Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 30

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30 ' WILMETTE LIFE Aug ust 23. 192? TERRAC.E DINING ROOM Forest Ave. 8 Main St. E VANSTON Christian Science .Church "Sou l" ":as t he subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, August 18. The golden text was, "I~cjoice the soul nf thy servant; for unto thee. 0 Lord, do I lift up my soul" (Psalms · 8() :-~). Among the citation \Yhich comprised the lesson-sermon wa · the folkm·ing ·from the Bible: ··y ca, in the way of tl1y judgtnetlts, 0 Lord, l1aYe "·e \vaitrd for thct; the desire of our soul i to thy name, and to the remembrance )f thee . . . . \ Vhen thy judgments arc in the earth, the inhabitants of tlw world " ·ill learn righteousness" (Isaiah 2(>: 8, ~). PLAN TO MAKE CHIGACO FAIRY BOWER FOR FAIR Garden Club of Illinois Sponsors ,Move for Mammoth Flower' Garden Display Chicago a iairyland o.i Ao,\rer~. an.d gardl'ns for the 1933 \ \ orld s F~tr .ts the plan of the Garden Club of _Illtnots. This plan \ras announced tlll.· week by \f rs. Frederick Fisher ot Lake Bluff. president of the _gardc t~ club, and iormcrly president ol the Glencoe (~ardl'll club. ~h · · annnunccd that onr of the first , teps taken had hu~ n tl) dra it Pres. Anton J. Cermak llf_ the Cook County board, as hc;.u~ ot the il1rc·st prese rves. to support tt_s campai.~n ()f beautiiying Chicag(l tor the \\.nrl(J'.- Fair. J'roidcnt Cermak alsn ,,·as askc:cl to ..,t·n l ' as ~l'neral chairman oi the general fl(l\\'CJ' show committee for the Central States Carden ancl Flo\\Tr ,Jw,,· to he he ld at th · CJ1_ icagn ~ta dium .:\pril 5 to 13 nt'xt. \rhc·n general plan:- il'r the \\'orl<i\ Fair beautifica t i(ln program \ril l he mappc(l Llltt. Cermak Conse nts "I a1.11 glad to support thi:-; camJ_,a.i~n." Pre~. (\·rmak said. "and ,,·ill partiCipate in the Central Statt:-. Garden an(l Fin\\ er sho~r. "_ \nYt hi ng that can he d111l e h1\\ ar<l itnpn.,~· ing the appL·arance ni ntr cit.,· and clrc~sing it up fur \\ 'o riel': Fair ri:-it1 ,rs certainh· should be dnth'. and I anticipate that the public park' ~y=- tt·ttts "ill jt1in in tht: mo\·cmcnt. "( )ur iurt~t presenTs and uur grL·at , y ~ t ~_· m o i p u hI i r par b ion 11 t lJ c n u,.-ku~ ior tltt' calllpaign tP make Chir; 1L:', , a H r it a b l.t · ia i r y Ian d ll i j..! a r d c n :-; ;u11l tln\\'tT". I i the l'uhlir "ill study (l lll' pt:'.lir .t.:ardt·ns. a:-; th t·}· arc t t1 hL· JH·r tra' cd at th~.· garden sh<"'. it "ill lllL':tll L'\'l·r~ prllpcrty n\\'ncr \rill :-.cc tht· l ~t·ttc lit... l<l he ckrin·d irPlll IH·;tutil' itlt.: hi~ )Jllll~c atJd \ard. 11r hi~ plaL·c ;,j J,u,iIl l".;, The Coolest Cafe on the North Shore Luncheons- 12 to 2 P. M . 60 cents Dinners- 6 to 8 P . M . $1.00 Sunday- 1 to 8-$1.50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r Genuine Business Training The atmosphere of a large business office with expert superv ision , good equipm ent. pl ent y of li ght and sL nshine , indiv idu al desks- these are conducive to a hi gh grade of business education . We reac h all t he commercial branches and speciJ lize in Secretarial Training Cou rses. New T erm Begins Sept. 3 Evanston Business College W . H. Studio Buildin g CA LLOW, Prop. 'l'hl' lc:-;sun-sermnn al~P indudcd thl· follm,·ing passages frnm the Christ ian Scict1cc tn:tho('k, "SciencL· and Health with J(cy to the Scri1 1t urcs." by ~f ary 1\;'tkn Fddy: "Su long a!-1 \\'l' be lien· that ~nul ran sin or that immortal Snul is in mort a I body, we can nc n · r un dnsta11d the Science of being. \\·hen humanit\' dt"~l' . understand this Scit·ncc. it ,,·ill b~ come tht l;l\v of Li ic tu man,cn: n the higher law ni Soul. which pre\·ails on·r material sense through h:trnlllll_\· and in1m o rtality" (p. 311). _ 17 18 Sherm an A ve. Eva nston TO RETURN FROM GUIANA Dr . ~ leh·il l e l. lferskn,·itz. as:-;istant prnfessnr ni a·nthr()p,,Jog}- at :\"(lrth\H :-tern univrr~ity. i:-; expected Ill ret mn at the l'lld of the 111onth from Dutch Guiana, where he has been :ttHh·in~· the customs. );l\\ s. he lids and lang\tage lli the hu:;h negro e:-> alung· the Su ri na nw ri Hr. II~..· has been making a cnlkction oi art _ and cthnulu .~ical specimens fl,r tht' lLtmburg Ethttoln~ical \1 thC'ttlll nf Hamburg. Cermany. - FINAL WEEK of . ARCH~~AID SHOE SHOP Featured by further SALE REDUCTIONS to $5.00 and $6.50 on a striking group of broken lines of · Menihan · s Arch -Aid and Nu Mode Summer Shoes . .. which in cludes - white and light -colored Kid -and -Reptile combinations- also man y shoes suitable for Fal} we ar ... you can find most sizes- but not all si zes in each model. REDUCTION ON HOSIERY and BUCKLES 20 % Further Reductions on Man y of the Other Models . OUR New Studio OFFER "ThL· itWL' 't prcsn rv:-. \\ill arrang~.· I , 'JIL'L· i;d t'\.hihit... ui natural .L ':trdtniJit..: a 11 d b ll d :-cap i11 g at t Itt· l' l' 11 t r a I .' t ;1tL· . , .-.IHI\\ ." Plan Ce ntra l States S how l'rtlilllinacy arratt.L:"L'lllt·nt, i(lr thL: ~·entral ~LLIL" :-lt\1\\ h:t\'l· illTII Clllll)llc tt·d h y t h c ( ~a r d l'll l' lu h u i 11 Ii tW i ". \I r .... Fi~hl'r atlnntmced. _l1 dlll .\. Scr,·a:-. \\ lw lta~ hacl ,,·ide l'Xlll'ricnrc in fl n \\Tr ~hn\\' management. ·ltas c:-tahli:-lwrl <dficcs at tilL· stadium. and a)read _ , - Ita~ begun mapping out a ltugL' :-pl'ctack i(lr the centra l arena. 1 \l'~ enatinns already art i>eitlg madl' in· pri,·att grt.n\'LTS, cummercial intnc:-t;;; and tlttrsrrirs. Thl' big stadium, ~en· as declared, \\' ou ld prO\·idc all the rt'(lttirl'tllt'tlh for a flm,·cr shm,· of greater prop( 1ft ions than any eH'r hdd in till' middle west. Spe.r ia l rooms for lunchl'ons. ltctnres a nd club meeti ngs a lso are pnwided, in addit ion to t he main exhibits. ~l o r e t ha n se\·ent\· affi liated clu bs of th e Carden Club o-f Ill inois \r il l hnlcl mee tin gs a nd lun ch tons dur ing ·t h e Apri l sh ow. ~ f r s. Fis her a n no unct<l. 6 Large NURA Y Phorographs ( Regular Price $ I 4) $ 7·50 - ~iflidfhoefhop ( Formerly the North Shore Bootery ) IN THE NORTH SHORE HOTEL BLDG. Make your appointment no w Eugene L. Ray PHOTOGRAPHER DAVIS ST. at CHICAGO AVE . ~ EVANSTON Universit y 223 8 16o 6 Chicago Avenue EVANSTON GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS "T he X ea n cler th al Famil v" a n d "Trees an d T h eir Produ ct s."- at ] 1 an d 3 o't· lnck, respect i\'cly, ~f on d ay, A ugust 2r,, \ril l he th e subj ec t s of th e fi r st of next week'-; g uide- lec tur e t o ur s a t F ield \lus(· um of :\atura l H istory. O n \ Ved tH :scl ay at t he sa m e h o ur s s ubj ec t s w ill lw " l~eptilcs a nd Amphibi a ns" a nd ·. \ f c lanes ia." and o n F rid a ,. " In di a n Cos tumes" a nd ··xo rth A mc r fca n ~[ am :n al s." G(· nera l tour s of th e mu se um \\'i ll he cnnduct cd nn T ues daY and T hu rsday. T he. e to ur s o f t he e~ hihi ts, ~o ndu cted by staff le cture r s. ar e free. Pa rties a ssem ble in sid e 'th e no rth ent ran ce.

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