " the antic " c1i the athkt it·; t"Jh· inrlint·rl. 11i \\" l· ich there art· literalh_- tl1 o mand s in the ,·il la~T. This di-.ti1~~: tin' phase n i ·· thc annual o utin g- ,,·a=- an ·:loq uent tt.ih~tte tn the CtHnprt·hL'll"i'·e :-;c h erlu le t1i the Ph n.:- r nund and Rcrr t·:lt it)ll l> r, ard ,,·hi.ch almo:;t daih· rlaitJ1~ thL' ac·i\·l' intere - t :tlik e 11i c.hildr en and aduit;.: Numerous Events Thr d:1 Y's prngram rnmpri-.ed hrit'lly. a !!Olf t1 nrn:un ent inr hu s itH·~s and m ~ f c ~ s in n a I me n . f1l' 1 c1 <' n n t s !.m· a !1 ;~~~.· :-;.a ha:-;ehall _~.;atnL· \\"ith till Onti1~1i~ clul> oppo-. ing thl' l~ ntarians . hn,·sc's\_ 1<"'1<' t n urn am c n t a 11 d d a 11 r i n g· i n t Ill' b r i! L' ra,·ilion thr(lu g lw ut th e aitcnwon " and en~ning. · Special fay or s. including: "ca t s" colorful n oisemakers. were distribute e ! In- the thou sands to the children whn :i~\· armed t n the ricnic g-rounds lnnQ· before lunch time. , ,. . '.1 . I \fnre than 200 contc:;tants compt>t~l ·ior the mcrrhandisr certificates offer-ed hv \\' ilmctte Chamhcr of Commerce ni,.m her s as re\Yard:-; for winning the at~lctic r\·cnts which fnrmed the mJjnr part of the :1fternonn program ~ t \\.11mcttc Da~· . th l' cnmmttnity holiJay. last \\' cd ne-, c!a,·. Riv~rly Is Keen The races started pr0mptl~· at o'cl oc k and \\'Cre \\·itnC:'SCcl by a· crowd nf . cH·ral thou ~ an<l residents who remained to the en(l despite a constant threat nf rain. The neighborly tiYalry the pirnir was organized to promote hrt\\'I.'Cn \\'ilmette merchants permeated the ~!rnup and half the adult group nf spectatnrs joined with the entire juYcnilc !:troup in mak:ng Stuart F,itzhugh, 1S22 Central avenue. the hero oi the clay . incc he out-marre~n·cred all the hoy,· of his ag-e and those somewhat nlder in extricating his tennis shoes out of a pile of 100 or more shor~. dnnned them and raced hack for first place in the shoe scramble eyent. only to come hack five ._minutes later and drmonstratc that he':-coulcl eat a quarter of a pie sooner, and more thoroughly. than all the rest' oVthe contestants for first place in the other" noq~lty e,·ent on the afternoon's program. Another feature event meeting ""ith ~rti~ular enth~a§.!ll... ~as the tug .)f war between tfie marned -1'1~<1 uun\arried men. The unmarrieds' .nage(.to Dr. H. 0. Holter of Kan as will preach ;tt the morning services at the An epidcm:c of stiffened joints and \Yilmctte Pari:;h }.lcthodist church bruised muscles spread through the Sunday, August 18. Dr. George HoiVillage this \\"cek, hovering more par- lister will occupy the pulpit Sunda y , . . ,, . . ticularly OH'r the busines s sections August 25, while Dr. Horace G. Smith, ~ es td c nts nf ).;e,,· I ncr to:\"tbhtp where members L)f the \Yilm e tte Opti - the pastor, will return to hi s dutil.' s ,,·if! go t? :11~ pn_ l.l s._Saturdar ~\'tth h~tt mist and l{o~ary clubs are accu stomed Sunda_ , .· September 1. ·one candtd.ltL. \\ 111 1·1111 _1!. l.llt s 0 ~ R... 3 1to spend the1r \rurkaday hours. Elaborate arrangements arc being Greenw.ood a\-~'lltll'. \\ dm~ttc. 11s:ed Tbc scourgt \\"hich ha s had our Ya- made ior the formal ·_ opening of the 10 11 : ri otts medics aud kindred manipulato r s portion of the · nc\\. <;hu'r ch edifice no\r on .--tbe · ballot 111 the spcctal clert_ · · sn1rc · 1 1'1 ntrs<1a,· cnmJJlcted which includ~>s Communit\· t n" fill the \'acanc,· 'rallcrl I' · ll - o n the ).;e\Y on t 1 1c JUmp ear,. .., ,"·~ 1 cause<1 n·1 n er tg 1 sr 1 wo 1 1)()ar< · g , wa . <1· 1- 1)\" 1 -r 1 1 Hall- where services ar.e·· .now hcin ,.., ~ · 1 · \ T morn111 tagnosec ~ea t 1 . 1 1 1lllr · 1 a ,·_ 1cat 1 ctnt.,· )\. t 1c c l tll · rt H k" · 1 · held--room· or the ,,;;~men of the . J . f \\'"] t . . 01111111SS!OIH.T a\\' ·ms as t 1e 111 1<lr, a .;n o Jill , te. cYitahlc aftermath o f a ba -;chall gam r C-}~ lli-:' .' . nd recreational facilitil's. \fr. Flli:-- kh IH'<:n il>r mam· nan (so-callc d l indulged in hy tilL· rlnh~ in 'i'he ~c hccltik uf the formal <1PL'lling prominent in 111\lnicipal :111<1 ci,·i~' :1f- qucstinn on the aftcrtHHlll (If \\-ilmrtte ,,·ill cn ntinul.' irum ~P,.tembcr 10 ,1 1 faii-~. ] !e h;t.; hcl'n fnr m nrc than D<w. . ~ktubtr 13 and _ \r!ll cbn~pri sc a rall y t ·l ·. ~·en \·cars president tlf the \Yilmettc ifemhers of the Optimi.;t cluJ, \rh o lllr till· \\ ~J men nt till'. p~nsh, a Harn::' t ·.ora 1 ('1.lanttL'" · · tl 1r11ll.L!. 1 · ·· · 1 as:--vn' ra tt', JH'S"lll11"· · I Ill oml' d111ner rertJ >t!O n t. and '-' tiJl ~ n 1) .nan 1 - ot- 1 1 part1c1pate d \'\'11 . ·· 1 ""hich i-. efil'rted the eli.; rihutitlll ~~~ t1r;1 · 11 ,. l'11 n llg 1 1 11 1 · · ltltbc. a n : 1lt.:"I Oll:-. c< 1 ura 1011 .·UIH a,· 1 1. t 1:1t a . t ll' · 10,· .., t 1 I .·tl J) . \\ " '-' I' ... 1 .. I ·,~ · · 1 · 1 ·1 1 · 11 . ·. · \\1 1 1. . .-". ·ll\,11< a~ tl lt.:. =--PL.t'"ct. mu111cq a 11111< =-- pni\"H ec I 1r t 1 '"1.' ,~·mn tn g the (alleg-ed) p~l:' flliJ L' han· l·· ng a ·..,n 1111111 1111 O r tt lhcr (, II\· l~i . . hnp 1·>1ncrdin!.! :tid and i:'. i11 ·a ddit ii,n. rk1ir- -.tnce l>ce n overshaclowul hy tht· g!t1n!11 ,,.ill 11 ,,1 1 llut.:"he s nl the Chicago ~u-·:a man nf tilL· \Y i1nll't:v l' ()li('(. . 1\·'1 ... ··111 "!t t L'IH 1 ant uron C\"C'ry at t _enlp t ,t 11 1t · I ,,j thv ~ll'thtl(li:-t Epi. ropal cllurrh . and iund. Jl l' -.~.· ryed a-. ;1 11ll'll~IH:r tli t1w . . t anr. 1 "a 11.:: nr en·n r l'C 1 Ill\.'. I·Y tl H.' an ( )(iicial IJ·1ard · ~L·:--..,i\11 1 ~und;1\ · . " \\"ihnl't.te \ .illagL' !\,l;tnl (li Tnt..:tt·v-.. f"r <lllll' tnb·n. tht· Rntarian-. arl· d"uhly : h-tcd 1 n 13. · 1,,-'o tevm:-;; rn\·t·rillt.:" 11H' 1writ1d hr : \\l' l'll !.!rie,·ed . lir:-t at ha \·ing -. ulfL· ·ed dl.'ieat - - - -- - - - 1'11.0 itUd l(J22. '111 the I.IL'Id ( ] f , ,kittle a_nt!. "l't.liiH!. at ' Realtors Discuss Plans Well Fitted for Post t'tllll!lll;" ct\\ct~· \\'lth llt·tln;n~· m r>rl' c011· · · .t\.... idL' irnm tiH· rlut il'-. ill\,1ln·tl i11 -. ·1lin!.!· than .;~iff n· ·r k:-. bn1l· had..:, <tnd for llhno1s Convention tilL~ rxt·c utirc cap:tt'itit'-. llll'llti,l1 lc1 1. he -.ad l ~- impairt·cl art· he-.. l'Pll1111ittce IT[>tlrb and di ... r u s-.,iL111 ha~. m :.1iJlt:lincd a hTJl and ;~~·t_i,· e in:1:hc llnal rn·l~ ~~ning \\":1-.. JC) t.n 11). r> i pl:tn-. i()r the. apprua~hing_ sta~v. 1vn·~t 111 :'rhtllll anrl rlntrcil allaJ r -.. :11111 l t) comment turt 1cr Cti11CL"fl11 llg" the , ll"<t! tstatc cu tw cn ttun at l'-t lrkl11r:.d · 111 i_-. :--trik_i n!.!h· \~L· ll Jit' t·d j,1r .tllr JH -,ititlll l:t_ ..,cinatin!.!. .:u1 ti c. t.li -.c~nlL' 11i 11\lf 111ost i l_rt,lh,L·r: . C(l t~l pri:;e it~1Jlllrt_a,n_t ica~llrL·~ !nq; hl~· re~pecttrl lnh11H.':'" and 11r '1- 'lt the ll .~ ULir :\ugtt :-t_ mct:ttn g ot th{: 1,Jr ·\\'htcl 1 hv 1.; 11 ,,,,. a canrltdat~.·. ., . · , ... · . . ic~ :-.ional iu lk- hut pardtl!l tb. pka-.c, .\(lrtlt ~h11rL' }{ca l. 1·.:-- tatt· lH1a rcl at ) 11 · . T p1 t. I (' 't' r) t . Il 1g " >II l P - -1,' ~- . . 1Jl ,·!.! 1 ..lu · -.. . 111 · ! ill'. ..\ ,.l l . lll\h p~ , .. I "' llilv \\'<.: ,,·ipc a\,·a·.- :1 tra!.!.IC tvar. t 1c .r cL'Il e:1 o 111 1 :ltH ,11'" ( 11 Lt-. < t tIt "\\ lb 1 11JI "lit .. tllllt1tll . l r , _____ · .\londa,· L'\Tnin.~· . .-\ lll.!lt:-t 1rJ. Dinn er 1 J:t.; ,·:n·k ;111d the Pllll" \\"ll l ll\· opc·n ' ll" . d C. 1 j.., t o he ..,erHd at 11 :3U o\: It1ck. l1~1Jill 1 ll'rl 'l'k !11 () ~~\· l ttl' k ~alurda~·l Ro In Stmon s apt'ures . ('_ L. Perkin~. l)\\"llCf ni "Sb·lines," 1 1 11 " ' :tltl/1 ' · . . \ t_1 ~ 1 J-.: . l1 ., . .· . Holiday Horseshoe Event a Chica_go.real estate medium, is to h.c . " ' " '-' " ..· tl -t- "t the .pnnctpal T .1e 1t1\\thlnp 11.1:-- hct.:n dt\Hlrd tnt n l R . ,. . r . . - I \.ll 11 111 ;:--.1mutH1 ~. n.)""t ,-, Jxtttn 1 ~ 1 ee , . ·:-pcakn . .at :\[oncJa,·s \d 1 1 1\"t' Jl'· ~ ·l111rts ltlr p11rpnsc:-. ot t 1l' err. _ . . , . ·I . . mcetmg. J [J:; suhJC Ct ,,·J}! he " : \'l'r · · · 1 · 1 . . ., ,. ·. ll\\lll' l ot :--L: \Cr.t Lll,tlllJll\llb 1 11p a\\ar<.... . .1 11n11. 1 . 1cy a._re: . i(lr hi.- pro \re . ., a t "b arn Yard gnli." tblllg.. [ hL·rc \\"Ill abo he _ a r cpo ~t . Pn'.(~ll~rt ,;n. 1 :. Al.l th~t par~ .ef otiH.!n\·. ise <: 11 t i t·l c d .. 1!nrscshne s." ll\· :\fts_s lsabella 1 farknc s.; , \"t cc- prt; st"\~·,"· I !"lL'~· 1 (1\\"ll"lllp Htgh .~c.lwol .' ) ts- . marched tflrn ut.:" h tn a brilliant Yict(l n· d.cnt (ll the board, on tl~e r_e cc~1t na11:~r· \\ tth:n the rnrrnr:1tc l11n tts ot th.e dnr sd;n- in . th e Hor-.c slwe tourna- tiona! real estate cnm·cntwntn Luston. \ dla .~ l' ell rrkncm', lt)Ok Cn unty. Jilt- 111t.:llt hdcl a.; tii1L' oi the Sj)\ll" b icaturl':-. --------)'nts. pf \\'ilmcttc D ;l\·. Tn ·annexing the Chark~ 1-luhml oi Lns .- \n g L ·lcs was PrL·r i1ttct ~o. 2: All tl1at rart of rommunit,· htdida,· ncnt Rollin \\"a-. !he n ·cen t guest of hi s cousin, \\'illis '\"l'\\ T;·irr Town . hip H igh School Di .- j 1 wccd to tn 1uncc hi s hrnthn. '\fark. H. I lu t:;on ni 1112 Flm\\"C10d aYcntit.:. 1ric't 'X'ithin t h e cn1 pnratc limits of the in th e fin ab ,, j the L·litninati1111 . .?1 -~ \ .i lla .L!" C t) i \Yinndka. (t·J ok County, and 21 - IX . ~i :-::tcln :--11\lL' tns-.er:- t'11111i lhli..:, tcn~ d the <:\"(:nt. Precinct '\'"n . .1: All that rart of ~e\\" I -----Trin ·Tt) \\· n~hip fli gh School Di trirt Police Chief Eniovin~ ,,·ithin the cnrpor:1tc limit :' of th e \~il - l p · f N ' Qffi lal!"L' nf l(enihrnrth, Cnok CountY, Tlli r~vacy 0 ew ce no.i.s. I · Superintendent nf Pnlir e Hl.'nr~· Precinet '\'"o. -t : .-\11 that part of BrautiQ·a n. " llll hithertn ha s been ..;a ns Xew Tr!r r Town ship Hig·h School Di . -. sanctum ni"ticin. lllo\·e<l into his nn\· tr ir t \\·ithin the corporate limits nf the nftice, \\'hich nccupil's a part of the \.il.la t! C of \Vilmctte. east nf RidQ·c room iormcrJ_,. h(]llsing tht.: Yillage A ,- et~uc and inclnding the east side 'of Health clrrartlllcnt. and held open .·.:l Hicb;e An' lltl . together ,,·ith that pnr- house f:1r_ hi..; friend ~ thi:' week. '_ l'he "';1 1ion oi unincorroratcrl terri ton· situated llC\\" olhctal quarters arc locatecl JU ~ t in the tmrnship of '\'"c\Y Trier to the ;1cross th~ r n rrid~~r frnm Police hl'aclnorth o'f and adjacent to the Vi!brre quarters 111 the \ Jllagc Hall and ha\"C, "DJd. whr did ~lather ~L1y nf \\.ilmette and bounded by Lake as the C'hici rxpres~es it, "eycrytl~n~ b.1ck at rhc summer hotel in~lichig-an on the cast and the corporstead of coming on this side atr limit of the \ 'i llag.ts of Kcnilwnrth trip with us? " and \\ 'i lmette on the north. west and Pages . nuth-hri ng- that territory consisting "She had our \\'ILMETTE LIFE Automobiles ........... 37-46 of 18 acres more or less and common hsent up here while we' rc on our knn,,·n as "Ko Man's Land." . Book Comment ........... 32 vacatio"n-and this is the day Precinct 1\ o. 5: ,.All that part of Boy Scout Affairs ......... 22 it arrives!" X ew Tri~·r Town. bii>-·i::Iigh Scho')l DisChurch Page .......... .. . 48 trict not included/ in the aboYe preClassified ..· ............ 50-51 cincts ~o,.'l to 4, inclusive. the bounJ.ust c.1ll our Circula-} daries of which are as follows: On the Editorial-Shore Lines .... 28 Cton Departmen·r-say 04 north, the north limits of the Town.·.., Junior Life ............... 36 { . w h e n and w h e r e. ship; on .the .west, the west limits of ... They'll do the test. Society rNews· .. ·.·...... ·. :· .. 30: the Township; on the south, the 'south Theate.r:-s_ ............... ,.. : . 5~. 1it1Jits of >th~ Towl)'ship; and -on the ( Con'tinued on Page 4) 1 1 c · · l j' 1 (I "*1 J \\ . 1 · In This Issue . (Continued on Page 47r

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