WILMETTE LIFE August 16. 1929 A Serious Choice Within recent years the funeral director haa taken upon his shoulders many duties which were formerly left to the fap1ily and friends of the orie who had passed on. He acts as a con· fidential advisor, giving expert advice on matters of great delicacy and importance. For this reason the selection of a funeral director sliould be considered as seriously as the choice of a physician or lawyer. He should be a man of thorough training and long experience in his chosen work; most important of all, he must be a man of high moral character and proven integrity. In this organization we have no light opinion of the work we do. We regard it as a sacred trust, and try to keep our service up to the high ideals of our profession in every respect. Our Mortuary is Equipped with a New Pipe Organ Superior Atnbulance Servi~e "'The Jtouseof 1>el'sonal Setl.)ice" 1109 CENTRAL AvE. WILMETTE WINNETKA 6) 4 404 Th e Oldest Established U ndectakers on the Immediate North Shore . Licensed Lady Assistant 55 4 CENTER ST. "A Correct Grade for Each Burner" FUEL OIL Two Bulk Plants-Eleven Trucks operated on the north shore to assure PROMPT, . EFFICIENT SERVICE T.ltphon": Winnetka 3o~o-~·-~u; Highland Park 3~90-91 W bolt~alt Di1tributot1 SUPERIOR NAVY \!S HI-TEST GASOLINES - QUAKER STATE ~ MOBILOIL MOTOR OILS KEROSENE ALCOHOL - GREASES BRAUN BROS. OIL CO. "For Fuel~se Oil" -,Plan Now! ~)Ian now .to get your· full sh a re of enjoyr:nc nt out of Autun1n. Plan to ans\ve r· rts tempttng call to outdoot·s- to do the n1any things r-\utun1n inspire s. · There is one Ja~ a week that can he yours to do what you please - go where you please. It IS an cxtr·a day the SI~IPLEX Ironer adds to your· vvcek. \Vith the Sl.\lPLEX in your home you save o~ly an hour for ironing, . . . . Once the burdensome. t~sk that took a day to do- novv a pleasant past_Jtne that starts the 9ay off nght. It is so easy to use . . . Gives such perfect results . . . Is such a time anJ cneroy saver won 1 en now sing 0 while they iron. ' You can have the SI.\IPLEX on easy tern1s. SIMPLEX }RONE THE Bf S T li< V NER. ELECTRIC CO. 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214 DANNEMARK