Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1929, p. 51

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Au~ust 66 16, 1929 FOR RENT-ROO~IS WILMETTE FOR SALE-HOUSES 7 tiFE FOR SALE-HOUSES 79 ACREAGE .t ESTATES 51 FURNISHED R00:\1 FOR RENT~ gentleman preferred. $4 a week, Ph. Wilmette 623. 66L47-ltc LARGE LIGHT HOVHEKEEPING room. Near trans. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66LTK47-1tp FOl{ H.EKT room. East U140. 6'; ~ide WILME~fTE I NTERIOR ~ FOR SA.LE 20 ACRE CORNER, 1990 F',I'. OF FRONTage. 1 mile from Northbrook. Price $800.00 · ver acre. 10 ACRES OF WOODLAND Deerfield. $900.00 per acre. NEAR CHAR:\H~G ~OR~IANDY E~GLISH KICELY FURNISHED home. Ph. Wilmette 66LT47-1tc brick r el'idence. Beautiful, setting, large ground~. near lake. 4 master bedrooms, dres~ing room, Bleep ing porch, 3 bath!', 2 maid's roo m s and bath. Attached garage. Tile roof, hot water h ea t, ~ew port to il e r. Price greatly r edu ced for quick sa le . $60,000.00. DECORATOR MUST SELL her c harming East side Brittainy Cottage. 3 sleeping rooms, attractive fireplace, finish and fixtures. Most exc lu::;ive section. Price $15,000. Wilmette 698 77L47-ltc PA.UL SCHROEDER & CO. 418 Linden AYe. L. B. ANDERSEN Northbrook, Ill. Northbrook 54 79L47-ltp FOR RENT-APART~IENTS SALE-TRADE-RENT 746 Elm St. REALTORS ·winn etka Winn. 1617 i7LT~47-ltc }'OR SALE-CEMETERY LOTS LINDEN CREST APTS. vVILMETTE 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 .ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive locati on,. you will find well-arranged apartments. All apartments have ou tside r ooms which provide an abundance of light and a ir. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and ~ hoppingfacilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. :\ RTIS'f'S H 0 l\tll·~ New 7 room Colonial home, 2 bath s, 2 - " - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - car .~arage, large lot. FOR SALE-CASH-CEMETERY LOT in section C No. 364 Memorial Park, near chape_ l. Will sell for less than mar7 as Elm st. Winnetka 142 k et price. Tel. Winnetka 3240. 77LTN47-1tc 81LTN46-2tp Sl\1ITH & BROWN QUINLA~ & 'fYSON, INC. Wil. 460 67LTN2-tfc REALTORS 424 Linden AYe. I'HA<.'TlC'ALLY XEW 8 H00:\1 BH.I C' K Spnn i~h home in 'Vinn e tka . Tile roof, :l l.Jath~. maid ~uite on 1st, 4 huge ~leeping· rooms, 2 solid til e w a ll baths nn 2nd. 'Gn u spa lly large r(:'<'eSR~·d li\'ing- l'(IO!ll, huge dining room ant.l kit(·hen . " 'n lnut finish throughout, Unu~ual hall and sta irca~e, oil lwat. (:'lee l'(:'frig-. :\£any ef(·sets. Attracth·e lot \\'(·11 lan<lH·aperl in most exe lusin~ sel'tion. :\InY ing to 'X. Y. ~rust st:>ll. J>rke $32,500 for qui c k a ti on. BEST £_1\ST SIDE RUY 67 FOOT LOT NEAR LAKE AND "L." l mprovements all in. Lot landscap ed. Only $10,000. WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS \-V ANTED-SEPTEMBER 10, IN WIN- PAUL SCHR·O EDER & CO. 4 I S Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 77L47-ltc n e tka, room or rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished, with or without meals. Preferably in well-located private h o m e . Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat, Suttons Bay, Michigan. 85LTN46-tfp KEWCO~IER, FOR SALE OR RENT X e w mod e rn hom e. i );nge rooms, 2 t il l:' baths, laY. 2-ertr garage. Price $25,000 ot· $1 SO Month. Ca ll Winnetka 77LTN47-ltp 3 34X or ~ee your broker. P.:\DL SCHROEDER & CO. ~IS THE BRONX NILES CENTER 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, light, modern. Near Dempster "L" terminal statitm and North Shore electric. 29 minutes to loop. Linch·n A\·e. REFINED YOUNG GENtle man, desires room in privat e home. He fe r e n ces exchanged. Address B-186. 85LTN47-ltc Wilm ette 6!lR 77LTX47-1 t C~L~SLT.-\L .Jl-~'1' Hl·:lXC: wa!'~ll'd !Jrid;:, GLEXCOh HOCSE <'0.\IPLETBD, M. J. FAHERTY Dempster Street at Bronx Ave. Phone Niles Center 93 ,;;LT~~~-tfl' FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, s team heat, janitor f'erv ice, near trans port at ion. Call \Vilmette 1800. 67LTN39-tfc 1ST OF OCT. APARTMENTS AVAILahle in Smith Bldg., \\.innetka . $65. Ph. Winnetka 11~. 67LTN43-tfc WHITE 7 large ro om~. :l hath ~ 1·nmph· tt-· l:t \·. :tlHI 2 l":ll' attal·hecl g·aragt· ~th · l t·a~t·nwnt window~ with r oll awny ~l'l't't ' ll!-', hrt-akfa!'t Jl(lok. :lrcl floor fin i!'IH'd if d< · ~irt-d. Lot (i5x1SO. \\rt>~ t t;](·JWOt· ]ovatio n. Excell~nt tenn~ $:l5,(100. FOR SALE: RAVINIA. IS87 PLEASANT Ave. New brick and stone r es idence : 1 REFINED FAMILY WITH TWO ca r garage: H. W . Heat: automatic hot grown children-moving from Detroitwater: tile bath; Lav. on 1st. floor: 4 ha s a s ked us to find a two-bath, four hloek~ fr(·m train station. $16.000. Terms bedroom house to rent at $175. Must Phone H. P. 1293. 77LTN47-ltc have garage and good heating plant. We have a large number of r eC'o mmended clients who are HU~GALO\V al'king for houses and apartl <' lYE H00l\f BG~GALOW, CHOICE ments for this Fall. }()(:<~ tion. Price $11,500, ~ma II down payment. IJalnnce like r e nt. Call Win- li:\MT T'P~o IE" TlTlnn~T'P n IHI1J>ffi'1'1'1~(Q nt' tka 334S. . 77LTN47-ltp Jl\J'ilu ~ lf' l..!:ll \9ll ~ \WililJ..L~~ - 89 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES FOR SALE HilS ('hkago .\Yt'. ( lrt·f'nleaf 722 0 77LTN47-ltc FOH SALE ATTHACTIVE BRICK h!lu se. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, oil heat, briek garnge, beautifully landscapea Only $49,000. \Vinnetka 1194. 77LTN47-ltc S JX HOOM HOUSE FOH SALE. GOOD l618 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7220 89LTN47-ltc' lt~ W .: \ ~'I' EO TO HUY-l'~t;u CARS FLAT FOI{ !{EXT. FOCit !lOOMS V>ITH hath, sun porc h. Hemo(h·led. Furnaf'f' IH·at. \\'i lm ette 43i4. fl7LT47-ltn 112 SeYcnteenth St. 211 SeYenteenth St. .\Vilnlette I.nok at tllt'~t · IH'<ll"ly tW\\' BI{IC'K OL OXI:\L 1-10~18~ and then tt'll u:-; whn t ~·o u will pa~· for them. Th t>y mu ::;t be :-tdd . Tht· prict' i:" sut·pt·ising-ly lo\\'. eond iti o n. Rea~onable. netka Talk B193. Write Win77LTN47-ltp WA="TED - AT ONCE, OLD FORD rondster for $50 ea~h . Good tires and motor. f'h. Kenilworth 309. 98LTN47-ltp 69 FOR REXT-HOUSES 79 ACREAGE & ESTATES MORE WANT A D S ON PAGE 51 FOH RE~T F{.HXISHED OR "CNFPRNished a pleasant hom e o,·e rl oo king- Indian Hill Cluh. 4 lw dm om~. 2 haths, s lee ping- p nrd1, 2 <'HI' gn mge, ex<·e llent h ea ting plant. 2 hind;:~ from Indinn llill Station. :\Irs. flt·nn· A. Ynte~. Winnetka 2:'5:~. · · 6\H,T:\47-ltc FOR HEKT: XOJ!Tll E.-HiT \\TNXET ka, 7 room hfiUSt" JW\\'ly o eC'o ra terl, one <'ar g-arage, hot wat er h eat. Rent $135 per month . Appl~· 7!1!i Foxdale Avt>. T e le phont· V\'innt-tka 164u . fi!lLTX4i-ltp F'OH RE.:\T-6 W..>O~I I !On·;~ AXD SlT::'\ parlot·, ~ ('HI' £:':11'. Exct-llent tratJ R}). \\·ritt· Life B-l!t2. flfH.4i-1t" C. R. ~TOR:.VL\~ & CO. WYATT & COONS Offer SE'\'l'...HAL r\C'RF. TRACTS IN THE ( '(HJ.l':TI{ Y HOME DISTRICT WEST OF LAKE FOREST :w act·eR, 20 minut e driv e to Lake Fort>st depot, !'urroundf'd by some of Lake County's nHlHt attractive ef<tates, mlling and Il aY ing- tht· hig-he~t point in this sE'etion g·iving· a commanding Yiew foi· many mill's. Priee $600.000 } Wr act·e. HF:ALTOHS J;:X<"'U'SJYE AGEXTS 11:)7 (\·ntntl AYe . ".ilme ttt· 3!l6 6 77LT47-lt (' .\TTit.-\('Tl\'E ti IUHHl IIO~n: WITIII:'\ lO!l a('l't'~. 10 minutes west o f Lal<e Fot:l hi(·('~\!' ~>f cl< · P<~t. II. ,V. h(· at, oil but IH'I " ; \\'lll t(]t·cl lot, 42x 1Gfl ft. naragP. Ex - ('~ t . near 1\<l<·lody Farm. with a larg-e pot,, lion attt·neti\·\'IY wuod e <l . Land is high ,·ellt:>nt cti!Hiiti nJJ. Bargain at $11.001and slig-htly rolling. This parcel is smroundNI by larg-e E:·states nnd homes, b e70 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES ing in a mo~t pl e a~ing ten·itory for the 0 family who cl(·sire ex dusi\·t:> ness and disFOI{. RE.:\"T FOrt .-\BO"CT !l :\lOXTHStinetion in th eir ~urroundings. Rapid 7 room h()U Se, ll t>H I' ~ c hool and station. I~EALTOl~~ transpo1·t,o.tion i~ antflable on Skokie ·vaiT e l. "Vinnetlw l!llO. 70LTN47-1tC' ;~ .IQ LiiHh·n ..\\'·. \Yiln1t'ttt· fi~-44 4 J(·y Electril' and Northwestern R. H. 77L47-1t l' This is a nw:-t ex<·(· ptinnal V~Jlue at 7!1 },OR RRN f-STORES & OFFICES $1,000.00 J)tr acre. IN WINNETKA, 1 NEW COR. STORE 20 :H·t'(·:-, ll f'a r tlw ahovt> tract, hig-h and 44x24. 1 new store 44x16. Both have rolling- with ideal buildin~ sites, adjoint>d basements. Reas. rent. Ph. Winn. 112. hy large country e:-;ta tes and only % . mil ·· 73LTN43-tff' HOO~J l!ESJDEI\'C'E, 2 RATHS, ON ·--·- priYat .. road . L <·t 72x242. Rtnutifull y to ::\T f' lo<ly Fam1 . Price $2,000.00 pe r aere ;; FOH S .\LE-IIOl'SES lands<.::qwd. 2 ca r gnrage. Hot wate I' \ \1 T~f heat. <'il'('UmstanreH p e rmit u:- to offe REALTORS this much IH. · low nul t'l< Pt valut:. $21,000 Bob Wyatt ........ . Glenview 81 Les Coons Central 3921 Sam Campbell . . Northbrook 15!1-19:1 79LTN47-1t(' R8ALTORS 711l Elm ~t. \\'TX~8TKA Winnetka 161 7 77LTN47-lt (' HEH ATTRA TIVE 7 ROO~[ FRAME and ~tUC:<'O home and names an unusual- ca . . E:\ C'( IE EAST SIDE ~EW 10 ROO~ [ 7 ACHEB ~~6 FT. BY 862 FT. ON SAND!:.· low fig-ur . Large lot, 50x200, wonhow·l·, Eng-lish type hriek, stone trim t'rs H.(l. South of Deerfield Rd. Priee d<·rful ,·a rd. :\en r Catho!i(' c hurc h and stu('co and timher gables. Attach d 2 .$1,500 Jl f' l' acre. Will divide ot· exchange school;. 2 haths, fini~herl 3t·o ftoor with ear garage, 6 bedrooms, 4 tile bath S, t·x. ~a,. . .-\!-'k us f()r rn mplt>t E' d etails. lav. ll-'t fl. Large living and dinin ;{ roomH, til e kitrhen, 112 ft. frontage ' h t'a ut . trees. w e ll land~ca rwd on high w ell drnint>d g-round. ('onv. trans ., 1564 Sht>nnan AYe. Evanston Univ. 2X5 :-chords and bathing heac:h. 248 Ha " 79LTN47-1tl' RE.\LTORS thot'JH· An>. Ph . (;Jencoe 561 or Ran 1177 Wilnwttf' Aw. Wilmette 273 dolph 0342. A. R. ( .ates or your· broke r. 77TA7-J tc L~L\I<E 77LTN47-1t c HEAVILY WOODED HOMESITE VJK~ETK.L\ FOrt SA LE- G LENC'OE. FHEN('H AN D All impro'venwnt~ in, ripe for building Engli~h brick home. .Ju~t eomplete<1, ~(' W brick home on wooded lot. Large Beautifully located . Near lake, Sherilarg-(· living room, dining- room, bren k living room with open fireplace, dining dan H.oacl and Blectric station. Par<'el fast nook, kitrhen and lav. 2nd ftoo r. room, large screen poreh, butler's pantry 150x150, will cliYirle. Price $13,000. 3 lnn~e Lt-drooms, dressing roc.m suit e, and ('heerful kitchen with built-in cases Phone owner, Univ. 3930-M. clc,sed in sle'ping porch, 2 colored ti le attn <·le<'. ref. 4 airy bedrooms, 2 tile 79I...TN47-ltc hnths, Hot \Vater heat, full concret e b :. th~. 2 car garage. Terms to suit. bnsPm t- nt, Gar. attached, lot 61x64x15 0. FOR SALE-CHOICE 80 ACRES NORTH Nicely l:mdscaped. Depot 2 block s. of Deerfield, c lose to high c lass develRI'~ALTORS $30,000. terms to suit. Owner at 27 1 opments, considerable woods and beau566 Center St. Winnetka 2033 Hawthorne AYe. Ph. Glencoe 1157. tiful views. Inquire ':>t E. L. Vinyard, t77LTN47-ltc 77LTN47-lt c Deerfield. 79LTN44-4tc . Prolits Irom Nothing Our First Mortgage Bonds and First Mortgag~s do not appeal to the sense of adventure. They offer no possibilities of m a k i n g something for nothing. But frequent purchases of our Bonds and Mortgages will give you a competence for Old Age. Large margtns of security guarantee you 6% Interest and the return of your Principal when due. Call, write or phone for c u r r e n t offering.s-$100 and upwards. .. "\rA & COONS Wncdl©wr lt© Arm~n©D1l~ §)(~nn JMI©D1l~lc & rrn~Jffi®rrlty - Never a loss to an investor at any time .0 }\CRE FORES'l' TRUST CO. Tldrd Floor, Otia HEITMAN a.aca.. l'lto. . , Fraai.U11 241» CROSBY REAL'rY CO. 10 S. La Salle St., Chiea..

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