Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 19

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August 23, 19.29 WILMETTE LIFE lQ N. K. E. C. Director Says Children Care Little for Poetry "Children arc not greatly interested in poetry and care very little for vers.:-, according to recent in\'c ·tigations of children's interests," :\I iss Chua BL'lle Baker, director of the demonstration school of the ::\ational: 1' indcrgartc11 and Elementary college of E\·anston. a·nnounced today, adding, huwc\'er, that children do ctij cly poetry occasionall~:. Hecent tests have been made to determine wht..:thcr childrcn could discriminate bet ween gocd pl)l'try and poor poetry. An unfamiliar poem was chosen and re-,Hittcn \rith variatil\IIS. In one th e rhyme was spoi'led, in one thc rhytl1m. in anothn prosaic statelllCJlts \rcrc substituted fur the figure.-; of speech and anothcr \\·as highly :-;cntimentalizcd. \\'bi le JWtl e of the children sclcctcd the poem in "·hich the rhvthm wa s broken, no further dtscrimit;ati1>n \\as shown by children under the sixth grade. .Junior high school students ]1rderrcd thL· prusaic \'crsion to the original, while high ~cho1>l studtnh enjoyed the scntimcntal rcrse. it was llc)t until the snp lwnwr · \Tar in college that the student:-; began tu ~clect th<. Llriginal pocm as the best. l11 comm~.·ntlllg 011 the rc~ults uf the test ::\1 iss naker suggested that there is \'ridcnt need of guiding children mure carefully in teaching appreciation of JHH..'tn·. Puems shuuld l>c selected mure carci~!ll.'· · and childr n should be led from the simpler ; 1rms of nrse tn more comprehcnsi\·e ~~oetry. "CI!ildn.·n prefer poems that tell stnries," the head ()i the dcnJonstratiu;J school oi the Jlllrt h :-.ide college :-.aiel. ".\1 any poems llll'fely prl'Sl'llt a picture, a1Hl if children ha\·e not iMmed the habit oi mabng tl1eir O\\·n thought pictun·s, the~l' poems mean nothing to them unlcss they hayc help in their appn·cJatJon. The mother or teacher :-.l]t)uld aid the child tn sce the picture, and 1 erhaps to interpret it in color." .\f i~s Baker suggL'sted that aJwtiH:r r~,·asnn wh\· children do lH\t care ior pnctry is tile f:tct that they arc iorccd t\\ 11h'l11lll'ize so many that they dn not care for. The iii\'I.'St igations to determine childrL'JJ':-. iaYurite pucms \nTe carried on amung 50.000 srlwol children The results slHJ\\Tcl that children i1, the tirst grade liked poems ahnut a~1imals a11d play; in ~t·cond grade Sl.'\'cral lullabi es \\Tre clwscn. tl)gdher with patri{ tic se lecti ons. The third grade chose more narratin.: ycrsc, and 'the h urth many 1wn sense rh nm·s. The sdcction in ti i th grade r;tn t<.\ ltertH~S an_ d story tc 11ing' poems, and in the sixth to thuse uf ad\'enture and danger. Golf Champ Our New Midsummer· Special by Eight $1· 0 3 Six Portraits Regular Price $17.50 .. , l Something New Have your kiddies photographed in our studio gardenThe pictures will be charming. JosEph D. To1off Out Photographs Live Forever 5 18 Davis St., Evanston Univ. 2178 ·' \I C 1arcI ( '.alll I)rJ , r., ot. 1· ·.,·-, 'I rs. 1"1 'II] anstun, last \\Tck \YOn th e \\'~llll- i en's goli championship uf f!linc)is Coif club. defeating ~lr:-;. Charles ~1. Ca:-;c, last n~ ar's \\'inner in the finals. ··. 1:11 ~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~· · : : · · · · · Evanston Shop Open Saturday Evenings Only During July and August Arnty Game Holds Spot as Illinois Opens Ducat Sale 'I'll\' :-.ak Pi L'nin·r~ity uf Illinois in(lthall tickets is nn. L'ndn the di rt·ct ion t\ f C. L. I \u\Hll. ticket lllallagcr. a large staiT of clerk~ i11 the itll\lhall ticket (ltrJce is \\·orking at high pressure t\ptning the first batch ui kttns frpm ia·ns. Ordns fur the .\ rmy game, as was ~,·:-;:ptctL·cl. kd all the r~.· st hut there \\'a :; much intcr~.·~t in the :\1 ichigan battle at lwmt:t"\\lllil .g and it is prtdicted that :t ,,·ill nut he far hchi:1d the cadet contest in pupularity. The Chicago ga111c w:ts outdist~.Jlced bv th1.' :\nm· ancl \\'oln·rin c engage n;ents but tl;is "as <::-;:pectcd, especia l!\· since the ·~laro nns close the season it! the loct 1 stadium and ::\nvember l(J ->et·ms a l0ng \Y a~· oiL ::\o\\' that application cards have hl'l'll distril>tttccl, orders fm tickets will he accepted frnm anyone, :\fanagcr lhnH' Jl said. Tf cards arc available it is preferred that they be us1.'d in ordering hut kttcrs \\·ill reccin: the same attention. For the Army game, a limit of t\\·n tich ,' ts to an applicant in the general sa le i-> hci ng enforced. the aim being to in sure. an CCJttital>lc distribution. For the ~fichigan . and Chicago games there arc n o limits o n thl' numb er to be obtained hy one person. Although he concedt·s thl're tWl. y be <1 sell-out c\·entually for the Arm\' game. ~I anager nZ1\vcn thinks tk;t tickets will be ayailahle for a lnng time Yet and that fans who order now 'will he certain to obtain accommodations. Orders from the public ·although accepted now, will not be maikd out until Sept. 13. · · · · · · · · · · llenrg C.Lyiion 8 Sons Sure .1nd J.1ckson--Chic.1go '-\ THE{ IIIIIID !IIIJB · Orring[on and Church- Evanston . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · In Our Evanston Shop Final Cut In Our ~reat Expansion Sale · · · · · · · Evanston Elks to Hold Day of Golf at Techny E,·a11 . ton Elks will learn how their m em bership take s to r,olf by holding a day for golf, Wednesday, Aug. 28, at Techny Fields. Though such events are numerous in the annals of other local clubs, the Elks will be trying one for the first time, and if it is successful the day will be made an annual affair. About 100 members are expected to be present and take part in the round of activities. The first foursome is scheduled to tee off at 12. There will be numerous prizes for events being nlanncd by the golf committee. Peter Golbach is chairman, and others are Hay Catlow, George Vise!, Leo Cody, Clyde Winter, Thomas Air_th and Roy · · · · · · · · · · · · This is the last week of this incomparable event. The last week you will be able to make such decisive savings·.Come in today. The weights are just what you will want for Fall. · · That Sold Up to $50 Now WOMEN LOSE SERIES The Evanston ( mtry club's women's tennis team lost its final contest of the inter-club series to Knollwood last week, dropping two matches and winning only one. 1-frs. Newton Grey ~illes. scored the victorv by defeating lvfrs. The qualifying round for the club Yates. 6-3, 6-1. Miss Margaret Hardchampionship will be played. In the ing played the other singles match, evening dinner will be served at the and the doubles team was Miss Ruth Fordyce and Miss Margaret Ba11inger. cluhhouse. . r ~i~.~PI~PI~.~.~....~.~.P!.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~.;;& · · · · · sz6so .. · · · · · · · ·

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