22 WILMETTE LIFE Aug-ust 23. 1929 The Coa·t Would you like it of sailor blue chinchilla. fOVNIAIN 5QVARL [\!ANITON Store I-I ours: 9 to 6 with a S'Nceping shawl of dark r a c c o o n ? ($5 5 ). Or of me dium green or dark blue chinchilla. with 1 AustraliJn opossum. Robes of French Flannel (s) 5). Another kind for snug w a r m t h COA ~ I' $10.95 Soft-toned stripes in orchid, green. s.1nd. and blue. coral. peach. lacquer red in intriguing combin,1tions. PracticJI. w.1rm- and feminine 111 a sort of modern L1 hion. is the looks keeps LLA\1A C L 0 T J-I which like )'l fur- and u \\'.lrm like furfabric of but costs much less. A . thick -piled silkv f~:c1: in camd or bcJ ,.cr color. w i t h English le.1tl1cr but Sizes FaiiEiouses in new c )lors tons . $2-.:;o. 14 to 10. $10.95 $12.95 Crepe blousr..; - \\'ith rl·,·cr.;; outlined in contr.1sting bands: with V neck lines th.1t .1ppe.1r asymmctricJl · bel"Jusc their frequent bows Jnd trimmings occur on only one side. I n In d i .1 n- Sun . :\ u t um n C I\l \\' Brioche . .J nd The Suit $15 You· cl much first. ba,·e more guc. sed if you could ha\'c seen them .Pigskin Gloves $5.50 One-button pigskin gloves of cxcd len t. even 1y- marked skins. bound in a con trasting shade of brown. The Slipons, $6 Golf Gloves . . \V Jsbablc chamois half -finger glove;:,, with perforated tops. $ r. 7 5. For women who play golf throughout the fall season. Lord's-First Floor Tl.1cy' rc utter! y smart and young and collegiate: Plain jersey (in wine or brown or beige) ma kcs cardig.1n Jnd skirt of a suit whose sweater is an enlarged he a tbcr destgn. Others have . tweed jac kcts · a n d skirt . and p 1a i n Tans, red, sweaters with brilliJnt appliques. green, blue-tuck-ins and slipovers. Lord's-'Second Floor If your wardrobe's planned properly certain of having a goc d year. A if you'll let us help you with it. The high-spots, which \ve've touche immediate left and right, incluot-t~ and The Formals. Please note that these garment ; are t If you \Vear 1arg\14 t o 17. Sportswear or Misses' Sections. t Lord's-Juniors' Wear , Sp SECONQ..f