4 The Woman's club of \Vilmette are oft'<>ring through the State Rank and ' Tru~t company o f Evan:-:ton, · ~ix per <~t-nt h o nd ~ st:'cured hv tlwir n ew building. Th<'Y ha ,.e soid a large block', ' but wi~h to di~poi-'P of a f('W more. Anyonf' wi~hing- to purcha~c> any .amount from $100 up, Jl}(·ase communicat(' with 1\tr ~. llar\'ey Bush, 721 <:r<>enwood avclllH'. \Vihnette 185i. WILMETTE The next meeting of the Kenilworth Home and Garden club will be heid at the home of Mrs. vV. F. Freuden rcich, Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. A competition of specimen zinnias raised hv the members from seeds distributed br the club this spring, will be held. ' LIFE August 16. 1929 Rev. Austin Pardue at St. Augustine's Sunday The Re,·. Austin Pardue, rector of the Episcopal church at Hibbing, Minn., \\'ill conduct the services at St. Augustine's Episcopal church Sunday morn i11g, August 18. Mr. Pardue is in charge at St. Augustine's during the ahsencc of Dr. Hubert Carleton. \\'ho is vacationing in northern \Vi sronsin. Dr. Carleton .preached la st Sundav to nor th shore Bov Scouts encamped at Ma-Ka- Ja- \Van near Elcho. \\i s .. at an open air devotional se rvi ce. Miss Vera Thaleg· of 617 Greenleaf avenue has return ed from Marquette, 11 ich., where she has been for the past thrcc weeks. She has as her hou seguest now , Miss Josephine Kellogg of \f arquette, Mich .. " ·ho wilt be with her fnr t\\'o \\'eeks. - 0- Name School Trustee in Election Saturda~ (Continued from Page 1) . ea ' t. the \\'est limits of the Yillages of Glencoe. Kenilworth, \Vinnctka, and Ridge A,·enue, Wilmette. Polling Places · The polling places in each of these pn·cincts will be as follow s: Precinct No. 1 : Central school, corner of Greenwood and Hazel avenues. Glencoe. . Precinct No. 2; Horace Mann school, rorne r of Elm and Chestnut street., \Vinnetka. Precinct Xo. 3: Kennilworth Asse mhh- hall. 410 Kenilworth a\·em1e. 'Kent·1 worth. Prccinc.t Ko. 4 : \Vilmettc Village SPECIAL SALE .Saturday, August 17 Every Sutnmer Dress Must Go! $10 and $15 Values Women \vho kno\v Mary Ann Frock ·values will flock here tomorro\v to ·share in this savings. hall. Precinct No. 5: The school house of ~fr. and ~[rs. D. D. McCallum. nf School District No. 40 on Wilmette Los Angelc · Cal.. announce the birth a\'enue west of Ridge road in the hrof a so n. Donald Duncan McCallum . .mcr .villare of Gross Point. Jr ., on August 10. 11rs. ~lcC <rllum \\'as iormerh· ~I iss ~[an· \\.l'st. of \Vil mette. Oak Park Pastor Preaches -oto Presbyterians Sunday :\1 r. and :\[ rs . \Villiam l r. B. Stcph The Rev. ~!arcus Grether, assistant l'lls, (,J<~"en tral avenue, arc leaving tonwrrn ,. for Potta\\'atomie Lodge, mtn~:-ter of th e First Presbyterian in \lint cqua. \\'i s. The~· and their ~t·n. church at Oak Park, \viii preach at Brice. "ill he there ior t\\'tl \\'l'Cks. the Fir:-;t Prcsln·terian chur ch of \Vil -0mette Sundav morning, · August 18, at \fiss Lois Srhulz ha s returned to the 11 n'clock serv ices. Mr. Grether's her home at 131-l Isabella street after se rmon \\'ill he. "Th n:e R's of Religion." a year of intcrl' sting \\·nrk as cliditian He is ocnJpYing th e pulpit during the in the ·c ni\'Cr s it~· ho. pit;1l in .-\u gusta. absence of th e pa:-;tor. Dr . Clnle R. \\'hccland. on his summer varatiotl.. Ga. -o}.[iss Eleanor Raines Clut e. 73~ .\lb ert C. Struebing, Jr .. "ho ha. heen at Camp ~fa-Ka - Ja - \\'a n since :'\inth street. left last· Saturda~· for a ,\ugust 2. \\'ill he home tomorrow . He month's trip to Baltimore. \Vashington . reports :l tine time at thr Srout camp. aTHl yarions points jn the East . -0- -0- Mary Ann Frocks Exclusit'e But Not Expensive 1183 WILMETTE AVE. ':\.-lrs . Charles Rent . entertained ctn r..; . Tnm Dix oi Kcnihn)rth is l!l\' ttlg a iarl'\rell luncheon for ~[r . Thur:;dav at th e Kildeer Countn rluh at lun cheon and bridge. C. R. Erwin on Monday. ~[ Prompt Delivery hone Wilmette 634 ROUND, SIRLOIN, and PORTERHOUSE STEAKS, lb ... .. ' . . .. Vol. I uf U'dmcrtl' peo ple and tile Hidg r nt>acl l .,,,lltl/ /ly tht· August 16. 19 29 Ct'r:tld You h:-t\'t" prpt ty mouth . :1 GENUINE SPRING LEGS of LAMB, lb. . . . ARMOUR STAR BACON, 3 lbs . .. PURE LARD, 5 lbs . .. W.i sconsin American Cheese, lb. 45c 291/2C $1.10 (i('r:lldirw - Tha11ks. 73c 32c 35c 35c.38c 34c 28c Small Broilers Dressed. While You Wait, Average, Z lbs. C RIDC. · t\ \'F l'IIAR:-.1ACY fd,r or . ypsh·nl:t~ · . full~ · 1 had a w w iI h gtll10 35 it. yn\1 grown to tin ·d (If m(·tt<>. it i~ tlwn tinw t:tkt· a l ittll· Whl'll h:t\'t · \\.il- Boneless Rump Corned Beef, lb. ShOJI 011 tht' Uldgf' trip. ynu Tlw numh,·r of \\"t\111,., , dt ·rl\s ill nt·l ' ll1 : tn~ · 1\:t~ Best Rib Roast Beef, lb Hens Dressed While You Wait, lb. 38c 21c · .28c gO(Hl t n :0.:,1\1 I l't·lilt'tl 1-:i 114'·' 1 ~1(1~, n ·turn . WE K:,o\\· . tl1f' \\·hilt· !ht· numlwr of Cloverbloom-Hest Brick Butter, lb. Boneless Native \.Rump Roast, lb. ~ Fresh Hams, lb. Loin Lamb Chops, lb. Whole Leg of Veal, lb. . ' ..... Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. . ..... Rib Pork Roast, lb. . ... . ' .. . .. Pork Loin Roast, lb. . ... ... . .. . Fresh Ground Beef, lb. Fresh Eggs, doz . . . Shop on Hllla.r·· ~· toll <lt·t ·li nt ·. \\·t·ll. nwn will lw Jll'tlft·s~iona l dish \\':t:--ltt·l':- :t IHl dt:tlllht·l' - ... 32c ..25c thid'.' DqHrt y l I, . wai-' a Slw11 on th(' Hlcla.rf· a lUI·ky ldnl. \\',. had Tltt · 1' r " t ,. s t a n t ('hur, ·lr 11f r..·rm:lny, up . and ,,.,. had tn :-;top an!l t·hang-t · tht · oil. wa~ SOc 29c 38c ht·t·onw \il-ar·s. I gu,~ss thtoy t"Dt ll!l g"t a long- without lllf'll al- Shop on t ht> Uldgt'