Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 21

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' August 23. 1929 WI~METTE LIFE 21 · Coach Dick Hanley Sizes Up Football Future Over Radio Coach Dick Hanley, Northwestern university's footbatl coach, in a radio talk over radio station WLS scheduled for Wednesday of this week outlined briefly the pospects of the v a r 1 o u s teams in. the Big Ten for this fall. His comment in part follows:._ Illinois, for the last two years \Vestern Conference c h am pions, again possesses a Yeteran squad. Numbered among the 75 candidates w h o (Ray) will rep·,rt to Coaoh Coach Hanley Zuppke thi s fall are seventeen lettermen from last season and ~hree from previous years. Pete Lanum, fullback of the 1926 team, will be back this year and will provide additional power to an already well fortified hackfi eld. Among the veteran backs are Timm. Mills, Walk er, Humbert and Peters. In addition to these men are three sophomores, Schultz, Evans and Useman. These men s hould develop into a versn.tih~ backfield with sufficient rese rve powe r. \Vith the n.boYe material plus othPrs \'.:ho have not hePn mentioned Illinoi::-; possesses one of tht> bc::-;t balan ced tenms in the hi story of the conferelH.: . The~· haYe all the speed and def<·nse of th e las t two years plus addPd d ef~ n ~i Vf' streng-th. Lette>r qual'terback play plus the all rountl uiJility of Lanum and Schult?.. \'etHan Baclg..rs to ll~turn \Vi ::; onsin has 15 v eteran~ left from the l'trong team of la~t rear, inC'luding two ~l'ls of n~gular entl s and Lubratovi<.:h, oue of th e out~tanding taekle~ in the coufe r ence last year until he wa s forceJ out of play with a broken leg. Ketelaar wi II alternate with Par·ks, Backus and Lind1 ·n at the guard assignment~. ::\lillt>r, a r E·gula r center, is also avaflable. These linemen plus B c hr, Lusby, Bartholom~'w and Rebholtz, all backs, will prov .Je tbe Badgers with a real veteran ~q uad . They will undoubt edly miss the servi es !Jf Cuisinier, quarterback , Wagner, ta cklt', Kre~ky and Conry, who hav e graduated. With a veteran t ea m as a nuc leu::; and a strong freshman team coming up, particularly with the addition of the younger Rebholtz, Wisconsin must be counted among ·those present in the ra ce for the championship this fall. Minneso ta will have a typical Spears team this fall, which means an excellent one. Fourteen lettermen are available including the veteran tackl e, Nagurski; Pharmer, Kirk, Brockmeyer, Bardwell, Burdick and Barnhart, all backs. In Clarence Munn of Minneapolis, the Gophers 5eem to have a sophomore fullback prospect of great possibilities. Among the linemen are Tanner, a really great end, Pulkrabek, Appman, Johm~on and Gross. All in all, in my opinion, the Minnesota team will be a better team than last year despite the loss of Gibson and Haycraft. Purdue to Be Reckoned With Coach Jimmy Phelan at Purdue is faced with the probl em of rcplacin?: the major portion of his line, most of ·.vhom were third year men last season. However, in Welch, Caraway and Harmeson he has a backfield trio of few equals and no r-,uperiors in the conference. In my opinion Welch is one of the fin est backs in the conference, despite the fact that he operated up to only 60 perce nt of his possibilities last year due to a knee injury, Reconstructing the line will be the problem at Purdue. Sleight and Bibher, two tackles, are the only outstandinglinemen back this year; but a number of r·romising freshmen candidates. will aid the situation considerably. Purdue can he relied upon to play the same aggressive type of ball that has marked its progr ss since Coach Phelan took over the reins. Our situation at Northwestern centers around the task of replacing WaltPr Holmer, all-conference fullback last fall, and Yatz Levh:;on, blocking quarterback. We :mstained heavy losses in the line, losing three regular tackles, a re rr ular ~uard and end. Our prospects depe nd largi'ly on what we can make out of th " !';Ophomore material, some of which shows promisP hut ·will be handicapped throug·h lack of experienct>. Me e ting Wisconsin the second game of the Reason and takinv on ::\finnesota the following Saturday will force us to reach our peak early. Summer School Closes Its Greatest Session Closing of examination b~oks of the summer session students Saturday began a lull in activities of the Northwestern university campus which will last until Monday, Sept. 16, when the new fall semester will open. Over 2,500 students have attended the summer school. the largest ever. Practically every school showed a marked increase in enrollment during the term. During the opening ·w eek of the fall semester, freshmen who are entering from the lower paris of their high sc hool classes will be given entrance examinations. These will come the early part of the week beginning Sept. 16, and Thursday of that week freshy;ncn will register. Upperclassmen will r egis ter . Friday and Saturday, and classes are scheduled to begin the follo\\'ing Monday. ~fr. and ~Irs. C:nus Barr, 33() Essex road, Kenilworth Lave returned to their hom e from Rochester, ~finn . , \\·here :Mr. Barr has been si nc e his recent opt.:ration at Mavo Brothers' rlinic . ~fr. Barr is rccoverinl!' ven· uicch· but \rill 626 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON GREENLEAF 1674 be confined to l;is h(;lllc io~· quite a I tim e. ·----------------------------------- Begins September 8 For those who contemplate studying art this North Shore school otrers all that may be had anywhere. Its educational standards are the highest. Its credits are acceptable in the school systems here and in every university with which we have contactei!. The most advanced teaching metheds are employed, so that in the shortest space ot time the student may be fitted to enter a Ufe work that at this time offers many advantages over other professions. The picture shown above Illustrates the unique method employed in the interior decoration class, wher~ the students not only learn to design the interior, but through the construction of the small model they learn the actual structure of the rooms, furniture, and accessories. It wfll pay you to investigate. THE REGULAR FALL TERM THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS c A R L 0 5 p H 0 T 0 s CARLOS ANNOUNCES that on the Third ot Sepopen tember he wil.l traiture z w 0 I:VENINGS 1n his new 'studio ot camera por- the MIRALAGO Building + Sheridan Road at the Lake, between Wilo.._ met t e and Kenilworth TELEPHONE Wilmette 6 5 0 I l CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Mind" will be the subject at the services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette, Sunday morning, Augu.st 25, at 11 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9 :45 o'clock 1 7 4 6 s H E R D A N R 0 A D

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