Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 46

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46 WILMETTE LIFE ' August 16. 1929 Summer or ·wintPr W oodland Pasture Hat es rallt>d fo r and dPllve r d JH:~TI " f'l\1" S 1 \ DDJ, F. !'IT ALJ,ION 1\ I :\' D S ,\ ~ f' 0 RD ,\T STUD Hor~es H P a~o nabl e Ho·ses lo· Pastu·e New American Austin Car . ] with the pre se nt English model ·· for refinements and change s to to Wetgh Under 960 Pounds form ""ith Am erican practice . The IH' w :\merica'n Austin Car company " ·liich is to produce this small car i11 thio.; cn untry announces th,at the Jnwde l \\·ill be identical in al l respects ---· - - --·--~···· 1 1 DUFFIELD FARMS Trlf'IZ'rnph Rolll1, 1 :lr. S. Rf'hldHP Ud. E. s. , Dlllrnh(·rk, Suprrfntenfltnt TPI. Wa nkf'IZ'fl n .J R16 t·n act· Evanston ,\ turu st 22 Dollar nay, ., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,#####################, H.ARRY DAVIES CO. SILK & DRAPERY SHOPS Read the Want Ads I ~--------------~--~ JjH!l·11 Slwrmun .\H'nnr, En1nston SJIPC'ial Yalnt>s for Dollar Ua:r 19 RIVERSIDE TIRE STORES OPEN SATURDAY . Eight More New Stores To Be Opened by Montgomery Ward & Co. Right in Your Neighborhood 1101 CHICAGO AVENUE EVANSTON Store Hours Saturday:8:30 ·A. M. to 9 P. M. Montgomery Ward & Company opens on Saturday, August 17, eight more new Riverside Tire Stores. This makes 19 in all! Right in your own neighborhood these stores carry every motorist need- tires, batteries, tubes and auto accessories. Easy payments on all tire and tube orders of $25 or more, and Free Tire and Battery Service. save conThe car \\· eigh~ less than 960 pound s ancl has a seventy-five-inch wheelbase al}d ROCK RIVER VALLEY TOUR is powered with a four-clvinder wat er \V,tHILE northern Illinoi s ha s no Yclcooled engine. \'V lnw'> ton e Park or Grand Canyon , it i:-; iar from b eing- \\· itl~out beaut Y, Th e 11ich igan State Pol ic e has pur- vn.:n th ough the sce ncn·. JS le ss · spec.chased a numb er of ne \, . patrol ca rs. tacular. A \·isit to one (~t th c~e beau t{ . One of the features of th ese new auto- ~pnt~ is rccomm end~ d 111 th1 s_ wce.k s mobil es is that the\· are equipped with r ircl e tour arran ged 1}\· t.hc r ounn g radio receiving set . . Detroit ha had Bureau oi The Autonwhdc ~ luh of such j.!TCat . uc cess with radi o-e quippt'd Ill inois. in coo peration wi th tillS ne\\"S motor ca rs that thL· . tate decided w papcr. . usc llk e equipment. T 1e prdt\· lake s o t Lake counh·, as \\·e li a . the mor e rugged topography of the Illinois river valle,· at Starved Ro ck and Deer Park. are '" ell know:1 t1 1 thousand s of aut oists. but co mpa~a ti\·eh· few are aware of the heautl c of the Rock River Valley between Ro ckf ord and Dixon. This i ~ all th e more remarkable when it i ~ realized that such a trip provides ex ce llent cc:ncrete highway s throughout its en t1r <: length. . As a week-end circuit tour th1s has no sune ri or for eithrr good roads nr beautiful scenerv. The trip mav he taken in either · direction. running to Rockford or to Dixon. as de sired. Between the se two cities the road follo\v ~ rlosch· the beautiful Rock River all the, wav and afford s charming vista s at almost even· turn . One of the most, c:;ncctacu1ar views is that at Castle Rock just south of th e citY o f Oregon. " ·hich is located on thi s highway about Hi miles northeast of Dixon.. Here. al~o. arc Si nni ss ip ni Fr1rm . the home d ex-Governor Frank 0. Lowden, and an interesting colom· of Chicago arti . t s. Dixon. an enterprising little city of some 9.000 inhahi!.;n1t s. is noted, hi :-;torica1h-. as the place where Abraham Lincoln sa".· his first and onlv sen ice as a soldier.. Herr. al c:;o , such hi toric;:~l charact<>rs ac:; Tcff Davi s, Zach 'lfV 'I'avlor and Robert Anderson, cl rfcnclcr of Ft . Sumnter. rccei\'ed their militarv training and se rved · as comr~rl<>c:;-in-arms in the day s before the Ci,·i l " ·ar. Tinth Dixon a1Hl Rockfo rd arc imnortant inclu trial~\- . '!\rar thr forll1L' 1· rih· i" lor;:l.tecl an· rnorm r, m Portl::lnd C' elll cnt \fanufacturin'! Plant with ')., :].lllltl~l can;:J.cih· of morr th:-tn 1.000.0(}() h~rr f' l.;; . Six milr s north (\f Dixnn . :lt (:rf1Pd Detour. i.;; the hirtht larr of thr "r(';l t nlnw indn -.: tn· that wa s foundt'd 1),. Tnhn D r crin[T. Fn11nwinu- is the log of thi s tottr: A Week-end Tour rr n \\.,t:: MTLE" North 1101 Chicago Ave., l·: ,·all!-ltnn, Cm . Grcenle:lf 4125 Lincoln Ave., Cmncr \\'arn er 5050 Broadway, X ear :\ rgyk 4413 Milwaukee Ave., ~ l'ar \font rose Note these typical tire prices FIRST QUALITY RIVERSIDE Guaranteed for 16,000 Miles 30x3 Yz 29x4AO 30x4.50 29x4.75 30x5.00 3lx5.25 30x5.50 33x6.00 32x6.50 32x6.75 4-ply 0. S. Cl. 4-ply $ 5.08 . I'Jflr' .\nn : F1·nm 'YrF hinrrtnn nnrl 'firl >io·:l ll h n n] f'V:l nl ~ . \Y f'S t on " 'nsl>in· rtnn h n nl f> Y:1l'l1 . nnrth nn fl n ,. ,.i~<'!1 :-~Yrnll". ,, . ,..s t 0n Lnk 0 c: trpr·t. f n llr>win ~ St:ttt · hi ~ hwn~· l ' i , .,. , . Fr>rP>d \f rlY \\·nnrl \f, , l,· n~,.. P :trk '·lrl i >'(>11 1 . 1 '" ·m i "~rl:t lf' f.'T.C:T'.." r;., , .,l n n 0 11 ·· West 6300 . 22nd St., Hnwy11. Corner II igh land 322:, . North Ave., J l~:->t \\ ' 1..'::--t of Kedzie 3931 ·. Madison St. , :-\car Cra\\'inrd 11 Chicago Ave., Oak Park. ju :-. t \\\'. t of Au.:'t in I~ In I. 743 Madison St., Oak Park. ::\l'ar Oak Park :\vc . 3838 Ogden Ave., Cotner .\ nrs :\ H '. 219 Hill Grove Ave., La Grange 138 N. York St., Ehnhurst f' lwn·v Y ~l ll f' V Pr:tiri·' n ·· !Yill····.. S1 Turn " " " " " 6-ply South 6323 1832 11501 7621 4169 12669 5. Kedzie Ave., Kcar (>3rd St. E . 79!h St., Corner onstancc S. Michigan Ave., Corner 115th S. Hulated St., 1\ ear 7(>th Archer Ave., Nl'ar Francisco South Weatern Ave., Blue hland " " 5.79 6.59 7.98 8.49 10.15 10.59 13.65 15.25 17.85 T~O r' KF()l , 'f > · r,,.,.,,.l J l '('[?'ll ll 2. fnllowin~ <.:nnt h nn Rnut e tlw T!.r iC' k T:.h·rr n .... n,l nptnur J)IXr}:'\· TtP·n ~<:-t>' t :1!?:·in r·n Routr fi . whi<·h i~ :tlsf) th r Lin coln Higll- 1 ()t: 117 1 ~7 !)() 1 :~ :1 ,,..., .. , " 1 ; I j ll A~hton (; 1"'>\'f' 1·1~ ... ' .. ... 148 1fill 1fili r~ "r· hf'll ,. ,...,.,c.:ton "'l ··ltn ·YP.T\ ..\ Ln r. "' 11(·\' :) \\"h ··rtfnq: 171 1-:' ~ 200 'T'urn Besides this line of tires we have SUPERSERVICE RIVERSIDES guaranteed for 30 000 miles, and WARDWEARS, guaranteed 'for 10,000 miles, at proportionately low prices. rn, l·' ft . l N\\'in!! Rontf' fi (J1oosf'\'f·lt rnr~rl). run north int o tlw <'C'nter of th P town, nnd foll nw th e l'nnc'l h~rk to Chicago th··t run~ through ........ . Ellvn ?11 . 214 '>1~ 11 I ,nmh~nl Rlmh11rst "r.., ""'nnrl ?~I f"TTTC' AGO 221i 23R MQNTGOMERY .WARD & CO. TWO MILL10NTH FORD MADE The two millionth Model A was born thC' other ciav and we trust it was taken into the museum to shake hancl s with the fifteenth million Model T. its distinguished ~ncestor. '

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