Augus_ t 23, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 23 The Oresses $15 Flat crepes 1n coppery browns a n d lea f tones; 1n the new Princess effects and with brief . effective sug gestions of boleros. \Voolen frocks o f flecked imported cashmeres-In combinati ons of natural with plaid . Blue wool crepe has butter-linen collars and cuffs. embroidered 1n blue . Several models ha vc jersey bl ouses , appliqucd with silk crepe . vvi t h plea ted silk skirts t o match. 1. nrc{ s- fOVNTAIN .SQVARL LVANTION ·Telephone: Greenleaf 7000 New Hats stress the importance of ~vorkmanship Vis -a-vis Solcil utilizes the contrast of two felt surfacesthe I ust rous sheer of so lcil posed against the dull finish of French felt. Hats have bovvs, shirrings, drapings ancl pleats of their own fabric- th e c1cvcr milliner of this season has no need to rei y upon externa l decoration to achieve a beautiful effect. \V c should I ikc you to sec how these fall theories of hat design arc worked out- in this new co llection of felts at $ ro to $25. 'econd Fl ov r \ 'c ry good dresses In dl'cd at $ r 5! L o((l' s - econd f! cH> r OXFOROS assure you Daytime Chic decreed as one of the ·important modes in footwear for Autumn, we present the Oxford in the season· s favored colors Formals Taffeta strikes the keynote. Obviously be cause it lends itself to the sleek and stately 1 i ncs of the Princess . and at - the same time spr ings suddenly into beautifully crisp bows and ornament! petals. A wide variety of n1 o d e I s, including some of French adap tation by LaBlanche, arc priced at $2 3. 5o to $37·50. And there are some a d o r a b 1 e petalled frocks in shell pink, peach and nile green. at $ r 5. Lord's-Second Floor properly, you return to school serenely year. And the planning can be fun , h it. re Extreme in simplicity, assuredly smart with three eyelets and high heel. touched upon tn the columns to our cl ucit-t~he Coat, The Car:npus Clothes nt; arc all in JUNIOR SIZES- from I a rg,t: stzes, you'll find those in the ns. I $7.50 13 LAC K M AT .K I [) MARINE BLLJE KID JAVA BROWN KID LORD'S- MAIN FLOOR ear, Sp .J rtswear~ Misses' Wear NQ.FLOOR t