Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 7

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August 23. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE" 7 Balabans Bring Many Hamilton Club Receives Rathbone Book Collection Movie Personalities .::\frs. Ilcnrv h.iggs Rat hbone has to Chicago This W.eek prc~entcd the Hami lton club \\:ith t he The A. }. Halahans of C! encoc se rn' d as a ma ,1.mct to hrin . !..! to Chica~o this \Hck man,· oi th e ,,·u rld' s· pcr:-;onaliti s. A dinn .c r \\·a s ~in·n at the Stc\'l'~t:-; lwtd Tllursda,· cn·ning hy se vc~·a l prominent citizen:;, in hnn or ni ~r r. and ~r rs. Balaban. The guest rnll incltt(kd Sir !latTY l.auckr. whn has ju -; t made an Australian t nu r and is soo n to ttltlr Canada. lie was acCtlmpanicd L,· hi:; nierc. ~I i~s Creta La ttd r. and hi:; \\·iic\ hrnthcr and si:--ter-in-la\Y, :.1 ~- . and ~1 rs . TPm Yallan . 'I\ 1111 ~r ei.l !han '"as u!1C ui the actors prc:;ent. and the busines s end of thl· tlltn·ic..; . \\'as rc prc:;cnted 1)\· ~ I r. Carn > ll. ,,·ho. ,,·ith his wiie, is hnc from 1-:tll.!·land. ,,·here his f1rm is the Dritisll Bal::lhan and Katz. The \\'iJiiam .\1 twrise.; and their daughter. l~uth. wiHl had come irnm .\'c\\· Yor k for the Balaban rireth last Suncla , .. remain ·d here itlr the banquet. Sophie Tucker was antltllrr ()i the guc:;ts and entertainer~. :-:,l'\'t·ral (li the se people. includin g· tilt· LatHI~.:r:; , \[nrri:;c :-; , and CarroJI;o;. \\T n .' l!tll':--b at a part,· gi,·cn ' l'ue:-;daY ~t the nn·n \la\\T Ctltltltn· club ]),· ~Jr . and .\fr~ . Joe Kapl;-ttl of Chicagtl; in ht)fl(lr pf the 1\alaha.n:; . During till.' :1 ftnnc Hln th e men pl;t ,·cd gt lit \\'hilltilt· mlllltn pl;t\'\.?d l>ridl!C. Dancinl! ltdlcJ\\cd dinner. and :tt midtlight the pa rt \· t.: ndcd ~tt :-:,]..;,· T larb nr, \\·hcrv all \ll't'l' l.!i,·cn :tirplatte ridl':' . RETURN TO CA L IFORNIA ..,, and ~frs. '\f. 1~ . Bark~-r, /,)0 C'L·ntral a\·L·nur. haY e had ;1s thvtr gtll':'t ·r~r t1n·r t\\'<~.1110ttth:-; t!lc!r datt~htt· r, '\~r :;. l·rank l. \ JllCL'tt!. n l ~acr:tnll'tlto. Cal. .\lr'. \ ·incl·nt and Iter daughter. l~ d ty, \\l_ltl ,,·;t..; ,,·itll hn 11t.t the \'i:--_it. l~a"_l' krt t11. rdttrn t11 tltctr lttltlll' ttl (;tl 1itll'llia. l)r . Highest Grade late Congressman Rat h bone's library c()n~i s ting of more than 1,100 vo lumes. The se books comprise many choice hish,ric. orat rica!, and first editions, and abo a n ·n· rare Lincoln collection. "\f am· of the volttme. arc printed itl iorcign langua .l!C:-; , which pro\·e invalu able a< man\' oi t hem arc no longer in publication. 11 r . Rathbone was a past president ni the club. A bronze l>nok-pbtc is to be cast tn identi h· the l' tllkl'tilln nf \\'ill T. nell. of l·:,·athtoti prl·:--ident nf the riuh. and \Yill he . pre~ :-; t·t1tccl at a icnmal dcdicati()n at some iuturc date. UPB. O LSI TER·ING Cabinet Work I Drapery and U pho'lstety F abrica ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique F~rniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and- Springs Made to Order H. G. LINDW ALL Highest Grade Upholstering 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 RETURNS FROM VACATION '\1 i:;s Edith Young, piano instructor. ~lllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiJIIIIIIIIII I illllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll lllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllllll l lllllllllllll l lll l l lll l l lll ll ll ll ~ ,,.ht1 kt:; hcl'n spe nding Jul . ,· and August \\'ith her 111\lthn i·n \'inccntH:s. Tnd .. ,,·ill return tn \\'ilmctte Saturd;n·. :\ t. I.!' u:; t .Z-+, a it L' r \\'hi r h d at c arrange111L'I1h arl' tn hl' made ll\· thn:-; c tk:ir- Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmettet Iil. i ng t ll c n t L' r u p nn t h <: i a II t c r m o f 111 tt :-- tc instructintl. _ SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M . I First Church of Christ, Scientist I _ - .. .l(ht'ph -'l.l\ ('(', .-.11 1·:,..,('\: rtt:ul. l't llil1 rt lt. " h 11 11 a..., I1 c 1 11 i II it ·r , t 1tll\: t i111 · · i , 11 il :111 rl art ·ttl HI :tl.! a i11 . ~I r. It ·'. ,·v l ~ :t-- lt~' l'tl t'totllinvcl (tl hi-.. ht1111L' -..inl:l. t; h. t·:trh· p;trt tll till' ,tttntnl'r. I IL· 1111\\' 'lll'ttd-.. "tllllt' t;ntv itt l1'i.., \ard and r:tn ~1'1 :t :'l·111lll ;[ littk lJL·ttl'l'. \ ·: 1 '\fr. and ~frs. lf. F. :\ilks of l~llgcr:-; !'ark ancl ~fr . and ~lr :-; . J. T. :\ilk:-- and thL·ir damd1tcr, Loui~c. ni 1322 (\·ntral a\·tnue, haYc returned after ~l>tndln .~ t '" o \H' c k :-; at ~ p CJ oncr. \\'is. 0 n t h c ir \\·a,· l~tlllH· thrv Yi:-;ited ~fr s . '\"ille:--' ::-ister at ~parta. \\.is. -o~r r. ancl ?\f r ~. George .~. Scl1cil>eL 1.22 DttPCt' place. arc lea\·ing Saturda,· tc1 llltlttlt' to Darenpnrt. Tc·\ra. and '\fittncaptl li .;, :\1 inn.. :-- ttl! ping fnr a fc,,· I da,·:; nn their ,,.a,· hark at th Dell-., 1 in \\ ·i~c()t)~ in . J -o_:. . . · '\fr. and '\fr :-;. T. TL \\ vvdtl11 and t ltvt r ; clatt "1tn. \ 'irian. 110 Thircl strcd. art· 1 :t t \\'il~k rnl' -..; Fi~hitlg camp, i~1 northnn '\] 11111 c~rl(a, \\·here thn- \\til ;-:pvttd tl\tl \\l'l' k:--. rdurnin[! t tl \\ 'ilmvtlt' :1 . \\ tlk lt'iltll F rida,·. - -- -- - -.....,---- - - - - -- - - WEDNESDAY- TESTIMONIAL MEETING- S P.M. SUN DAY SCHOOL EXERCISES- 9 :45 A. M. - AUGUST 25, 1929 Subject : MIND REA DING ROOM- t 1 63 WILM E TTE AVENUE Op en Daily (except Wednesday and Sa turday ) 9 A. M . to 6 P. M . W ed nesday 9 A. M . to 7 :4 5 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M . to 9 P. M. T he E ible and Works of M ary Baker Ed dy and all other authorized Ch ristian Science Li terat ure m ay be read, borrowed or pu rchased at the R e.1ding Room . THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TH E CHURCH SERVICES AND VISI T THE RE ADING ROOM :: = · ~ I~ ~ ! ~· I ~ ~ I 7.'illll ll ll l lilllil l l lill!l ~llll:lll llllllllllllll lllll llllllllll l llllllllllllllllllll i 1111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111JIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllll'llllllllllllll r; lit)\\ :1 t'f l \\ ·l'-, (, "·If) i ).f r. :1 !1 d \ rr-... '\ r. I I. \ \ . t' " t t 1\, (J] ( I ( : r \' l' II k a r' a \'(' tllll' . and 1:r:t11k l\ 11\h. :--tttl tli \lr . :tnd '\Irs . .\:·thtlr I. l~ ~~tll. 2-Jt, :-:.hcndan rCJarl. \\'itltll'll::t kt't tltl 'l'tll'-.d;l\· !11 dri\'L' t.1 thv Fa..,t. \\hnc ti H .'\. will t<ttlr lllr 1\'. 'cl \\l'l'k:-- ht·itll'l· n·turning· home . I) -o- -0- '\fr. and '\fr .... Tf . 1 ·:. Ll'r . . rh and tlll'ir ia111ih-. L;.zs Lake an·tllll', art' :--pendit!~· a ic\\· \\L'tk:-; at l.akc l~ipln·, in n.1rtln·rn \\·i . . l'(ln~in. '\f r:;. T.n . . ch i..; till· daughter c1i '\Jr . :t11d \fr-;. 1. II. \\·a Ik n ... 11 f 1~ 35 L a k c a n· 11 u c . · --0t 1 I August Sale of Furs! To find such a wonderful selec tion of f ur coats an d neckpieces at an y p rice w ould b e somethin g to marvel at. but to find them all in on e ·sho p a nd so rem ark ably low priced is on_l y what one would ex pec t to find a t Okeans - th e hom e of fine furs. BARRINGTON, ILL. '\ f r. · and '\ f 1' S. :\ k X a 11 (k r '\" t' \\' ( l n , and ::-cm. :\ kxctndn. I r.. J()(j \ \' < lOd:-- tork :t\Ttttll, Kenil\\' ;ll-th, ,,·!Jn an: . . p l' 11 d i til! t h l' nwn t h n i :\ u guo., t ;tt TT a rIHl r :-:,prim~s. ~~ ich .. \\'ill return ttl Ktn- ~ i Iw n r t h a h () u t t h L' fi r-; t c >i Sc p t l' 111 h l' r. ~ -o- I ~rr. and '\fr~. :\ . P. l:nrrc. ~11 Si,:iccntlt street, spent last '"eek tnuring- 1 in \\ 'i~cnmin. ThL·,· \\Trc at Pleasant Lrtkc and La Crn . '-l~ in \\'isconsin. and al..;n in Dubuque. In,, ·;~. Real Estate AUCTION To close their books on rh ree sub di vis ions in B.u rin gton. Ill. . Arthur 1.. M ci ntosh ~ C o. ha ve m ade ar range ments to se ll rhese properti es at pu bli c auct ion . This is in l in e w ith the lon g-esta blish ed Mcintosh polic y of mark et in g sound rea l estate at the low est prices. Ir is your opportunity to sec ure a good investm ent in a good and gro w in g suburban community at your own price. Rem ember the dates and make ir a point to be there- it will be well worth whil.e. Valuable prizes will be gi ve n FREE. FRIDAY August 23 at 6:15P.M. SATURDAY August 24 at 2:30 and 6:15 P.M. SUNDAY August 25 at 2:30 P. M. Dri ve to Barrington b y th e most con venient route, then follo w signs to the Big Auc tion s. If you prefer w~ will be glad to suppl y you with FREE RAILWAY TICK ETS from Chicago to Bar rin gton and return . Jusr phone STAte 378 3. or ap ply in person to ARTHUR T. MciNTOSH ~ CO . 1 6o N . La Sall e Sr. CHICAGO , ILL. : Dancing Lessons : + + + ~ +++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ + + + + + + oio + + + + ----------------~- The fall term will sta rt soon--enT + roll no w for pri vate or g roup in + sr ru cr ion . Send for our bookl et. M~ B. Okean Co. FURRIERS Wilmette 2 7 52 + + I : Fernando Maione : + + + + DANCING · STUDIO 934 SPANISH C OUR T WILM ET T E 33 8 I 5 6 7 Lincoln Ave. / + + : : + + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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