Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 9

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August 23, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' 9 Form Club to Aid 1l1 embers to Sa.v e Sergeant Vance Meets a Surprising Stranger Part of Earnings With Surprisi~g Ways -· ·. On the basis of a belief that the average mone:v earner is in constant "Sleeping, ill, indisposed or car danger of. spending his ' money, either trouble?" inquired Se rg't H. G. Vance from the pocket or the checking acoi the \ iVi lm ctte Police department of count-and even from hi s savings ac- the lo ne tenant of a motor occupying count-and there is a definite need a prominent curb position at the interfor a savings p lan that will take care sec ti on of Tenth street and Central of the exce ss dollar as soon as it is avenue shorth· after midnight last an excess do ll ar and make it pav goud wages, th e One Hundred Th ousa nd Tuesda\·. "] u t sittin '," \\'as the surprising anDnllar Thrift club was organized in S\\'er. \\'ilmette rec ent!\'. Thr nugh a n arrangement \\'ith one "Going?. Came from? And \\·In·? ·· of th e local banks a plan is ntTe red queried ~fr. Vance in tru e Bcrtiilnn wherebY th e group of pcrs ns compris - iashio n. "::\uwh erc: ·ba,·en't the iaintcst noinl! the club save a definite amount eac h \\' eek, dtpos iting thi s amount ti on a nd ca n't he ])(lthcrcd," re spo nded " ·ith th e hank which turn s th e mnn cY his acq uaintance. over to th e 'Cn it cd Securities cnmpany "Car run :·· ior inn ~ tm cnt. 'l'ht l ' nited ~cruriti(:s ":\n, c1ut nf gasolin e and 1\·e alcnmpan\· g uarant ees five and otH:-hali rt·a<h· tried \\'atcr. It \\'lltl't iunrtion ." pt:rccn t (11111\>0lllld inte rest urcT a P ·"Hml ).la\·he \\'e'd better call help ." rind oi tvn \cars. :-aid the agreeable ~fr. \' anr<~ . The sa\· ing~ ccrt iftcat cs taken J,\. tht· "\\'t 1rtlw idea ," r espo nded the unnH·m h t' r s n i t he grouP h a\' c amP lc c tlllltll un ica t i v c s t r <1n g cr. prtn·i~illlt:- ior lap:-cs due tn sirkn e--s "llclp" proved ttl he "nlack Annil·." nr Pthcr catht:". cash returns in cast· :-tlllll'tiJncs knmrn a.; the "p add,· oi ckatl.1 and l'll~l\'l'rtahilit\'. in t tl ~>aid " ·;u.ron. fn due course ui tim e. 11 ~~.P l'~· rtlfirat<.·~ a.ltt:r a s!>l'rt_flt·d ttlll t'. "h~lpcd" a.; iar as th t: \ ' i11a, l!;e !tall I he 111\'\: :-tmvllt IS m.a dt· 111 hr-,t lll<lrt -1 ,,·hne pcditc hut f1 rm quc-,tiunin).! elit·it~~~l(T:- <lit htllll~·.; \\'lt1clt a\·t· ragc _ ahnut 1 cd tltt· ini 11 n nati <lll that tht· ri:-it nr's !II~\' Pl'l'~' l'llt ()) tltt Jll'!lj}t'.rt\'. htrtll ·r 11;\llll· \\:ts Paul nnnm·--h:c iurth n . 1tt1P.nll:ttlllll lila\· .Ill' <llJtatncd .lJ\: l'Pll- that hr rc:-ickd \\·ith hi:-. si:--tn at 3.=i.2S --u ltt1 1l!. an ;Hh·ntht'll1t'llt 111 tin:- t:--,\1·.· . \ o1 rt it J):~nll' ll :--trl'l'l. Chicagn: tktt lit· i \\<L.., nillt'ltTll Yc:tr:i <)i. ::~g~ and t hat RETURN FROM EAST tht· t':tr hvlll11l!;L'cl tt1 hl:i :-~:-tcr. ).Jr. and \lr". ll.!111 Ta\'J,~r 1 ~.,<11. and I ;\ cdificcl J,,. tt·kph n m· that hv r hrPththl·ir . <11 1. l: trk. /30 Cn:tt J\\(1(1(1 an·· ; \.·r \\; 1.., ht,Jding· dtn,·n Ya lu ahk SllaCt' lllll'. rl'turnvrl la,t wvd.: trtllll a nwt ,,r at Jlt>liL·t· hvadqu~trtt·r:- and her CH ,)h trip tllr<llll( ;l t lw J·:a :-t. Til~..·\· ·C,I\\.'J't·d <ructi1tt! tranic in ir<lllt ni thl· \ ' illagT 3. 12~ 111ik" . llltl\tlrillt! t!troti,L:h Canada . !ta ll. tilt· -.i--tn in trllt' sisterh· iashion tl.H· t<t..,tvl'll -.tatl':"' ; ~nd \ 'irl('it_ ti;t: tt 1: )- ttdd, tht' ptdicl' ~l' "ho ld l'\'cn·thit.u!" j J1111.l! at \Jr . 1:, 111Z.., lnrthplacc. \\ a\· 11\.'~- :~nd h 11pp\.·d a tr;un . C\·entualh· landtn l(' I h,,rou :..! lt. \ ·a . .\li~~ l.u cille C'ti\'t'\. t 1 i \1 1 rt·t·l:tim th\.· diHr:- and ~undn· iamih· Llg-in. Ill. j ... '\ICitdi nl!; tltc \\n·k a . . tht'ir j)(h"l·:--,tnns. . . . _.. 1 "~;t, .. \\hat\ \\'rcllw \\1 th Jt :. <k- : l!: Jn.., ·l· 111 a 1H k rl '.\I r. \ ·a nn·. i 11 d it' at itl . 1 ).Jr. and '.\fr .... 1~ . .\1. Campl>L·II. 1131 ! ct·tlt <Jj..;('(,\'l't'\'. Centra l :tn·nuc. llarl .a:- . their gtll':--t it~r . "lt." .~t:tk d t)~at )·~Jttll~. ~;~cl~· .~s tlt nt:~~ I th l' past llltllttlt tltl'tr lll'phn\·. . \ . L. 1111Partttll!: :1 t.llllth .t( ld, h. hul!~ · 1 Campl>L'll. \\ hn ki t lln \\ .c<lnl·sda\· t t\ plain lt lt.<l. llarmk :;s, hut can 1t tran·l ' r d m 11 t It i :-- h u me i n ( h k Ia n d . ('a I i i. \' ·ht' 1l i t l! t' h ntlt ~ .. Tltl·ir dau .l !;lttn . ~I iss I·:kann r Camp --------hL·ll. and a iricncl. ~I iss Pcgg~· ).1 urra~).f r;-;. R< 1hl'l't T . ~I arkha111 and her oi CiliL·ag<l. !tan· llh\torcd (t) ~t. I.(lui:- , --ntl:-. Dllllald and T om, of 1(,1() Cl'n\\·hcrc th\.·y will. ~ pend a w eek. tral <lHllllL', r . eturncd la ~~ \\·e c~ fnlln I . ., mnt(lr trip in tltc \\ 1scons111 lakt· - 0" ' rn~inn. The\· \\'l'rl' at Lake (,cnc\·a. Fnr thv J>a:-t tm, \\Tt:k:i ~frs. \\' illiam Laudcrda lt·, ('.rC L'Il 1,a k·c. anc1 .l" c dl l'-.- I I( Kane Ita hl'Cll tile hou:-e<rtl\.'~t (li her rille. \Ir s. '·'1ar kl a . t-. · 1am . s mo tl tcr <_11 111<>thcr. ~Ir s. :\lll'tt Xc\·i11c. and ltq H .,li>L·r t T . \larkham joined th em tor ~i~h:r. ).! r:--. :\!1an 11 ussa nclcr (li 222 the ,\Tt:k -t:nds. _ 0_ Linden a\·e mft. She is returning t1 1 her Jt,,m c in th e hL·autifu1 llud :-(l ll l~ in· r \!i ss '.\farian :\ndcr so n. daughter of :-cc ti on ncar \\.est Point. Frida\·, .H r . and \Ir s.:\. ).f. Anderson oi 1221 :\ ti.L!:ttst 23. Che:itnut stred, left Friday of last -owe ek tn . pencl t\\'O ,H·eks Yi siti11g at ).li ss Bertha Dav\· of -l27 l\inth stree t Lake Plea san t in \\' iscon . in . has been in Portland. Ore., attending a m ee ting o i the A me rica n M e eli ca 1 ~ s- -~;_>.#4>.#4>.#4"#4"#4"#4~~~,......~~,.,..,.~~~ ~oc iati o n . She Yi sitecl friends and relati\'es in th e Santa Cruz mountain s Summer or Winter Woodland Pasture in California. and .returned to her home Reasonable Rates Horses called for and delivered in \ Vilmette la st week. I 1 Ridge Road vicinity by rhe gift d. fell ," writf's nn author, No d oubt ::;he Dl·x llaltose l'ond's ('ohl ~.63 ('ream H hut's Almond .:.9 ('rea 111 can not p l antw<l. he or 1t just haphou~ht ,r,u JJt·ntu·n's Shvg. f'n·a m .4iJ 1.00 (; illt·tt e l\hult·~ nllll't Jll't·ll ~· l a l\t ' ll \'et l l <l"ughnut· a:-: :1 thin!;: ;( tnakt·:-; a \\'hcdt .._, :t )-:Ill,,] ltil ll' h , T:tkt·n :ts t 11 i 111.; h"l··, not. "THE.RE GOES THE · RADIATOR" < , 'I I Horses tor Pasture KIND SANFORD AT STUD R -oH . )...[. SchooleY, 161 Prairie a \-cnm·, left Tue sday night {or Buf).f rs. KE~'fU Cl{Y SADDLE STALLION falo. her io rm er home, \\·here she \\'i 11 \·isit her parents. Mr. and 1fr ~. ).[. ]. Ro se nh an. Aiter sprnding a month \\·ith them as th eir guest, she will return to \\rilmette. Tel<'~rUJ)h Road, 1 1\J. ~. Belvlclere Rd. DUFFIELD FARMS E. S. Dillenbeck, Superintendent Tel. Waukegan 4816 ·#################################, IGHT now is the time- while the freshness of Spring cleaning is still on the wa ils and bl'fore the heat is turned on in the Autumn 10 pur thr intru~ive radiator in irs place ( under a Tuttle ~ liJd cy Radi.ltor Cabinet). Wh y go on having smudgy draperies. smudgy walls and unattrac ti ve radialors? And while you are selecti ng Radiator Furniture select styles that are in keeping with your rooms- their finish and design. The design s of Tuttle ~ Bailey Furniture for Radiators are the result of 8 3 years' experience in heating and ventilating. The coupon below will bring you a booklet showing the many styles of cabinets availabk or telephone Wabash 8282. BEAUTIFUL FERNS TuTTLE & B~. tL£Y MFG C.o. Established 1848 A large assortment of fresh, sturdy BOSTOI~ FERNS 441 Lexington Avenue New York City CHICAGO OFFICE: 407 SO. DEARBORN ST. Tutti·· & Bnlh.·y )If~. Co .. Sl and up John Weiland 1 I 61 107 So. J)tourhorn Street, ( ' hlca~o, Ill. Sirs: Plt'llSc S(·ntl me information ('OJH'f'rnlng 'l'uttle & Rnii£'Y J'urniture for Ratllatorrs. Nnmt· Adtlr('S!' ........... . ..................... . ... . Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Wilmt:tte 2 I 28

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