Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 6

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WILMETTE Smartest Beauty Shop - - - - - - - - . . LI· FE Augu t 23. 1920 Direct from Europe Comes the Wilmette V s. Kenosha on Local Diamond August 25 Carlsbad Realistic Wave The ori~inal meth od as gi ven in the leading European salo ns is now available t o thos e w ho admire natural curl y hair. Our Reali stic requires no fin~er w a ving or co mb s. SPECIAL OFFER Regular 120 Value ~t aret·Is That WE ALSO GI\'E THE GENUINE E UG EN E WA \' E. ~IIIJS U ~1~1 E R SP EC IALS r.agt E x qui!-'itP 1\f aniC'uring <·n t r,ur H ai r C'u tti ngontnur Fing ·r \ Va ving 75c Re st Facia ls Hair T inting $1.50 $5.00 up Suite 222 Carlson Bldg. Univ ~ Pierre Dumont's powders and rou ge blended here. 636 Church St. Evanston 9700 ,t~lr~'~· ~\~-~t.=;;l ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i1~w~t~!1~,_.~..,~u1~n~n~H~·r~a~t~\~f:~d~r!~lL~-;~ · The \\'ilmt:tt e Chamber ni C·m. mace ba:;ekdl tt·am \\·ill cla::-h witt: Jltl\\·criul ~immt 111~ ~cmi-pro nilll: t CariHlll monoxide ga=' irom the 111 · ·~tn r,-.ha P11 the \ 'illal.( ' Cr '\.'11 diamond tnr oi his car. running id l · in th ·· ~u nd<n· ai t'rtl<Jt)~l. .-\ul!u:-_ 23. pJa,-: l[arag-e ni hi s hnme, _claimc·d the lire c1i \\ill i>n~·in at 3 t· clt1ck. K('nnt·(h- and ' Herman ~rhuman. J0 1 Laurel an:tlllC. ~~~ ~IJin-.··11 ·. ,ill cnmpri-.c t hl· \\'ilmcttc \\' ilmc-tte. la . . t Tue:-.da,· !1l (l rl1ing d chattn,·. r.=,cntl\.·(h i .:'L·ckinl!' 1i- -.c\·- spit,c the effo rt" oi phnic ians .~nd <lll c11th "trai:..:ll ,-ictt,n· (Jt thv cmrcnt inhalatnr ~quad frnm t he \\ tlmettc :--.~.-a . . tlll. Fire dt:partm ·nt \\·hn sought for mnrc than an hour to r ·v ;,·c him. \f r-. . f\ . I!. f~ (J\(l, daul!'lltn 1·t ~I r . ~f r . ~chu111an \\a" iound slumpL·d :tnd .\1 r-. B. F . BJ, 111\ n. ()~t, f.ak:c 11 ,·t:r the stcc·ring wht:el oi his machin e a\·l·Jl ut·. and hn tl'·" rhildr~.·n . .'hc;Jc,· II\· t \\·o l!ardcncr~. Geo rge Schmidt, . and \\'ill ia m. ki Tul"da,- t11 return t11 I rc-.idinl! r,n f [('nh· a\·c nuc. Glenvic\ ·. ' their h<·llll' 111 .\lkttl\·. ~- \'., a_itcr a I fl.nr! \\'i lliam ,·an · Gcnn,·, 1230 \ \'il 1 llltlnth'-... ,-i,i t. The 1\h-nl\Tr... ~< Ill. I mctt<: an:ntiL·. \\ hn hac! _gone t.n tht· Fran k. ,,h,, wnrk-. 111 l.a1J-.ttH!. \Itch .. gar;:H!e ior tool-; :-hnr th- alte r R o clock. j, "llt:llrlin:..: t,,,, \\ t·t·\..-. "_ith hi.:;. flii rc nt-.. Th<: \\'i l ~n ·tte P()li_cc d epartmen!_ \ 1:a ... .\f j,.., Pt·arl .\1 < l.t·a11. c·t Lan'-111 '· "a' ll(ltificd nt the acc 1rlent anrl Ofhcer;-; al-...11 t!ll·ir Q'lll"t fl,t " cck-cnd. Pnpplc: and Schneider detai led t (J th C' -o' Jwmc. The inhalator squa(l ioll<m c·d .\fr. ;Jnr! \fr .... H. \\·. D:--u ckcr. 1123 , immcdiateh· a:; did _Dnctnr:-. B. 1.. .\f ()ha ,, k r 1 .ad. retltrntrl nn ).f nnd;l'. ).I i c hell and L~ . . tc.r L ~f ee _bu~ a 11 in 1m Pnrtlanrl. ( lrl' .. w.l tre the,· :-pen t I df~rh at re · u. Citation prm·cd tutt·l~·· t\\ () "eeh. 1 he- h()(h· \\'a:-; rc·mm·cd to the ~l· M --<>F unc ra I par l<~r"- in t h c pnlic e amlllllan c c· \ 1i . , , \ \ ·i 11i i :·c d . ~\-d k i 11 ~ . d :1 W! h t ~.- r , ' i , un rl n t h · d i ry c t i < ·11 o t ~ tl Jl t. <' i ~> · ,I! ~' t: \lr . and \fr- . I. [\. .\dkin-. 1112 Ct:n- Jlt:nn· Erau tt l[an. and a cnrom·r-. tn, tral an:: 1 tt·. ha-. r\.'t lrt ttrl :titer :--pend- quv-. t U·tHluctr.d Tucsda~· afte r noon .·~ Herman Schuman is J1 ictitn of Carbon . ·Mono~ide Poisoning i BE READY! Don't wait until the last minute to send the garm ents you wa n t dr ycleaned before school starts. Man y of us put things off until the la st minute. It doesn ' t pa y. of course. The children ' s coats, hats. caps. ties. sweaters, gloves, girls' frocks and capes, all can be made to look like new. b y our process of dr y-cleaning and finishing . Then too. you will find our REPAIR DEPARTMENT will add much more wear and pleasure to your clothes . after we patch. reinforce , mend , add new pockets. cuffs. buttons and botton holes. You will be pleasantl y sur prised at the new appearance. We ' ll help you get the children rea dy for school. avoid the last minute rush. · H ave us call toda y -- n rd ict o i ta 1 .d ca h .c a\\·;-~-. tbl'd rcJ. ,. cariJ<,n ll1lll1PxHk pnt'(·lllllg turnul J,,. the CPrtliH:r' jun·. Futwral "cn·ice-. \\·ere rondurtt·d 1 Thur..,rJa,· afternoon irnm t he ch;-tJkl I at -+011 n rnarl\\'<l\', Ch icago, \\'ith in' tennent at t he :\ u~tria- H utl .l!arian c ·:n·tl·n· at \\'aldheim. , \f :-. :-=.chuman i.- suniYcd 1)\· hi.: "idr1\\·. \fr" . D~"ra Schuman. fiH chil' drt·n. ). farian. Jack. T~uth. France!' and . Htkn: hi.; parent;;. ~f r . and ~ f r..:. :\at h 'an sc h \1m an : t \\' n ;; i 'it <:r '. ~ r r .... I Ft hl' l Dergrr and Lil lian Schuman. an'l 1thrn.: hrnther", S;un .d?l. I~adorc R!ld .\ht . _chuman. acc1~lcn ~ PREACHES TO PRESBYTERIANS The H.t'\'. ).fa rcu" C ret her . a~.-( .cia t L· tlllllbtcr ni the fir:;t Pre~b,· terian hurch ()i Oak Park. will occttp\· th e pulpit ni the r;~ . . t Pr·t·"h"tt:rian churc11 -oi \\'ilmcttc. ~~unrJa,· 111nrning. :\u: l'll"1 2.:;. at the 11 o'cl··Ck q·n·icc.:; . Dr . , Clnk R \ \ 'hcc Ia nd. m ini,tcr o i t 1H· church. i~ a\\ ;l\· nn hi-... summer ,-aca' t j ( 111. \fr. and ).fr::: . (~L'O rl!:C Jf. lh·aur!'in. 72t) Elnnrr.nd aH·nm·. han· had a:; th.:-ir 1 l!'uc--.h, ). f r:-:. S. :\. Rllhtrt:-tlll and hc·r chi ldren. \\·ho _return<:d t o ~heir lJtllllt.: 1 in Canada. ( ,con.rc Hea ud111 . Jr .. ac1cnmpanierl 1)\· J ark K a l hur~ t. ni E·.-1 an:;tnn. returned Sunrla ,· · nil!ht i~om a ; t\\'t \Hcb' mntn r tr ip in Canada. and ).fr..;. H erbert \\'. ).f L·,·cr, l 11-+22 Crti-!nn· a,·enue . r etu r ned on \\'ed~f r. .. Men's Suits Thoroughly Dry · Cleaned and Hand Pressed $1.00 - 0- Ladies' Plain Silk Dresses Thoroughly Dry Cleaned and Hand Finis h ed ...... .. .. $1.50 l Ca lii~rn i a. nc , da\· oi la:-:t \\'n·k ir t) lll a tr ip to Thn· \Yere in f. ( s :\ ngeles and San F ranc isco. ret u rn ing ll\· '"a~· oi Cnlorarll) ~printrs an d Dcm ·cr. -o1 1£rmiur Qllraurrs. Established 192 1 ~ur. Members Master Cleaners and Dyers Association of the North Shore Pctn ·.'chnpen. 1311 \\' ilm ett e a,·enue . and Paul \\' ci..;, 1\idrre a\·L· nu e. \\· ill r t d1 rn at t h c c n d n i t h c \" e c k f rom t he ir mn t M t rip in th e Black Hil k -{)- :. f r. a n d :. f r =' . \ \ ' i 11 i a m :\ rn n Id o i 0 20 C rcem,·oocl aY<: IlU <. ha \'C:- return ed irom :'pe nd im.r a mnn th at th eir summ er hnmc at T,\·in L a k t's . \\'i ;;. OTTO Memb ers National Association of Dyers and Cleaners F. FISHER, President NOTICE · An y person who witnessed the ramming of a green sedan by a truck Saturday evening. August 1 o at Church St. and N. Kenneth Ave. in Niles Center will help mal e the roads safer from reckless drivers by communicating at once with C. W. Urzman 197 Golf Terrace. Wilmette. Phone Wilmetre 330 · . 11 50 Central Avenue Phones Wilmette 704-748 578 Lincoln Avenue Phone Winnetka 63 8 706 Vernon Avenue Phone Glencoe 865

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