WILME T TE LIFE August 16. 1929 I News of Interest to Jl;J ethodist Church (l. l111lt··r. p;J!--tror nf nnr· r,f thf' d1urdw~ in Kan ~as. will lw the pr<>a<'h··r nt·Xt !'unda~; tnornin~. All wh11 l:lrg-t·~t Church-Goers of . Our Village callwdral ·himE'S as a m e mo~ial. Spa ce W< ts br .. ught hy l.Jr. .J o hn E. Humm o n , is IH:i ng IPft in the t o w e r f o r JU~t such a pastr ·r rof Luth e r )J ·ll'lorial Luth e ran c·hun·h, < 'hicagn. Gre ·tings from 'hi<.:a.~n memurial. Luth· ·l'alt <'hurc:hf':- \\'t· r e brought by th e H··\·. :\ . E . Ft ·~~. past o r r,f Xr11·woo d Park EYang(·lit.: a l Luth em n church, and th e 1-tH·. A . K n itsdwh, pastor nf Beth e l LuVere Y. Loper, l\Iini~ter . · thHan vhun ·h, C h i('Hg"IJ . Thl' HL' , .. Pau l \V. \ \ . illiam E . )Tf'Conna <: k, A~soctat e I f:tl1:-h t-- w, p as tor nf ()LIJ' L- nitHl Luth e ran c httr..!1 at ) J,JIHO f' \·iJI . Ind ., and a <'las~ )fr. Lop e r ·w i ll occ upy t~ e pul~it on m :J t·· rof (Jtll' pastur in th f' th (J!flgica l semsund·t\' morning-. flis subJt-d Will h, . inai ' Y, wa s a lso pr ~f·nt and e xte nd e d .'.\\·: 1 1 ~t.f:'fl-)fnr e H (· r e ti<' s." .:H is s Emi.ly grt·l'till~s fr o m th e· ~li v hig:lll Synod of Th e t·nitt·<l LtltiH·ran c hurcb in Am ... ri ca. Pa!-'- H ,,J>H t s, thf· nrg:1nist nf lh <' f'hur r h . Will t"r l l an~Jww ddiY ~: r d tlw m e~!-'agr.. at th t- Ill' : 1 t th f' organ f()r the fi~nl Sunday b c·:IHII'ltillg· spr\'ict'. Th e actual l ay ing of fon· ~h <· ~flf·S n n lwr \'::tf'atiOn:, He~ num lJt· l'~ will l1(' ~oeturn P from A :\IIdsum l h·· stron·· w as in c·harg·(· of pastror Emp~nn . Th· · ,.,,fJJH·r ,·rlltlain~"r whi ·h \\'a!' pla('Nl in n wr Xight' s nH·am," hr l\T nde l sso h n : tht· , ., ,nH·r~tr·n e was i n L· h:trg e r1f C'larf:'nc·· And: 1ntr.. < ·antahil~· frnm "Fourth ~ym Lint ·IH·rgt·r. f'hairman r,f th e c rdnmitU··· fill phflli;.· ." by \ \ .idr,r, and ")f arche Tnumph;·l. " by L<·mm f' n s. < 'hun ·h J ll,...;ttl!·~· . ..\11 intf'n·:-;ting f·n· nl in th· · s;· n ·k·· W; t:-: :\1 i:-:~ Eth r- 1 I lo·idt ·, c·ro l~tr:tltn r: f th1 · tlH· :ttTi\·;tl r,f a td1 ·g ram fn·m :\l r. and ··hurl· h quartPt, wil l be th o· snlotst on )frs. A. I f. ffomrigh : l\1~ rof To!Hif· . in whil'h tht · \· offf:n·d to donatf· an a l tar Sttnrlay n 1o r nin: r t:" nclt· rin~ tw?. numbe~ s : Lo\'e ~~~~ cro~s f,,,. thf' nf'w churrh a~ a t o ken to "Light," hy StP\'(· nf-:on . and 1Jr . _·\ . l f r,mrighau~ . Tht:· off£."r was th P \Yorld," by .'ullh·an. ~r : tt...t'ully :t('('PJHerl . T IH· nc·\\' b uil ding ln th 1· n.IJf-'r·n(·f> of tlw H(·g lnnPr~ supE-rwill l,r. dt·dh-atNl SUJ1Wtinl<· ill So\'emb c r . Th· · larlit· s <Jf thf' \\·onl n's )fi ssionary int;·JHlr·nt, ) l iss ElizabPt h Fnx, th e B e:O:I·I'if't\' hrt\'fo annomwt·d tlw dat(' r·f tlH~ ir ginn<.. r:-: will be in <'hargP nf Allison ~urg P . Rt'rtha '\Y hPe l or k, t h e Pnmnry :t lllltJ :;I fa ll rl innt: l' as t ht· t· \···lling of ~I'Jl· :\! iss t· ·ln llf·r :!';' . Thi~ i~ :tn ""(·nt whic h h:t!-' Supt·J·intt' tHl t·nt, i s sti ll ir} CCI !nrado. S l1·· h:1 :-: r·r·nt i nuNl lwr w o t·k in thP Wt'St a!' 11 1d with c·,n:-:irlPrahk fa \'OI' in rour ('0 111IJlttllit\· lwr·a us; · c,f tht· t·X ct: ll < ·nt foorl and :t llH ·ni hc·r flf thf' far·uJty ()( 1-!tatt. roll'! l.! (o·lltt\\.'ship th tl!" marlt· ;t\·:t ilalllt·. 'flH· flp- pr·fl JIIt·'~ f'IJI1f('n·nr·(·s gi\'ing in~tn.tC'tlon 111 ll l:t 11d frll · pla· ···:-: :1 t I h< · tahl· · will ht · tt ·;J dH·l' training for Prim:tlT n partmE>nt !~T··at··r tli:tll < ·Y· ·r \\'t · Hl't· s urt· . A ssur P wrd 'l\ in whic·h shf' is a rt·r·rognizecl :-t\1rrotii'St·lf :t lJ}a('t· 1,~ · pJ;wing l'f·Sf·l'\'atir111 :-: tiH·ritY . lf (: r , ·o r!< in \Yilnwl tf' is bf'ilt!.! \\'ith :1 nw nJ IIt ·:· of th· · ~ J i:-: :-:i · · I J ary Srwit·t ~· t·ff··r·t f,·c·l \' rn rl'i .-·<1 ron l·y lwr t t' n f' h P r~ . ..\ Tr . Lo ]H;r \\'ill han· C'hnrgr of th f' Junio r as ~~~ron ns possiblf' . Thv L uthd' j p;:tg U· · will hrtld its Bi- :t nrl lnt r rnw<liate <l P partnknt~ on SuiHlay . \\'t·t· l\1.' · I lt · \·r,tir,nal Tt·a, ~lllldny H·tninr. .\ 11 rlt' PHI'tnwnts 11\l' (·t at lf\ r/dr,<:k :~n d l wg il tllir Jg rtl 6 ::FJ to 'C' l·wl\ . Til·· young- tll· · l' hun·h st·r\'kt: is :t t · ·l1·n· n rlunn !.! JII·ropJ;. of th;· cr,mmunity an· urgt ·rl to till· Stltnl1l(·l". :t tlt·nd thr·H· Sf'l'\'iC(·.·. .\l··n1rorial 1-dfts t!.· th<· nt·\\· l'lllll 'dt slH·ttl<l GIVE BEACH PARTY lw . s;·IPr·tt·d IH1W. Tht'l' f' ar·· a mtmbt:r 1 rot' itt·m~ ,,·hi<'h <·oulfl lH · tt !-'('(1 ;1:-: nH~- I ~r r. and 1f rs .. L. ( . Torrey gaY c a ntr·ri :tls. J·asu,r Em.psr·n will b t- glarl tn picnic s upper on the \ \ ' i lmctte heacl : <·t·JJf··r \\'ith yr.n and help you in th e TuesdaY cn·ning ft r the employe~ ot s t·lt--r·t ir1!1 of . a suitable nH· morial. Tlw c·ost f'an lJ·· arranged to suit your ahilit~-. the C h icago Rapirl Transit cornpan , ·. \\.inrlr.ws ,,f rie h stainNl g-lass maJ,, . \'H~· o f \\·hich the host is secretary and fillt · nh·mt~ria l s. Th1· hapti :-: mal fnnt treasurer . .\fte r the beach party they \\·r,t lld nwkt · a svknrlirl nJt·nHo r i:tl in mrm- entertained their guests in their home rory rof a ('hi lrl . I t is (·:'qH·I'tt·d t lut t in timt· !-'romHoiH· wi ll \\·ant t o rl ronalt· a st·t nf at 134.1 Elm\\'OOd a\'Ct1t1<' . ... Pz-. I!. ha\·(' hl·:tnl him l H· f··l 't· will want tro h ··a r him ag-ain . JJr. ll r·lt.-r is :t spl·ndicl t-p~·ak. · r with a w ··rt h-whilf' nw:-sagl'. It i"' hr·JH·rl that :1 Jarg-r· r·oJlgn·~ati .. n \\' ill gn ·d hiJ n n··xt ~llrHla~· monling at 11 r·'l'it·('K. Tlw pn ·adwr fr,r .-\ugu~t ~.) is !>r. (;eiJI'gl · I frdlistr·r, prof··ssr, r at Ohiro \\- {'sl~>yan uni\·;·rsity. 0111' own pastror will hf' in tl11 · pulpit tilt- tir!-1 ~nrHiay ill ~Pp t<'mbr·r . l:r·m· ·nll.r·r thf· c·lass f··r IJJ(·IJ antl \\'ro mf'I J whi('h mN·ts f:'Very ~uwi : J ,. lllfJI'nin~ at !'I :~!0. L . 1'. I>r· nu~·r·r is tlir · l!·:wh;·r. ( 'onw and ;·l!j()y thf· ft-llrowship :tllrl inl--piration in thi s {'lass . will ·wc·up~· the pulpit of this chun.: h rluring the month of August. .'Prtnfln Tr,pi <.:: "ThrPe R's of Re l igion." To all who t-nj11y a h ·l pfu l hour of wor~hip w e ~i \ 't- a ··r,rdial welcome, vh;itors arc inYitr·rl tr, r f' turn again, strangers may makf' thi s c hurt'h th e ir p lace of spir itual f e llows hip . Yr. u are always w e lcomE: :tt th f' \\.i lmH!t- J'rf·shyt£." rian f:hureh. S(' hronl at ~~ :aO r,·r·lr,r·k f r,r all fl . Ri c£·, suw·rint·· ltd t·nt. Th e ,\rtult BiiJif' f'lass will mf'!·t at 10 A . )J., in thr · l'f'<tl' r,f thP . r·hnrr·h :tt lrlitorium . ~ I r~ . E . 1·. :-;<'httlz. ]t.. adf'r. ~unrla~· Congregational Church <t~t·!-' . 1~ . Thr · r· hun·h ·ofli<'r· is ro pt · IJ rl:tily, ··xce pt frr·m ~~ ::{11 1r1 11 :::o A . )f. He\·. nn ·lht·J' . will takt· l'(ll't' of all pastoral Sf·n · ir·~· s during- Augu ~ l . TPIPphront· \ \.ill ll l·ttr· };j';:i . ~aturdav Til(· f'hurdl r.mc·(· is r· JI· ·n daily, and arrangrnwnts fnr any pastor:ll s;·n·i('f: may bf' marl<' thr·rf' by r·alling \\'ilml'ttr· 2:14R. During th(· mllnth ,,f ~··Pt· ·n dll' l'. \\'r·dn(·sday ni~hts will l11 · r··s.·n·,.rJ for ··rn Jf pn·nc·p pt'trprl~(· s n ~ in ·.th··r ~···:trs. Th f' lti'W :-;prit·!-' ,,f Ft·llro\\·:·dtip s ··r ·,·i····' will bf' gin O c tohf·r 10. St. Augustine's :-;uiHlay, .August 1 ~. wi ll IH· th f· t\\' e lfth ~un<lay H ftf'r Trinity. Th(·l'f· will bf' I loly ('l!mmunion :1t k A. :\l. anrl ~ T fotning l'r:Jyt ·J· with Arldn·ss al 1 I A . :\f . TIH · ~ · ·n i· · · ·~ IH ·Xt StllHl :t \' will lo r· t·t·lldtl (' ldl J,r th(· J:, ., .. ..Austin ·l 'arrlUP, r <·<· t··r :1 t llil.l,ing , ~l i1111 .. \\'hro i :-: ill r·harg-·· 11f :-'t. .\llgtt :-: tinr ·'!-' parish during- .·\tl~\1~1 . TilE Fr l i L\L\1, 1!1'1·: .:\'J.'\1; (IJ-' Tlli :: l'\E \ \' Hl'JI,fll.'\(; \\'ill ··Xt· ·IHl fr··IJJ :-it ·Jl - 1 111·. c' ;,r ll'lflll, lh· · l't·l'lfll', Jll'· ·ar· hr ·<l It· t f'Jllllt'r 1!1 tr, ()d{lhJ·r 1:: and will in('}Ud·· 1 lh· · l: ·o.\' ~l'f>tlfs r,f th .. :'\1·rlil Shr1l'f · An ·a tlw ffllllo\\'ilt:J ('\'(·ll.tS IIJ)(·ning- 111N·ting- r.r Li!-'1 ~tllula~:. at (' :.tli1Jl ~la-Ka-.J~-\\'an in th·· wr1nH ·n 111 IIH·Ir ,.,, mpl··t ·· rl ror·ll l - thf' ""I tl11 ·r n \\ I S(' f·ll~llr at a lllt·l'llltlg ··P · ll:~r\ ·t · 1' t lfrqn· · <linn· ·t·, a l't · f 't· pli~tll r.r ()p ·rt :til :-··n·ir ·o ·. J[oust· t ro lh·· ,·r.mnlttnity-a ~tlllll:t~· gi\·1·11 I ---to n·ligiott !-' ··dtiC'atillll with :Jil :lf lrllt· SS II\' nr . \\'. S Hro\·a nl :tll<l t lw in:-;t :tll:tti"n ,;f " thf' tr·adl··rs anrl otli C' f' I' S, a st·rntr·lt J,,· :-i· · n·nth ~trr···t :tt <:r···· lil<·:tf Bishop II ughr ·!-' on (ktoiH· t.:. 6, a nrl :t gT··:t t < ':t rl I. Emp~flll, past or Offi<'ia l "'·:trrl, ~unrla:v . Or:to llf·r 1::. HE ~[' J !E TO HESEH \ 'E ~1.:'\ 1 >. \ Y. Till ·: T\ \ '1-:l.FTII ~1 . .:\' 1>.- \ Y . \ Jo'T I·:J: O<'TOBEI: 1; " ('f·m· · what !Jt :ty · ~ a'·" TIUX ITY this day.:· ~~ : 1~· .-\ . ~1 . Sundav sdJO(I I ll· ·nry l :··pl>t·, :lf'ting s upf'rint (.. ndent 11 .\ . :\ I . ~rorning worship ~··r·rll'·IJ: "(lUI' ~td l ir·iHwy Is of l:rHl" Xinth s tr· ···l at (in·<'nlt·af <tn·nut·. Tht · o·c,rn··rstO IH' rof thP 11('\\" c h urr ·h Ut · \ . ('lytlt· lt;tnrlolph \\·hr ···la11d H. I'·· w:t !-' laid last Sunday aft<·rnoon v>i t h apministf·l' 1\J,,rning wr.r ~ hip at 11 ro'l'}t,!'l\ . l !f·\'. pnopri:t t· · ('(·l'(·J11fJnit'~. A sp l l' tHl id c· t·o w rl M:tt'<·t ts Crt·th. ·r. As :-; isl:ttlt .\l inistH rof tlw g:tthH··rl ron thf· fl oor ,, f thf' JH·w bu il ding Fir!--! l'n ·s b~· tt·ri:~n ('hun·h r,f (l:tl\ !'ark, :11 :~ f' . :\T. T iw adtl rt ·s~ fr,, · tiH· da~· I Engl·sh Lutheran I First Presbyterian Yard s C HI CAGO EVANSTON Residence of Mr. and ~Irs. Clarence E. Rosenfel s 299 Marshman Street, Highland Park U niversity i700 H t ' BBAIW Wilmette 289 D EERF IELD Woons - filii 1111 IIIII III Ill - WILLIAM B. LUCKE Plumbing and Heating Manufacturer of Lucke Leakproof Bathtub H a ngers- Patented 514 E. RAILROAD AVENUE Phones : Wilmette 2020-2021 11111111111111111111 r ·- I ! PAtJL PHILLIPS · Plaster Contractor and Repair J¥ork 828 OAK ST. WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 2181 ·-· 'i L: I I I Klaber f5 Grunsfeld, Architects -~- 111111111111111111~ ' John H. Davies BUILDER _ _j !L...;;;;;;; .; ,; ;.,; .~;,; ; ; ; P; ; ; ; ; .h=o=n=e;,; ; ; ; ;W~il=m=e;.; ; ;t ;.; ;.;e=16=6=4~~~=·..:.;;;.;;;;~~~~~~ 1 WIIJ\1ETTE COAL & MATERIAL Co. 1301 LAK E A \ ' E. Wilm ett e 4200 (; rN·nlt·uf 4200 L Our Flagstones Ill ake Beautiful Walks I 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette