Aw:rust 16. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 47 SPO~TS (Continued from Page 1) street; third - Jack Allworth, 427 FEATURE BIG/ Eighth street. race, 25 yards. (over 180 COMMUNITY HOLIDAY pounds) First.1. \ \ '. 13orre. 2011 ~fen's Highest Grade pull the hencdicts o,·er the line first and the te11 Yictors. inveterate cigare t :-;moker :=; , cnuld he see11 struggling- man inll~· to smoke cig·ars gi,·cn .a s trophie s illr their triumph. Th ere \\'a keen competition in e:tr h ('\'ent making it difficult for jud ges tn d tcnnine the \\'inner s in the ,.,trl llus ra ce;-;. Field Event Winners Follo\\'ing are the winners of other \\'ilm ettr fielcl da,· e\·cnts: \.iri s' 25-yard race. (under R \'Car s) Fir . t- Jktty Huth Rieser. 1621 C'cntral :tH' nue: !--l'Cond-Hilcla Arneson. 1302 \\'ilmett<' a\·cnne: third-1\fildred PM tL·nhauscr. 1030 Greenleaf avenue. Boys' 2.1-yard rare. (under 8 vcars) First- Donald Garncss. 1700 Highland: . -. ero nci- Graham Finlayson. 731 La urcl · aYenuc . : third - Dick Corhratl, 1605 \\.alnut avenue. -lO yard race. (girls under 10 .\'Cars) First-Dorothy Davis, 520 Park ;tvenue; srconcl - Aclelaicle Koenan. 1710 Forest avenue . : third-Pearl Ander"on. _q:; P:trk avenue. ~0 yard race . (ho. vs under 10 ,·ea rs\ 1 Ftrst -Os~ar Arneson, 1302 \\'alnut: i "econd- C harles Moon. 822 Park an' mte: third-Eric Samuelson. 1225 \Vil m et tc aYe llltc. 40 yard race. (girls under 12 ,·ears) First-Dorothy Davis. 520 Park a\·elltl<': s<'cond-Frances Schmitz. 16.14 \\'alnut a\·enue; third-Celia Saxon. ·~ i38 Eleventh street. . -lO yard race. (boys under 12 vears) First - Ho\\'ard Ball, 1609 Central avenue: ~econd -Frank Koenan. 1710 Forest a,·enUl' . : third-Rill Jenkins, 630 Lake aven uc. \ Girls' race. 50 ~-ards. (under 15 vears) First-Else H)!] Reinsperg, 726 Laurel a ,·enuf: second-Elaine Angclbeck. 16.10 \\·a In u t an n u e ; · t h ir d - Jean \funro, 1119 Elmwood avenue . . Sack race_ for girls. (open) Firstl·.lsc von Re111sperg, 726 Laurel a venue: ~ccond Elaine Ange1beck, 1630 \\'a Inut aventH': third-El~ie .P~terson, 1o2:'f Central avenue . .~on' race. SO yards, (under 15 yeus) hrst- Jack Allv.·orth, 427 EiQ"hth street: second-Xed Shapker, 823 Centra l av<'uue; third-Mark Simonds. R34 Sixteenth street. 0irls' race-SO yards (15 to 21 ,·ears) Ftrst-Dorothy Kummer. 1706 \Va.shingto.n avenue; second-Tillie \Vilson. 611 f:tnclen a\·enue; third-Rhea Koll, 1412 1·.1mwood avenue. · ( 15 tn 21 Boys' race. 50 yards. years) First-Rollin Simonds 834 Sixteenth street; second-Rav 'Goss '"?O s · · I _.,_ ~ c\·enth street; thtrd-John Yf cDowell. 512 Fifth street. \Vomen' ~ race, 25 yards. (over 160 pouncls) Ftrst-Mrs. Daniel M. Davis . .120 Park avenue; second-Mrs. ]. F. Hoff. 1345 Elnnvood avenue; third-Mrs. Frank Herrens, 135 Sixteenth street. 50-yard shoe scramb le. (boys 11 to 14 years) First-Stuart Fitzhugh, 1522 Central avenue-; second-Paul Schmitz \Vilmette Rural Route 2 · third-Ton; ' Finlayson, 731 Laurel avc;;uc . .. Men's r.ace, 40 yards. (over 35 years) F1rst-Daniel M. Davis, 520 Park <1\'Cnue . : second-}. \V. Borre. 2011 Schiller street; third-C. A. Dahleen, 1725 \\' ashington avenue. _Sack race for boys. (open) FirstBill Sherman, 714 Washington avenue; second - Robert Meter, 114 Fourth 1 Schiller ~t rect: scconcl- -Dr. D . \\'. Rapp, 40(J Par·k an~ nue: third-F. J. Borre, 3115 Lake avenue.' \Vomen':-; race. 50 yards. (over 21 years) First-~Irs. Gertrude Fanckhoner. 1232 Lake avenue; sccond-~hs. Fred Bailey, 1303 Crcgorv; third- ~hs. Helen Schlier, 1629 Cent~al avenue. .).len's race. 50 yards. (ove~ 21 years) F1rst-A . R. Eddington. 724 Eleventh street: seconcl- Gh.·n \\'. Gathercoal Illinoi s road; third- D. C. Stone, \Vii~ mette avenue. Other e\·ents L)i tht claY arc recorded in othrr Clllumns of thi~ issue. - -- · - UPHOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery F~brica AN~IQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Mattresses and Springs Ma<le to ·Order H. G. LINDW ALL 808 Oak Street Highest Grade Upholstering Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 I\IWWW\l\IWV\Mli/\/UV\1\IUUUV SKOKIE RIDGE ~fhere is unmistakable quality in Skokie Ridge homes. Convenience, livability, sound construction and reasonable prtces are some of the factors which make for high standards. BAIRD & . WARNER Briargate 1855 Office: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe Phones: Glencoe 1554 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Bluff Street, North to Dundee Road and West to Entrance. 5~1% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice Improved North Shore Suburban resIdence property at 5lh% lntereat. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 10 8. LaSalle St. Suite 7!8 Telepllooe Franklin 7748 0