Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 10

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10 -;;" WILMETTE ·- LI -F~- August 23. 1929 In the ORR absence Lea J. Orr, Village ONof VACATION \\'hO is enjoying a t\\'0 ·weeks' yacation, 1-:d \\·arc! H. Kerr, \'illage collector. oHiciatecl as clerk pro-tem at the m~.:cting nf the \ 'i llagc board last Tues- THE RIPEST FRUIT FALLS FIRST 1 day ni~ht. Th e Pule N.i~lcr is n11 llis pilgrimage _I Jld JI c is ah~·a_\'S on tlz c go. I ~~ r. and ).I . I .. 1\ n..;c n and their are closinq t heic summt>r display room at I ! l·h ildrl'n and a iriL'tld r ·turlll·d la st lf'hcn lie shall ro ll for yon oJid JJi t' the Marion /. Calkins shop on September I. !., \\'l't:k f rClill a lllt 1ttll' trip tIt rou~h th e Is not for 11s to lniO'W . 1/ 'hclhcr yo11 li< 'l! in it h11t nr a mall:-;until, the 1-:a:-t and Canada. Lingerie. Negligees. Maids' Aprons and -oI sian, Uniforms, Smocks, Woven Rugs and Baby Blankets. ~Ir s. H. 1 ·:. I Jnr lll:tll ll and IH'r daugh- ll'ht'lhcr \'fllt' r c rich nr poor, 1 tcr. BcatriL·c, -Uil Prair e an.:nuc, lcit JJcuilt ta/,:cs one and all, I ft c [;rcat and 7 24 ELM STREET, WINNETKA illr ~ltlr o...,<:. \Ja ..,:- .. :'\ug ust 0, to Yi it SJ/lll/1, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~·~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --~ -~~~~~~ -~~~~~a~ll~:l~ ll ~tl~t_'it 1r t \\'<~l~_ nt_ lth_s__ · _______ ll 'ht' lt !l c /mot'/\ .\ 011 )'tlttr chuntht'r dnnr. Last Week THE INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOPS OF CHICAGO -l~~~.·~. clerk, A Tribute 1 lli . . 1 Equippf.~d u;itla tl1e famous Control~' ··Cold lf'c arc fr~til clinging on tltt' Trt't: of Life, Niptnt'd hy th e uyc nf Fulha Ti111 c; Jt'ltt'll tltt' ] 1 ul~· /\ida c'ulfs for his ···ictim . 1[,· l ctt~ ·cs [lri~·f and Slli'J'II<<' bdziwf_ Friends mar f!a/ltcr aruuwi rour hcdsidc, Cull in th~: h.t'Si physin.lln a-nd nurst'. () uicll_\' O!tl (rut·! J)culh takt'.,. m~·u_\' lilt [il't'UIIt .Inti the· rip,·st fruit fulls jirst. }'ou 1 1 J1' itlt thefamousFrigidaire "Cold Control" you can regulate thejreezir1g time in your Frigidtlire jw·t a. 'i you rel(ulate the cooking tinte in the oven of )·our ga:s ~tot:e. lllil _\' />t' of l't'll J·;~.·n 111 your co nzll i llllt'. Jill/nil\' ll'h~·ffter yo;1 IN t1 su~·nt or u sinner, I J, ·uth rurcs 110/ for your fttlllt' . 1 .1/u/1 N .\ 11 o I 'i.l'ft u I _rou·, .,. /'fa 1111 ,·cf for /lllltl't', J-'rit·ntls. 1110\' udort' \'Ollr ;,·t·a!ilt 111ay bt' 111 /rust. 1/ 'h,·ll !i;/s _iottl'll<'_\' t'lld.'. ft~r«"<·'«'/1 /tl }'1111r yuur {rit'nds. f-'r;r !Itt: rip,·sl jruit /ttffs jir.i!. I -- I·:L'C I ·~\' 1 ·~ IJ . :-;1-: . \J. ~. J~·d it't~f,·d /11 I he llt t'lllfll'_\' , ·f _ 1/ r. f-'r11 11 k .1. Uro<,'ll, dt't'<'<IStd f'i«lll«'·'l' t·iti .. ~·n ,1( 1J lt 'i/1111'111'.) - Only'205* f. o. b. kitchen l I a New FRIGIDAIRE \Jr.., l <>l1n I. C'tl:-lll·r a11d her chiltl·, .ll, _lt·:1 11 and _lark. \\h<l lt:l\l' llt-ctl ' .., 11 t' 111 1 i m~ :- n- n; t1 " LT k.., at .\I ir It iII i 11 da. \!i~,·,l .. kt\'1.' 1'1.'\\ll'lll'd (11 1-.:~.·llii\\()J'(lt ;llld 1 t It v It, 1111 v " I \1 r.... (', 1... tiL' r ·, l': 1:. ; 1r, · :1 I t'lll'. \lr. :tiHI \ 1 -..,_ 1\. \\ ' . .\fmj.., ,,ll. I -o\[r .... \\'illi:lt ll lhh llt·k ~ · . ~ ~~~ .\ ...:1b1 1 d :t\'t·lltlt·. i.., ..,,,v11dilll! a iL·\\· \\t'L·k..., I :1 \ \' a .. :1i Ill! 1r lJ 1 I, 1a 1H1. \\ ·i, .. , \ h v n· :-! tv 111 " t <~~- 1·d \' i1It It v :· .., 1 ' 11 ;111 d tl a 11 u It t v r :11 l:t . . \1!-. ;111rl \Jr .... 1\:t \llltlll d fhltnl ~, t · . ~ ~ i I ·:t , l 1 1~~ t 1 r (· . . . t . -0- Poreelain -on-steel outSide and inside I .ool{ at t hi~ new, low-priced Frigidaire. The ht'auliful <·ahinet is finisht_'(l in Tu-Tone Porcelain-on-steel, with I·orcelain-eon-stecl lining. All the JH<.'ehanisnl is concealed so you <·an u~e the top of the cabinet for kitt·hcn shelf spa·~e. And this Inechanisrn is ext ra-p1 [)Werful. It liecps food:-\ saft·l" <.·old, c,·cn on the hottest da.~· s. ·y ct it\; o <(Uiet you <.rton' t hear it sl~!rt, or Hlop, or run. Now look inside .and see how ntuch room there i~-no less than 8 square feet of shelf spaee. Tall containers fit in ea:-;ily. And it's easy to reach the lowest shelf,\ithout stooping. Exatuinc the fatuous "Cold Coittrol." This enables you to go\'ern at will the tirne required to freeze i<'e cubes or to ntakc frozen salads and desserts. But call at our display roon1 and see everything for yourself. You <'ati haYc this l\lodt_·l AP--t Frigidaire installed · in your horne for only a few dollars down-the balance arranged to suit your convenience. \lr. :tnrl \lr'. (;(.,ll'l.!<' \·ir~·il l.n'-i"'. 1-1..?11 l.:tkl· ;1\l'llll<', rt 1ti' llt·d tlt i, \\t\'" J"11Jlj ;[ tiJI'l (' \\t'('k< ('I'll',(· ()J l.:t :.t· \I :1 l1i ::111 111 lH·ir :-ailin~ 'acht, Tltt· ~~ r,' ln. · -0- ..... I \fr .... _ \ ndrv\\ \ltl\'lkr. 7211 C -l·cn\\<ltH] 1 an·llut·. :tnd }J('r ..,llll. K v!llll' tlt. arc in .H>rtlt,·nJ \\ -i~rtllhin ,-i..;i ting ).lr:-. \I<Jt·lkr', ..,j..,t1·r. \1 ,...,_ \ltlt'lkr. i..; rn·upcrat j ll~ at )'n· . . vllt lr1111l a n·n·1lt <lptrati«·ll. I -0, \fr . and \fr..,_ :\. P. Zcrlt, 01R Ftlt'l"t ;t\Tnlll'. lta,·t· a..; tlwir l:llL"\t inr ail'\\\n·t: k:- \lr . /.veil \ 1lJ (lt hn, \fr . . T(lbn Zvrh. <li ).fil\\·auktt. 1rhn -.tllpprrl in \\.iln.d lt' r111 her wa,· irnm Detroit. \fr .... T. Tf. Pitkin of -tO-t Crt~tlt'\' a\Tilllt' ~la:- a . . htr h(lthl' Q'lll':-t fnr t vn dar:-. ~1 r.,. Dnri :- I1c1k Barnard of Cltira.Qo. -0- -o- 1·: Iiia he t h ~h ip111 an rd urn crl tf) hn hnmc in Kcnih,·or th last \\'Cl'k irnm a t \\ ·n \\' N· k . ;' Ya c a t inn s p c11 t with h L' :· fritnd'i in 7i()n ~atinnal Parle ~ f i..,.., Announcing · Our August Sale of Furs Large Stock on Hand STOVER :'\lldai~au co. 49:,o AH~. REBUILDING AND REPAIRING NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER 1: ' 1111'-lon ul UnntlolJlh · · 16:U Sht·rman (; r('(·nl<'nf 4 ISO .\' "· St., A,·.-. .\n·. ( t;,t lliiChhtntl l'urk 34~8 · !!"'~ f"('ntrnl IJ i~Chlantl l'a rk t:,o X. ::'\lic·hiKan An.) llantlolJlh Huhtmrcl )\'ootl~ · AllO IJintlfn Wlnnl'tka Ul~ l'uhlic· SH\'ic·c Cnm]liUlY u f :Xu rt h l' rn J IIi 11 o is ,\ t all their ofticcs. O.R.~1~~ Co 501 CAPITOL BUILDING State and Randolph Streets, Chicago Phone Ct>ntral 6049 Establlehed 1879 A sm,Ill d!'posir witl hold any garment till called ftK ...

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