Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 15

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August 231 1929 by WILMETTE LIFE ~5 tendere st esteem the great host of GIVES LECTURE ON Christian Scientists is plainly evidenced the oral te stimoniah on Wednesday CHRISTIAN SCIEN·CE in evenings in Christian Science churches girdling the globe, and by written testiEditm·'s nr,tc : Appendt·d i ::; an cxcl'l'llt from a L :.·dur · on t'hri~tian Sl·it: n< ;·· gh··:: n l-)und<t v. A.ug-ust ' lS, in th e \ ·an;ity th eate r , Jo:\·a tt~t()Jl, I>Y Judge Samud \\·. Greene of l'hicago, a meml.lt· l' of tlw Board of Lt·(· tur e~ hip of The :\!other Church, The Fir ~ t ( 'IHll'ch of ( 'hrbt, Scil'ntist, in Bu~tot l .:\Ia~ :--. Tht· w as n~ tl und e l,' \\ 1lme tlc, \V llland th e s ul..Jj t~d wa s: ·· t ·11l'istian Scie n ce: The UoH·rnment by 1 >i du e Law." in eh ~ trdl E.·s k pr,'lt ~r , , ·:-; hip ll'd lll'l' th e uf C hri.~ tian · Sd e!~ ce gi E\-all::;tun, llt·t ka, and (;t e llL' lH~, I ..I One of the first impre ss ions that cumes to the beginn er in Chri stian Science is one of sati sfac tion o n finding a rdigious te ac hing that is exact-that is really sc ientific and in accord with l;nr. Law has held · for the ma sses a pl ace of respect, dignity, e\·cn majesty. l<~r~)!)l the standpoint o f law , Christian ~c1ence makes a tremendou s appeal t u th e logical r easo ning th ought. The Di sco rcr cr and Founder of Christian Science, ~lary Baker Eddy, in her book, "Rudimental Di\·ine Science" ( p.l) defines Christian Scienc_ e ":\ :-. th e law ot God, the law ui guud, interpreting and dcm onstrating th e di\·ine Principal and rule of uni \T r~a l harmony.' ' · The Discoverer and Founder This usc o i lcg·al phra seology to c~eti lit: Christian Scit:ncc may be an 111 diration of llo\\. e;trnestly and broa~ly .\1 r s. Edd y 5tudied and searc hnl to dtscm·tT th e bas is (lf _lesus' h~:alin g nH·tlwd. Tu turn tu the Bible illr help \\·as her la :--t hupc af t er a lung <!.lid iruitlcs:-. :-carcb iur health amung materia l rcmc die:-;. Tuming tu Cud as she did 'ri th lwpe and iaitlt :-he quickly :-a\\- the hcal;m~· pu\\'a maniic:-.tt d in rc:-tured health. ~111.· then applied hcrsdi to a :-tlld\ o i t I! e B i h k that s I! e might k nu 'r tIt c :--civtll ifiL· ba:-is oi her healing. :\ :-. she ,tud ivcl. tiJI..' :-;cril Jtllres were illutnined. . . . .I and ..,!Jc sa \\. and tlll ( kr ~to t )d h<l\\ hc,t ing rll'jlL'tHI:-- upnll a knu\dcdg· ~._· ui Cud. ;· :-. i..; t· ,·ideltccd in tllll' u i I e:-. u:--' must .. . · _ · . . ,. ;l'l 11:-· b · 1 -l'<lllll·r~_·h~.· n:.IYl' )Jtlll111:--e:--, Ill' etnnaL that thn· mig·ht kn u \\. th ee · d th~.· onk tr ue Co-d. and Jesus Cltri:--t, . Winnetka Youth Honore ,, htllll_ thl)\1 ~1ast s~'llt." ~he sa \,. th at 1 by Blackfoot Indian Tribe al.l tll . _I c:--th IH· al1~1gs c: ~111 e t hr<Jtlgh . .\ signal !t nntl r \\a ..; IH·.;tti\\ Td up on !11:-- rl'lt:u:rc tll~l l ll ( ,ncl.. ~he. sa\\' th at , 1\ilh· Burkhardt . so11 of \Jr . and .\ Irs. _I c~th rlatnlc d . 110 l·xclu:-.l\.t..' nght lll do Ch:t-rle s l~nrkhardt lli 1}1,.) .-\ .;hun an~ 'P irt .tu:~l ltcallllg hut that th~· sa me I lllll', ] luhbard \\.onch . \\-IJilc o n . a r cltt·a hiJg JHl\:·cr could l.ll' cxnc l ~t· d hy re nt \·isit to \ \· ll n\\' :--tt111L' and Glacier a ll \\·Ito hellnT<} 0 .11 1 111,'~ -- tl!at ~:-.. ut)- \"ational park s. Th~..· J:lackinn t Indian s <k r:--tnod .the (hrtst. ll.lll s was she made him a m e mber oi their . trihc. gi\·kc.l un.c rn.t:gly to. tl!~ ~ll~co\·cry tl;at · ing him the name ni an ancil'nt warti:J ~ :-.rtetHdlc, l.Jcalll:.~· 1s '!1 accoHI. \\'It~! rior. "Chid ~I ad Plume ." T~al p h dt\· tn~· ~a\\-. llte:l'lorc .. lb practiCe ts l~urkltardt will Jean· hlli11 C ear ly in llllt bmttt·d. but _1s aY:ttiahle for e\·cry :-;eptembcr for ~hattuck :\filitary earnest sL·chT attct~ (,o<J '\'1 10 .acl~l c : cs academv at Faribault. ~I inn. to th~.: plan out!tn cd 111 (hnsttan 4 monials constantly appearing in the Christian Science periodicals. The Bible In her st udy of the Bible. she saw th at th e contents of the Old Testament, " ·hen properly interpr eted, re\:t:aled m ore o r le!'is discernment of God's law on th e part of the notable characters ther ein mentioned. The soca lled miracl es and unusual incident s of th e Bible arc much more r easonably believable in the light of their scicntific o r sp iritual understanding as taught in Christian Science. The hi ston · of the Israelites . from tht· tim e of tl;eir brea ki11!S the bonds of slarny, through their <l ~duous trave ls to the land of Canaan " nd tiH:ir sojourn therein, vre sent s a pictur e of th e human experience as it is bein g worked ·out to- clav. ).f ortal -man. under the accu stomed material the orY oi liie to -day, find s him se lf in bon tiage to many hard ma s; ter s. such as disease. pm·erty. hatred. · strife. and sin . One dav he cli scm·er s in Christian Science th e Truth which enables him to br ea k the shackles of material h cli ci and to foll ow the pi liar of cloud ll\· dav ancl of fir e by ni g ht t hr nug h a - son~e timc s rough path to ;pirit ual ligh t and und erstanding-th e promised land. ~fr s. Eddy ha s expressed the fi~~· ur e bea utifully in th e tc st hold..: , "Science and H ea lth ,,-ith Kt·\· tn the ~rripturt·:--" (p. 5Mi\, in tlll.-St: wnrd:-.: " .\ :-- thL· ch ildren 0i Israel \\ere ~ ui dcd tril1lnphanth· thr o ugh the l l\ed :;~.·a. t he dark ehhin.g atHl flowing ' tides ni human i~.·ar.-a~ the\· w er e kd tlmntglJ tht· ,,-ildcrtH::-!'i. ~\·a lking ! \\Ta r il!· fhrnngh the grt·at desert of i hutnan . lwpe:-. :tl](l an ti cipat ing th e l'l'··tni~ed joy. - ..;,) :--h:t ll th e . piritual ' iric a ~ u id c a II r il!.il t de.; in·..; in t h c ir Jl:t:-:,..;Jg· · !'1'~>!11 ~··I t~· · t" :-;.,ul. frt ·m n , lt l:tt· ·ri:il ~··tJ~·· 1 'f t·Xi"-'l ··nr·t to tl~·· ~pil'it ' n:ll. till '" 1!11 · gl.,tT pt·· ·Jl:tl'· ·ll 1tJr th· ·m 1 ,- 11,, Jr,y, . <it·rl. :-;r :Jit· J\· ~ ··it· n<·t · J1 :1U!'P:-: 1 I Ill·(, htll 11 11·\"t·~ lw!'t·l't · .ll1t· lll. a pillar or t·l~>ud J, _ , . <l:t~· :tntl .. r fir ·· ],~· night. 1P:ulin gt·, di, iJ,,. lll- ·h.:l1t ~--__ _ 1 SILE THE NOISELESS OIL BUR.NEI By actual comparisons, SILENT AUTOMATIC will do what no other oil burner can do. . Make us prove it! See a demonstration- Ask our users 162o Evanston Show Room SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf -48 2 I Hubbard Woods Show Room 900 LINDEN AVE. Winnetka 6 5o Greenleaf 700 ScREENCoME in-let us show you how radio's new principle is applied in Atwater Kent ScreenGrid Radio with the experience of 27 years of precision manufacture. 1\ ew tone-1 Vew power -New range-New se· lectivity-but the same Atwater Kent day-after-day dependability. Come in-listen-seehere-roday. 1 Eleetro· DynaJDie ..... l :\ltl.wugh :\f r> } ·,d~ IY: a t ,t l:e tun c ot her d1sc o\·c ry ol Chrt s tt~n Sc1encc, wa s \\·hat the " ·(Jrlcl calls nll(ldlc <fgecl, she wa s ahll' to gi\·t' more than f0rty years of acti\T sen·ice to the foundation and pronwtinn ni her di sco very. Her un disputed ability and efficiency as a real!\' great leader have been rccog nizc<l and fittingh· acknowleclgecl hy man\· l'diturs and -men of affairs outside - the Christian Science movement . That she is held in the ·highest and Science. , . . I RETURNS TO KENILWORTH Complete $194!~ 0 \\' illard 'J'. Carter, \\'Ito has hl'l'll · direct or of rtligillti S education at the Cniun Church ni K~:nih,·o rth. but wlw ldt la:-.t April itlr llarti tJr cl, Conti., and \rho has been· filling tht plac e oi Richa rd P. Carter, durin .~ the \1 onth ni :\u.~u:-.t. returned t() Kenil\,·prtit ll tt ~tl!Hla\ · (li la st \\'eek irom a \\Tvk's ,·is it. to Kansas Cih·, ~[o. ~~ r. Carter \nil return to Hartford Scminan· Fou.ndation \\'here he will resum e hi s dutrc s, the fir st of September. Others $145.00 & OPEN EVENINGS up NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE CO. 712 CHURCH STREET Evanston University 4523 546 LINCOLN AVENUE Winnetka Winnetka 3474

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