.Aug-ust 16, 1929 WILMETTE CHRISTIAN SCIEN;CE SERVICE LIFE 49 Mark Cresaps Return to Kenilw~rth ·After Visit "Soul" "rill be the subject .of the serv·· ice!' in the First Church of Christ, :Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Crc ap of Scienti:-;t, in '\Vilmette Sunday morning, 535 \Varwick road, Kenilworth, spe nt August 18, at 11 o'clock. Sunday last week-end at Sewickly, Pa., as th e school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. guests of their daughter, Mrs . Samuel Comly. They are spending this week ::\f rs. ·Charles Howard Bent, 338 Melin :t\c\\' York and will return on Sat- rose a\·enue, Kenilworth entertained at urda r to their home in Kenilworth. a sma ll luncheon in honor of Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. vVilliam Keys and their E. ~ilk. at th e ~ilde e r Country club, daughter, Margaret Keys, of Ne\\. Pll Thursday oi thi s week. The Silks York will be with the Cresaps for thi s are occ upying the Rufus Porter home 'reek-end. Mark Cresap, Jr., who has been touring the Pacific coast with on Cumnor road. \\·h ile the Porters are spe nding- the season at their summer t \\'o of hi s college f riet,1ds. \\'ill return llnmc on Tu esda\·. ~1ark Jr. ha~ been home in ~1ainc. -ogo11e over a month visiting Ycllowstone ~Iiss Samarida M uellcr. gradl' music Park, Vancouver, Seattle,ancl California. supervisor at Jefferson City, Mo., \\'as \\"alter Cary. son of ~1r s. Cl'orgc L. the guest of Miss Marian Baldwin of Mart in. of 1046 Elm\YOOd avenue. re- 1117 Greenll'af avenue, la st \\'eek. ~!iss turned Tuesdav from a month at M ucller, who attended summer school Broken Bow, -Ne b . 'Mr. anci ~Ir s. at Lake Fore st last year, studied at Martin had as \\'eekend. guests ::\f rs. the Musi c sehoul at· :\L1rth\\Tstern uni \V. A. Sloan and her niece. ::\f rs. Levi \·er sity thi :-; stttnmcr. -oThompson, who were on their \\·ay to ~1 rs. Cc rge Derbyshire, ni Philatheir home in \Vatseka, Til., from Portdelphia. i~ the hou se guest of t-.1 r. and land, Ore. ~Irs.\\·. 11. ::\fusc hlet, 119 ~1apk a\·e-oM rs. Robert S. S\\·ailll. 701 Laurel 11 t1 <:. - 0a\'enue, ha s a s her guest her :--istrr-in).Ir:;, L. F. Cates. 723 I·:ighth street, law, Mr s. Harry Thompson. fn1m Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Swaim's daugh- has gl~lle to \\'a ter sn tcet, \\'is. lHl a t·.,·o ter, ).frs. Stanley Olmsted. Danrillc. "cek~ _ t! ~ hing trip. Til.. and her children spent the week e11d with her \\·hilc StanlcT Olmsted wa.;; at Camp Grant. · -0- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen Wilson Miss Clementine Eastman, daug-hter of Cincinnati are expected to arrive of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Eastman, of in \Vilmctte Sunday evening -for a 1027 Elmwood avenue, is at Phantom short stay with Mr. Wilson's sister., Valley ranch, in Colorado, and will ue Mrs. ] . B. Marshall of 1040 Elmwood I there for a few more w'e eks before · rea venue. turning to Wilmette. ·Confidence In Vry Cleaning Putting your apparel into our hands gives you the satisfyin~ assurance of care and responsibility in our craftsmanship and service. Jf;JRTHSIDE CLEANERS 4- DYERS COMPANY Telephone: WINNETKA 1987 ~~Chicago's Largest Cleaners" !\frs. J nhn F. ~{aher, 1776 \\·a . . hington a\·enuc. and her son and daughter. Jerome and France . . returnt"d last \\'eck i rom northern \ \·i sco nsin. \\'llL·re they spe nt about a month . .\fr s. 1\Iahcr's sister, Mrs. A. F l't7,ncr. arrin·d todaY from Detr oit inr a thn'e (If fl)lll' werks' visit. 1-.fr. and ~Ir s. N. ]. \fcrgenthakr. 210 Catalpa place, left Tuesday tn spe tHl a· \\'eck in Cleveland. 0., and in tended alsn to go to Baltimor e. ::\[d. Their daughters. Elaine and .\farj()ry. are l~a\· ing Sunday for Lake Ceneva, \\'ltere the y will spend t\\'O \\eeb. I ~----------------------------------------·----------------------------~ I I I I I -o- Invest in Stable Real Estate Securities Our Evanston and North Shore First Mortgages and Bonds offer you the maximum security for your invested funds. Untroubled by fluctuations, they represent par at all times. Inter· est is immediately available 'vhen . due. ..L\nd you always know \vhat income your investments will return. Six or Six and one-half «f"tpercent is a generO'f4S yield. -olhtd Th:nJJJan, and l1i~ t\\'0 sisters, Doroth~· ancl Bemire, \rhn have bern cruising the ~no"· IsHugh ~rhaddekc. · .... lands . Ontario, Canada. in the schooner, "Hilaria," will r etnrn thi s w<.'e k aiter the _ ,. join :\fr. and :\Irs. Schaddeke \\ htl a re at (~rand 1 -fa\'L'll, \ficiJ. \lr. and ::\1r s. H. :\ . (~aiJtzcl. 327 l .iiHkn a\'Cuue. and . their daug·h tc r, D()J'u thy. are IL'a\'in .~· at the end of this \\'eek ior a 1rip to the Ca st. After touring the East, they ,,·ill Yisit in \\'c..,tficld. I,ll.. bdt) rc returning home. -0- -o- 'l'hc ::\1i sses Lucille and Janice \Vc .~t. former \Yilmette re sidents, are retttrtling tP their hom e in San Cabriel. Cal.. after \·isitinl.! : iencb and rdati\·es in 1\ L'\\' York, Bo ~ ton. and (111 the north shore. I Fitted Overnight Cases Special at $15.00 $17.50 . $22.50 and $25.00 Jr lh, f JoHN F. HAHN, Incorporated ESTABLISHED 1899 Bonds, Mortgages, Real Estate, Insurance, Renting Greenleaf 2700 1617 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON Rogers P~rk 5115 ~~Aw~ "'W'OI!!· I E~T 2~~ IS511 CHICAGO ~-------------------------------------------------------------------···