Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 14

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l.t WILMETTE LIFE August 23. 1929 "Look at the Classy Swimming Suit I bpught a~ Tolo// Pictures Awarded Silver .Cup Chand ler's August Sale for only $4.95" Formerly $6.00 All of Spaldinp,'s smart swimming suits arc selling at a decided reduction . If you don't need a new suit now. it will pay you to get one for next vcar . These s uit~ have all the popular stvle features. Models for men .1nd women .lt a bargain price of $4.95. Three portrait stu dies hy in an exhibit uf t)il J. D. Tnloff \\·o n first place and the ::\1 artha Pike Holling ~ih·er cup painted photographs at the annual con- $5 Catalina "Flying Fish" $4 The sun -back "F lying Fish" model represents a wonderful value. It's a speed model meant for those who want greater freedom in the water and for those who want to get a real sun tan . A splendid value at $4 . nntion of the photographer~ of ::\1 irhigan, Ohio. and Indiana held ;tt Cedar Point, 0., la~t ,,·eck. ::\lis:; Sally Gale of the 'J'nloff pa inted the picture s, which arl· :;lw\\'n here. At the tlJlJ)l·r left arc Cynthia an ct. Jea 11 \ \ ' i1liamson. 927 tlichigan aHnur. l'pper right is thr bah~· daughter 11i .\Irs. C. A. McCahr nf Rogers p;trk. Below arc BPI>hic ;tnd Hillie Tavlor. sons ni ~I r. attd \lr~. \\ '.·B. Taylur, ~33-l l 'c ntral l 1 ;trk an·nuc. ~tudio Important Values in All Departments Chandler's tqo DAVIS ST .. EVANSTON Wilmette 724 C. R. Wa~ner New Owner Conduct Funeral Rites for William Brinkman Grocery M~s. Sarah Louise Redman l~l·dmatl, .!<>05 ]Jarri son street. l·: , ·~t lh · , ftlll. (Ill Tut· .· da\' of last \\'n·k. \\ ' t'l't' : ,·ond ut·tecl from .the residence on \\ 't·d 11ame. ltDda\·. llurial \\·as at Mar~hall. \!1 :.. \I r ..... ·l~edman's former home . Sltt· h;llf FORMER N. T. TEACHER HERE ht'l'll a resident of \\ ilmettc a11d 1 ·\·;lll..,tnn fur fifteen years. ln additillll ~lr. and ::\frs. H. 1\. Cox, lllf, I·J m\\'t)Od <t\TilllC, had as their guest P\'l'l' t() S. L. T{cdman, she is sun·in·d !11' la st \\'t'l'k-end, C. M. Stnkcs, tlf ~fi ll three other sons: J. E. l~l'dman ,;f neapolis . .\[inn. Mr. Stnkcs wa s f l ll' - Springfield , Mass., J ohn Hedman .,f mcrh· a tcarher at .1\ew Trier '1'01\ 11shi p Kcrsc\·, Colo .. and Hcnrv l~r clman lll da11ghtcr , High sr hnlll. and has just hec11 grantt·d 11rcm~·rton, \Va sh ., and hi s doctor\ degree at the Cnin.' r-.itl· .I uli:1 I~cclman of Rum City. ~I 1 ' · oi ::\1 inncsnta. :re is te aching in the l'niHr~it ,. high s hoot there. LEAVE FOR MICHIGAN , · , ).lrs. Han·c \· .~. Craig, /)(, Lal,c .tl·1 ~~.r~ . . ~·· htrk>ltn~ c_:f 1~\· anstutl lt:t . . 1 cnm·. accompamed br. hn da.u.t.:htcr, t> tlll: lt '-:~ul .the BcnJam;n 9dcll h (ttlll' ;: t 1 Da plmc. and her son, 1\orlll;ttt. t:... lea\ ~~.<) \\ annrk ro~ul. Kcnl~\\'orth. ~fr~ . : ing at the end of .the week fpr ~I irlti htrklll..llf, who \\'til move lllto her Ill'\\ gan. Tltc\' all \rill spend a ,, vd.: : 11 1 1l?me about September 15, is the mnth . : r , J)l,tl.l.d;t~. ::\firh .. and anothn ,, cd.: ;·t nt ::\1 rs. Tra Calef Darling, 25(, f.:cnil - elolnnliclcl Hill..;. ~rich .. l>cfllrt· rl·tmn \\'orth aHmtc. : im; 111 their atome 111 \\'ilmt'ltt· . I . ---- - - -- Tilt· ~:tit· nf the gr()crry and utarl.;d itlrtltnh·. llj>Cratl.'d hy \\'illiant l~rittk tll:tn :tt HI t'lltl1pany at 117~ \\ 'ilmrttc: ;tn·nuv t11 C. I~. \\'agner \\a s an tlllllttct·d this \\ cck. ~Jr. \\ ·a)..!'nn \1 ill :. :lllltilllll' tlH· business t111<kr . hi.., It\\ 11 i~L · Lhnan, 11 l·' um·r;tl ritt'S for ~Irs. ~;,r ; tlt l,ll\li...,~· a fmm~r resident 11l \\ ' illltt'tll' Ito dtl'd at the home of ht·r ~tl ll. ~. I,. one METROPOLITAN · Corner Wabash Avenue and Monroe Street, Chicago ~~~~ 3 FALL TERM Sept. 1929 Bookkeeping. Shorth and. Typewriting. Secretarial Training. w:. Experienced Teachers, Day and Evening Sessions. Free E'mployment Service- OUR GRADUATES ARE WORKING. YOU MAY BE TOO, IF YOU. SEND FOR OUR SPECJA~ CIRCULAR, "METRO FACTS."

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