Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFE August 23. 1929 North ShOre Wedding News Includes Sixtieth Anniversary The DavidS. Betts Celebrate Sixtieth Anniversary Sunday By Jean Tm Broeck ".\n<l :--11 tht·\· \\l'rl' marrierl"- sixt\· ~·ear:- a .l !\\ ~ ~cldP!ll i. -. it nur pri,· ilc.~·e to di ~P t' t bt' nt·\\·s oi thi .; kind and \\'l' nass it (IJl ~(I th e \\'htl lc nnrth shl\re nu,· read ~~i :-ix t\· Years nf marria ,l.!'c anti fiit, ·-:-c\·vn Years ni \rat clli n.l!' · Chica)..!'n· .~ m;-~rrh (li Jll't1.L~Tt':--:--. ~urh is the rt·cord (lf \1,:. and \1 r s. Da vid S. Bett s oi \\ ' ilmct t e. That l>ridt'l!T\IOlll oi mnre than half a l't'lltttn· a,l.!'o lW\\' is H<> Years of age and hi s l>ridt· nf :\u.(.!'tt:-.t JR. 1Rm. th ~ fnnnn LYdia :\. ~t(\ l p, is Rl. Th eir m arri:ll!t' tno k place in St. Catherin e. \l cl., and its annin·r~an· \\·as pas:-.e d quil'th· la-.t ~tmda,· at thl' home of th vir onh- '-llll , :\ urman · S. Hl'tt s. ni 10.23 ThirttTnth ~trec t. ,,·ith \\·lw m th e\· l'l'. id e. Tlte L ·ekhratitln \\'a.:: ttn ns t vntatitltl s. hut man,· llt':tutiful flo,,ns. ktttcr s (Ji Cl11ll!ra tu la ti ,,n :tnd \) tht·r kind rl'llh'll1 h r;t lll'o \\vrt· tlw tribute -; nf th ei r friend-, tc1 thi:-- t' JitiCil in th eir li\'(·s. \f r:--. I~ vtts i:-- a . "i:-- kr (li th e la!t' Dr . ll . C. ~~~~Jp, \\'lttiSt' sP tl. Dr . 1\uiu -H. ~tPltl ui f<t' Ilil\\·tlr th. 1\ dS prl'~tnt ;'I t t h1· i;l!ni h- L:atiH' ring-. \l r. and \Ir s. lkth rame t(\ Chira .~~~ 0 11 \farcll ..?0. 1~7..?, \\ ht·n the ftll'llll't' herallll' ;t:--:--\lriatcd \\·i th 1llhn \ -. Far \n·ll :tn d Ctllllpan\·. \\'hcn: ht· rcmainl'cl until t ht· i:tll pf I ().?.=i \\ hl'n Ill' ret ir ed f r(lm ar ti \'l' hu~inl's.; a ftl' r f1 it ,._t h rt t ' \' t'a r . . ' :--t·n·irc. Thl·,· tllll\'t' d tn \ \'il mett l' in t he spri n ~ oi lS/11. sP!lll' fiit,·-th rn· Yl'ars a,l.!'n. :\nwn l..!' tht· nH: s~:tl..!'l'S nf l'P!lQratulati (1tl \1 1J(IIl t h t· orr a .. ~c \II ( 1i tIll· .rcll'l>r:t ti \\11 ~tmda ,. \\'a:- ntll' i rnnt. }.1 r. F :1 r \\Tll in \\·hich he ~ tatcd : .. r It; 1\ ' t' k 11 () \\ ' 11 \ f r. nl't t .; f ( l r ;t lm n" t :' i:\t \· .\v:trs ;1nd C\llllt' prctl\· rlt~:'t It' n·Jt.J,r:ttint.: the ~ix t it· th anni\'n:--an· Pi m,· acqu:tintanrc \\ ith hi111 \rhirlt Ita.:: ripcJlvd i1ttC1 thc .l! rl'att· ~t rt·spt·rt :tild irit·tHI--hip." .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · ~ Syd~eS. Sisters Join Brides, Brides-Elect Cooky, Henry Hobart Will Appear at Skokie Sydnie Smith Coole~: : co~1tralto, an_ d Hcurv ]~ o har.t, tenor. wdl g tn' the n~:-;t mnsic'alc ;J,t Sk o kie_ Country club \\'ht;~1 \',·ill be S11u<lay atternol)n, .\u g u:-.t -J , at 5 o'clock. -:\[r ~. Cm1Je,· a nd :\fr. Hnhart arc well kn O\\·n to n~J rth sho re tlltt :"'ic patr~>ns ior the,· . han' appeared in 11111:>tc ;:d affair:-~. · }.Irs. ooley is th e c1 ntr:tlto sol oist at ~t. Luke's FpiscPpal cltur~ h in F\:anstnn. La st year she s<u:g 1n an en:--l'!llhlc number ,,·ith the Chtcag.o ~\'lllplwny nrchcst ra. \I r. H1,J,a r_t 1 .s a;1 arti~t oi ,,·ide o.pnit' I1CL' . l ntd r ccc nth· he " ·as t!te tennr -,() Jois t at St. Lu.h ·'s. Both arti:--b \\ill he accompanied hy ~fr-. . l),,i .~ht C. Orcutt at the pianc1. '!'he prllgram they h a ,·c clw.;en to gi \'l' follo\\'S: 1f ,111t' ~I f'l'··ll 1 "'II :\(t~1111l:t i ll" :t l'i Tl'· ·\ ': 11 · ·1'1 · .. :\l 111l1>'11l:' Til :il 1 I !I ·:-.' )lul'l :-: :\lr:-: . ~·'" ' Jt.y, :'11 1·. 111 (1\ll ' I \'. ·nli I \1' 1lllt·l ' ll··l·al't JJ ( '(H · I : alicl :l :\l :illil1:1. fl'··ll l '· L:I I:, d1t·ll1t·" l 'll· 'l' illi 1:" :--; t. ( ,;( \\'1'· ·1~~'· · \\';~1 0"!' c ; r : 111 :-:t· IIJi l l1t> :-;j'll!-!' ~~ 1 :-;;t,J :-;111 1 ~:0: f'IIJ' :\J.. :\I,i tdlt ·ll .\1 !' .· ]( ( lh:trt 111 Pirtur cd :-tt the ldt i:' \li :' b n a 11 tte 1 " i11 s t k r o i C le 11 c1 \(.' . \\' Jw.., ( )lllaha w;t:-; antwtmred at the \\'\·d din g uf her :--i . ter D (lruth_, .. ( picturl'd at tht· ri .t.:htl. a!ld \ l i lt PI1 llar uld J .tr\lhy, ~\l tmday aittrtHIOtl < 'i la~t \\'t·tk. The "in:--tkr i:11nily iunnnly rl':--itkd in \\'i lm ctt c. - - - - - --.--·- · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l'lwto s by Tialfuur Julia h:in stln . daughter of \J r. and ).Jr ~. e c n gage me 11 t t (1 Ed\\' a r d ~ r hi lll!Hl'! o i .\ . ~· · l't · ! l: itl· · l'lt~ · lli " :'tiltllt· ·l'lt :-;1111g l ·'. · i' ~ll~ I ~~~naltl :\I r:-: . c ·," ,(, . ~· n- Visitor From Pittsburgh Sherrill-Kamper Wedding Feted During Stay Here Solemnized on· August 2 2 \I r-.. \\ 'illiam :\ . ~cht·rtz ui Pitts-:\1 j..,., ll ar rid t Palmn Sherr ill. d:tnL!htn 11i \fr . and .\Ir s. \\'ilkt tn \f . burgh, \\l w j..; in Kt·ttil\\·tlr th as the guc:-- t (li hl'r ~i~tL· r, ~Jr .; . lfl'nr y 1\ igg-; ~hnrill (li l·: ,·atJ-.t,ll!, ht·t'at lh' thv br ic k 1\ :tthllJ,.liH' (\i 31.? ~hcridan rt,acl. j.., h . .·c 1 i .l1 d111 F III !ll t ' 11 t n 111 t I' ;t lll p r r . -. 1 111 c 1i ing.cxten:--in·ly <.·tltcrtaiJIL'd dnri11g h ~· : .\[r . and \Jr.;. Ch;Jrks :\ . K an111l'r cd. . tay nn th l' north ~ht1r<·. ·"'·"' ·"' I )r v '\.l'l :1' l'Illlt'. t ~It'll l" ll'. 'I' h u r ·' .\d1ni ra l \\':tltn 1'. l'r\)-.ln·. \\·!J,I i.-. d :t\' l'\t'Ililll!. :tt thL· l!t·llll' lli her P:l " - i11 t'l\llllnatHI ;tt (~r(·at Lakt·s \a\·al :--t:t t' ll t :-;. T IJ l' :--n' i L'v " a..; r t' ad a t X :30 ti oiJ , and ~Jr, . Cn1:--lt·\· t'Ittnt:tinl'rl at a Sunday t'\'l'Ilin g :-- n]'jHT r ecent ly fnr ht ' l(J J' t' :t h t ltl( :--i'\. 1\' l! ll l'~t. .\I r~ . ~chertz. Saturda,· ncning . . \u Tl!l' h't ick \\ :t-. :ttlvlld\'d ],, her .;i , tn - gtht .2-t. ~~i ~s I fazd l~~aun of E\·ansitJ - Ia \\, .\l r:-- . l\i r h:trd .\1 . ~ltnri ll (·i t 1 111 " i II h e h (I:-- t t' :-- .; a t <l i nne r an d F' an . . tt l ll, as tll ;ltrPl! 11f hunPr. ~I i.. s hridgL·- kcno in ll\111nr oi tiH· Yi ~ it 11r and .\ I i Idr L' d ~ r It 11 ,,. h t' r . l! tor ' 11 · \ r I i ll . l! t t~ n Sunday e\·ening, .\ugust 5. ~I r .;. ll ril!h t .; \\· a~ m :t id nf !11 III\ 1r :tnd t ltl' 1\atllbl\n t. : is gi,·in g a ~lllall. formal din~ ncr ft> r her . i. kr. hridl'~lll:tids \\'t' rt' ~fr ;-; . I·:phraim ~tuart ~f(\nda,· ~fr:-- . · Cc(1rgc Seeley c-f \'Jar!{ 11f t·: ,·an:-.t\lll, ).] i~~ hl!lir<.' 11 t· inE\'anston. i~ entcrtai nin.g at a br idge ~l' Il ui \\ 'i ntll·tka. ;tn d ~Ji .;;-; Katllkc n lunch eo n at th e Suuth Shnre Countn· ' ' Ill I X a n d \ [ i s :-- n l ' (I t r i c l' l ~ ()I t. 1> l) l h tl i club and ~r t)tH ia ,. n·cning ~Ir s. ] [nht·;t t·: ,·an:--!tlll. CharJ \,ttl' and Lnti :--e 11an - nr0\\'11 " 'ill giy(.. a ditlll<.'r and musir:t!e l·: ,·an ston 111 ~lr ,..;. :->llll, l\r in daul..!'htn:; ui \lr. an d \Ir s. at her homr in l' lt ark~ I f. J la tbt >n nf E,·an:--tnn. \H'rt' , chertz' honor. thl' tln\\ n g irl:;. .:\1 i~s Eli za kt h 1\·aThttrscla\', ~f rs. TT elmuth Jiart sch pf 1>\'<h· oi l·:,·anston \\'a s the piani :-; t. ] ~ ,·an s ton ·will he hn.'te. s at a tea and E ph r;t im Cia r k u i E \'a tbttlll \\'a s hc.::t mu sic ale at whi ch she h erself will gi\·e man fur .\f r . :Kamp e r, and the u s hers the program. ~fr s. nart sc h i. th e \\·ere the brick 's hrc,thcr~. \\ 'i lliam F . fonner Laura Stroud. not ed concert ;tnd ~lar :-- hall Rnhl'rt Sherrill. pianist, \rho returned Ia_t , . ar frnm .\itt·r a slwrt \\·cdditlg· trip. ~r r. and a t \\·n-y t·a r concert hn1r in T·: ur opc and }.frs. Kamper \\'ill he :tt hnnte \\'ith !1i ..; made her debut last fall. parents at 555 Dn·xt·l a\Tnllt'. < 111 :- i:t II :-:.ill~ Tllt.:"t · t l 1t1·· t - .\Ii ·:- . c',, ·l·· :-· . :\! :·. ](,J, :\ I'l \' .\ :-: '\\·, . L,,,.,. J(, rlwrt lf~ · tl·· I :1111 ' . \ l't · l·:y. ·:\\': Itt (I t '"lilt' \\' i th :\[, . ill llJt · · ' I ICh "··!' :-;l111 1111 · ·1' :\'i~!Jl \ -;1 !! do ·! :-; 11 11 ']\ t·J) :'Ill ', (( t .! l: ll ' l \'I f ri :- Tr:1ll :< t'· ·l ' l lJ.J I i··ll l.t ·\·, , I t ht · '\\' i 11tl \\'11] f '\\'a tt .\ 1 i tdl· ·ll E11~..t ·~ :\1 r :-. l ~ ·.t h t ·" " l· ·\ \' Jl . .. f ,· 1·:(· ., ,11 r 1. i r, . c· .. , f, .. \·, :\I! '. :\li11· · < ·," ·n1 (liJ· ·l:-- .\lr ·,.. , (f .. l, : trt Play Westmoreland Club Championships in August Thl' cluh rh:unpi\l n:--hip fc,r ,,.l11ltcn golin-. :1t \\ ' ntlllllrt'l:l!td <.' \ll llltr .' · club gvb unrkr \\a .\ · F rid:ty. : \ tJ~.;u~t .?3. Saturda,·. :\u g- u:-- t ~-L \r il l he giH· n P\Tr to a pi,:ut l1ri(ke ;tnd tt·a fnr \\'\.11llCil and tlw tlnals itt rluli and clas~ rh:unpil111" h i p s. " i t It lil t' d a l p Ia y f n r l' Ia % :\ a 11 d B iur t h l' h ·llc 1\ \ -. hip trt)phy. : \ t1 g- u s t ~q \\ i Il h r i ll. l! t h l' b ~ t o f tIt e mixed iour:--t11lH' cH·nts. Ctll·:--t d;t,· for \\' O ll l t'l1 l!(lltl'r:-- " ·i ll he the nTtit of !\u gu:-t att rl ~aturday, .·\u . t.:·ust 31. Cb s:-- l a nd J) "ill ha,·e nH·dal play ior tl te 1·\·llo" ship tr op hy. :\ clinn r r and danrt· \rill he gin'n in the C\·cning. Boys and Girl~ Returning From Summer Camps \l :tt1\' 1·f tllL' h n\'~ an <l ~irJ:.. innn \\ 'i lmt·t tt· <t!ld f(L'nif\\'\lrtll :tr~· rctmning ;c1 their ht11nr-, ai t vr :->J'L'!lf li ttg t\\'O llltllltll-. :tt til t· , · :trit~ t h camp-. in nnrtllt·rtt ~~ irhig:\11, tll)rthl'l'll \\' i-. Ctl thill, l'nlnradt', and l'an;tda. Th (hL' h o~·:-; "lw kt\'l' ht'l'Il l\1 "Dul~e" Child's camp at 1\ar il l.ak e. 011tari n. Canada. are: Jlal'\T\' r..:: lu: tdcr t\i \\'i lm l'ttL' . and Hu s:'('11 C(\t d.;:L', Gridley 1>t·mL·n t, Fred \\·c,rkt!l:tll, Carlt\111 l~ u:--:--. Tt 1111 Ilil<l chrandt and 1\ (lh n erge r (Ji Kcnih\'Mth. Frt\111 l.'amp l\n·n- :\ ic1n . i11 llllrthern \\ 'i~r<>n.;; i n. "hne a grnup of Kcnil\\' nrth g irl ~ Ita:- S]h: nt the summer, r\·gg\' I<dchum. Ruth Joyce, Carol lean -:\f rG raw, Charlene Dri,·c r. ~far tha O'Cunncr. ).farv lan e ~mith. Doris \\'nlfr . ~birln· He·rn-1an, and lbrha:·a lhrtling \\'ill ·rdurn the tlrst part of nt·x t \\'l'ek. Frnm Catnp \'L'\\ak,ra, .tt \\.anl. l'nlorath), am1m .~ the 1-\t· tlih,nrth girls rcturnin.g arc Janice Uarr. Bett ic Kctc hum. Katherin e nen:' lm. Jane ~ower. Jr~len Rathbone. Lo retta \\'h ite and Pll\·lli s Duhsk\·. Carofine J\nherts. and her :--istrr, '\fart ha. will return to Kenihn·rt h from \\'analcla \\'oods camp in northern ~fichigan. \\'hile Ruth Johnston and \'irginia ha,·c returned from Camp Kinnikinnick at Boulder, Colo. :m. Wins Golf Title T he qu:t l if~ in~·: rnun ds for the c!ub rhampi\lll-.l tip itlr \\'c' llll'll gnlicrs at th1· Illi tH·i . . (~ 1 di rluh \\' l'l'l' played last \\t:ek . In the tlnals . ~fr ·. Rich:ud (;anJhrill . .lr .. 1 1l h ·an:- t(l n deit·ated \1 r· . l'! 1:1 rlo ~ 1. \_ 'a:--c tIt rt·e up and tllll' !11 " · ·. T lti, (kieat \\as the first Miss Elizabeth Randall tr 1 ht· llldcd c·lll t tl .\fr-, , l'a-.t· in thr l'e to Be September Bride n ·a r:--. :-:he h:t:-- held the rluh cham~1 iss Eli/ahet h T~and:tll \\·ill ht'l..'\lll1t' j)iUJh~Iip j, 1r that kngth oi t ime. ~1 rs. (;amhril nc·\\ I](Ji d t he higltt·~t hon- th v bride (li ll l'lknap !Lite ;-; at tltH111 on \ \ ' t·dnc:--da , .. ~t·p t em her 4, at the home or:-- f <l r \\·om<·n at thc: club . 1' i her part 11 t s. \I r. ;u ]( 1 :\ f r ='. Palm c r L. Ktndall oi 4-U Hill wad. Tlwrc a!·e Troth Announced t (l h e tw at t e n dan t s. A 'n' d cl i n .~ A r<:rc 11 t l \' a 1111 ounrcd t·ngagem en t ol hn·a ldaq is tn foil ow the 12 o 'clc c k north !--hc>r (: intert·..,t \\a:\ made in· et'l'l'lll\)ll ,. . The bride and bridegroom Mr .-. . :Katht·rint· U. FPx ni t ltt' \\'ill lin- in nahdon. L. T.. after a wed~ or t h ~b or e h( 11l'l \\'hc:n . he made dill!.!' trip. knr,\\·n tht· httrllthal oi hu daughtn. The fir:-t ,,f the pa1·tie=- in ~fiss Ran!\faude Fox \\"ltitt H.'\', t <l Ct·() rge \\.\HHI- dall\ honor \\·a.; a miscellaneous ford Chafft.e oi J-:,·an :--t o n. The \\'eddin;; ,]10\\'l'r r.riwn Aus:.rust lr1. In' \fi ss Sarah will take place earh · in . \ ·p tvmhcr. ).Jr-- . l'1 hh a;HI \li :--s ·Huth -:\fc~fillan. both \\'hitne\· is the sister ui Charles ll. <1i 1·\· an~ttlll, at ~fiss 'Cobb's home ~)!1 Fox of Kenilworth. Hidl!c avenue. To Make Bow 10(10 ~fr. and ~f r'. \\ 'altn L. Fi-d1 cr (\i ~heridan road, \\' 1nndka. will · present their daughter. ~I iss 1~ nth Fisher. at a tea to be giYen SundJY a itertlt)()n, September R. at their ht1111 c. ~~ i;-;s f i~hn '"as graduated in .Tune ircllll the \\' in:;or schoo l in nostnn. Sets Wedding Day The marriage of ~li . s Edith Adkins, danl!·htcr. of }.[r. and ~fr,..;. T. R. Adkins, 111.2 Cc n t r a l an· n u e. t n ] o h n \\·c.; In· :\ u:-tin, son of l\[ r. and ~f r,..;. A. J. Au.;;~ tin. oi Lihertn·ille. will take Jilacc on Tucsda,· evening, September 3. at 8:30 0'clock. at the First Congregational church in \Vilmette. Have Beach Picnic Miss Dorothy Pern·, 1127 GrcemYood aYenue. \\·ho is one ni tht' in:-;tructnrs at the Park H id~e School for Girls, entertained the girls oi the high . chool at a picnic luncheon at the \Vilmette beach Tucsrla ,.. ).J rs. Charles Eldredge and ~Irs. Francis Hollister donated the use oi their automobiles to transport the guests from Park Ridge .

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