Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE I August 23, 1929 When Subdividers Are Skeeters' Pals . I I I' ,, Colorful, Less ExpenSive Gifts for Summer Stnall pieces of decorati \·e foreign and clotne~tic Pottery as \ rases, Flo\ver Pots, Cigarette Boxes at1d Cornports. Stnart black and \vhitc glasses in sizes correct for Orange Juicc. I cccl Tea or \\'at cr. 'l'hcrc are also t\YO tables devoted to close -out patt.crns of China and Glass at ridiculottsh· low prices . . . \\·h11c they last. IT ERALLY hundreds of spots similar to th.e one shown in t~e accomShore. Mosqmto Abat~: breedm~ p~aces.. Tht:s picture was taken in tlie Dempster-~rawford _sectiOn of subdtvtston s m Ntl:~ Center, where new sidewalks, in bemg established at grade, left large areas panying picture are encot,mt~r~d ~Y the No~th L ment district in its work of ehmmatmg mosqm_to ·li 'I TATMAN the house of gifts 517 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON 625 N. MICHIGAN CHICAGO AVE. of h)w places from which the dirt was removed to make the required sidewalk grade. Rains fill the low places with water, which often has no way of escape except bv evaporation. during which time millions of mosquit oes. (statistics claim 13 ·millions per acre), arc produced to wing th eir way over the north short. The particular spot shown in this picture was. up to the time the 1\orth Shore ~losquito Abatcmrnt district thoroughly drained it hy digging appro:-.imateh· 3.000 feet of ditch, one of the worst mosquito breeding sections in the district and. according to Superintendent \Villiam Edwards. was the main breeding grounds f,,r the mosquitoes that inf es ted Evanston last year. Due to thr nature of the soil it require s constant attention on the part of the Abatement district , and ,,·ill until building development is further advanced and hou se grading and scwe·r extensions are completed. Going to School? . Frank R. Sullivan Will Open Ladies' Shop in Evanston directly above their present space. The ground floor office will contain their entire renting-management organization . Through this oA1cc the m~. Let us advise with you on all of your Luggage john F. Hahn. Inc .. announce the public ,,·ill abo han· ingress to the department:-; on the second floor hot h by cunsummatiun oi an important com mercial lease in the Fountain Square priYatl" elc\·ator and staircase . an~a of Evanston. They han? leased \\"h en John F. Hahn, Inc ., held its · tl Sl iormal n:)en itll! in its present space. . , . . . t IlC grOttiH I Aoor Jlr<.' I111SeS Oil ll' 1er· 1 0 f tl H 1 1 ·1 r · a cleal M tlus tdcnttcal kmd was fore111 man artnue S t< e lC a Hll c mg. setn hut not anticipated for several now occupied by thcmselvt s, to Frank \Tars. However, recent developments R. Sulli,·an, Inc. The Sulli,·an organi - 011 Sherman aHnue, notably the ereczation will present to the north shore tiun of ~1arshall Field and company's an exclusive line of coats, gom1s and IH' \\. buildin~, han greatly sti mulat ed sp_nrts wear as 'veil a_s fur.· The sl.lOp retail activities in this area. The time mil carry. too. ~ mel~ range of 111~ - has alreacl\' <H~ived when ground floor ported m~rchandtsc. frank R Sullt- . space has reached suc h a level of value van. pres~clent of. t.he cOmJ~any. ha s that it can he best utilized bv mcrchanmcrchancltsecl ladws wear tor many dising establi shments, to wl~om attrac:n . :ars: For t;,·e nty-Lwo years. he was tive window disqlav of merchandise is as suet at cd With Marshall F1eld and essentia ll y impo-rta-nt. company. joseph \\' . Hickey, of 10 So. La Sa lle John F. Hahn, Inc., while maintain street. Chi cago repre se nted th e Les see ing a ground floor reception office. will and Ga·rfield And erson of John F. move the majority of their departments Hahn. Incorporated represented the to the seconc,l fl.Dor of the Hahn build- 1 Lessor. - ...... I .f ~· STAKDARDLUGGAGECO. "4 4 Years in the Business" Our 1pecial proceu of fumigation de1troy1 all moth-life in upholstered furniture, ruga, furs, etc. We Call for and Deliver 61 2 DAVIS ST.. EVANSTON GREENLEAF 822 roo7 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO lcontraets for £xtermlnatlng Roaches, Bed Bugs, Mlee and Rat1.l

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