Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 5

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August 23, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' 5 Lieut. Frederick W. ] oh nson, a brother of Mrs. C. H. Mayer of Wilmette and a son of Mrs. Amanda By AI Schaefer . J Grant Phi llips, \ \ ' iltlll'ttc's classy olmson, who resides with l\f rs. Mayer, ' right-hander and Lmck, <.:quail~· clever \vas buried with .military honors on ln:rler irom \\.aukegan. stagl'd a duel Tucsda v of last week at Rose hill Sunday a itcrno~)n ccmct,c~y. ~len1bers of Logan Squar~ lor three innings. Post of the American Legion constituted the tiring squad . ·111 t h<: 1hird ~tanza Lieut. Johnson served overseas with _) <llH'tZ smote L : niek the 1\ainbu\o\' divi sion in the vVorld a tcrrif1r \\·alll)]l in the..· right slwulckr war . H<: was gassed in action and . . nc..·\-er complctclv recovered h is \\'ltll a hall ttd:l'tl'd · · . . strength. Hcccnth· a bltstcr on the lor a ta ·t tn]J t ) ' · ~ t ! hand dt\'elopcd an infection which t ·e ntc r · s L .me..· k '\'a " . . ·, · . threatened blood poison. He \\·as taken hit · hak~. thc..n t u St. Luke's hospital and opnatcd on. Jtlt \.'·as get tlllg ~>.'· TlH·re. while recon·ring, an accidental all rtght 'rhen h.ts iall caused his death. suppnrt hh:\\' up til Ut.:cau ·t.: of th<: disahilit,· incurred in ~he last ha.li ni tht.: the war he was forced to ibandon plans inurt h \nth hro inr indoor \\·ork and to drop his amhiJI. l'ort ..rli t·lll ntcn dP\\'1 1. .-\iter tions to become a cartoonist, for \vhich fnur errors wne 1is t eel l'me k als o \\'C n t he had ta letit. At the time of his death a\\'ry and fr<llll that time on the game he was a mail carrier. In addition to \\·as a sl11gkst with the \\'ilmett<: -l>o\·s his mother and sister in \ \'ilmctte, he is in the lead at the finish. l.:i - 1.?. . survin'd hv his widow and · a seven Phillips \\·as a gn<ld hurler until the year old daughtn. t\\·o sisters, Mrs. fifth whc..·n the Yisitors h<:gan b1 take \ \'alter E. Tcclums of Lemont and ?\frs. liberties with him. Thev continued Jennie \ \'akclund of Chicago. and one in the Sl'\Tnth and I..::cnnc(h· \\'ent to brother, Clarence ,luhnson, also of his rcscta:. "Ldty" \ras al~o fortun - Chicago. ate to l'SCIJ>e disas~cr for his opponents fnuncl him frequcnt h· at first. He · PURCHASE CAR tightened up in time a~Hl had plenty in The purchase oi a Dodge coupe fnr rescr:·e at the fi!1ish. Phillips hcc~mc the usc oi Su1H:rintendcnt oi Puhlir prt)mtncnt also, ho\\cver, with a dun \ \.nrk:;. C. C. Schultz ,,·as authorized oi singlts and a hoinc run. Borre lJ\· the \'illage l>Pard at ih meeting an~ !, Port;rficld gathcrc.d three singks last Tu<:sda,· night at the Yillage hall. a p1cce . 1 nrtnfie ld t·nltvencd the ncIl. A. Could of 11.10 Lake a,·cnue recasinn \\'ith a nifty exhibition of haseturned last week irCim ~fanito\\· ish, nmninQ which ph-ased till· hig cro\\'cl. \\'is .. \\·here hl' had been ior about a His fie Ieli ng t< l( ) , was super h. . \\Tl'k. - oO N WEDDING TRIP F. 1·: . .).f. Ctdc. 31.) l·: ssex road. Kcni l:\f r. and :..r rs. Fd\,·ard Aschbacher. \\'CJrt h is on a \n·ek\ business trip to 1-111 Lake an·nuc. had as their guests. :\I ichigan . ~I r. C tllc is making the trill :\fr. Aschhachrr's niece and her hus- 1)\· m.otnr. band. ).[r. and '\f rs. Paul I.. Lomax, \rho arc nn their · \\'cdding trip . ~fr. , Lnmax is a pr,1iessor at the !'\e\\. York t1nin1~sity and :\f rs. Lomax. former!.'· 1 Beatnce L<·\HT nf Xn\· \\'ashin"·ttlll . Ohio. \\'as an imtructor at the 'ohi(~ uni\·er:-.it .' ·· Thl'~· ha,·c kit i<'r Ycllo"."'""'. 1'ark and ::\c"·. ~I cxico. Wilmette Stickers Out-Slug Waukegan as Hurlers Go Awry R~inbow Vet, Brother of Wilmette Woman, Buried Prompt Delioery . hone Wilmette 634 ROUND, SIRLOIN, and PORTERHOUSE STEAKS, lb ' .. ... . ....... . . .. ... '. ' .. . ' . .. ... .. '. ' ...... I 0 ·· · 0 ' 45c · ··· GENUINE SPRING LEGS of LAMB, lb. . . . ' ... ' .. 0 · ·· ' ·· ' · ··· · ' ··· ' ···· ' f ... .. .. .. .. 291/2C A~~~-u~ . ~~~~..~~~~~~... ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. . $1.10 PURE LARD, 5 lbs . . .. .. .. ... ... . ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... .. .... . . .. . . . 73c Wisconsin American Cheese, lb. . ..... . . . 32c Boneless Rump Corned 35c Beef, lb . ..... .. . Best Rib Roast 35c.38c Beef, lb Cloverbloom- Best 4111: C Brick Butter, lb. . . 2 Boneless Native Rump J4c Roast, lb. .. . .. . Small Broilers Dressed While You Wait, Average, Z lbs. . ..... . . . Hens Dressed While You Wait, lb. JSc 35c Rib & Loin Veal Chops, JSc lb. . .... '.' . . . .. . .. . . Pork Shoulder 221/2C Roast, lb. Rib Pork Roast, lb. . ' . ' ... ' . . ' . .. . . .28c Fresh Hams, 28c Po1b~ Loin R.~~t, . .... .. J2c lb . . .. .. . . .... ' L~~~ ~~~.~ . ch~~~'. .. ... . SOc Fresh Eggs, .· 38c_ 44c doz. 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanston MAPLE GROCERY & MARKET University IZ-13 Ltlh- lra,,·tnrcl, snn ot :..rr. and :\frs. Ht)lJl'l't l'ra\\'inrd. 919 A~hlancl a\·ctmc, l B<lhln· Cutler, son oi ~1 r. and ~lrs. P. X. Cut lcr oi Kcnih,·orth. and \'nrman Potter, son of :\lr. and ). f rs. J~alph F. Putter. 925 Chestnut street, rc..·t urn eel last Sa tu rda v after spending· t\\' 0 \\'C<:k.; at the Evanston Y. :\I. C./\.. camp at Frc<:mont, \1ich. 1 --oDr. and :\Irs. L. E. Penbcrtl1\' of 152-t \ \'il mette avenue returned Sunda,· night from a motor trip thro ugh \Vi:-~ consin. l\1 ichigan, Mi nn esota. and Ohit). After spending two and a ha lf \\·eck:-; in the fish ing and golfiing states, the\· returned to \ Vil mette. -0~ The " Gabrieleen" Permanent Wave Fairly radiates charm. It assures you a smart coiffure for many months. M iss Sa ll v Clark. daughter oi ).fr . and Mrs. \\'a lt er G. Clark. 41 8 Ninth street. left Fri<lav of last \\·eck for a house part v of tv.-o week·' duratio n at Si lver Cli ff club. Athe lsta ne, \\' is. Miss Salh· will be the ·g uest oi ~ {i ss ).Jar.': .Tca.n ne 'fans ill. of 602 Lake a\'e nue. ··RowMany Tons ol Coal! Fill your bin NOW with o~r high grade selected coal- before the September rush begins ·and · prices advance higher. Quick, '?areful service on all orders. ASH'S DELICATESSEN Home Baking and Cooking Hot Biscuit- Cold Meats- Salads Large assortment of delicious foods HOFFMANN BROT. HERS Mrs. F. A. Buck 6 7 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 4598 I I Open all day Sunday 736 12TH ST. WILMETTE 3931 1208 Central Ave. Phones: Wilmette 131 and 190

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